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After reviewing the advantages and disadvantages in using simulations to teach International Relations, this paper develops pedagogy for using simulations to teach International Relations (IR) theory. After discussing methods for integrating simulations into a class on IR theory the paper then goes on to present three simulations and the theories that they can be used to teach. The three simulations are the Classical Realism Game, Prisoner's Dilemma to the N th degree, and Diplomacy. Finally, the three simulations are compared.  相似文献   

This article explores the ongoing shift in IR and beyond, where critical perspectives are increasingly adopting more affirmative dispositions. The starting point is that some successors to critical theories and deconstruction are becoming more appreciative of how entanglements of human and nonhuman populations have creative potential. That is, today critique ceases to be about contesting the inner contradictions or limits of a given order and instead embraces existing multiple assemblages and feedback loops as enabling forces. The article serves as an introduction to the Special Issue ‘Critique and Affirmation in IR’, in which authors reflect on the unforeseen trajectory of critiques and problematise the risks and shadows of affirmation.  相似文献   

Researchers using qualitative methods, including case studies and comparative case studies, are becoming more self–conscious in enhancing the rigor of their research designs so as to maximize their explanatory leverage with a small number of cases. One aspect of qualitative research that has not received as much attention is the use of primary and secondary source material as data or evidence. This essay explores the potential problems encountered by political scientists as they conduct archival research or rely on secondary source material produced by historians. The essay also suggests guidelines for researchers to minimize the main problems associated with qualitative historical research, namely, investigator bias and unwarranted selectivity in the use of historical source materials. These guidelines should enable advanced undergraduates and graduate students to enhance the quality of their historically minded political science scholarship.  相似文献   

论国际关系中的"文化曲解"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文化交往中存在着一种有意曲解和贬低其他文化的现象。这种“文化曲解”在国际关系中有着深刻的根源,对各民族之间的交往造成了许多消极影响。而文化曲解作为一种话语体系能够长期发挥作用的关键在于话语霸权的存在。在消除话语霸权影响的基础上推行文化多元主义将是减少国际关系中文化曲解现象的主要途径。  相似文献   

Female genital mutilation (cutting or surgery) (FGM) is an issue that epitomizes the changing nature of incorporating gender in teaching International Relations. Put simply, by increasing our attention to issues of concerns to women, like FGM, in International Relations classrooms and texts we begin to recognize the importance of these to the study of International Relations (IR). Yet without paying attention to how these issues reflect on the nature and directions of International Relations, we run the risk of sensationalizing or trivializing complicated issues like FGM and limiting our understanding of the interplay between gender, race, class, ability, and International Relations. This article explores several different approaches used to incorporate gender in International Relations teaching, including some analysis of texts, including: "see no evil, hear no evil and teach no evil,""add women and stir," multiple paradigms, and creating gendered IR. It suggests that until we use an integrative and transformative approach to gender in our teaching, we will continue to marginalize gender concerns. In the final section, the article discusses the challenges of resources and cultural narrowness and challenges to pedagogy when incorporating gender in International Relations teaching.  相似文献   

This article reflects some experiences in teaching International Relations (IR) by using films to supplement the use of simulations and role play scenarios. The authors have used simulations and role play scenarios in order to teach complex issues and theories, and to engage the interest of students. By using films to supplement the use of simulations in classrooms, it is suggested that students become more active in their own learning. A number of ways in which simulations and role play can be used in teaching are established here alongside an array of films that can be shown to students to complement such teaching approaches. The use of films to teach IR theory is also listed. It is concluded that the use of simulations, role play, and films in teaching IR can aid student learning especially in terms of IR theory.  相似文献   

西方国际关系理论中的理性主义论析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
理性主义是西方国际关系理论中的主要研究范式,从总体方法论角度看,主流学派都持有理性主义的认知。理性主义范式是一个统一的学术体系,形成了由研究对象、中心术语、前提假设、方法路径和哲学逻辑品质等组成的有机整体。理性主义的共同研究范式有利于西方国际关系理论学科的发展,它使西方国际关系理论从国际法、世界史等学科门类中摆脱出来,划清了国际关系与其他学科的研究界限;有助于奠定国际关系学科学术研究的共通性基础,并能更有效地.解释现实,为国家外交政策提供指导。  相似文献   

李丽 《东南亚》2011,(2):31-37
国际政治经济学为我们理解国际贸易提供了一个清晰简易的视角,通过这一视角,我们能够更好地理解国际贸易理论,并在此指导下更好地分析国际社会上的贸易行为。中国和印度的贸易额迅速增长,是对方增长速度最快的贸易伙伴之一。两国的产业结构既存在互补的方面,也存在竞争的一面。本文试通过国际政治经济学视角下的国际贸易理论,从影响两国贸易关系的经济和政治两方面的因素对中印贸易关系进行分析。  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that many of the samples we use for statistical analysis in international politics are the result of some selection process. Not surprisingly, selection models are becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, the role of strategic interaction has begun to play a more important role in statistical analyses. However, it has not been clear how statistical strategic models and selection models relate to each other, or what the effects are of employing one when the other is the more appropriate model. In this article, I 1) clarify why international relations scholars cannot shield themselves from selection bias simply by assuming their results are limited to a given sample; 2) show how recent statistical strategic models relate to traditional selection models and generalize the two sets of models by deriving a correlated strategic model; and 3) examine the effects of misspecifying either correlated errors or strategic interaction. My results indicate that failure to model the strategic interaction produces worse specification error than failure to account for correlated disturbances. In fact, traditional bivariate probit models appear to be superior only when states are almost completely uncertain about each others' preferences.  相似文献   

