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The article studies the role of partnerships in Danish cultural organizations. The organizations face a legitimacy crisis. As a response they display openness to society. The article uses the theoretical framework of Orders of Worth and studies the role of the projective city in legitimation work. Openness and differentiated connections are necessary to maintain legitimacy for cultural organizations. The organizations frame their tasks as meetings and facilitation of connections, and they carry out many activities in collaboration with partners. If an organization has too few connections with others, the organization appears isolated and unattractive.  相似文献   

全球化与政府创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球化使得后发国家的行政管理会产生广泛而深刻、持续而复杂的影响.全球化迫切要求政府行政创新.全球化过程中,后发国家政府面临市场力量与政府作用、超越主权与国家主权、有限政府与无限政府的悖论与矛盾.全球化对政府职能提出了创新要求,属于后发国家之列的中国,应确立全球化政府理念,创新政府公共行政,提升政府能力,才能提高政府治理水平,正确定位政府职能,顺应全球化浪潮对行政环境的置换.全球化进程中,如何创新政府行政,成为中国政治体制改革的一项重要任务.  相似文献   

Abstract. The paper deals with the mutual interest of both economic and social theory in exploring a broader concept of the rational and in finding validity claims for rational discourse. Efficiency and effectiveness are discussed as possible validity criteria in evaluating norms in practical discussion. In addition to the problem of defining validity criteria for argumentation on norms and social choices, a major difficulty arises from the lack of a legitimate reflective centre in society which could integrate behaviour with norms and metapreferences. As ways of motivating cooperative, collective action, both norm commitment and self-interest should be appealed to.  相似文献   

安乐死是当今世界各国普通关注的焦点问题,也是理论上争议较多的热点问题.如何正确地认识安乐死的合法化问题,不仅是人类对法律的挑战,同时也是人类对自身的挑战.本文作者从安乐死的含义、性质和分类出发,对安乐死在国内外的由来、发展演变过程以及有关这一问题所存在的不同争议均作了客观、全面的介绍,为进一步深化对这一问题的研究,作者还对安乐死合法化争议较多的各种焦点问题和安乐死适用的条件保障问题作了深层次的理性思考.  相似文献   

The author analyzes fictions of legal positivist philosophy and their role in the scientific legitimation of modern law and political domination. The original function of legalist fictions was the establishment of legal science, which would be autonomous and independent of other social sciences and public morality. In the second half of the 20th century, legal positivist philosophy has nevertheless adopted the fiction of the just law as its scientific legitimation fiction and incorporated moral and political discourse into legal science, again.
Legal positivism and its critiques within the discourse of the sociology of law and critical legal science keep the image of a hierarchical and centralized legitimation of law. Paradoxically, current legal philosophy and theory searching for a universally valid legitimation scheme is full of many different legitimations and reveals their growing plurality and the impossibility of establishing one sovereign legitimation scheme in the current social, theoretical and political condition.  相似文献   

李红  黄娟 《政法学刊》2013,(6):111-114
警务工作标准化是我国建设服务型政府的重要内容之一。服务型政府的建设、社会法治意识的增强和科技的进步与深度应用是警务工作标准化的动力支撑。促进法治进程、提升民众福祉和提高警队素质与管理水平是其价值所在。蒙昧阶段、技术性阶段和全面推进阶段是其三个发展历程,体系的完善、内容的落实和氛围的浓厚是其下步发展重点。  相似文献   

海州板浦的濒海环境,对李汝珍利用海外游历来结构全书的创作构想有着重要的影响.但他对海外诸国的描写并无亲身体验,主要是利用传统的殊方异域传说.早期的殊方异域传说反映的是中土民众对境外他族的集体想象,潜隐着凝聚本族的文化功能.而在李汝珍的创作中,海外异民的行为举止乃是中土社会风气的集中、提炼与反仿,从而将殊方异域传说从一种"他者想象"发展为"自我镜像",并借此来进行社会批判,表达政治理想,由此大大丰富了此类传说的文化功能.  相似文献   

