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We use the National Crime Victimization Survey to examine whether a suspect's relationship to an assault victim affects whether the police make an arrest. The results indicate that in cases of minor assaults the police are less likely to make an arrest when the suspect is an intimate partner of the victim than when the suspect is an identifiable stranger. However, the police are not as lenient when the suspect is an intimate partner as they are when the suspect is someone else the victim knows. Intimate partner suspects avoid arrest in part because they are less likely to commit their crimes in front of witnesses. In addition, victims who know the suspect in any way are reluctant to sign complaints, and this reluctance inhibits arrest. Men are less likely than women to sign complaints, particularly when the suspect is a partner.  相似文献   

Several criteria are proposed for making decisions about comparing sets of debris involving the transfer of non-component particles and fibers--those produced from something other than the item itself--using a model based upon rudimentary set theory. Decisions about the significance of an association or an exclusion based upon trace evidence require an evaluation of debris in its context; reference points for such evaluation are presented. Samples of debris from the sites relevant to the event under investigation must be available, as well as debris standards from the usual environments of the people involved, and must be adequate to permit a determination of normal versus foreign debris. Criteria are proposed for establishing contact based upon corresponding sets of particles and fibers, for excluding contact in the absence of corresponding particles or fibers, and for refraining from making either an association or an exclusion. Conditions for reaching qualified conclusions or other types of associations when these criteria are only partially met are also discussed; conclusions may sometimes be reached if potential sources for debris particles and fibers can be found. Decisions about the strength of an association or an exclusion based upon comparisons of non-component debris particles and fibers can be made by reference to the criteria for reaching a conclusion. The criteria can be tested via Bayes' Theorem. The analysis itself is based primarily upon light microscopy, although other methods may be used as well. Case examples are presented.  相似文献   

The present study examines the relationships between narcotics use and criminality utilizing a confirmatory structural equation modeling approach. Latentvariable and manifest-variable models are used to represent causal relationships between narcotics use and criminality in both the postaddiction and the pretreatment periods of the addiction career. Latent-variable models include a preexisting deviance construct as an exogenous factor, and manifest-variable models include a measure of drug trafficking, or dealing, as an influencing variable. Both inclusions are made as an attempt to minimize specification error in the models. The results are consistent in showing that, while simultaneous relationships between narcotics and criminality are clearly demonstrable, the prediction of either variable from the other across time cannot be demonstrated. It is concluded that causal relationships between narcotics and criminality are probably not characterized by an appreciable or identifiable time lag. Other theoretical considerations suggested by the modeling results are discussed, such as the role of idiosyncratic approaches to the economics of maintaining addition.  相似文献   

Interventions aimed at preventing the important problem of gun injuries could be improved with an understanding of whether there are unique factors that place individuals at an increased risk of gun victimization. Much remains to be known about the victims of gun violence. The purpose of this article is to assess whether there are individual-level variables uniquely related to the likelihood of experiencing a gun victimization in a sample of probationers, individuals already at a heightened risk for criminal victimization. Self-report data were collected from 235 felony probationers about, for instance, gun and nongun victimization, gang involvement, and drug sales. Results show different variables are related to nongun victimization and gun victimization. In the current sample, involvement in gun crimes are linked to an increased risk of gun victimization. Violent offending and residential stability are associated with an increased chance of crime victimization.  相似文献   

A number of political scientists have explained legislators’ behaviour as a function of their re-election, influence, and policy goals, but these goals are sometimes incompatible. This study seeks to explain under what conditions legislators emphasise the goals of building influence or shaping policy over re-election. The study focuses on Japanese legislators’ Diet committee attendance as a proxy for their attention to an influence or policy goal. It shows that legislators elected from an open-list proportional representation seat are most likely to emphasise building influence or shaping policy, while legislators elected from a district using a single non-transferable vote system are least likely to do so. Legislators are more likely to do so in a non-election year than in an election year. In addition, electorally stronger legislators are more likely to focus on influence or policy goals in an election year, while electorally weaker legislators are more likely to do so in a non-election year.  相似文献   

Social scientists are in a quandary about crime policy. On the one hand, the tools of their discipline incline them naturally toward a search for the causes of differences in delinquent behavior, an inclination which appears to be supportive of the potential for rehabilitative components to crime policy. Both the premise of determinism and the methodology of differentiation are intellectually compatible with the prospects for rehabilitation, because both are requisites for a crime control strategy that seeks the impact of purposeful changes in the lives or attitudes of delinquents on subsequent behavior. On the other hand, social scientists are being confronted with a number of arguments that question the utility for social policy of adherence to these assumptions. The validity of some of these arguments is explored briefly in this article. They are found to suffer from an erroneous conception of the logic of determinism, an underdevelopment of the notion of deterrence, or an artifactual conception of the requisites for rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Forensic identification (ID) based on an assessment of the dentition is commonplace. However, despite an increase in the oral health of Western populations, there are still many millions of individuals who are edentulous and whom have been treated with completed dentures. In the United Kingdom alone over 300,000 patients are rendered edentulous each year. In order to facilitate the ID of such individuals a number of forensic and governmental organizations have recommended that dentures be labeled. A number of labeling systems exist which can be broadly separated into inclusion systems, marking systems, and novel methods. Each of the commonly described systems are demonstrated with an assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. It is recommended that an inclusion denture marker, preferably metallic, should be used in order to withstand the most common postmortem assaults.  相似文献   