姜琦 《国际观察》2006,(1):77-78
世界上有一种力量比强权和暴力更恒久、更有感召力,那就是文化的力量.在全球化迅猛发展的形势下,文化因素在国际政治中的影响日渐上升.  相似文献   

叶青 《西亚非洲》2006,(1):43-46
宗教和文化在国际关系中的作用越来越受到学术界的重视,有深厚宗教传统的中东地区,伊斯兰教对中东国际关系有很大影响。外交政策的形成是一个过程,可分为指导外交政策的思想目标、制定和实施3个独立而又相互关联的领域。伊斯兰文化是主导伊斯兰国家、社会和人民的信仰体系与意识形态,伊斯兰文化价值观很大程度上内化在外交政策的目标和内容之中;政府和民间的巨大张力限制了伊斯兰国家领导人的外交决策选择,将其约束在伊斯兰文化的价值框架之内;在伊斯兰国家间,尤其是阿拉伯国家间的外交实践中,伊斯兰规范正在发挥极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

The business landscape is constantly changing. Moreover, because of globalization, increased competition, and instant communication, the rate of change is accelerating. A student who has practiced only static scenarios is ill prepared to recognize, process, or adapt to changing negotiation issues and interests. Thus, negotiation instructors must change our practices to prepare students to succeed in the increasingly dynamic negotiation situations they will face by utilizing simulations that are also dynamic. This article reviews research on adaptive thinking, applies it to negotiation training, and provides examples of dynamic simulations that require students to adapt. Finally, it offers advice on how to make existing cases dynamic by using "shocks and rumors."  相似文献   

在新的国际秩序中构筑中日关系的新平衡   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中日两国在两千多年的交往过程中,双边关系既有处于平衡状态的时期,也有处于平衡状态被打破的时期。而对于中日关系的平衡状态起到巨大影响作用的主要有主客观两种因素。客观因素主要指不断变化的国际和地区秩序;主观因素主要指中日两国的历史记忆。世界金融危机的爆发开启了国际秩序的新的深刻变革,而在新的国际秩序中,中日两国间的新平衡状态也将不会超出准世界大国与经济大国间关系这一框架。而为了进一步促进中日两国间平衡状态的形成,则有必要通过增强"友好记忆",弱化"对立记忆"来改善两国间的历史记忆。  相似文献   

The article examines the growing celebrity activism in world politics and attempts to develop a framework for analysis. It briefly reviews the relevant literature on the emergence of influential individuals as transnational activists. Then, it analyses the factors that account for the specific growth of celebrity activism and evaluates its impact on public awareness, the mobilisation of resources and government decisions. Finally, the article tests this framework by focusing on two case studies: Princess Diana's contribution to the campaign to ban anti-personnel landmines and Mia Farrow's activism in respect to China's policy towards Sudan.  相似文献   

This article offers a general account of international relations studies (IR) in Latin America through an examination of IR thinking in the region, an inventory of IR theory courses in seven Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Trinidad and Tobago), and an analysis of journal articles selected from five specialized IR journals in Latin America. Although considerable U.S. influence upon the ways in which IR is approached in Latin America is made apparent through this narrative, the specific context in which IR studies have evolved in the region has substantially altered the content of U.S. IR discourse. Therefore, the article concludes with a discussion of the possible contributions of Latin American IR to Anglo-American perspectives in the field.  相似文献   

艾迪 《西亚非洲》2002,(3):75-75
本书由云南大学国际关系研究中心教授杨曼苏主编,世界知识出版社2002年3月出版。全书共26万字,分八章对当今世界上最受世人关注的八大问题进行了系统分析。第一章:国……  相似文献   

Nontraditional undergraduates (NTUs), undergraduates who typically are older than average, work full-time, and/or are entrusted with substantial family responsibilities, pose a special challenge to international relations educators. Severe constraints on time and access to library facilities both impede progress and may give an erroneous impression that NTUs are not as committed to their education as more conventional college undergraduates. The lack of continuity in education that typifies the NTU experience often manifests itself in anxiety, frustration, and gaps in fundamental knowledge. At the same time, the maturity and sophistication that come with life experience often far exceed that of the more conventional college student. Furthermore, typical requirements of international relations and international studies majors, such as second and third language proficiency, internships with international organizations, and overseas study are often not feasible for the working student with family responsibilities. Possibilities for meeting the challenges of teaching NTUs include greater use of open-book examinations, research proposals, case studies, simulations, problem-based learning (PBL), use of the Internet, and the development of short-term intensive overseas study opportunities that accommodate the working student's schedule.  相似文献   

This article argues for the confirmation of Marxist philosophy as the ideology that guides international relations (IR) studies in China. Justification comes through the following points. According to Marxism, correct theoretical guidance serves as the prerequisite for correct practice. Marxist philosophy embodies, by nature, righteousness, in opposition to political hegemony. Accordingly, practice under its guidance represents fruitful revolutionary realism. Finally, advanced studies of international relations in this country cannot be separated from philosophical thinking. Using these arguments as background, this article specifically advocates materialism, patriotism, and service to the people as the corner-stone of China's IR theory building.  相似文献   

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