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China's 14th National Games officially opened in Shaanxi Province on September 15, marking the first time for a province in west China to organize the quadrennial multi-sport event since its inaugural edition in 1959.As the highest-level sporting event in the country, a total of 50 Olympic cham-pions, representing all of the country's provinces, municipalities and autono-mous regions, compete during the athletic extravaganza.With COVID-19 still a major consideration, the National Games' organizing committee devised and implemented comprehensive pandemicprevention regulations, with the goal of zero infections.  相似文献   

正Now that the cult of manufacturing has faded away,Shenzhen explores new development models Surrounded by swathes of deserted factories,containers and various steel structures,a 40-meter grey concrete chimney stands silently in the Shekou Industrial Zone in Shenzhen,south China’s Guangdong Province."Huayi Aluminum  相似文献   

正There are over100million patients of chronic renal disease-a type of kidney disease that causes the body todeplete its protein through urine,a condition known  相似文献   

As the Communist Party of China (CPC) is to convene its 18th national congress later this year, it is yet again time for the Party to reflect on China’s development thus far and find out where the country is going.  相似文献   

<正>A county in north China shakes off poverty by tapping into its potential There’s a well-known saying in Fuping County in Baoding,north China’s Hebei Province,"Ninety percent of Fuping’s land is mountains,5 percent water and 5 percent arable land." It is an apt way of describing the mountainous region.The total amount of arable land in the county is 219,000 mu(14,600 hectares),far from enough for the county’s population of  相似文献   

正A Chinese designer brings Yi embroidery to the world stage Everyday wear like casual shirts, T-shirts,jackets and denim, embroidered with traditional floral and phoenix patterns from the Yi ethnic group, staged a stunning runway show at recent New York Fashion Week, which took place on September 4-11.  相似文献   

Beijing Review:China-Pakistan ties have been very close on many fronts.How do you define the current state of the relationship?Moeed Yusuf:Pakistan and China have a longstanding relationship based on shared interests and mutual trust.There is consensus within Pakistan on strengthening ties with China.Both countries work together and cooperate on a range of issues.Additionally.  相似文献   

<正>Stephen Roach, senior fellow at Yale Law School’s Paul Tsai China Center, and former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and the firm’s chief economist, has been engaging in China-U.S. relationship observations for over 25 years. His new book Accidental Conflict: America, China, and the Clash of False Narratives, published last November, takes this increasingly contentious debate to a new level.  相似文献   

As the world counted down the arrival of 2019,many Chinese business community insiders remembered the famous bet that was about to come to fruition.The story went back to 2013,when at an awards ceremony,Lei Jun,CEO of smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi,proposed a 1-yuan ($0.15)bet that his company's revenue in 2018 would top leading home appliance maker Gree Electric.Not to be outdone, Gree's Chairperson Dong Mingzhu upped the ante to an extravagant 1 billion yuan ($147 million).  相似文献   

正A retired rear admiral turns the tables on online detractors to become the"chief"of millennial When Zhang Zhaozhong took the stage in Hefei Theater in east China’s Anhui Province to give a lecture on November19, 2016, thunderous applause broke out,greeting him like a super star.It wasn’t always like this for the 64-year-old  相似文献   

正Sino-German relations make big strides over the last four decades With the signing of a joint communiqué in Beijing on October 11,1972,the People's Republic of China(PRC) and what was then West Germany officially established diplomatic relations,opening the prelude to the full normalization of relations between the PRC and the West.  相似文献   

鲁钊 《理论月刊》2001,(8):26-29
经验认识以客观世界为认识对象,但它本身并不独立自足,而要以先验认识为其先在预设。先验认识虽可作为经验认识的预设,但它本身亦不自足,需要以超验认识为其预设。超验认识独立自存,是人类认识的终极源泉或基础,亦即知本身,并因之而是判断认识的真假对错的根本尺度。  相似文献   

从90年代以来,我们的报告文学创作一直不太景气,与 80年代中期前后报告文学创作的波澜壮阔形成了令人困惑的强烈对比。关于报告文学的衰退也曾有过种种议论,人们多是从社会学角度寻找原因,这当然不无道理。以真实性为第一生命的报告文学,根本上就是要“报告社会”。但联系创作实践来看,我们却有必要换个角度探讨新时期报告文学的由盛至衰。究其根源,我以为放弃文化观照、离开文化分析、淡化文化意识、缺乏文化深度,是这些年来报告文学走向衰退的一个重要的原因。   80年代我们报告文学创作的辉煌,显而易见是因为走入了文化的世界…  相似文献   

正China attempts to revive inanimate enterprises as part of its structural reformThe final sentence has been written for the shutdown of zombie companies.The Central Economic Work Conference held in December 2015 vowed to resolve industrial overcapacity,wherein a crucial aspect for its success will be the restructuring of zombie companies.Most of those  相似文献   

Li Zhi got two job offers before he even finished his master’s degree at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, one of China’s top universities in Beijing, in July,undoubtedly inspiration to those who are still interviewing. But the 26-year-old was soon plagued with insomnia as he tried to make his final decisi on.  相似文献   

正Efforts intensified to clamp down on fleeing officials China will enhance cooperation with the international community to capture those who fled in fear of being investi-gated for corruption,according to Cao Jianming,Procurator General of the Supreme People’s  相似文献   

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