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In a period of 13 months, three separate incidents of lethal carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in closed car wash bays resulted in the deaths of 4 white men aged 20 to 36 years. Each man appears to have been intoxicated with mind-altering substances, which may impair judgment, perception of outside conditions, and self-awareness. All four died in winter months. For three men, the deaths were ruled accidental, and for the remaining man, the previous deaths appear to have provided a model for suicide. Warning signs may not be effective to prevent future CO deaths in car washes because of the possible role of intoxication. Mechanical or electronic methods to prevent a bay door from closing completely may be preferable.  相似文献   

We report a case of homicide due to intravenous mercury injection followed by meperidine and sodium cyanide injection. A 35-year-old woman was found dead in bed at home by her husband. Reportedly, she had been sick for more than 5 months. Initial death investigation revealed no evidence of foul play. Her death was believed to be natural. Therefore, her body was buried without an autopsy. Two months after death, her family requested an autopsy because they suspected her physician husband killed her. Her body was exhumed, and an autopsy was performed. Postmortem examination revealed numerous metallic mercury globules in the pulmonary arteries. Toxicological analysis revealed a high concentration of mercury in the tissue samples of the lungs, liver, heart, and kidney. In addition, cyanide and meperidine were also found in the heart and liver. The detailed case history and postmortem examination findings are described.  相似文献   

Death as a consequence of cocaine abuse is continuing to increase in all parts of the United States. Cocaine use may cause the development of psychosis, with subsequent expression of suicidal ideations, and potentially even successful suicide. Cocaine dependence may also cause depression in the individual who is unable to control his or her craving for the drug, and suicide may be perceived as the only solution to a desperate problem. Despite the dramatic escalation of cocaine abuse and the potential toxicity of this drug, there have been no reports within the United States of cocaine being used as the agent to accomplish a suicide. Herewith are reported three cases in which depression and desperation over cocaine dependence were the motivations for successful suicide, which was accomplished through the intravenous injection of cocaine to the point of death. True cocaine suicide is probably only identified through the presence of objective scene information that unequivocally proves suicidal intent, such as notes or letters which contain information to this effect. A careful search of the scene of death in cocaine fatalities is mandatory, and diligent application of routine scene investigation principles may reveal that suicide through the use of cocaine is more widespread than first appearances would suggest.  相似文献   

This study analyzed 237 fatal ground-level falls occurring in decedents aged 65 years or older reported to the Seattle-King County Medical Examiner's Office during the year 2007. Head injuries accounted for 109 (46%) of the deaths, and nonhead injuries accounted for 128 (54%) of the deaths. Falls occurred in similar locations in both groups. Compared with those of nonhead injuries, decedents of head injuries were younger (82 vs 87.5 years), were more often male (58% vs 45%), died sooner after their injury (9 days vs 23 days), and were more likely treated with anticoagulants, especially warfarin (48% vs 16%). Subdural hematoma was the most common specific traumatic lesion, occurring in 86% of the decedents of head injury; skull fractures occurred in 13%. Decedents of head injury who were treated with anticoagulants, on average, sustained less severe head injury than those who were not treated with anticoagulants.  相似文献   

Deaths due to decapitation are rare in civilian populations. A study in South Australia over 17 years from January 1986 to December 2002 revealed 20 cases (age range, 14 to 72 years; average, 30.7 years; male to female ratio, 15:5). There were 13 suicides consisting of 11 train-related deaths (age range, 14 to 72 years; average, 31.3 years; male to female ratio, 10:1), 1 hanging death, and 1 death using a ligature and a motor vehicle. Five cases related to motor vehicle crashes (age range, 19 to 46 years; average, 30.2 years; male to female ratio, 1:4) and 2 were associated with industrial trauma. Suicidal decapitation accounted for <1% of total suicides and showed a striking male predominance, with the favored method involving trains.  相似文献   

