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This study examined victim and assault characteristics and the nature and extent of coercion, violence, and physical injuries among adult male victims of sexual assaults. Client records of three groups presenting to a sexual assault care center were included: males assaulted by a stranger (n = 64), males assaulted by an acquaintance (n = 81), and females assaulted by an acquaintance (n = 106). Study results revealed that male victims of sexual assault tended to be young, single men who reported high rates of vulnerabilities such as homelessness and physical, psychiatric, and cognitive disabilities. Male stranger assailant victims were more likely to experience assaults involving weapons and physical violence. Injuries sustained by victims and services delivered at the sexual assault care center were similar for both male and female clients. The results of this study reveal new information about violence in male sexual assaults and the vulnerability of the male victims.  相似文献   

目的研究胶东半岛地区成年男性的颅骨、肩胛骨、髋骨与身高的关系,评价其在法医学应用中的价值。方法收集近年在胶东半岛地区的95具成年男性完整骸骨,测量个样本颅围、肩胛骨、髋骨相关测量指标。对测量所得数据进行统计学回归分析,并进行显著性检验。结果所有指标的相关系数在0.297-0.626之间;相关系数为0.297时,P〈0.01,其余均为P〈0.001;对各指标数值分别进行回归分析,得出7个回归方程;其中颅围的标准误差最大(4.62),髋骨误差最小(3.97-4.02);髋骨和肩胛骨的左侧分别比其相应右侧和左右侧平均值标准误差更小,尤以髋骨左侧的标准估计误差为甚(3.97)。回归系数的t值在3.479-6.547之间,t值为3.479时,P〈0.01,其余均为P〈0.001。结论本文建立头颅或肩胛骨或髋骨相关测量指标回归方程具有一定的实用价值,可在实际办案中选用。  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship between psychopathology and outcome measures of degree of victim violence and history of violence. The best predictor of degree of victim violence was an interaction between hopelessness and perception of external control, suggesting the importance of comorbidity in predicting violence severity. Contrary to many studies, an inverse relationship was found, indicating that those with greater psychopathology inflict less violence on their victims.  相似文献   

The acetabular region is often present and adequately preserved in adult human skeletal remains. Close morphological examination of the 242 left male os coxae from the identified collection of Coimbra (Portugal) has enabled the recognition of seven variables that can be used to estimate age at death. This paper describes these variables and argues their appropriateness by analyzing the correlation between these criteria and the age, the intra- and interobserver consistence, and the accuracy in age prediction using Bayesian inference to estimate age of identified specimens. Results show significant close correlation between the acetabular criteria and age, nonsignificant differences in intra- and interobserver test, and 89% accuracy in Bayes prediction. Obtained estimated age of the specimens had similar accuracy in all ages. These results indicate that these seven variables, based on the acetabular area, are potentially useful to estimate age at death for adult specimens.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to combine morphoscopic and metric analyses to assess variation in nasal aperture size and shape of black and white South Africans. Thirteen landmarks were digitized from the bony nasal region of 152 crania using an electromechanic instrument for geometric morphometric (general procrustes analysis) and craniometric analyses. Elliptical Fourier analysis was used to assess shape of the nasal aperture via outlines applied through photographs. Both principal component and discriminant function analyses were applied to these statistical methods. Black South Africans were classified 95-96% correctly and white South Africans were classified 91-94% correctly. In a four-way analysis of sex and ancestry, classification accuracy ranged from 56 to 70%. Most misclassifications were between the sexes within each group which suggests an absence of sexual dimorphism. This study found that there is quantifiable variation in shape of the nasal aperture between black and white South African groups using all three statistical methods. In forensic application, standard craniometrics can be used to accurately classify an unknown person.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the impact of victimization on substance use treatment motivation and the potential role of adult attachment and peer support, with a sample of 149 justice-involved individuals participating in a jail-based substance treatment program. Results of mediation analyses indicated that attachment anxiety mediated the relationship between victimization and problem recognition and desire for help; more victimization was associated with higher levels of attachment anxiety, which in turn predicted greater problem recognition and desire for help. Attachment avoidance mediated the association between victimization and desire for help, wherein more victimization was associated with more attachment avoidance, which in turn predicted a greater desire for help. Moderation analyses indicated that peer support moderated the relationship of attachment anxiety with desire for help, but not with problem recognition. For those perceiving high peer support, individuals with high attachment anxiety tended to report a greater desire for help; for those with low peer support, attachment anxiety did not predict desire for help. Clinicians might consider the role of attachment in treatment planning, particularly for those with a history of victimization. Treatment programs might benefit from cultivating an atmosphere of peer support while enabling and subsequently increasing the willingness for treatment.  相似文献   

