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前东欧国家共产党党内民主建设的教训与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东欧各国共产党在执政的近半个世纪里,对党内民主进行了理论思考,并在实践中进行了初步探索。但这种探索是不成功的,留下了诸多教训。总结这些教训,对社会主义国家的执政党不无启迪。  相似文献   

中国共产党党校工作条例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第一章总则 第一条为适应中国特色社会主义事业发展的要求,进一步完善中国共产党党校教育体系,推进党校工作的科学化、规范化、制度化,根据<中国共产党章程>、<中华人民共和国公务员法>和有关法律法规,结合党校工作实际,制定本条例.  相似文献   

对共产党执政规律认识的深化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深入地研究共产党的执政规律、社会主义建设规律和人类社会发展规律,初步论述 了共产党执政的“八个规律”  相似文献   

Scully  Gerald W. 《Public Choice》1997,90(1-4):311-324
Despite greater rates of capital accumulation, per capita growth rates among Third World nations (particularly, Africa) are much lower than among the advanced, capitalist nations. In this paper I examine the critical roles of the rule space and policy on economic growth. Empirically, nations with poor institutions and policies grow at about a fifth of the rate of nations with good institutions and policies.  相似文献   

苏东剧变之后,发达国家共产党出现严重衰落迹象,面临生存危机。其原因在于,一方面,随着战后以来发达资本主义国家生产方式、阶级结构、经济政治和社会生活以及政治力量的变化,发达国家共产党原有的阶级基础和依靠力量均遭到削弱;另一方面,苏联的长期控制和影响以及发达国家共产党自身的教条僵化,导致反应滞后,未能及时应变和创新。其经验教训在于,必须根据时代变化和本国国情,走独立自主的发展道路,不断巩固和扩大党的阶级和群众基础。  相似文献   

While the study of transitional justice, and especially truth commissions, has gained in popularity over the past two decades, the literature is overwhelmingly focused on activities in democratizing states. This introduces a selection bias that interferes with proper analysis of causes and consequences of transitional justice on a global scale. In this paper, I discuss conditions under which new repressive elites, and even old repressive elites who survive to rule and repress in nominally new systems, may choose to launch broad investigations of the past. I argue that such a decision is based on two primary considerations, the presence of internally or externally based incentives (e.g., foreign aid) and the level of political control enjoyed by old elites in the new system. I apply this argument to post-Soviet Central Asia, including a detailed case study of Uzbekistan’s 1999 truth commission based on domestic media analysis and local elite interviews.
Brian GrodskyEmail:

Referendums are regularly criticised for reducing complex policy decisions to two maximally opposed options. This reduces opportunities for voter expression and can polarise debates. Alternative referendum designs which present more than two ballot options can offer innovative opportunities, but also raise new challenges. We can benefit by learning from previous experiences with multi-option referendum voting. Discussions of such experiences are rare and have often focussed on a limited number of cases. This article provides an overview of over 100 multi-option referendum experiences around the world. It discusses the topics on which they were held and the ballot options that were offered. It then analyses the variety in ballot design in terms of questions posed and voting methods applied. Drawing on the experiences of multi-option referendums, the article concludes with lessons that can be learned in relation to initiating and designing these referendums.  相似文献   

Eric D. Miller 《Society》2012,49(4):367-371
This paper offers a critical review and reflection of the 1991 University of Iowa shootings. Gang Lu, a disgruntled Iowa graduate student, was initially angered over perceived slights he was receiving from his academic department. When he felt that his concerns were left unanswered by the University, he decided to seek revenge on those whom he felt were responsible. In doing so, he murdered five individuals and paralyzed another before taking his own life. This paper seeks to reflect on these shootings twenty years after the occurrence and to offer a discussion of some of the larger societal themes raised by this tragedy.  相似文献   

Participant observation of institution building in a public sector organization in Kenya provides a basis for a critical discussion of key facets of the institution-building process. Problems identified include: flawed needs assessments; overambitious project designs; poor selection and briefing of consultants; and countervailing vested interests on the parts of external agents. Recommendations include narrowing the gap between development rhetoric and reality; more careful project formulation; greater emphasis on in-house training; more careful selection of project team leaders; and the provision of funding for post-project sustainability evaluations.  相似文献   

