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塑造现代政府良好社会形象的对策探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耿钢 《行政与法》2004,(9):95-97
在政治日益民主化,经济日益全球化的时代背景下,塑造现代政府良好社会形象尤为重要,现代政府良好的社会形象主要体现在政府领导者形象,行政决策形象,舆论传媒形象等方面,这要求我们必须加强政府公共关系活动和政府危机事件的管理,保持政府形象与时俱进,塑造具有地方特色的现代政府良好社会形象。  相似文献   

Inherent to any substantive social change is the disruption of the status quo. To the extent that individuals are motivated to preserve the current social system (e.g., Jost & Banaji, British Journal of Social Psychology, 33, 1–27, 1994), even social change in pursuit of positive goals might evoke ambivalent reactions. Although activist groups might elicit positivity because they are assumed to have positive qualities and they seek positive goals, they might evoke negativity because their actions disrupt the current social system. These experiments examined two different forms of disruption of the status quo. In Experiment 1, a group gaining power elicited greater ambivalence than a group losing power, regardless of the valence of the group’s goal. Importantly, the conditions that evoked ambivalence did not inhibit behavioral support. Experiment 2 found that a new group elicited more ambivalence than an established group when pursuing a positive goal. Consistent with theories emphasizing maintenance of the status quo, these findings demonstrate that attitudes toward activist groups do not derive solely from self-interest.
Amanda B. DiekmanEmail:

社会分层与治安善治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程金生 《政法学刊》2009,26(6):81-87
社会分层反映一个社会的权力、资源配置和结构关系、利益表达协调和实现机制、社会活力释放机制,是一个社会组织结构状况合理性与否的整体性反映。它在深层蕴含着一个社会的内在张力的蓄积情况,决定着社会治安的实际状况和演变的规律。社会治安善治,是政府和公民合作管理社会治安的过程,是政治国家与市民社会间的一种新颖关系。社会分层必然关切于治安善治的内容及其结构模式。在当代中国背景下,治安善治理应采取行政吸纳社会的模式进行,它既可以保证稳定,又能持续改善。治安善治的制度结构应该是支持性治安基础制度和控制性治安制度的有机统一。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research ended its work by substantially endorsing the status quo which places primary reliance on local Institutional Review Boards for subject protection. This was predictable because of the Commission's researcher-dominated composition which permitted it to assume that (1) research is good; (2) experimentation is almost never harmful to subjects; and (3) researcher-dominated IRBs can adequately protect the interests of human subjects. The successor Presidential Commission can learn much by re-examining these premises.  相似文献   

国家立法与社会资源分配的内在逻辑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冯祥武 《政法学刊》2009,26(6):11-17
国家立法与社会资源分配之间的内在逻辑发端于各社会群体之间矛盾冲突的客观存在性。为了调和各社会群体之间的矛盾冲突,政治国家便赋予国家立法以平抑社会群体矛盾冲突的功能性,因此,国家立法便具有了对有限社会资源分配的本质性。  相似文献   

社会法上的国家给付原则是“市场失灵”的产物,其理论根植于古典自由主义思想,发展和成熟于福利经济学学说.在制度上,德国的俾斯麦立法最早建立国家给付的社会保险制度,英国贝弗里奇计划的实施和福利国家出现,标志着国家给付原则的最终形成,也是社会法走向成熟的重要标志.社会法上的国家给付具有长期性和稳定性特征,是法律赋予政府的强制性义务,其有一定的限度和底线,实施机制是:人人有权,时则有份.国家给付在社会法体系中起着重要作用,但社会法的给付主体却不限于国家,也包括社会和个人,这是由社会自治和国家的有限性决定的.  相似文献   

论公民的社会保障权与突发事件中的国家救助   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宪法上所确认的社会保障权,要求国家在公民因突发事件的打击而陷入困顿时承担主要救助义务,以维持其相当水准的生活。我国目前以自然灾害赈济为中心的应急救助体系存在规范残缺、范围狭小、主体缺位、标准偏低等明显不足,亟待完善。而构建国家应急救助制度的重点,在救助依据的确立、救助主体的确定、救助对象的界定、救助程序的设计、救助标准的衡量和救助资金的筹集等方面。  相似文献   

