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女性主义国际关系理论产生于20世纪80年代中后期。从研究主题的变化看,女性主义国际关系理论的发展大体经历了两个阶段。第一个阶段,挖掘主流范式性别中立背后的性别故事,批判主流范式的男性特征,将妇女与妇女问题引入国际关系;第二个阶段,与主流范式就性别与国际关系、女性主义议题和女性主义方法论等问题展开论争,实现从国际关系的"女性化"到真正性别化的转变。目前,女性主义国际关系理论开启了理论体系和方法伦建构的进程,这是女性主义国际关系理论发展成为成熟理论范式的必由之路。  相似文献   

试论城市化进程中的民族关系及其评价指标体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会主义民族关系的建立,是民族关系史上的一次伟大转折,同时,社会主义时期,又是新型民族关系不断得到巩固和发展的时期。平等、团结、互助、和谐,各民族共同发展繁荣,是社会主义民族关系的本质特征,也是其重要目标指向。现阶段,城市化与新型民族关系的发展具有时代的同步性,在城市化推动下,经过"矛盾冲突多发期"与"和谐相处稳定期",走向"融和",是社会主义民族关系发展的总趋势。应从"民族平等度、民族团结度、民族互助合作度、民族和谐度、民族发展度"五方面建立指标体系,来监测城市化过程中民族关系的发展进程。  相似文献   

2008年5月以来,两岸双方在反对“台独”、坚持“九二共识”的政治基础上,开创了和平发展的新局面。两岸政治关系有所改善,经济关系突飞猛进,然而两岸政治关系的相对滞后已明显妨碍到两岸经济关系的进一步深化。在两岸关系步人“深水区”之后,两岸双方应积极采取有效措施,维护巩固“一中框架”,加强法律制度建设,开启政治对话进程,深化媒体交流合作,努力推进两岸政治关系与经济关系的良性互动,为巩固与深化两岸关系和平发展提供有力保障。  相似文献   

郭金兴 《桂海论丛》2008,24(4):40-42
在市场经济条件下,劳动关系是各种经济关系的基础。中国经济转型使劳动关系发生了重大的变化,劳动关系更加复杂,劳资矛盾和劳资冲突趋向于表面化和常态化,然而劳资冲突的协调机制没有得到相应的发展。其框架和职能基本上只是传统体制的延续。在综合国内外对我国当代劳动关系进行的经验研究的基础上.文章认为经济转型中劳动力市场供大于求是引发劳资矛盾的根本原因,而劳资冲突协调机制存在着制度性缺失。构建和谐的劳动关系将是一个长期的、渐进的过程。  相似文献   

OVER the past 46 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the European Union(EU),bilateral relations have experienced some setbacks,but dialogue and cooperation are the cornerstone of China-EU relations.Sharing broad common interests,their cooperation is greater than competition.The two major civilizations have dialogues and exchanges;they are not institutional rivals.China's 2021 Government Work Report outlines the direction and prospects for the development of Chi-na-EU relations.In the face of major changes unseen in a century,China-EU relations will continue to develop and deepen,which will have a positive and far-reaching impact on the world's political and economic pattern.  相似文献   

Edward Friedman 《当代中国》2013,22(81):367-378
This analysis of the dangerous forces increasingly dynamizing Beijing–Washington relations explains why the usual proposals for increasing the cooperative aspects of USA–PRC relations will not succeed. It builds on the policy analysis and policy proposals of others who understand what a disaster it would be if China–America relations were to continue to grow worse. It makes a suggestion for restructuring the institutions of the international political economy so as to construct fundamental over-lapping interests between America and China. The author finds that without some difficult and basic changes in the relations, worst case outcomes become ever more probable.  相似文献   

