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加工速度、工作记忆与心算能力的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以243名10-18岁儿童为被试,研究了加工速度和工作记忆与儿童心算能力发展的关系.验证性因素分析表明,加工速度、工作记忆与心算能力之间存在显著的相关.结构方程建模表明这种显著相关的实质在于三者之间可能存在一个递进式发展过程,即工作记忆能力几乎可完全解释儿童心算能力的发展变化,而加工速度可解释2/3的工作记忆能力的发展变化.这表明工作记忆是心算能力发展的基础,而加工速度可能是工作记忆能力发展的基础,但后者尚需要进一步验证.  相似文献   

数学学习困难儿童的认知加工机制研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘昌 《金陵法律评论》2004,(3):81-88,103
与数学学习优秀儿童相比,数学学习困难儿童的语音加工速度、短时记忆、中央执行功能以及整体工作记忆能力方面都存在明显不足,但只有工作记忆能力不足才能明确解释数学学习困难,即数学学习困难与工作记忆能力下降有密切关系.进一步分析发现,由工作记忆能力下降引起的数学学习困难与特定的工作记忆能力不足有关,即数学学习困难几乎完全是由于数字工作记忆能力下降引起,而与视空间工作记忆能力下降无关,这种由数字工作记忆下降而引起数学学习困难的更深层次原因可能在于较差的语音加工速度与中央执行功能二者的共同影响.  相似文献   

条件推理能力的传统认知发展观认为认知发展的轨迹是单向的,并只存在于一个加工系统中,认知发展存在着几个不同质的阶段,按由低到高的顺序发展,在个体发展的早期,其认知特点主要是以直觉加工为主,而后逐渐转换为以分析式加工为主,但这些理论无法很好地解释为什么年龄和智力的增长并不必然导致推理中符合传统逻辑规范的回答率的提高.双重加工理论对此提出异议,认为条件推理能力的发展沿着两条轨迹进行,一条径直指向计算加工和对问题内容的去情境化推理能力的增长;第二条是启发式的、高度情境化加工的发展路线,对那种认为认知是从直觉加工到逻辑数学加工的单向发展的观点提出了挑战.  相似文献   

目的探讨脑外伤所致轻度认知功能障碍者在执行工作记忆任务中前额叶皮质的激活特点。方法利用E-prime Jc理实验设计软件,采用N-back范式作为工作记忆的任务,应用功能性近红外光谱成像(functional near-infrared spectroscopy,fNIRS)技术检测24名脑外伤所致轻度认知功能障碍者(研究组)和年龄、性别相匹配的27名健康正常志愿者(对照组)前额叶22个通道的皮质氧合血红蛋白(oxyhemoglobin,HbO)浓度的变化,同步记录按键错误个数和反应时间等行为学数据。采用独立样本t检验、非参数检验等对各个任务下两组HbO浓度变化平均值和按键错误个数、反应时间平均值进行比较。结果(1)两组在1-back与2-back任务中的错误个数、反应时间差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05);任务负荷与组别的主效应均显著(F_(任务)=14.11,P=0.0011;F_(组别)=10.39,P=0.001 5)。(2) 1-back任务过程中,两组在22个通道上的HbO变化浓度差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);2-back任务期间,两组在通道2、3、7、9、10、11、14、15、18、19、21、22上HbO变化浓度差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。(3)在1-back条件下,两组在左侧额极与背外侧前额叶区域均有激活;在2-back条件下,对照组激活区域在左侧额极区与左侧背外侧前额叶区,而研究组几乎涵盖左右大部分额极区,散在分布,且右侧区域也存在激活。结论脑外伤所致轻度认知功能障碍者存在明显工作记忆障碍,在执行2-back工作记忆任务中,前额叶区域激活程度减弱,但激活范围更广。  相似文献   

刑罚无疑具有预防犯罪的价值,这种价值体现在犯罪人作案前对刑罚风险的主观估计,而犯罪人自身对刑罚认知上的偏差,会影响刑罚预防价值的发挥.传统上,青少年犯罪常被认为是一种"不计后果"的犯罪,其实犯罪青少年对刑罚风险的感知、判断并不弱于其他犯罪人,刑罚对青少年犯罪仍有重要的预防作用,只不过其作用的大小因犯罪青少年的年龄、性别、文化程度等有所差异.另外,一些相关因素,也造成了刑罚对部分犯罪青少年预防作用的"缺失".  相似文献   