Laboratory investigation of deaths due to anaphylaxis.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
To establish a useful laboratory protocol to investigate possible cases of fatal anaphylaxis, we measured mast-cell-derived tryptase levels and allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody levels in sera obtained prior to or within 24 h after death from 19 anaphylaxis victims. Elevated serum tryptase levels (range = 12 ng/mL to 150 micrograms/mL) were found in nine of nine Hymenoptera sting fatalities, six of eight food-induced fatalities, and two of two reactions to diagnostic therapeutic agents. Tryptase levels were normal (less than 10 ng/mL) in 57 sequential sera obtained postmortem from six control patients. Tryptase could not be measured in pleural or pericardial fluids for technical reasons. Serum IgE antibodies were elevated in five of the nine Hymenoptera sting fatalities and in eight of the eight fatal food reactions; assays were unavailable for the two diagnostic/therapeutic agents. If elevated, the victim's serum IgE antibodies to food could be used to identify allergens in uneaten portions of foods consumed shortly before the anaphylactic event. IgE antibodies were moderately stable during storage in a variety of anticoagulants at room temperature for up to 11 weeks. Elevated mast-cell-derived tryptase levels in postmortem sera reflect antemortem mast cell activation and may be used as a marker for fatal anaphylaxis. If assays are available for IgE antibodies to relevant allergens, such assays provide evidence for antemortem sensitization; these assays may be modified to identify allergens in foods consumed by victims of food-induced anaphylaxis.  相似文献   

This article describes 15 cocaine associated deaths in Utah in a 3 1/2-month period in early 1984, compared to 6 cocaine associated deaths for all of 1983. Brief case histories of the 15 cases are presented along with data on age, sex, county of death, cause of death, association of the cocaine with the death, cocaine analytical methodology, and a summary of cocaine concentrations in blood and urine. In four of the cases, cocaine by injection was the cause of death, whereas the other cases had cocaine or metabolite detected incidentally. The epidemiology of a single, well-defined cocaine source is described and related to this transient, remarkable increase in cocaine associated deaths.  相似文献   

Nine people died of traumatic asphyxia due to an uncontrolled crowd at a community basketball game in New York City in 1991. We reviewed the circumstances, postmortem findings, and the causes of death. The majority of people had petechiae of the conjunctivae and face consistent with chest compression. There were minimal superficial blunt injuries and no fractures or acute intoxications. These deaths are often incorrectly attributed to blunt force injuries, while the cause typically is asphyxia due to chest compression.  相似文献   

A prospective study of 161 victims of falls from height is reported. The aim was to determine the interest of systematic qualitative and quantitative toxicological analysis in such fatalities. The primary cause of death was suicide (84.5%), followed by accidents (7%) and homicide (1%). In the remaining 7.5%, cause of death was undetermined. In the suicides, there was evidence of psychotropic medicines in 57% of the observations, with a much higher proportion of benzodiazepines and antidepressants in women than in men. Quantitative toxicologic analysis showed overdosing on medication in 16 suicide victims, with toxic levels in 11 of these. Systematic qualitative and quantitative toxicologic analysis made a significant contribution to the diagnosis of suicide by revealing either an unknown psychiatric treatment or a toxic level.  相似文献   

