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韩薇薇 《求知》2014,(3):54-56
<正>党的十八大指出:要"优化产业结构,推动战略性新兴产业、先进制造业健康发展,加快传统产业转型升级"。天津市委十届二次全会结合天津实际也作出瞄准新一轮产业革命的发展方向和国家产业政策导向,加大产业结构战略性调整力度,努力构筑富有竞争力和天津特色的现代产业新体系的战略部署。当前,大力促进科技型中小企业发展是天津促进企  相似文献   

叶选挺  李明华 《公共管理学报》2015,(2):145-152,159,160
中国产业政策的制定主体包括中央政府和地方政府两个层面。中央政府政策具有全局性、指导性和原则性等特点,地方政府政策则更具针对性、特殊性和可操作性,其不同的特征使得中央与地方政府、地方政府之间的产业政策存在时间、机构和内容等多方面的差异。本文以中国半导体照明产业为例,搜集整理中央政府和广东、福建、江西、甘肃四省地方政府颁布的产业政策,采用政策计量和内容分析方法,开展基于发文时间和发文机构的文献外部属性特征分析,以及文献内容的政策工具类别挖掘,描绘中央政府与地方政府、地方政府之间产业政策的差异,进而探讨政策差异与产业发展实践的关系。研究发现,中国半导体照明产业政策发文时间的初始颁布年份和密集颁布年份存在差异;政策发文单位的层级和产业主管部门存在差异;政策工具使用的目标、重点、思路和时间存在差异;不同地区产业政策导向影响了地区产业发展模式。本文的研究框架和方法可应用在其他产业政策差异的分析上,研究的相关结论可为产业主管部门制定政策提供支持  相似文献   

通过建立和完善对战略性产业成长和布局的政府扶持机制、建立战略性产业投资基金、税收以对战略性产业优惠为主和制定并实施《继续推进西部大开发的战略性产业结构布局总体规划》,政府可以弥补市场自组织机制在西部地区战略性产业结构布局中的不足。  相似文献   

周鹏 《理论视野》2015,(3):27-30
促进产业向中高端迈进,是顺应产业演进规律、培育新的经济增长点、打造产业国际竞争新优势的需要,但是,在现实发展中,存在产业政策决策方法缺乏科学性、产业园区发展参差不齐、产业政策落实存在"最后一公里"这样一些制约因素。应通过优化地方产业政策决策机制、激发"万众创新"的活力、逐步增强战略性新兴产业和现代服务业的支撑作用、整合产业发展载体等措施促进产业向中高端迈进。  相似文献   

以集群政策为核心的产业政策体系是促进四川省工业集中发展,加快产业集聚向产业集群发展的重要政策手段。针对四川省目前产业政策的内部构成与绩效,要发挥产业政策对产业集群发展的积极作用,必须要做到"一个转变"和"三个调整"。"一个转变"是指转变传统观念,将工业集群式发展作为工业经济发展的主要方向,将促进产业集群发展作为产业政策的主要目标。"三个调整"是指产业政策内部构成、政策对象、政策类别的调整。  相似文献   

新兴产业因科技创新、顾客新需求的出现或社会结构改变等因素而产生,具有知识技术密集、市场前景广阔、高风险与高收益并存等特点,对于拉动经济增长具有重要引擎作用。日本战后在各个时期启用了不同性质的产业政策。其主导型新兴产业扶植政策主要是:对钢铁产业的"倾斜生产"与"产业合理化"政策,对汽车工业的"先保护后规范"产业政策,对信息产业的"展望加资助型"产业政策。而这些政策带给我们的启迪是:依据禀赋优势与产业升级规律,选择规划主导新兴产业;认清保护扶持性政策的作用范围,适时引入信息指导性政策;引进国外先进技术的同时,更加注重发挥企业自主创新的作用;实施大企业带动战略,并逐步向支持中小企业发展转变。  相似文献   

我国产业参与国际竞争的政策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对国际竞争力、产业国际竞争力和产业政策的一般涵义的介绍 ,在对中国产业参与国际竞争状况介绍的基础上 ,探讨了提高中国产业国际竞争力的政策 ,主要包括产业结构优化、产业重组、产业技术政策制定、产业布局 ,等等。  相似文献   

中国低碳发展:市场失灵与产业政策创新   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
技术创新和产业结构调整是中国实现低碳发展的关键,而市场的信息失灵和协调失灵也恰恰在这两个方面阻碍着低碳经济的发展.传统的产业政策在克服市场失灵、激励企业自主适应低碳经济发展能力方面存在一定缺陷.因此,发展低碳经济需要产业政策在理念、内容和操作方式等方面的创新.  相似文献   