以建立多元化纠纷解决机制,应对诉讼爆炸带来的司法危机的学术活动和实务探讨眼下正在如火如荼地进行。在此背景下,一度被藐视的传统因素如民间权威力量、民间规范受到了青睐。本文试图对宗教在少数民族社会纠纷解决中的作用予以初步描述、分析和归纳。  相似文献   

任何一个社会中都存在多种规则系统,社会秩序治理的一个重要方面就是这些规则系统之间通过相互交往实现社会的有序化。近代以来中国社会的的规则交往基本上是一种替代型的规则交往,呈现为用法律替代习惯的社会规则交往方式,这种交往方式试图实现一元规则为主导的社会秩序治理。这种规则交往方式在当代中国社会中面临着两个方面的现实危机,善治理念提倡一种参与和共治的思想,基于这种理念,社会规则的交往应当生成一种共生型的规则交往方式,这种方式能够体现善治理念的基本要素,有助于实现善治理念的基本目标。  相似文献   

Victor Tadros claims that punishment must be justified either instrumentally or on the grounds that deserved punishment is intrinisically good. However, if we have deontic reasons to punish wrongdoers then these reasons could justify punishment non-instrumentally. Morever, even if the punishment of wrongdoers is intrinsically good this fact cannot contribute to the justication of punishment because goodness is not a reason-giving property. It follows that retributivism is both true and important only if we have deontic reasons to punish. Tadros also claims that the constitutive aim of punishment is to inflict harm or suffering on offenders. On the contrary, the constitutive aim of retributive punishment is to inflict (justified) wrongs on offenders that are proportionate to the (unjustified) wrongs they commit. Indeed, punishment should involve the least harmful wrong that is proportionate to the wrongfulness of the offense, adequate to facilitate recognition, and (perhaps) conducive to deterrence.  相似文献   

随着和谐社会的构建,各级政府和社会各界越来越重视把各类重大政治、经济和社会问题纳入到法治的轨道来解决。社会矛盾中面对的各种法律问题、法律关系,不仅数量剧增而且所涉内容日益专业化、复杂化和综合化。本文通过对三个案例的具体剖析,论证司法鉴定意见作为我国司法证明的一种科学证据,因其自身的性质和特点,在对社会纠纷和矛盾中的专门性问题进行鉴别、审查和判断中具有特殊的功能和作用,往往能对平息化解社会矛盾起到至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology: The Challenge of Regulating Known Unknowns   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Media reports of the health hazards posed by nano-sized particles (NSPs) have turned a white hot spotlight on the risks of nanotechnology. Worried about the risks posed to workers producing nano-materials, the Washington Post has labeled nanotechnology a "seat-of-the-pants occupational health experiment." This article examines our emerging knowledge base about the hazards of two types of exposure: inhalation of NSPs and topical application of products containing NSPs. It argues that a clear-eyed evaluation of the benefits and risks of nanotechnology is made extremely difficult by the marriage of a complex science with a venture capitalist-like hype. It then suggests that, absent additional statutory authority, governmental regulators cannot readily address the risks posed by these products. This regulatory inaction leaves a significant role for the private insurance market, a role that regulators should support in tangible ways outlined in the article.  相似文献   

综述了纳米科技进步将对法医DNA检验产生的深远影响,对从DNA提取到基因芯片研究等多个未来研究的新方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

论社会司法鉴定机构的公益属性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵杰 《法学杂志》2007,28(6):47-49
社会司法鉴定机构已经逐渐成为鉴定服务市场的主流,但鉴定机构的公益属性没有明确,给司法鉴定制度改革带来了负面影响,使司法鉴定渐渐远离改革的要求.从当前司法机构现状分析,简单的公益性定位有相当大的难度,需要政府投资建立公益性司法鉴定机构,以此带动司法鉴定服务领域向公益性方向发展.  相似文献   

在传统的城乡分割的二元社会结构体制下,农民工成为中国现代化社会转型中的特殊范畴.伴随着经济社会的快速发展,跨区域进城务工经商的农民工愈来愈多,农民工在为城市发展做出巨大贡献的同时,却没有获得相应的合法身份和公平待遇.因此正视农民工目前的处境并给予其相应的国民待遇是中国社会转型期的重要任务.  相似文献   

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