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On January 23, 2004, Cai Zhen-hua, head coach of China National Table Tennis Team and deputy director of the SGAS Table Tennis and Badminton Administrative Center, announced that four athletes were to be dropped from his team. This was big news. Their misdemeanor? Dating their fellow team members.  相似文献   

正A school that hopes to see fewer students With her short hair dyed bright purple,15-year old Du Fangmei is easy to spot in her class.She practiced giving a haircut to a mannequin head as she talked to Beijing Review in her classroom."My hair was dyed by the hairdressing teacher last month," she said in standard Chinese."I like it a lot."  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义法制建设的日益完备,对公安机关的执法质量提出了更高的要求。然而,我国目前的公安教育体制却极大地制约了建设与社会主义法治社会相适应的高素质警察队伍的步伐。我国目前国情决定了公安院校仍需坚持学历教育与在职民警培训共存并重发展的"双轨制"模式。然而面对当前公安学历教育中出现的问题,如教师队伍不完整、课程设置不合理等,如何加强完善公安学历教育的发展成为亟需解决的问题。本文在客观分析各种制衡因素的基础上总结出,公安院校应从领导认识、教师队伍建设、人才培养等多方面探索改革路径,不断深化内涵,加快创新步伐,为公安教育工作的全面发展提供支持与保障。  相似文献   

郭玉华 《青年论坛》2011,(4):126-129
文士与妓女婚恋类题材小说历来是文人写作的热门题材,白行简的《李娃传》与郑若庸的《玉玦记》在故事情节上可谓一脉相承。而二文女主人公的命运却大不相同:李娃被塑造成一个有情有义的妇女,而李娟奴则因其歹毒得到了应该有的报复。促成两者命运差异的原因是多方面的,而男女人物性格、作者和社会等三方面因素是其重点。  相似文献   

CHINAFRICA Short Video Competition enhances mutual understanding The winners of the Second CHINAFRICA Short Video Competition were announced on December 8, 2020, at award ceremonies held simultaneously in Beijing, Cape Town and Dakar. A short video based on the life and work of an African football coach in China won the grand prize.  相似文献   

朱迪斯·巴特勒的性别操演理论自20世纪90年代风靡学术界以来,引起了西方学术界的广泛争论,其中有犀利的批评,也有对其理论的误读。针对于此,朱迪斯.巴特勒本人在对种种批评的回应之中不断修正和丰富自己的理论,陆续推出了一系列著作,形成她对性别乃至一切边缘身份进行思考的动态体系。本文试图追踪朱迪斯.巴特勒性别理论发展的轨迹,以求全面把握其思想发展的动态过程。  相似文献   

北京女子高等师范学校学生李超为争取平等的教育权,与传统家庭不断抗争,不幸病死.这一悲剧经由追悼会、媒体报道逐渐转化成一起公共事件,引发有关妇女命运及其解放的热烈讨论,并由此产生多种文本.而文本制造者的不同性别、身份又导致各自论述中存在某些差异.李超事件的发生,呈现出五四时期社会性别关系的复杂面貌.在诉诸于制度变革之外,妇女解放仍需要女性自主意识的觉醒和女性力量的增强.  相似文献   

IN 1943, Li Shuxian was driven out of her home in Changchun City, Jilin Province in northeast China by Japanese soldiers and as a result had a miscarriage that deprived her of the ability to bear another child. Two years later, she adopted a 3-year-old Japanese orphan, and renamed her Xu Guilan. Says Li Shuxian, "I had mixed feelings at first. What decided me was knowing that Xu Guilan would die if I didn't adopt her, so I overcame my hatred of the Japanese and raised her as my own." Now 81, Li Shuxian  相似文献   

刘欣 《青年论坛》2010,(3):139-142
法国女诗人茱迪特·戈蒂耶的《玉书》是最早的法译中国古诗集之一,在当时的法国乃至欧洲产生了极大影响。在这本书中,茱迪特翻译了六首李清照的作品,并在前言中特别介绍了这位中国最杰出的女词人,给予极高评价。她对李清照的解读与译介既富有浓郁的中国古典气息,又进行了独具匠心的改造,两位不同国度的天才女诗人相隔数百年后,在《玉书》中碰面,并产生了新的火花。  相似文献   

