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This article discusses what the electronic monitoring of offenders involves and the use that is now being made of electronic monitoring within the criminal justice system in England and Wales.  相似文献   

电子数据鉴定工作在我国起步较晚,电子证据作为一种新型证据,由于其特有的属性,决定了证据的获取、检验、分析及展示均不同于传统证据,需要建立严密、科学规范的电子数据鉴定体系,保证电子证据的完整性、真实性及证明力。  相似文献   

Data Safety and Monitoring Boards (DSMBs) have been referred to as a "growth industry," and this trend continues to be fueled by recent FDA guidance and the NIH's requirement that DSMBs be employed in virtually all phase III clinical trials. The widening role of DSMBs has been sporadically questioned on ethical grounds, but growth has continued, despite the fact that many of the questions endure, unanswered, save for repeated references to safeguarding the scientific integrity of trials. This may be about to change. The recently appointed director of the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), Jerry Menikoff, is on record as regarding current practices — where consent forms often promise what the DSMB has been assembled to specifically not provide — as constituting fraudulent behavior. That is, a subject may inherently rely on, to their detriment, information that has been misrepresented in the consent document. In this paper, we assemble some of the enduring questions and top them off with Menikoff's tour de force to present what we hope will be a compelling argument to require that consent forms fairly represent what the DSMB will do — and not do — with trial data as they accumulate. We argue that DSMBs should be used only in rare circumstances, and question the practice of precluding principal investigators from DSMB membership, but our main thrust is to ensure that DSMBs, when used at all, are properly described in trial consent forms.  相似文献   

畅斌 《中国司法鉴定》2012,(4):100-103,106
随着信息技术的快速发展和普及,电子证据司法鉴定工作的综合性和复杂性特征日益突出。通过以一起经济纠纷案为例,综合论述了某公司商用计算机系统的检验鉴定过程,文中涉及的主要技术包括商用管理软件分析、硬盘阵列重组、数据库检验等,在这类案件司法鉴定工作中具有一定的代表性。  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) often culminates in acute physical injury, sexual assault, and mental health issues. It is crucial to understand the healthcare habits of victims to develop interventions that can drastically improve a victim’s quality of life and prevent future abuse. The objective of this study is to mine de-identified and aggregated Electronic Health Record data to identify women’s health issues that are potentially associated with IPV. In this study we compared health issues of female domestic abuse victims to female non-domestic abuse victims. The Domestic abuse population contained 5870 patients, while the Non-Domestic Abuse population contained 14,315,140 patients. Explorys provides National Big Data from the entire USA. Statistical analysis identified 2429 terms as significantly more prevalent among victims of domestic abuse, compared to the general population. These terms were classified into broad categories, including acute injury, chronic conditions, substance abuse, mental health, disorders, gynecological and pregnancy related problems.  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,我们的生产和生活都逐步从线下向线上迁移,电子数据已经成为案件审判中最为常见的证据类型,尤其是在与网络有关的知识产权案件中,几乎所有的案件都会涉及电子数据。近期在成都日报社(上诉人)与北京全景视觉网络科技股份有限公司(被上诉人)侵害信息网络传播权纠纷上诉案中,法庭对被上诉人存于易保全取证平台的证据不予采信。①这引起了社会对通过第三方平台取证、存证这一新兴电子证据保全手段的极大关注,尤其是第三方平台取、存之证据的证据效力问题。  相似文献   

