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January 27 marks the 120th birthday of Soong Ching Ling, one of China’s greatest philanthropists. Her legacy lives on in various grassroots charitable organizations that continue to help the underprivileged.  相似文献   

XINTAI City covers an area of almost 2,000 square kilometers, and houses a population of more than 1.3 million. It is situated in central Shandong Province between Taishan Mountain and Confucius' hometown Qufu, east of the Shandong Peninsula. The Beijing-Shanghai and Harbin-Xintai expressways run through the city. Xintai has ambitious plans to boost its industrial develop-  相似文献   

正FOOD is the most important human necessity and a top priority for policymakers.Recent food safety scandals have severely challenged China’s agricultural exports.Quality and safety,therefore,have become hinge issues in Chinese agriculture.In the face of international competition and cooperation,the local government of Shandong Province is improving  相似文献   

Over the past year, I have been intrigued with the thought of going to Qingzhou to see the museum and the site where the Qingzhou Buddhas were discovered. Finally I bought an overnight train ticket - destination -Qingzhou!  相似文献   

SPEAKING to Geng Yanbo, the new mayor of Datong, it is difficult not to be swept up by his enthusiasm for the history of his city. And it is that enthusiasm which a majority of the city's residents agree also accounts for Geng's unique approach to modernizing Datong while preserving its long cultural heritage. Looking about, the evidence of that commitment is everywhere, from the newly opened shops to ihe freshly paved roads. Since being transferred in March from Taiyuan to Datong to become acting mayor and deputy secretary of the Municipal Committee of the CPC, Geng has acted resolutely to turn this industrious coal town into a cultural showpiece.  相似文献   

Acity with such a brilliant history is bound to have charm. Nanjing, capital of the Republic of China (1912-1949), has mystique, elegance, refinement, and melancholy, says Pan Feng, 59, a retired middle school history teacher. Every morning, Pan goes to Dazhong Pavilion at Gulou to do taiii exercises and listen to Peking  相似文献   

正THE Chinese government has recently launched antimonopoly probes against foreign corporate giants such as Microsoft,Mercedes-Benz and Audi.Some Western media outlets have interpreted the investigations as suppression of foreign enterprises.Although expected,these reactions are unreasonable in the light of evidence.China’s restrictions on monopolies are no more extreme than those practiced by other major economies,and in some ways are more lenient.When foreign companies violate laws,the Chinese government is obliged to step in  相似文献   

CHINA'S three most visited cities each offer a distinct experience: Beijing is the central witness of the creation and growth of the People's Republic, Shanghai is the nation's pulsating 21 st century metropolis, while Xi'an is China's living monu- ment to the country's ancient past.  相似文献   

Bird's Nest     
The “Bird‘s Nest” was jointly designed by Herzog and De Meuron and the China Architecture Design Institute. It has been both acclaimed and decried.  相似文献   

CHINA's individual agricultural economy based on private ownership was transformed into cooperative economy based on public ownership between 1949 and ' 1956. During this time span the "communistic commune;" the "col ective farm"and the "people's commune" successively appeared in rural areas. In 1958, shortly after Chairman Mao Zedong said, "It is good to establish people's communes," the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China established people's communes throughout the country. Documents at that time stated: "The realization of communism in our country is not a thing of remote future. We must actively establish people's communes and explore a concrete way to communism." By the end of October 1958, more than 26,000 people,s communes housing 120 million rural households -- 99 percent of all rural households in China - had been set up.  相似文献   

LANGZHONG in Sichuan Province has been called a fairyland since it came into beling 2,300 years ago. One of the best preserved ancient cities in China, this southwestern treasure has been dubbed a functioning fossil of the region's hoary past, and traces of its significant conjunctions with Chinese history are very much present. It was first recorded as the capital city of the minor regime of Ba during the Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.).  相似文献   

CLIMATE change is a grave chal- lenge facing humanity in the 21st century, and one to which the Chinese government has attached great importance. It is a key strategy and a resolute policy of the government to actively tackle this issue for the sake of China’s economic and social development. China will continue to take action and make positive contributions in the fight against climate change.  相似文献   

MA'ANSHAN is a young industrial city nestled in lush terrain - half mountainous and half water - in eastern Anhui, on the border with Jiangsu Province. Fifty years ago, it was still a desolate fishing village, with some 50 families living by the side of the lower reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River.  相似文献   

Beijing‘s hutong are a distinct facet of its historic sites and treasures. To senior residents, they mark the dynastic passage of time in their capital home.  相似文献   

在中国湖北省,有这样一座城市:这里诞生了楚文化,屈原曾在此写下忧国忧民的绝唱,自古就是兵家的必争之地。它就是中国历史文化名城——荆州。  相似文献   

浙江余姚是历史文化名城,有丰富的历史遗产和深厚的文化底蕴。近年来,余姚市台办充分利用这一资源,在做台湾人民工作方面进行了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

CHANGZHI City,on theTaihang Mountains,is acity of great heroes bothmythicalandmodern.Im-buedwithancientCentral  相似文献   

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