两岸关系是在长期的历史过程中,在交往和博弈过程中,所形成的约束两岸人民行为的一种规则。本文是对社会资本理论在两岸关系理论应用的尝试,切入点是社会资本与两岸关系和平发展制度构建之间的关系。要实现两岸关系和平发展,有赖于两岸之间社会资本的塑造,和平发展的两岸关系也为社会资本的重塑提供了良好的机制。一个综合的促进两岸关系和平的社会资本培育框架是政府权威结合社团交往的上下良性互动。正是政府和社团组织的合作和互动,使得两岸关系中的社会资本存量不断提升。  相似文献   

代表人民群众根本利益与正确处理各种利益关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
代表人民群众的根本利益 ,就需要正确处理新时期各种利益关系。利益关系是生产关系的体现 ,实现社会主义现代化建设第三步战略目标的新时期 ,其利益关系表现为多元化和多层次性 ,这是由社会主义初级阶段的生产力发展决定的。努力实践代表人民群众的根本利益就要牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨 ,善于把握符合广大群众根本利益的总体发展方向 ,把人民群众高兴不高兴、满意不满意、答应不答应作为工作的标准  相似文献   

吴熙威 《桂海论丛》2011,27(2):120-124
正确处理好改革、稳定与发展三者间的关系,是搞好一个国家和地区建设的重大战略问题。在新中国60年的历程中,前30年由于没有正确处理好改革、稳定与发展的关系,经历了一个曲折发展时期;后30年由于正确处理了改革、稳定与发展的关系,进入了持续快速发展时期。新中国60年正反两方面的经验教训给我们留下了深刻的历史启示:改革不能脱离实际、稳定是不可或缺的重要环节、发展是长期性和复杂性的统一。  相似文献   

网络主体间的平等是一种虚拟的平等,网络主体间实质存在着网际不对称关系。青少年网络道德失范行为与网际不对称关系有着内在联系。网际不对称关系弱化了对青少年网络行为的约束,降低了网络道德失范的实施成本,从而对品性不良青少年选择网络道德失范形成激励。不同的网际不对称关系诱发不同的网络道德失范行为,必须从“内教”和“外控”两方面着手,才能遏制和减少青少年网络道德失范行为,优化网络运行秩序。  相似文献   

Mingjiang Li 《当代中国》2014,23(86):275-293
One of the most interesting phenomena in contemporary international relations is the growing role of local government entities in forging and intensifying cross-border interactions in the social, economic and cultural arenas. Lamentably, this aspect of international relations, which I conceptualize as local liberalism, has not received sufficient scholarly attention. This paper attempts to fill in the gap by describing and analyzing how local liberalism has played a role in China's relations with Southeast Asia. The paper argues that local governments in Yunnan and Guangxi have played an important and positive role in cementing the relations between China and Southeast Asia. The paper suggests that debunking the China ‘black box’ to examine the different units in China, including the sub-national governments, may provide more useful insights for our understanding of China–Southeast Asian relations.  相似文献   

两岸关系的和平发展与最终实现完全统一的过程,在某种程度上就是两岸关系不断实现机制化,最终形成各方都能够接受的机制性安排的过程。机制化是两岸关系和平发展的必然选择,源于两岸交流交往的强大需求,建立在对增进共同利益的认知和化解利益分歧的需求基础之上。两岸关系机制化既是一种手段、一种过程,也是一种结果。在和平发展的大背景下,两岸关系机制化虽然还会遭遇到一些挑战,但也面临着新的历史机遇。  相似文献   

统一战线的主题是大团结、大联合,其根本任务是争取人心、凝聚力量,归根到底是要增强中华民族凝聚力。要从正确处理政党关系、民族关系、宗教关系、阶层关系、海内外同胞关系等五个方面的关系入手,充分发挥统一战线对增强中华民族凝聚力的重要作用;要充分发挥统一战线的特色与优势,实施统一战线凝聚力工程,凸显“三个导向”,突出“三个重点”。  相似文献   