一百年来,中国共产党带领人民从革命到建设再到改革开放,为实现共产主义价值理想和社会主义价值目标,无数共产党人以鲜血和生命熔铸出爱国、牺牲、奉献等核心价值观,在各个阶段分别形成了独具时代感的价值体系。在中国共产党百年价值体系的发展与演变中,能准确窥见其价值观"变"与"不变"的演进逻辑。"变"是现实赋予价值体系以新思想和新内涵的客观要求,"不变"是中国共产党对立党初心与历史使命的执着坚守。作为中国共产党价值体系百年变迁的现实成果,社会主义核心价值观是革命理想主义价值体系在"正-反-合"辩证逻辑发展中的价值传承与思想创新,也是革命理想主义价值体系在新时代的升级版本。  相似文献   

执政党转型过程中工会组织地位作用的变化和改革开放以来我国政治经济生活发生的重大变化有关,即市场经济对我国阶级阶层分化的影响;党和政府的战略方针的重大变化;中国共产党由革命党到执政党的转变以及由此产生的政党和工会组织之间关系的变化。  相似文献   

Major disasters represent infrequent events that often require response organizations to vicariously learn from the experiences of others in order to improve their operations. A primary mechanism for such knowledge diffusion is the different practitioner and empirical journals for the organizational fields that comprise disaster response. A review of the literature for the law enforcement field, however, reveals that little attention is given to how these organizations manage actual disasters. In particular, the presentation of organizational experiences, whether through case studies or other methodologies, is very limited in the practitioner and empirical literature of this field. This represents a considerable problem for improvements of disaster response operations given that law enforcement agencies represent a key component in such efforts. The research presented in this article is an effort to fill this knowledge gap and thereby facilitate organizational learning to improve future law enforcement disaster response activities. The authors traveled to Mississippi and Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina to examine the response efforts of state and local law enforcement agencies to the storm. The findings from this research are reported here in a lessons‐learned format to inform law enforcement disaster response policy.  相似文献   

Crowdsourcing has proliferated across disciplines and professional fields. Implementers in the public sector face practical challenges, however, in the execution of crowdsourcing. This review synthesizes prior crowdsourcing research and practices from a variety of disciplines and focuses to identify lessons for meeting the practical challenges of crowdsourcing in the public sector. It identifies three distinct categories of crowdsourcing: organizations, products and services, and holistic systems. Lessons about the fundamental logic of process design—alignment, motivation, and evaluation—identified across the three categories are discussed. Conclusions drawn from past studies and the resulting evidence can help public managers better design and implement crowdsourcing in the public sector.  相似文献   

Beginning in 1971, Malaysia took unprecedented steps to improve the welfare of ethnic Malays vis-à-vis the country's large Chinese minority. The programs included quotas in education, employment, and ownership, as well as a variety of subsidies, credit schemes, and political measures. The circumstances were favorable: The disadvantaged ethnic group was a majority and held the political reins, and soaring export prices generated much new growth to redistribute. But enormous efforts at “affirmative action” led to only marginal changes in the interethnic distribution of income. Malaysia's new policies reduced racial inequalities less than one might have hoped, but they also had fewer bad effects on economic efficiency and political stability than one might have feared.  相似文献   

The article reviews the lessons learned from a systematic comparison of the policy cases in France and Germany, presented in the previous articles, for building a theory of feminist policy formation and for the design of effective policy in this new arena of government action. It assesses the relative impact of Europeanization and different contextual factors found in each national setting—gender policy regimes, state–society relations, political party influences, structure of the state, women's movement mobilization, women's policy offices, and the role of women in political office. The analysis concludes the symposium with a reflection upon these findings in terms of our knowledge and under‐standing of feminist policy and the responsiveness of Western postindustrial democracies to demands for social justice and equality.  相似文献   

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