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Kantrowitz B  Peg T 《Newsweek》2006,147(21):48-9, 52-4, 56-8 passim

钟发远 《学理论》2009,(29):244-245
《子路、曾皙、冉有、公西华侍坐》是一篇反映孔子教学思想的杰作,其中包含了出色的课堂表扬艺术和批评艺术。批评艺术主要体现在对子路的点评中,这种批评一针见血,直截了当。表扬艺术主要体现在对冉有公西华曾皙的点评中,具体表现有三:(一)表扬有理,以小见大;(二)表扬有方,火候精准;(三)表扬有度,含而不露。总之,正是表扬艺术和批评艺术的成功调用,使得孔子作为至圣先师的风采毕现,使得本章具有情味悠长、意韵隽永、理趣无穷的教学经典价值。  相似文献   

Abstract. Those writing textbooks on comparative European politics, or the cross–national study of European democracies, have a number of key choices to make. They must decide whether to cover Western Europe as well as Central and Eastern Europe; whether to focus on a limited number or a broad range of countries; whether to include the EU in the analysis or exclude it; whether to adopt a thematic or a country–by–country approach; whether to survey events or test a broader argument; and whether to focus on the politics of institutions and representation or to include more social and economic–oriented concerns as well. The evidence from the most recently published texts in this area is that different writers make different choices. Moreover, the context within which European politics now operates also suggests that their choices are becoming increasingly difficult ones to make.  相似文献   

周璇  朱星雨 《学理论》2009,(30):205-206
新媒体艺术有艺术审美的大特征,也有自己本身的小特色,审美过程就存在于艺术接受者对艺术作品的鉴赏与批评活动中,每个人都可有自己独特的审美感受,在审美过程中得到启迪和暗示。而作为新媒体艺术,更着重于使用先进科学技术,集虚拟现实、数字、交互、多媒融合等众多尖端科技为一体,形成自己独特的审美特征。  相似文献   

If the lights that guide us ever go out, they will fade little by little, as if of their own accord. Confining ourselves to practice, we may lose sight of basic principles, and when these have been entirely forgotten, we may apply the methods derived from them badly; we might be left without the capacity to invent new methods, and only able to make a clumsy and an unintelligent use of wise procedures no longer understood.  相似文献   

解读政治艺术首先需要解决其研究必要性、研究方法、历史背景和特质呈现等问题。对于研究必要性,则大致可以从“历史-疏理”、“文化-觉解”、“社会-致用”、“理论-建构”四个角度进行说明。针对研究现状上的孱弱状态,本文则主张采取“理想类型”研究法和“多元-整合”的研究进路。对于其历史背景,则可以从艺术向政治转化、政治向艺术生成、政治与艺术相互涵摄三层关系来展现。而对于其特质呈现,则可以从致思前提、问题意识、思想资源、多维审视四个角度来凸现。  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(1):15-18

The rise to prominence of Christian fundamentalism in the USA has threatened the separation of church and state which is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. But just as there are those who wish to see Christianity become a more dominant force in public life, others vigorously oppose any change in the status quo. Both groups have had recourse to the Supreme Court, but it is unlikely that the Court will retreat from its view that the Constitution demands equality between religions.  相似文献   

She has written on questions of medical ethics and humanities.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the role of artistic memory in processes of redressing political violence and historical injustices. Combining philosophical reflection, insights from memory studies and examples of artistic practices, it focuses on how memory and imagination coalesce in problematising mass violence against women and resisting its ‘official’ oblivion. The argument is that artistic memory work can foster collective memories of the painful past in ways that overcome both individual and national representations. To this end, this paper aims to explore various contemporary art productions as new models of memorialization, which deal with the representation of violence against women in armed conflicts and under political repression. The academic literature on the role of art in processes of dealing with the past tends to examine literature, film, theatre, painting and other more traditional artistic media of commemorating the victims of mass violence. In contrast, this paper explores the political potentialities of new artistic models of memorialization, namely participatory and collaborative artistic practices. Unlike the traditional media, they can commemorate victims performatively and collaboratively, simultaneously catalysing transnational solidarity and new forms of politics ‘from below.’  相似文献   

逯红梅 《学理论》2010,(15):136-137
俄罗斯艺术,是一个伟大民族文化的结晶。19世纪俄罗斯的风景画家以独特的艺术情调描绘了俄罗斯大自然的万种风情,作品中饱含着画家对民族大自然的深情厚爱,在画家心目中充满了对生活和人民的爱,具有深刻的悲天悯人的使命感和思想性。19世纪俄罗斯艺术家不是浮光掠影的表现大自然的外貌,而是将迷人且深邃的大自然与社会思想、祖国命运和画家个人浓郁的情感有机结合,呈现出永恒的艺术魅力之神韵。对当下艺术现状有警示作用。  相似文献   

面对中国艺术批评公共性的缺失,建构真正的、文化意义上的艺术批评公共领域,是当今知识分子急需直面的问题。艺术批评以自己的方式介入生活世界,艺术批评的公共性,是当代艺术保持独立与自由发展的重要前提。自主的艺术空间的特点是在合理性的前提下进行平等的沟通、交流和理解。这与哈贝马斯的公共领域概念异质同构。主要侧重于哈贝马斯公共领域概念的发展研究,以期从文化的公共性角度重新审视中国的艺术批评。  相似文献   

[E]cosocialism entails different and more complex judgments of value than first-epoch socialism. It demands of us that we take into account a kind of valuation distinct from those values, attached to use and exchange, that enter into economic calculation. Once we open ourselves to the ecosphere, a realm of intrinsic value opens as well, a value inhering in ecosystemic being …. What is called an “ecocentric ethic” is essentially ethics in defense of intrinsic value. Simply put, it is the refusal to reduce the world to cash, and to knuckle under to the lords of economic calculation. … This perspective becomes necessary in the overcoming of the ecological crisis, and therefore the climate crisis as well. It is the deepest level of the resistance to capital, and the foundation of all others.1 1Joel Kovel, “Ecosocialism, Global Justice, and Climate Change,” Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2008, p. 9.   相似文献   

如果把政治生活中的政治现象分为政治观念现象、政治制度现象和政治实作现象,那么,政治技术和政治艺术属于政治实作现象的核心组成部分。政治技术和政治艺术是与政治实践活动结合最紧密,作用最独特的两种政治现象。政治技术是人们追求高效的政治结果的产物,而政治艺术则是人们政治审美活动的产物。两者都是人类创造的政治文明的具体成果,也是政治文明的重要载体和体现形式。当然,它们又以特殊方式推动着政治文明的进一步发展。政治技术和政治艺术之间既有本质区别,又有密切联系。  相似文献   

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