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<正>When Henry Kissinger enjoyed his first Peking duck in China’s capital 46 years ago,the window shades of the restaurant and the hotel rooms across the road were all drawn,just in case anybody peering in spotted a foreign face.Back then,China was a nation largely closed off to the outside world and the West in particular.Up until that point,Sino-U.S.relations had  相似文献   

WHILE many Westerners would not dream of living in other than Western-style housing, I like to try somethingdifferent. I was lucky enough to find a courtyard situated in a park. Every day,  相似文献   

On February 27, 2004 the CPAFFC held a meeting in Beijing in commemoration of the 32nd anniversary of the issuance of the Shanghai Communique. State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan, Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui, United States Ambassador to China Clark T. Randt, Jr., CPAFFC President Chen Haosu,  相似文献   

Chen Kezhi:a prestigious oil painter and a household name in Chinese fine arts circles,is add- ing luster to the cultural prosperity of the country with his artistic efforts.The latest sensation is over his masterpieces of the Three Gorges area.Since 1996,he has devoted himself to the Three Gorges series.These paintings reproduce the original impression of the Three Gorges area that will never be seen again.The paintings deliver the mystic atmosphere of the orient and the majestic scenery of China.Chen recently sat down with Beijing Review reporter Huang Jun to share his views and experience on these masterpieces.  相似文献   

WorldoftheFuture:TheShanghaiChildren'sPaintingExhibitionBystaffreporterYIDAFORCOUNTLESSyearsChinesepeoplehavebeLieved,alongwi...  相似文献   

MEN of the Yiethnlc groupliving in theLiangshanMountainsof SichuanProvince have for the past 2,000years followed the convention of  相似文献   

Shanghai Museum looks like a magnificent palace at night. Founded in 1952, it boasts some 120,000 pieces, assembling paintings, calligraphy, ceramics, jades and magnificent bronzes, famous throughout the world. Its unique architecture symbolises the ancient Chinese philosophy of a square earth with a round sky above.  相似文献   

ShanghaiThroughtheEyesofforeignersShanghaihasattractedmuchinternationalattentionwithitsdevelopmentthisdecade.AfterDengXiaopin...  相似文献   

June 14-15, 2001-The first Shanghai Cooperation Organization-(SCO) summit is held in Shanghai, involving the presidents of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The six leaders issued a joint statement that announced Uzbekistan's participation in the "Shanghai Five," the launch of the SCO and the Shanghai treaty to crack down on terrorism, separatism and extremism.  相似文献   

The telephone, light bulb, steam engine,levision... many revolutionary new technologies have debuted at World Expos over the past one anda half centuries.  相似文献   

<正>Wang Fumin locates his painting in western China, depicting the residents as his heroes and heroines.Such preference results in a unique quality of strength and spontaneity captured in his art,which fully interprets the soul of western China.  相似文献   

Six-Year-OldBecomestheReincarnatedSoulBoyofthe10PanchenLamaByZHANGZONGInAugust1987,the10thPanchenLamagaveatwo-hourinterviewto...  相似文献   

THE plum blossom, flower of the Prunus mume, is a prominenticon of traditional Chinese culture and one of the most loved subjects in Chinese  相似文献   

TEN years ago, the entire Minhang District occupied 370-square-kilometers of which its urban area covered just 15 square kilometers.Today the Minhang 130-square-kilo-meter urban district tastefully abounds in high-rise buildings, national level in-  相似文献   

<正>The stampede which happened at Chen yi Square in the Bund area of Shanghai on New year’s Eve claimed 36 lives and left the family members of the deceased in deep sorrow.The Bund,a waterfront area in central Shanghai,is a popular destination for New year celebrations,known for its historical architecture and skyscrapers  相似文献   

The 1997 China-US YouthSummit in Commemorationof the 25th Anniversary of theShanghai Communique jointlysponsored by the Chinese Peo-ple's Association for Friendshipwith Foreign Countries(CPAFFC) and the US Interna-tional Association for Ex-changes between the Peoples(USIAEP) was held in Shang-hai from July 28 to August 4,1997. The United States sent a75-member delegation com-  相似文献   

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