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缘何大部分民营企业是短命的现在,社会上普遍认为,中国民营企业一是做不大,二是做不长,一做大就出问题,一做大就跨台。记得有位经济学家曾作过统计,全球500强企业,每10年大概有三成要从地球上消失,而中国民营企业的沉浮远高于这个比例。在过去20多年里,在中国经济舞台上曾出现过不少颇有影响的民营企业家,他们创造了一个个神话般的经营业绩。然而,他们之中有几个是久经疆场、屡战不败的,张瑞敏可以算一个,四川的刘氏兄弟可以列入其间,但更多的犹如空中流星,稍亮即逝,他们之中典型人物有张树新、姬长孔、胡志标、段永…  相似文献   

A new day of commemoration for Tibet's freed serfs Tibetan legislators have endorsed a bill designating March 28 as an annual Serfs' Emancipation Day. The motion was unanimously passed at the Second Session of the Ninth People's Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region on January 19, 2009.  相似文献   

With a government-imposed ceiling on thermal coal prices lifted,China must nowensurea stable output of electricity China will no longer limit the cost of coal for power stations amid a situation of stable prices and supply, leaving some worried that the country’s electricity output could come under threat if coal prices soar.  相似文献   

Political obstacles plague India’s economic reform efforts The pace and nature of India’s economic reforms have brought a degree of anxiety among investors, the World Bank’s Chief Economist for South Asia Martin Rama said at a press event in April. But one week later, Indian Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram reiterated India’s commitment to the reforms, stating that the Indian Government will take more executive actions to guide the process in the next two to four months. He also expressed hopes that economic growth will increase from lastfiscalyear’s5percentto6.1-6.7percentthis fiscalyear.  相似文献   

监狱标志性建筑作为监狱的"标识"、"标记",是一所监狱的名片,与其他普通建筑的根本区别,它在整个监狱建筑群体中所处的位置显著,易为众人所睹;或其外型形象突出,识别性强;或其历史地位具有一定纪念意义,成为体现其独特监狱文化属性的重要载体和符号。全国第一轮监狱布局调整结束后,新建或改扩建的监狱都建有标志性建筑,有必要就监狱标志性建筑作用、要求、应用等加强研究。  相似文献   

司法部提出政治改造的新论断,并赋予其统领监狱改造工作的地位,在监狱理论界和实务部门引起了强烈反响。监狱既是政治的附着物,又是文明的标志物,如何理性地认识监狱政治改造至关重要、迫在眉睫。针对当前监狱泛政治化的问题,深入阐述监狱实施政治改造的必要性和阻却因素,有助于探索监狱政治改造的具体实践路径。  相似文献   

With the constant de- velopment of modern science and technol- ogy, the information technologies--with computing tech- nology and the Internet as their core-- are widely used in prisons. This not only helps prisons, which are the units responsible for carrying out criminal punishment, to better accomplish the task of punishing and rehabilitating criminals, but also further strengthens efforts to protect the human rights of prisoners.  相似文献   

封闭性是监狱最明显的特点,主要表现为外部具有特殊的器物隔离和内部执行严密且严格的监规纪律两方面。封闭性是发挥刑罚惩罚和报应功能以及特殊预防功能的要求,同时也有利于提高刑罚的权威和威慑功能的发挥。但封闭性同时产生与刑罚预防重新犯罪的目标相冲突、难以满足法治时代和信息化社会对监狱提出的新要求、滋生并加剧了监狱亚文化等和刑罚目的相悖的问题。在新形势下,监狱一方面需要继续保持相当程度的封闭性,以正常发挥刑罚的各项功能;另一方面应当对封闭性予以适当限制和调整,将消极影响降到最低,构建起层级性封闭程度的监狱体系,切实践行宽严相济的刑事政策。  相似文献   

Documentary about orphaned Chinese children with AIDS aims to tackle discrimination C hinese American filmmaker Ruby Yang described to China's Xinhua News Agency the making of the film The Blood of Yingzhou District-a film about Chinese orphans of AIDS victims-as "a very emo-tionaljourney"after she and Thomas Lennon won an Oscar for best documentary short film on February 25.  相似文献   