Diagnostic dilemma of sudden deaths due to acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sudden death due to acute pancreatitis has been rarely determined. A review of 3305 autopsies performed between 1991 and 2001 at the Council of Forensic Medicine found 12 cases (0.36%) with sudden death due to acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis without symptoms. A history of chronic alcohol ingestion was obtained from family in four cases (33%), and no stones were found in the bile ducts or in the gall bladders. During the autopsies, hemorrhage and edema were localized on the head of the pancreas in three cases and the whole pancreas in nine cases. The most common extrapancreatic pathology was found in the lung including pulmonary edema, alveolar hemorrhage, pleural effusion, and pulmonary congestion. There was no correlation between pulmonary and pancreatic damage. It is suggested that the forensic pathologists who are dealing with sudden unexpected death must not ignore the examination of pancreatic and extrapancreatic regions to avoid missing acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Streptococcal organisms, part of the normal human bacterial flora, occasionally become infectious pathogens responsible for a wide array of clinical syndromes, ranging from mild pharyngitis to death. Notably, infections due to group A and group B beta-hemolytic strains are well known for causing invasive disease leading to death. These deaths, while often suspected clinically, occasionally are not diagnosed until autopsy. We present 3 rapid deaths, with very different presentations, due to streptococcal infection. Two decedents experienced sudden deaths due to pneumonia and severe meningoencephalitis caused by group B beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection, a common cause of neonatal meningitis but only rarely reported in nonpregnant adults. The final case involves a 69-year-old male who presented to the emergency room with a complaint of shoulder pain but over the next several hours developed signs of necrotizing fasciitis, became septic, and died. While antemortem cultures were negative, owing to antibiotic administration, postmortem cultures of bone and deep soft tissue were positive for group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus sp. Acute and sudden deaths due to infectious etiology represent an uncommon yet well-documented occurrence. The importance of appropriate postmortem cultures in these situations and a review of the literature will be discussed.  相似文献   

Death due to heroin overdose and/or rapid injection of heroin is a frequent occurrence among opioid addicts. We present an unusual case of heroin fatality due to the injection of the drug in the penis. Blood, urine, bile, and vitreous humor concentrations of morphine were 0.68, 0.49, 0.32 and 0.062 microg/ml, respectively. Ethanol was detected at concentrations of 104, 124, 106, and 94 mg/dl in the blood, urine, bile, and vitreous humor, respectively. The cause of death was determined to be due to heroin and ethanol intoxication.  相似文献   

Neglect, defined as the failure of a caregiver to adequately provide safety, food, clothing, shelter, education, protection, medical/dental care, and supervision for a child in his/her care, is a relatively uncommon but important cause of child mortality. A retrospective review of pediatric deaths (age 18 years or less) referred to the Medical University of South Carolina Forensic Pathology Office for autopsy over the past 25 years revealed 16 deaths due to some type of pediatric neglect. Cases were analyzed as to age, sex, race, cause and manner of death, autopsy findings, ancillary studies, past medical history, social/family history, and caregiver. Six cases of malnutrition/starvation and/or dehydration were identified, composing the most common cause of death in the neglect cases identified and the majority of the homicides due to neglect. Other deaths in which neglect contributed significantly included toxic ingestions (2 cases), hyper-/hypothermia (2 cases), unusual drowning/aspiration (4 cases), electrocution (1 case), and delayed/absent medical therapy (2 cases, including one of the previously mentioned ingestions). Of these additional cases, 7 were certified as accidental manner, 2 as natural, and 1 as a homicide. Cases which fell into a "gray zone" in which the appropriateness of invoking neglect was a matter of opinion or societal convention were excluded from the review; examples included conventional accidental drowning, choking on food or aspiration of foreign body, overlying/wedging during sleep, accidental hanging, and motor-vehicle traffic accidents (pedestrians, unrestrained passengers). The findings of this review reinforce the fact that malnutrition/starvation and dehydration compose the most common form of lethal pediatric neglect while highlighting less common forms of neglect and the difficulty of determining manner of death in cases in which neglect plays a more questionable role than in seemingly clear-cut malnutrition/starvation and dehydration cases. We demonstrate the typical victim and scenario that investigators will encounter in cases of fatal pediatric neglect, often a child under the age of 1 year who has been deprived of food and/or drink for some time, or an older, more independently mobile child who has not been adequately supervised. These children may or may not have a demonstrable prior history of maltreatment or (nonfatal) neglect, and review of medical records is an important part of the investigation. We additionally discuss key gross autopsy findings, appropriate specimen collection, helpful ancillary studies, microscopic findings of significance, potential mimickers of neglect, and other special considerations in cases of pediatric neglect.  相似文献   