产业政策是现代市场经济中政府发展经济和宏观调控的一种重要手段 ,在西部大开发过程中正确地选择和实施一定的产业政策将有助于推动西部的开发与建设。西部大开发中的产业政策选择应该具有多层次性、多样化 ,充分发挥和体现西部地区的资源优势和产业特色  相似文献   

关于我国发展战略性新兴产业的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
战略性新兴产业作为科技创新和产业发展的方向,备受经济界、科技界重视和关注。加快战略性新兴产业的培育与发展日益成为我国新时期社会经济发展的重大任务。我们要以科学、务实的态度统筹兼顾,稳步推进:一是统筹制定战略性新兴产业发展规划和指导目录;二是建立和健全战略性新兴产业的财税扶持政策体系;三是营造有利于战略性新兴产业的金融政策支持环境;四是着力提高自主创新能力,提升战略性新兴产业的核心竞争力;五是推进创新载体建设,提升战略性新兴产业集约发展水平;六是围绕重点领域,加大新兴技术人才队伍培养和引进。  相似文献   

This study leverages the upper echelons theory to investigate the effect of board diversity (gender, age, education, and tenure) on the strategic orientation of a firm in terms of its exploration- exploitation. It also investigates the moderating role of the technological intensity of the industry for analyzing the relationship between board diversity and exploration–exploitation of the firm. The technological intensity of the industry is classified as high-tech and low-tech. This study brings to light the role of the contingency factors in influencing the board's strategic choice. The study is based on panel data set of Indian Top-200 companies listed on the National Stock Exchange for the period between 2010 and 2015. The present study's findings indicate that an increase in board diversity leads to more exploration than exploitation. Further, the effect of board diversity is more pronounced in high-tech than the low-tech industries.  相似文献   


This paper examines the relation of particular forms of social and labour market policy to economic development. Taking the history of Malaysian industrialization as its empirical case, the paper assesses the unintended consequences of redistribution policy, on the one hand, and migration policy, on the other, for the limited upgrading of the country's electronics industry. It argues that, while the former has been central to social harmony in Malaysia's multi-racial society, it has contributed to the underdevelopment of small and medium-sized firms capable of linking with the TNCs on the basis of knowledge-intensive and higher value-added operations. Migration policy, on the other hand, has allowed manufacturers to have continued access to supplies of low-cost, lower-skilled labour that have released the pressures that would otherwise have been there for technological and skill upgrading in the electronics industry. Only in Penang, where regional state institutions have intervened to encourage SME upgrading, has the national picture been moderated. Malaysia's industrialization project emerged at time when export competition in manufactured commodities was less intense than it is now. Largely as a result of federal government priorities and for other reasons explored in the paper, advantage was not taken of this ‘window of opportunity’. As a consequence, the country's industrialization project – exemplified by its electronics industry – is now ‘stalling’ in the sense that it remains locked into low- to medium-technology operations. With the rise of China as a manufacturing exporter, this is a dangerous situation for a country's principal industry to be in.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,世界各国以高度的战略眼光重视宽带互联网发展,纷纷启动国家宽带发展战略,通过分析全球宽带市场发展现状,对各国宽带战略实施经验进行了综述,并结合我国和北京市实施宽带战略的基础,指出北京市推动发展宽带产业的重点方向及政策着力点。  相似文献   


Since China agreed to join the international counter-piracy coalition in late 2008, a watershed development in Chinese strategic policy, Beijing's engagement in Somalia is now following two separate streams. First, China is seeking to engage Somalia as part of its expanding number of African diplomatic partners via its participation in the coalition. Second, China is attempting to demonstrate, on the international level, its growing commitment to developing its naval capabilities, and protecting its maritime trade interests, by engaging in multilateral and coalition-based operations, namely to combat piracy off the Somali coast, in order to deflect criticism from the United States and its allies of China's overall military expansion and modernization.  相似文献   

In an increasingly volatile, uncertain and complex world governments internationally are seeking new frameworks to think about future directions which can guide policy choices that can be turned into realities. This article presents an insiders' case study of the initial development of the Victorian Labor government's Growing Victoria Together, launched in November 2001; it expresses the vision, policy priorities and its key progress measures. It has been developed to guide medium-term policy choices, communicate directions to citizens and engage stakeholders to think collaboratively about the future. The article notes the emerging international interest in alternatives to public policy paradigms based on economic rationality, market decision-making and organisational managerialism and outlines the steps and actions involved in developing its public release and the first stages of implementation. It concludes by reflecting on lessons which can be learned from this experience for exploring new strategic policy frameworks.  相似文献   