中共中央总书记胡锦涛在纪念《告台湾同胞书》发表30周年座谈会上发表了重要讲话,提出了开创两岸关系和平发展新局面的六点具体主张。这些主张不仅对祖国大陆改革开放以来30年的两岸关系进行了系统而深刻的总结,而且提出了一系列推动两岸关系和平发展进程的新主张与新论述,是两岸关系和平发展时期祖国大陆对台政策的指导性纲领,将对两岸关系和平发展新局面的开创、两岸互动新局的建构与祖国的和平统一进程产生巨大的推动作用。  相似文献   

Intensifying labour conflict in China has posed a serious challenge to the industrial relations system. Under growing pressure, the Chinese government has sought to reform the system but the results are meagre. Among the supposedly successful cases, the development of collective bargaining in Wenling, Zhejiang province has been hailed as a model of labour relations to be replicated elsewhere. Based on a detailed case study of Wenling, this study aims to analyze the process whereby local government reconstructs the industrial relations system by organizing and incorporating the interest of employers and workers, leading to regularized wage growth and reduced labour dispute. This restructuring, the study argues, is designed to create a functional state corporatist system by means of expanding union representation and instituting tripartite collective bargaining. However, the tensions in the state corporatist structure may still undermine any attempt by the government to reconstruct industrial relations.  相似文献   

地方府际关系是指各级地方政府之间的纵横关系网络,包括地方政府上下级之间的纵向关系和各个地方政府之间的横向关系。改革开放前后,我国地方府际关系的变化促进了我国政治、经济、社会、文化的发展,但也出现了一些问题,解决问题的关键是实现我国地方府际关系的法制化。文章从现阶段我国地方府际关系法制化涉及的主要问题出发,在借鉴西方发达国家地方府际关系法制化基本经验的基础上,探讨了我国地方府际关系法制化的实现途径。  相似文献   

Peter C. Perdue 《当代中国》2015,24(96):1002-1014
Recently, some writers on Chinese foreign relations have argued that the tributary system is a useful concept for describing imperial China's relations with its neighbors, and that it can even serve as a model for the future of international relations in East Asia. An examination of China's historical practice of foreign relations shows that there was no systematic tributary system, but instead multiple relationships of trade, military force, diplomacy and ritual. Furthermore, China's neighbors did not accept the imperial center's definition of hierarchy and subordination, but interpreted ritual relationships in their own way. Even in the 1930s, when scholars invoked Chinese history to advocate peaceful relations, they recognized the importance of military force, colonial settlement and domination in East Asian state relationships. The current myth of the tributary system ignores historical reality and misleads us about China's true position in East Asia and the world.  相似文献   

建国以来,中国共产党在统一战线建设上积累了丰富的经验,主要包括必须围绕党和国家的中心工作,协调好党与非党关系、民族关系、宗教关系、阶层关系、大陆与港澳台及海外同胞关系,实现最广泛的政治联盟。  相似文献   

Jiemian Yang 《当代中国》2002,11(33):657-672
Sino-US relations and cross-Strait relations are always interrelated and so is the US policy towards cross-Strait relations. The United States has taken its global strategic and fundamental national interests as points of departure. The Bush Administration has undergone a cycle of being tough towards China and titling towards Taiwan first and then readjusting towards the middle ground. There are many reasons to explain this change and the events of 11 September stand out very prominently. This change once again proves that once the US put strategic consideration first it will take all the necessary steps to ensure that the Taiwan issue should not be a damaging and/or diverting factor. However, there still exist fundamental differences over the Taiwan issue and the Bush Administration's military-to-military relations with and arms sales to Taiwan are matters of great concern.  相似文献   

中美关系与两岸关系的大格局,决定了美国涉台关系的变化趋势.在政治上,美国乐见国民党连续执政和两岸关系的和平发展,但对于台湾被迫走向统一,存有疑虑,希望及时把握两岸和谈的具体进程.美方对台湾在“国防”、“外交”等领域予以多方面支持的目的,从短期看是同步强化美台关系,维护美国在台海地区的既有利益;从长期看则是增加台湾在两岸谈判中的筹码,谋取美国在台湾问题最终解决方案上的主动权.  相似文献   

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