Intensive training is paying off for volunteersAs a teenager, Temelidi Yulia watched the Olympic Winter Games Sochi 2014 on TV at home in Russia. Now, a sophomore student at Tsinghua University’s School of Social Sciences in Beijing, her wish to be involved in the Winter Olympics has come true.  相似文献   

Pitch Perfect     
Reality show hits the highest notes of traditional Chinese music It was percussionist Li Zhuowen’s first appearance on Guoyue Dadian,a reality competition and grand celebration of China’s national music scene.The show’s hashtag has garnered nearly 300 million views on social media platform Weibo.And Li chose to make the most of its engulfing popularity—by making a bold statement.  相似文献   

On the inaugural day of the Lakeview Place ice rink, profes-sional skaters performed a fig-ure skating display for the audi-ence, including some popular skating routines such as The Butterfly Lovers, The Leut Day and The Blue Danube  相似文献   

论池莉20世纪90年代的小说   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘志友 《思想战线》2001,27(5):101-106
池莉20世纪90年代的小说创作表现出鲜明的女性主义特征,它贬斥男性,赞美女性,尤其倡导反抗男权中心主义.为此,她放弃了过去的冷静客观的叙述和"生活流"的展示,用女性主义理想指挥叙事,使她的小说充满了激情.20世纪90年代的池莉已经肯定不是"新写实主义者".  相似文献   

Jan Carol Berris has witnessed a series of events that made history for China-U.S. relations, including ping-pong diplomacy, the exchange of ping-pong players in the 1970s that eased the way for higher-level contact. She has overseen hundreds of American delegations to China and met many from China. She has traveled to China about 100 times with groups and individuals as diverse as a tennis team and a Supreme Court Justice. She is popular among different groups of people in China, who better recognize her C...  相似文献   

政治发展模式是研究俄罗斯政治转型的核心问题.苏联解体后,俄罗斯处于政治转型进程中,其政治发展模式随之经历了激进民主、可控民主、主权民主及延续发展阶段,呈现出权威主义的基本特点.在民主化视阀下探讨俄罗斯的政治发展模式,有助于明晰俄罗斯政治发展的轨迹.  相似文献   

危害税收征管案件侦查是刑事案件侦查的一部分,但它又有其自身特点,即被害人是国家,侦查工作没有来自直接被害单位或被害人的支持、监督和推动。因此,针对税侦工作特点,做好税侦工作,必须加大税侦队伍建设的力度,使这支队伍以良好的素质与形象承担起打击涉税犯罪,维护税收秩序的重任。  相似文献   

Lessons for Life     
Growth of affordable kindergartens has made preschool education more balanced After inspecting the three classes in his kindergarten,Li Ming,head of the preschool institution in Anding,a village in Yunnan Province,southwest China,feels satisfied.  相似文献   

正Young conservationists battle for the survival of China's precious animals When Li Yuhan spotted a snow leopard leisurely sitting on a snow-covered mountain in the Sanjiangyuan area, glancing down at her like an emperor trying to decide if the unexpected guest was actually worth its valuable time, she suddenly understood why the big cat is known as the "king of the snowy mountains."  相似文献   

正The world gets tired of the U.S. ‘Wuhan lab leak' claim ‘They(the U.S.) have been saying that for almost a year. If there is real evidence, then it's the responsibility of the U.S. to share it," Marion Koopmans, a top virologist, told the BBC on May 27, when asked about her opinion on a recent U.S. report claiming it was "plausible" that the coronavirus had been leaked from a Wuhan lab.  相似文献   

本文分析了国民党败退台湾后,在蒋氏父子、李登辉时期的中华民族政策,认为尽管蒋氏父子坚持其反共反人民的立场,但在中华民族整体利益方面的政策措施是值得肯定的,李登辉上台后搞"两个中国",主张"台独",是完全违背中华民族利益的.  相似文献   

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