The European Union’s 2030 climate and energy package introduced fundamental changes compared to its 2020 predecessor. These changes included a stronger focus on the internal market and an increased emphasis on technology-neutral decarbonization while simultaneously de-emphasizing the renewables target. This article investigates whether changes in domestic policy strategies of leading member states in European climate policy preceded the observed changes in EU policy. Disaggregating strategic change into changes in different elements (goals, objectives, instrumental logic), allows us to go beyond analyzing the relative prioritization of different goals, and to analyze how policy requirements for reaching those goals were dynamically redefined over time. To this end, we introduce a new method, which based on insights from social network analysis, enables us to systematically trace those strategic chances. We find that shifts in national strategies of the investigated member states preceded the shift in EU policy. In particular, countries reframed their understanding of supply security, and pushed for the internal electricity market also as a security measure to balance fluctuating renewables. Hence, the increasing focus on markets and market integration in the European 2030 package echoed the increasingly central role of the internal market for electricity supply security in national strategies. These findings also highlight that countries dynamically redefined their goals relative to the different phases of the energy transition.



For all its success in other high-technology sectors, Japan has largely failed to develop a strong aerospace sector. Its leading firms do not market finished aircraft and, in stark contrast to other sectors, the aerospace industry features a trade deficit with the United States. Japanese firms seem trapped as suppliers of components and sub-assemblies, mainly for the US industry. The general explanation for this state of affairs is that the Japanese industry has been effectively ‘captured’ by the United States; Boeing in particular dominates the sector and has effectively locked the Japanese firms into a relationship where moving up the value chain is difficult. This relationship may be changing. Japan's government has placed renewed emphasis on developing Japan's aerospace sector, while matters are evolving at the corporate level too, with Boeing's relations with Japan revealing a steadily increasing work share for the Japanese industry. The rise of Asia as an important market, and technological change making aerospace more like other manufacturing industries, presents Japanese firms with new incentives and opportunities beyond the US relationship.  相似文献   

Dodd–Frank, the financial reform law passed in the United States in response to the 2008 financial crisis, established the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a new federal regulator with the sole responsibility of protecting consumers from unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices. This decision marked the end of a highly politicized reform debate in the US Congress, in which proponents of the new bureau would normally have been considered to be much weaker than its opponents. Paradoxically, an emerging civil society coalition successfully lobbied decision-makers and countered industry attempts to prevent industry capture. What explains the fact that rather weak and peripheral actors prevailed over more resourceful and dominant actors? The goal of this study is to examine and challenge questions of regulatory capture by concentrated industry interests in the reform debates in response to the credit crisis which originated in the US in 2007. The analysis suggests that for weak actors to prevail in policy conflicts over established, resource-rich opponents, they must undertake broad coalition building among themselves and with influential elite allies outside and inside of Congress who share the same policy goals.  相似文献   


This article explores the role of informal networks in producing strategic knowledge and influencing policy responses to the 2011 post-election crisis in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The analytical focus is on networks of shadow peacebuilders, defined as actors who are often not visible to the public and who promote a mix of altruistic and personal interests of their broader network by generating strategic narratives and influencing peacebuilding policy. As this article shows, shadow peacebuilders engage in diplomatic counterinsurgencies waged by means of diplomacy, politics, public relations and legal means. Strategic narratives are instrumental in legitimizing diplomatic counterinsurgency, inducing internal cohesion within the network and delegitimizing alternative narratives and policy solutions. Yet the production of strategic knowledge by shadow peacebuilders has its limitations. When the gap between strategic narrative and actions becomes too big, the network risks fragmentation and defeat by other networks that promote alternative strategic narratives and paths of action in the battle over control of peacebuilding policy.  相似文献   

This analysis examines two alternative explanations for the adoption of comprehensive zoning ordinances in the years immediately following its initial adoption in New York City. The market failure explanation predicts zoning adoption in cities where externality problems (represented by heavy incidence of manufacturing) exist. The distributive policymaking model treats zoning as a form of regulation that is most likely to be found in cities where local legislators are elected from geographically-concentrated constituencies (e.g., wards) and therefore try to target policy benefits to their own constituencies while spreading the policy costs over all constituencies. Some support is found for each model. Especially striking is the interactive effect of ward representation and of economic interest (i.e., levels of home ownership).  相似文献   

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