目的采用隐瞒信息测试(concealed informationtest,CIT)模式和多通道事件相关电位(event related potential,ERP)技术,对人类大脑在不同刺激下各脑区域活动情况和活跃程度进行对比,从神经电生理学层面揭示CIT模式隐瞒信息状态下视觉刺激人类大脑认知相关脑功能区特征。方法参考犯罪知情测试模式(GKT)的CIT模式,选用传统扑克牌,对17名被试人员进行视觉刺激,包括:靶、探测、无关和中立刺激,获得29通道ERP波。结果靶、探测和无关刺激平均按键反应时间:775ms、774ms和720ms;探测和无关刺激各通道P300峰潜伏期配对t检验,有统计学意义(P0.05)的通道有4个;探测和无关刺激各通道P300平均波幅(400~700ms)进行配对t检验,有统计学意义(P0.05)的通道有19个。结论隐瞒知晓信息是一个由多个脑功能皮质共同完成的复杂过程,与诚实反应抑制有密切关系,与额叶前部和上部皮质、前扣带回皮质(ACC)和缘上回等脑功能皮质特异相关。  相似文献   

采用事件相关脑电位(ERP)技术探讨与Stroop任务相关的脑加工机制.以中文Stroop色字为刺激,以大学生为被试,要求被试进行颜色判断和字义判断任务.对各任务中一致刺激和不一致刺激诱发的ERP分别叠加平均.结果发现:颜色任务P330-390的潜伏期表现出Stroop效应,而字义任务P330-390的峰值表现出反转的Stroop效应;差异波N370可能反映了对无关信息的抑制,而P600-650则可能反映了对语义的再加工.  相似文献   

事件相关电位(ERP)是人对客体进行认知加工(注意、记忆、思维等)时,在头颅表面所记录到的大脑电位变化。ERP由多种与认知功能相关的成分构成,包括早期成分,失匹配负波(MMN),N2家族,P3家族,语言加工相关的ERP成分等。通过对ERP这些成分的分析,可以深入探究人类大脑的认知功能,并且具有重要的法医学应用价值。  相似文献   

主要基于文字学的证据和先哲的相关言论,认为中国传统文化蕴含"知而获智"的智慧观."知而获智"观既具有"定义智慧的视角恰当"与"蕴含转识成智思想"等两大优点,也存在三点不足:其一,易让人产生将智慧与渊博知识相等同的误解;其二,未看到解决简单问题和复杂问题时个体心智加工的本质区别;其三,易让人将智慧误解成纯粹的认知概念.智慧本是真与善的合金,纯粹认知领域的"聪明才智"只属于"真",它既可助人为善,也可为虎作伥.所以,没有善心的引导与催化,只追求私利的"智"只能称作"小聪明",不是真正意义上的智慧.  相似文献   

人们在实际的推理过程中常违反形式逻辑标准,出现各种偏差现象,表现出非理性,原有理论无法对此作出合理解释.双重加工理论能更好地解释人们实际推理和标准推理(normative reasoning)之间的不一致,认为人类存在着两个完全不同的认知系统:系统1--执行快速、平行、自动化和启发式加工;系统2--执行需要意志努力和认知资源的、控制和分析式加工.当系统1占优势时,人们会违反逻辑形式标准,出现偏差,表现出非理性;而当系统2占主导地位时,人们的推理会符合逻辑形式标准.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that neurocognitive deficits are frequent among incarcerated offenders. However, current correctional programming does not directly seek to remediate deficits in offenders’ neurocognitive deficits. In this pilot project, we sought to treat neurocognitive deficits in incarcerated Portuguese adult women offenders (n?=?28) using cognitive remediation to target cognitive flexibility, memory, and planning. Statistically significant positive changes, with medium to large effect sizes, were discovered across several neurocognitive domains, including attention, speed of processing, verbal learning and memory, cognitive flexibility, and planning. We also found a decrease in the negative emotional states of depression, anxiety, tension/stress, and on disturbed behavior in prison. Cognitive remediation has the potential to enhance the neurocognitive functioning of incarcerated women. Controlled research is needed to establish cognitive remediation fully as an intervention for the treatment of neurocognitive deficits of incarcerated women.  相似文献   

This study undertook an empirically based examination of the cognitive processes associated with the accurate construction of a criminal psychological profile. This was accomplished by comparing the abilities of profilers and nonprofilers in two simulated profiling exercises that measured both profile accuracy and an individual's performance on various tests of memory and comprehension related to the case materials presented in each exercise. The results of these experiments suggest that an incremental relationship exists between comprehension of the case materials and accuracy of the profiles generated. In addition, the findings provide some tentative indications that the comprehension of case material in a narrative (i.e., written) format is an integral cognitive function to proficient profiling.  相似文献   