电子数据搜查、扣押的法律规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈永生 《现代法学》2014,36(5):111-127
我国2012年修正的《刑事诉讼法》将电子数据增列为证据的法定种类,这要求我国刑事诉讼法学界对电子数据的相关问题,如电子证据的搜查与扣押,出示与质证,审查判断等问题进行深入研究。与传统证据相比,电子数据具有以下四大特征:存储内容的海量性、形态的易变性、变动的可察觉性以及内容的难以直接感知性。电子数据的以上特征对电子数据的搜查、扣押提出了更加严格的要求:首先,在搜查、扣押之前,侦查机关必须申请司法机关签发令状;在搜查、扣押过程中,无论是对电子设备的搜查、扣押还是此后对电子设备中存储的电子数据的进一步搜查,都必须受到令状原则有关合理根据和特定性要求的约束。其次,侦查机关搜查、扣押电子数据之后,必须允许辩护方对被搜查、扣押的电子数据进行查看、审查和复制,从而防止侦查机关滥用权力,保护辩护方的合法权利。另外,为保障电子数据的客观性和原始性,还必须建立严密的证据保管链制度。我国在以上方面都存在严重问题,在有些方面甚至完全空白,立法机关在未来修正《刑事诉讼法》时必须进行完善与重构。  相似文献   

电子证据的司法鉴定面临技术规范和法律规范均不明确的问题.对于电子证据,需要以科学技术的手段确认其真实性、完整性和合法性;在完善司法鉴定机构管理制度和司法鉴定人管理制度,增强电子证据司法鉴定规范性的同时,修改和完善电子证据司法鉴定的启动程序、质证程序和救济程序.  相似文献   

电子数据取证是信息时代公安机关重要的基础工作,是打击涉及互联网各类违法犯罪的“杀手锏”。电子数据鉴定是公安机关电子数据取证工作的重要组成部分,起到最终判定案(事)件性质,为侦查与诉讼提供依据的重要作用。公安机关电子数据鉴定与信息技术共同飞速发展,其领域不断延伸扩展、技术要求越来越高,面对的挑战也越来越多。概要介绍了公安机关电子数据鉴定的法律要求、鉴定资质、鉴定流程等内容,阐述了其面临的挑战。  相似文献   

由于互联网技术的快速发展,电子数据日趋成为关注的焦点。我国现有关于电子数据存在立法原则不明和具体制度相对滞后的明显缺陷,从而导致在司法实践中运用电子数据时面临现行法律的阻碍和技术维度的困境。通过对我国电子数据相关立法现状及司法实践的分析,总结我国电子数据法律规制方面存在的主要问题,并提出我国电子数据法律规制需要确立电子数据立法对基本权利的保障、完善电子数据可采性、举证责任、非法排除规则、搜查方法等方面具体措施,同时还需要加强电子数据立法的前瞻性,辅之以司法解释,转变对电子数据的认识观念,提高办案人员的技术能力。  相似文献   



The paper explores the effects of electronic monitoring (EM) on young offenders’ educational outcomes and contributes to the evaluation of EM as a non-custodial sanction with a new outcome measure.


The study is based on a natural experiment exploiting a reform in Denmark in 2006 introducing electronic monitoring to all offenders under the age of 25 with a maximum prison sentence of 3 months. Information on program participation is used to estimate instrument variable models in order to assess the causal effects of EM on young offenders’ educational outcomes. The empirical analyses are based on a comprehensive longitudinal dataset (n = 1013) constructed from multiple official administrative registers and including a high number of covariates.


The EM-program increases the completion rates of upper secondary education by 18 % points among program participants 3 years post-release. The EM-program includes house arrest under electronic surveillance, labor market or education participation, unannounced drug and alcohol tests and a crime preventive program. It is not possible to separate the treatment effects of the different program elements in the empirical analyses.

刑事案件跨境电子数据的取证中面临着两个难点:电子数据侦查与公民个人信息保护之间的冲突、跨境电子取证与司法管辖权之间的冲突。应平衡案件侦查与公民个人信息保护之间的关系,建立网络服务商义务协助机制、完善公民个人信息保护的相关法律。平衡跨境电子取证与司法管辖权之间的关系,在坚持我国司法主权独立的基础上加强跨境电子数据取证的合作,基于公民隐私程度、案件危害程度、不同对象、取证阶段等因素建立分层次的电子数据跨境取证模式。跨境电子数据取证中保证各类电子数据的完整性,提高侦查技术水平。  相似文献   

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