Purpose. Virtually all eyewitnesses to a crime, who eventually testify in court, are interviewed by police officers at least once. How do these interviews affect what the eyewitnesses are subsequently likely to report? The purpose of this study is to compare the relative impact of self‐ versus other‐generated misinformation on confabulated memory about an event. Self‐generated misinformation can occur by encouraging eyewitnesses to guess or speculate about possible answers to questions about which they report having no memory. Other‐generated misinformation can occur by having an investigator suggest an answer to an eyewitness. Methods. After viewing a 5 minutes crime video, participants answered written questions. One week later these same questions were answered again. We specifically focused on individuals' answers to unanswerable questions that probed information not actually presented in the video. If a participant answered an unanswerable question, we know that their answer was confabulated because the information was not presented in the video. Results. If an answer to an unanswerable question was forced confabulated at time 1, that answer was more likely to be repeated at time 2 if it had been other‐generated (suggested in the question) rather than self‐generated (fabricated by the participant). Conclusions. Pressuring eyewitnesses to answer questions about an event, when they indicate that they do not know the answer, can result in false confabulations. Answers suggested by the investigator are more likely to be repeated later than are answers that are simply self‐generated or speculated by the eyewitness. These results are consistent with the reality monitoring framework and ‘recollect‐to‐reject’ metacognitive reasoning strategies.  相似文献   

Timing is an extremely important factor in the practice of forensic biology and pathology. This review offers an opportunity for evaluating the time at which an injury could have taken place and thus its chronologic age. Both the macroscopic and microscopic aspects of the injury are discussed. The use of histochemical techniques using the study of enzymes as a basis of the technique is discussed. Histamine and serotonin techniques are also discussed and their applications in practical cases including a traffic accident are presented. The field is discussed and references given in large numbers.  相似文献   

The Qur’an is considered by Muslim scholars to be one of the two primary sources of Islamic law. The Qur’an deals with many diverse matters, including beliefs, morals, ethics, legal issues and historical narratives. We are not concerned here with establishing the exact proportion of the Qur’an devoted to each of these various categories and in particular to legal rulings. Rather, the pivotal aim of the present investigation is to establish the fact that the whole Qur’an is interrelated, and that the non-legal material in the Qur’an ultimately supports its legal system. This article, therefore, attempts to contribute to the discussion on this issue by asserting that although a large part of the Qur’an does not contain explicit or even implicit legal rulings, it serves, however, to consolidate and establish the Islamic legal system. This assertion is founded on an analysis of the relationship between the legal verses and those with no direct legal rulings stated in them. This article will broadly assess three major themes in the Qur’an which are: God, the Prophet and His message and the present life with the Hereafter. It will underscore their relationship to explicit legal injunctions. These themes are doctrinal in nature but as the analysis will show, they are woven into the framework of the injunctions themselves thereby forging a link between creed and law.  相似文献   

Hidden services are anonymously hosted services that can be accessed over an anonymity network, such as Tor. While most hidden services are legitimate, some host illegal content. There has been a fair amount of research on locating hidden services, but an open problem is to develop a general method to prove that a physical machine, once confiscated, was in fact the machine that had been hosting the illegal content. In this paper we assume that the hidden service logs requests with some timestamp, and give experimental results for leaving an identifiable fingerprint in this log file as a timing channel that can be recovered from the timestamps. In 60 min, we are able to leave a 36-bit fingerprint that can be reliably recovered. The main challenges are the packet delays caused by the anonymity network that requests are sent over and the existing traffic in the log from the actual clients accessing the service. We give data to characterize these noise sources and then describe an implementation of timing-channel fingerprinting for an Apache web server based hidden service on the Tor network, where the fingerprint is an additive channel that is superencoded with a Reed–Solomon code for reliable recovery. Finally, we discuss the inherent tradeoffs and possible approaches to making the fingerprint more stealthy.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(43):9048-9049
Policies and procedures concerning objective need showings for applications requesting an additional one-way frequency for one-way signaling stations are being proposed. The present rules do not provide applicants with sufficient information as to what is required in need showings before applications can be granted. Applicants requesting an additional one-way frequency must show that the existing or projected grade of service is .50 before an additional channel is granted. The proposed standards are concurrently being adopted as an interim rule.  相似文献   