The study focusses on the relationship of personality and reactions to unfair argumentative contributions. Unfair contributions were embedded in four argumentative episodes and presented in written, auditory, and role-play mode. Each participant's cognitions, emotions, and verbal responses were assessed and aggregated across the four episodes. Although no differences in evoked cognitive, emotional, and verbal responses arose between the different presentation modes, the identification of unfair contributions and the verbal responses' collaboration depended on the participants' cognitive abilities and personality traits. Implications for theory and practice of social justice research are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to compare the cognitive functioning of maltreated children with two groups of nonmaltreated children: those matched for age and SES and those matched only on age. All of the children ranged in age from 6 to 16 years. The rationale for employing two comparison groups was to examine the role of maltreatment and SES separately to determine which factor, if any, is associated with children's cognitive functioning. Additionally, the present investigation sought to expand on previous work by employing both global measures of cognitive functioning (WISC-R) as well as measures designed to tap specific abilities (e.g., selective attention, short-term memory). Results indicate that maltreated children demonstrated deficits in cognitive functioning but that these are no more pervasive than those found in children from the same low socioeconomic backgrounds. These findings suggest that it may be deprived family circumstances common in maltreating families, not maltreatment per se, that is responsible for the cognitive deficits often noted in maltreated children.  相似文献   

The present study validates a novel version of the Reaction time-based Concealed Information Test (RT-CIT) adapted for young children (7–10 years). Their ability to deny the possession of relevant information was related to individual differences in intelligence, processing speed, executive functioning and affective problems. The comparison between the knowledgeable group of children (N = 84) who took part in a mock surprise scenario and the unknowledgeable group (N = 78) indicated that by early school-age the RT-CIT can be considered a relatively reliable diagnostic tool for detecting concealed information. We found evidence indicating that executive functions are predictors of children's proficiency in concealing information; however, the specific interrelations were complex (children with lower inhibition and spatial working memory, but with better shifting performance were easier to detect as possessing concealed information). Finally, we found limited evidence for a substantial association between parent-reported emotional problems and children's proficiency in concealing information. This investigation has practical implications for the development of rigorous protocols to detect children's concealed knowledge within legal environments.  相似文献   

Childhood abuse has an important negative influence on long-term executive functioning performance. Although this has been studied in non-offenders (controls), few investigations have examined offender samples. The aims of this study were: to study the influence of childhood abuse history on adulthood executive functioning in offenders, and to examine whether executive performance is affected differentially by different abusive events. It was found that in comparison with controls (n?=?17) and with non-abused offenders (n?=?22), the abused offenders (n?=?18) have poorer performance on psychomotor-cognitive processing speed and cognitive flexibility. In abused offenders, it was also found that physical abuse events primarily and significantly affected adulthood performance in these cognitive abilities. In conclusion, this study helps us to know, preliminarily, the neurocognitive profile of abused offenders and how different abusive events suffered in childhood (e.g. physical and emotional abuse) differentially affect executive functioning of this sample.  相似文献   

Prior criminological research showed that cognitive abilities were related to delinquent and criminal activity, primarily within adolescent samples. Moffitt's developmental taxonomy anticipates that cognitive abilities will relate to criminal activity differently throughout the population of offenders, mattering more for life-course-persistent than adolescence-limited offenders. Unfortunately, prior research had not examined in great detail the long-term influence of cognitive abilities on criminal activity from birth to adulthood nor had research explored this issue within an African American sample. In this study, data from the Philadelphia portion of the National Collaborative Perinatal Project (NCPP) were used to examine the long-term effect of cognitive abilities on criminal activity from birth to adulthood.  相似文献   

The Enhanced Cognitive Interview (ECI) is one of the most useful witness interviews, consisting of 5 techniques (context reinstatement: CR; report everything: RE, mental imagery: MI, change order: CO and change of perspectives: CP) aimed at increasing both the quantity and the quality of elements recalled. All the techniques require mental imagery skills. The present study investigates the relationship between forward and backward visuo-spatial working memory (VSWM) and correct elements recalled through the ECI with respect to its techniques. 99 college students (48 males) watched a color videotape of a fictional crime and performed a visuo-spatial working memory task. The following day they were interviewed about what they had seen. Results showed that high forward VSWM capacity has a role in favoring the total amount of correct information recalled, specifically in the MI technique. This suggests that maintaining and processing mood-related contents in VSWM is easier for individuals with high working memory skills.  相似文献   

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