We reviewed all 87 deaths from the Happy Land Social Club fire. All deaths were due to smoke inhalation. The carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) concentrations ranged from 37 to 93% with a mean of 76.5%. The vast majority (97%) of the decedents had a COHb concentration over 50%. Cyanide blood concentrations ranged from 0 to 5.5 mg/L with a mean of 2.2 mg/L. Nine decedents had no cyanide detected, and seven had cyanide concentrations of less than 1 mg/L. Fewer than one third of the decedents had thermal injuries, and most were partial thickness burns involving less than 20% body surface area. Ethanol was detected in 72% of decedents with a range of 0.01 to 0.29 g% and a mean blood concentration of 0.11 g%. Cocaine or cannabinoid use was identified in 9% of the decedents. All decedents were visually identified, and all had soot in the airway extending to the major bronchi. Carboxyhemoglobin concentrations corresponded well with deaths from smoke inhalation. Cyanide concentrations did not correspond with the extent of smoke inhalation, and the role of cyanide in contributing to these deaths is doubtful. Hydrogen chloride inhalation, as evidenced by comparison of the pH of tracheal mucosa to controls, was not a factor.  相似文献   

Cholesterol estimations were performed on blood collected postmortem from a group of subjects coming to autopsy and showing that they had had a high risk for hypercholesterolaemia, and from an unselected group of subjects dying in hospital. Subjects from the first group had apparently been healthy, aged less than 45 years, had had no known risk factors for hyperlipidaemia, and showed extensive coronary artery atheroma (stenosis greater than 50% by diameter). Eleven cases from 485 consecutive autopsies fulfilled these criteria; three showed considerable hypercholesterolaemia (11.2, 11.8, and 21.6 mmol/L). Family studies confirmed the diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia in one case; the other two remain unproven. Cholesterol measurement by cholesterol oxidase and quinoneimine dye production is subject to interference by haemolysis; provided that serum haemoglobin is less than 200 mg/dl, the cholesterol underestimate is less than 5%. The decline in serum cholesterol in the group of unselected subjects was 1.7 (0.3-4.9) mmol/L, 50.4 (28-84) h postmortem. Results are means and ranges for seven subjects. Measurement of cholesterol in serum obtained postmortem (provided that the sample is not grossly haemolysed) is a valid approximation of antemortem levels: this measurement should be made when autopsy reveals evidence of premature coronary heart disease. If hypercholesterolaemia is discovered, the diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia, a common genetic disorder inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, should be considered and appropriate family studies instituted.  相似文献   

Fatal intravenous injection of monooctanoin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monooctanoin, a hydrophobic solvent, is used clinically to dissolve gallstones via intrabiliary infusion. We report a therapeutic misadventure in which an intravenous injection of the drug resulted in respiratory and cardiac arrest and death. Autopsy findings included pulmonary lipid embolization, detection of monooctanoin in the lung parenchyma, and histopathological evidence of multifocal pulmonary hemorrhagic infarcts. Respiratory compromise has been observed in the standard treatment of patients. In addition, deaths in laboratory animals have been attributed to hemorrhagic pneumonitis. This case illustrates the potential adverse effects of the inappropriate administration of monooctanoin.  相似文献   

Prolapse rectum (PR) or protrusion of the rectum beyond the anus occurs frequently in populations at both extremes of age. In the pediatric population, in developed countries, the commonest cause for PR is thought to be cystic fibrosis (CF). Treatment options for CF include conservative management, surgical resection and fixation, suturing, and injection sclerotherapy (IS). The last is considered an attractive treatment option because it is minimally invasive. In this case report, the authors present the details about a 2-year-old female child, with PR and CF, who died after IS, using phenol as the sclerotherapeutic agent. Autopsy findings and toxicology tests performed to establish phenol toxicity are documented. The available literature is reviewed. This case report underscores the risks of using phenol for IS and emphasizes the point that the procedure is not innocuous and an adverse outcome including fatality is a possibility.  相似文献   

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