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After U.S. National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe proclaimed that China is National Security Threat No.1 in a Wall Street Journal article on December 3, 2020, he followed it up with a Fox News interview a few days later, claiming that China is altering DNA of its 2-million-strong military personnel, trying to make them stronger through gene editing.  相似文献   

Nineteen-year-old Liu Zhu shot to fame when he participated in Happy Boys, a talent show on Hunan TV, not for vocal ability, but dressing style.  相似文献   

On November 10, 10 million yuan ($1.5 million) was donated by the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration to the China Women's Development Foundation for setting up the Golden Leaf Fund. The fund will be directly used to support the projects, Water Cellars for Mothers and Health Express Train for Mothers, which will help  相似文献   

<正>A post on social media demonstrating a string of falsehoods published in Chinese textbooks currently used in primary schools has recently gone viral.One example is a story titled Young Thomas Edison Saved His Mother,which appears in textbooks for second grade primary school students.According to the story,when Edison was 7,his mother suffered from acute appendicitis and needed a surgical operation.However,the operation  相似文献   

<正>In March 2011,Xie Sanxiu,a rural woman from Hubei Province,fell to her knees and walked on them in Guangzhou,capital city of Guangdong Province,hugging her ill daughter and begging for money.  相似文献   

Missing the Plot     
When devastating floods struck Zhengzhou in central China in August 2021,BBC journalists reporting on the disaster claimed that they encountered a lot of verbal abuse,both online and in real life.Chinese netizens accused BBC journalist Robin Brant of factual distortion and rumor-mongering at first,but things got slightly more out of hand as they resulted in a standoff between the BBC team and a group of angry locals.A statement issued by the BBC after the happenings claimed that their reporters were attacked by themob.  相似文献   

正Every year during the Spring Festival, a wave of price hikes in various sectors,particularly in service industries like restaurants, hotels, car hailing and car washes, sweeps across China's big cities and this year was no exception.For example, Didi, a mobile transport platform, demanded passengers pay drivers extra  相似文献   

Iran and the U.S.must look for ways to deescalate tensions in the Middle East A U.S.airstrike in Iraq that killed General Qassem Soleimani,head of Iran’s elite Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary GuardCorps(IRGC),hasledtoincreasing tensions in the Middle East.His death came amid recent escalating antagonism between Iran and the U.S.in Iraq,which has become a microcosm of the intensifi ed rivalry between Washington and丁ehran.  相似文献   

The world needs to uphold multilateralism,reinvigorate global governance and promote common prosperity As one of the most influential international forums,the World Economic Forum(WEF)has often been a bellwether for world economic development and global cooperation.As the curtain goes up on the WEF Annual Meeting 2020 in Davos,Switzerland,under the theme of Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World,the meeting will again bring together international elites to discuss approaches to common prosperity on January 21-24.  相似文献   

Swimming has become a popular sport for both young and old in China as it doesn't require complicated equipment and it is easy to get access to water. Even in winter, it is common to see people plunging into the icy waters of a river or lake. But when some people do so without any clothing, controversy arises. This winter, in some places in Lanzhou, in northwest China's Gansu Province, such  相似文献   

Socially disadvantaged groups are currently a hot media topic. Many Chinese people have become wealthy as a result of rapid development that has thrown others into so-called socially disadvantaged groups. Since last year the new CPC leadership, headed by Hu Jintao, has sought to redress this imbalance. Perhaps most pitiful are the orphans left by AIDS victims. Their  相似文献   

正Chinese scientists make history by editing humangenes with new technologyIs it possible for humans to wall off a branch of knowledge that is deemed too dangerous,risky or formidable to pursue?That is what James Burke,the science historian,asked in his 1985 documentary series,The Day the  相似文献   

<正>CHILE Smoke billows from the forest around Valparaiso City on March 13,as a fire threatens to reach the city's pertVENEZUELA Venezuelan Army soldiers take part in an exercise in Puerto Cabello,located northeast of Caracas,on March 14SPAIN Journalists walk along the foot-path 0Caminito del Rey(King's Little Path),a narrow walkway carved into the steep walls of a defile in Ardales on March 15.The 1-meter-wide and 7.7-km-long path will be reopened to the public on March 28  相似文献   

<正>Dear Readers,Forum is a column that provides a space for varying perspectives on contemporary Chinese society.We invite you to submit personal viewpoints on past and current topics(in either English or Chinese).yanwei@bjreview.com Please provide your name and address along with your comments In early January,with solemn music playing in the background,more than 800 teenage students"kowtowed,"or knelt down,in front of their parents in a traditional ritual of  相似文献   

<正>The Internet provides a vehicle for all sorts of news,much of it fabricated,totravel quicklyBefore the release of director Jiang Wen’s new movie Gone With the Bullets in December 2014,the news that he had died blew up online.Vivid and detailed stories of his death abounded,including details of how his family  相似文献   

正The Korean Peninsula can only find peace through negotiations The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK)announced on February 7 the successful launch of Kwangmyongsong-4,an earth observation satelite,into space.Two days later,the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Korea(ROK)confirmed the satellite launched by its northern neighbor had been put into orbit.  相似文献   

正Chinese are contributing more than just money Domestic scenes and actors and actresses can be found in many movies,but the stories remain "Hollywood." China-U.S.co-productions have been more frequent in recent years.Two movies in 2016 represent the budding iconoclastic relationship.The first is the animation Kung Fu Panda 3.The second is The Great Wall,which is the first Hollywood movie with a  相似文献   

正Residents of China’s capital deal with air pollution The Chinese Government has set a stringent standard for the quality of the masks being sold to combat the effects of pollution in Beijing on January 18.The news comes against the backdrop of the unprecedented  相似文献   

<正>The stampede which happened at Chen yi Square in the Bund area of Shanghai on New year’s Eve claimed 36 lives and left the family members of the deceased in deep sorrow.The Bund,a waterfront area in central Shanghai,is a popular destination for New year celebrations,known for its historical architecture and skyscrapers  相似文献   

正Foreign cultural centers thrive in China,as the countryfocuses on globalizing its own imageIs it feasible to enjoy a Romanian concert free of charge in Beijing?Can one take free Romanian-language classes with nativespeaker tutors available in China?Constantin Lupeanu,chief of the Romanian Cultural  相似文献   

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