Recent arguments against the use of the courts as a route for fashioning and implementing complex school desegregation plans are evaluated in light of the experiences of one district where the courts and federal government did not assume an active role. The political consequences of nonenforcement are explored as are the methods employed by school officials to maintain their control over educational policy-making. On the basis of this evidence, the author argues that an assertive judiciary is necessary, if desegregation policies and procedural reforms are to be successfully introduced.  相似文献   

法律发现是指法官判案时生成裁判规范的活动。在实际进行法律发现的各种方法中,有古老的,有现代的;有简单的,有复杂的。不过,集中体现法官能动性和创造性的方法主要有比较适用的方法;冲突解决的方法;法律解释的方法;漏洞填充的方法;利益衡量的方法等。这些方法各有其特色,其运用皆体现了严格规则主义与自由裁量主义的有机结合。  相似文献   

Innovative handheld technologies are changing the possibilities for public health interventions. The present research describes a preliminary examination of the iPhone? when used as an assessment tool and an enhancement to an evidence-based, in-home child safety intervention. Three families with young children received an augmented version of the Safety module of SafeCare, a home-visiting child maltreatment prevention program. Specifically, parents were trained to use an iPhone to video rooms in their homes, as well as communicate feedback, logistics, and safety content between the home visitor and parent. The effectiveness of iPhone and video was examined using a multiple baseline design across in-home settings replicated across families. Home hazards were reduced dramatically across rooms and across participants. Face-to-face time of the home visitor was progressively reduced and replaced by video data collection. These data suggest smartphones are promising for data collection and for augmenting face-to-face interactions. Implications for reducing costs as smartphones become increasingly ubiquitous and for engaging and retaining participants are discussed.  相似文献   

The combination of photographs taken at two or three wavelengths at and bracketing an absorbance peak indicative of a particular compound can lead to an image with enhanced visualization of the compound. This procedure works best for compounds with absorbance bands that are narrow compared with "average" chromophores. If necessary, the photographs can be taken with different exposure times to ensure that sufficient light from the substrate is detected at all three wavelengths. The combination of images is readily performed if the images are obtained with a digital camera and are then processed using an image processing program. Best results are obtained if linear images at the peak maximum, at a slightly shorter wavelength, and at a slightly longer wavelength are used. However, acceptable results can also be obtained under many conditions if non-linear photographs are used or if only two wavelengths (one of which is at the peak maximum) are combined. These latter conditions are more achievable by many "mid-range" digital cameras. Wavelength selection can either be by controlling the illumination (e.g., by using an alternate light source) or by use of narrow bandpass filters. The technique is illustrated using blood as the target analyte, using bands of light centered at 395, 415, and 435 nm. The extension of the method to detection of blood by fluorescence quenching is also described.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1994,59(4):682-685
This rule amends certain personnel requirements for cytotechnologists that perform testing in laboratories subject to the requirements of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA). We are providing an adequate period of time for individuals to gain the necessary 2 years experience performing cytology testing which is currently included in two of the provisions for qualifying as a cytotechnologist. Also, we are extending the time for individuals to either meet the educational qualifications by virtue of completing training in an approved cytotechnology training program or be certified by an approved organization. We are making these changes to prevent the loss of qualified personnel in the field of cytotechnology.  相似文献   

Death by lightning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deaths from lightning injuries are infrequent, amounting to 0.2-0.8 per million people per year, and are associated with climatologic conditions. The victims are mostly young, active people who are struck during various outdoor activities during the summer months. Even though many people can be struck by the same bolt of lightning, multiple casualties are uncommon. Among the fatalities, various types of skin burns are regularly present, often at an entry site on or near the head, and at an inferiorly located exit site. These skin injuries often consist of superficial burns and singed hair; deep burns and charring are uncommon. Arborescent skin marks seem to occur less frequently. Internal findings at autopsy are nonspecific.  相似文献   

Employee attitude surveys are becoming an increasingly popular tool for employers. A host of legal implications, such as the circumstances under which they can be used, what they can ask, and whether or not they are a subject of mandatory bargaining, arise when surveys are conducted by companies that have an incumbent union or by companies that are involved in union-organizing campaigns. The following article describes the survey process, outlines some of the inherent advantages and pitfalls, and examines the legal questions raised when surveys are used by nonunion employers, by employers with incumbent unions, and by employers who are involved in union-organizing-campaigns. It concludes with recommendations for employers that undertake attitude surveys.  相似文献   

Forensic pathologists are very familiar with deaths due to ethanol intoxication. The overwhelming majority of these deaths are a result of the oral ingestion of ethanol. We report an unusual case of an individual who expired in his secured residence after self administration of a wine enema. Toxicology showed an ethanol concentration of 0.40 g/dL in the blood and 0.41 g/dL in the vitreous fluid. Scene investigation was of paramount importance in determining the unusual method by which the decedent absorbed the alcoholic beverage.  相似文献   

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