<正>Two decades after it was proposed,China’s anti-domestic violence law set to become a reality In the eyes of her friends and neighbors,Li Fang(her real name has been withheld to protect her identity)had been living a perfect life of domestic bliss.So when she filed for divorce in early September,it took them by surprise as few had known about the dark  相似文献   

Breaking the Ice     
Relations between the United States and Latin American countries are warming up,but controversies remain Tensions between the United States and its long-term  相似文献   

Breaking the Ice     
<正>Since Beijing and Zhangjiakou in neighboring Hebei Province won the bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics,the entire country has become increasingly enthusiastic about winter sports.Skiing and skating are popular winter activities while lesser-known games such as curling and ice hockey have also become familiar to sports lovers.There are some of the ways that Chinese people are adapting to winter sports  相似文献   

正A rigid system needs to change After 20 years of working as a stall-keeper in Beijing, 45-year-old Liu Yongping still lives in a rented basement with his wife and two children in the Tuanjiehu community in Chaoyang District. In 1992, Liu came to the capital from a  相似文献   

欧洲监狱各具特色。法国监狱宗教教育与人文主义关爱并重 ;英国监狱对罪犯可以体罚 ,对如何体罚法律予以明示 ;德国监狱强调责任感 ,尊重和保护罪犯的尊严 ;瑞典监狱的开放和宽松程度是多数国家所不及的 ;荷兰监狱的惩罚属性已日益淡化。所有这一切 ,体现了不同国家的行刑思想与矫正理念。  相似文献   

WHENstudyingtheguaranteesofhumanrightssolvetheproblemofperspective:Wecannotconsidertheguaranteesofprisoners'rightsonlyfromtheperspectiveoftheprisoners,butinsteadfromtheperspectiveofthegeneralpublic,especiallyfromtheperspectiveofthevictims.Wemustclearlyrealizethatthegoalofpunishingprisonersaccordingtolawcentersonupholdinglawandensuringjustice.TheChinesegovernmentalwaystreatsprisonersashumanbeings,placinghopefortheirrehabilitationinthem,helpingthemand,ofcourse,sometimescriticizingthem.Thereali…  相似文献   

正Thirteen years ago,a mid-air crash between a U.S.surveillance plane and a Chinese fighter jet off south China’s Hainan Island resulted in the disap-pearance and presumed death of the Chinese pilot.The American plane,severely damaged,was forced to make an emergency landing on the island.A diplomatic row ensued,and bilateral relations plunged to a low point.While the past decade has witnessed an across-the-board expansion in positive Sino-U.S.ties,risks of such  相似文献   

监狱体制改革提出的"全额保障、监企分开、收支分开、规范运行"目标,从体制上、制度上保证监狱刑罚执行功能的充分发挥,也为监狱财务运行明确了顶层设计、目标导向和路径选择。但随着司法体制改革进程的加快,财税政策的新变化,现代监狱行刑效能、运行模式、治理体系和方式都提出了新的更高要求,监狱财务如何研判形势、聚焦问题短板、落实精细治理,真正把监狱体制改革提出的十六字方针贯彻落实到工作实践中,是摆在我们面前的一项重要课题,也是促进现代监狱规范运行的应有之义,更是当前和今后一段时间必须应对的挑战和职能使命。  相似文献   

正From b-boys to Olympic athletesWhen they fell in love with breakdancing,or breaking, these young boys in beanie hats and baggy clothes never could have imagined this fringe cultural offering would one day become a mainstream Olympic sport.Shang Xiaoyu felt star-crossed when breakdancing foot rocked its way into his life.Considered a bad student who frequently skipped class and got into fights with other students in junior middle school,this millennial had no idea how his life could,and would,be changed dramatically by a niche dance genre.Shang was 13.It was a regular day at school when he happened to pass through a classroom where a handful of students were practicing their breaking moves.A mere glance of the scene made him stop in his tracks.This looks super cool,Shang said.I must learn how to do that.  相似文献   

Snowflakes were dancing in Beijing.Several women.dressed in colorful clothes,appeared overly jovial for the wintry weather.They were women deputies on their Wav to the Third Session of the llth National People's Congress(NPC) on the moming of March 8.2010.They had dressed up to celebrate the 100th anniver sary of the International Women's Day.  相似文献   

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