The social constructs and methodological principles embodied in the Maryland Scientific Methods Scale (SMS), comprising part of the Campbell Collaboration in Crime and Justice assessment protocol, induce a series of biases in the evaluation of evidence of crime prevention policy interventions that focus on collective social phenomena, such as communities. Applying these principles leads to negative conclusions about effectiveness; yet their inherent ‘anti-social’ bias may induce Type II error with regard to the desirability of ‘social’ interventions to reduce crime. Policy-making is poorly served as a result. This point is illustrated, first, through a scrutiny of the social constructs used, including those that typify treatments, institutional settings and units of analysis. These are seen as being constructed in a way that is congenial to the underlying methodological issue of ‘control’ but that constitute nevertheless a distorted definition of the governance issues involved in crime reduction in community settings. A model more appropriate for evaluating voluntaristic action in civil society is needed. Second, it is suggested that this methodological bias arises particularly in policy interventions and change programmes that address issues concerning the ‘collective efficacy’ of local communities in reducing crime. An empirical exemplification of these arguments is presented with reference to a completed evaluation research study (Foster and Hope, 1993).  相似文献   

Despite various works suggesting the contrary, legislatures in non-democratic states are overwhelmingly generalised as ‘rubber-stamps’ that provide nothing other than latent legitimacy for those in power. Based on examination of legislatures in 10 of the world's most undemocratic states this paper highlights their capacity to act in precisely the opposite manner, serving to empower citizens, strengthen opposition groups and weaken dictatorial regimes. Whilst recognising that legislatures can be manipulated and subjugated by such regimes, the article seeks to highlight the variations between legislatures and the need to take account of their true potential.  相似文献   

Political and legal globalization brings into question how to best conceptualize legitimacy and authority in the context of a plurality of potential audiences with distinct standards for evaluating legitimacy. This article proposes legitimacy chains, or the articulation of justifications linked through competitive processes of social evaluation across distinct social fields, as a concept for theorizing supranational authority. The concept is developed through an analysis of World Trade Organization (WTO) disputes over zeroing, a method for calculating import dumping. The article focuses on how the legitimacy work of various interlocutors enabled compliance despite contested legal validity claims, ultimately enhancing the authority of the WTO as final arbiter of legitimate trade practices.  相似文献   

民事行政检察权是检察机关诉讼监督权的重要部分。实现民事行政检察工作的专业化发展是目前检察机关的一项重要课题。本文从马克思主义的基本原理出发,结合社会形势对民事行政检察工作提出的新要求,剖析工作现状中存在的实际问题,阐述了民事行政检察工作专业化的基本内涵和重要意义,并在办案模式、队伍管理方面提出了若干具体思路,详细论述了民事行政检察工作"是什么"、"为什么"和"怎么办",为专业化发展提供有益的思考路径。  相似文献   

围绕着法律全球化问题,我国学者产生了有没有、要不要和如何进行的三重争议,由于这些争议是在没有对全球化做出前提性界定的基础上进行的,所以总是陷入事实与价值两极之争的困境之中。我们引入“过程”论来理解全球化的思想,意在指出从发展路向上看全球化有不同的阶段且每个阶段都有它的内在规定性。从当下的阶段来看,全球化已经把世界联结为一个异质的整体,从性质上说这个整体是事实和价值的统一体。它们一起对法律全球化的过程、制度和理念起着规制作用。理解这种“过程”论要求我们从根本上转换现代法的精神,即促进权利范式的发展、培育新的自由理念和参与全球法律制度竞争与全球治理。  相似文献   

人权的全球化:概念与维度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人权全球化是当代国际社会的主要现象之一。它不仅仅意味着人权制度的跨国作用 ,而且也意味着人权思想、学说、意识的跨国交流。在人权国际化的过程中 ,宜以人道主义和权利本位为出发点 ,以文明间的共存和可持续发展为准则 ,在其发展过程中 ,应当以国际合作为主导方式 ,不能包罗万象的建构国际人权体系 ,另外应重视人权谱系的全面性。在此前提下 ,构筑共同的人权高标准不仅是必要的 ,而且是可能的  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代,尤其是冷战结束以来,以经济全球化为核心,包括社会、政治、环境、军事等领域的全球化获得迅猛发展。晚近以来,“法律全球化”也成为吸引法学界关注的热门话题。法律全球化既是其他领域的全球化的结果,又是推动其他领域全球化的工具,其实质是世界各国法律方面相互依赖之状态进一步加强的表现。诸如“网络密度”的增强、“跨国参与”的加强、权力与不对称等是法律全球化进程中的重要特征,而各国参与“全球治理”的各种方式成为法律全球化发展的路径选择。  相似文献   

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