Official demographic and offense history data (n = 362) and confidential self-report data on paraphilic interests and behavior (n = 221) obtained on adult males convicted of sexual offenses against children were analyzed. Considerable criminal diversity was observed, with all standard categories of offenses represented in offenders' criminal histories. Most (86%) of the offenders' previous convictions were for nonsexual offenses, and most (92%) of the recidivist offenders had previously been convicted of at least one nonsexual offense. The prevalence of diagnosable paraphilias was low, with only 5% meeting formal diagnostic criteria for multiple (two or more) paraphilias other than pedophilia. Sexual offenders' paraphilic interests were unrelated to the extent of their sexual offense convictions but were significantly related to the extent of their nonsexual offense convictions. The results are better explained by a general theory of crime than by traditional clinical conceptions linking sexual offenses specifically with sexual psychopathology.  相似文献   

身份与共同犯罪关系散论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林亚刚 《法学家》2003,(3):55-61
在共同犯罪中有关犯罪人的身份是争议比较大的问题之一,我国刑法理论上对此的观点林林总总,难以形成一致的看法.本文主要对争议较大,影响共同犯罪成立的纯正身份犯、不纯正身份犯的若干问题进行了探讨,在研究中提出了法律身份与自然身份在具体案件中的理解,并对受身份影响犯罪的法律性质和刑事责任问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

代表与选民的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
温辉 《现代法学》2001,23(2):87-92
代议制民主是由选民选出的代表行使权力的间接民主。因此,代表与选民的关系就成为代议制民主不能回避的一个问题。本文通过对代表与选民关系的各种学说的分析与评价,提出委托说更符合代议制民主机理的观点,并认为委托说同样适用于我国人民代表大会制度。  相似文献   

考察诉审关系必须放在控辩审三方格局的整体背景之下,理想的诉审关系要求审判者与起诉者所主张的利益无涉;要求审判者与冲突双方保持同等的距离,不偏不倚;要求审判者高于冲突双方,在诉讼程序进程与实体争议解决中居主导地位。我国相关制度的改革也要在理想的诉审关系格局之内进行。  相似文献   

统一战线是同和异的矛盾统一体,亦是一致性和多样性的矛盾统一体。可以认为,党的同心思想和关于一致性和多样性的思想和观点,是新形势下党对统一战线和多党合作理论的一次重大的创新与发展。这种一致性和多样性相统一的新的统一战线思想,闪耀着马克思主义的历史辩证法的光芒,充满了一致性与多样性的辩证法。  相似文献   

Methods to estimate adult age from observations of skeletal elements are not very accurate and motivate the development of better methods. In this article, we test recently published method based on the acetabulum and Bayesian inference, developed using Coimbra collection (Portugal). In this study, to evaluate its utility in other populations, this methodology was applied to 394 specimens from four different documented Western European collections. Four strategies of analysis to estimate age were outlined: (a) each series separately; (b) on Lisbon collection, taken as a reference Coimbra collection; (c) on Barcelona collection, taken as a reference both Portuguese collections; and (d) on London collection taken as reference the three Iberian collections combined. Results indicate that estimates are accurate (83-100%). As might be expected, the least accurate estimates were obtained when the most distant collection was used as a reference. Observations of the fused acetabulum can be used to make accurate estimates of age for adults of any age, with less accurate estimates when a more distant reference collection is used.  相似文献   



Research has consistently revealed that measures of psychopathy and psychopathic personality traits represent some of the most consistent predictors of violent criminal involvement. As a result, there has been a considerable amount of interest in trying to identify the various etiological factors related to psychopathy. The current study builds on this existing body of literature by examining the genetic foundations to psychopathic personality traits.


An adoption-based research design is used to estimate genetic effects on psychopathic personality traits. Adoptees are drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.


Analyses revealed that having a biological criminal father was related to psychopathic personality traits for male adoptees, but not for female adoptees. For males, having a criminal biological father increased the odds of scoring in the extreme of the psychopathic personality trait scale by a factor ranging between 4.3 and 8.5. However, there was no association between having a biological criminal mother and psychopathic personality traits for adoptees.


Psychopathic personality traits are transmitted from father-to-offspring due to genetic reasons.  相似文献   

中央与地方关系法治化之基本问题研讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对于中央和地方关系的处理,有必要采用理论创新和制度创新相结合之新途径进行分析,从探讨"中央与地方关系法治化"的命题高度出发,高屋建瓴对影响我国中央与地方关系的现实问题予以研究。在处理中央与地方关系中涉及的地方自治和垂直管理等问题上,应该通过宪法和其他宪法性法律坚定不移又循序渐进地推行和拓展地方自治制度,并严格控制垂直管理的设定,从而使我国中央与地方权力划分和关系处理中充分体现现代法治精神。  相似文献   

情绪与创造力存在复杂关系,但已有研究更多采用了对情绪状态做单维度划分,比较了人们积极、消极和中性情绪状态下创造力的表现,得出的结论存在不一致性,甚至相互矛盾.最新的研究则从更为微观的层面,把握了情绪的愉悦度、激活度、调节聚焦性等三个不同方面,分析情绪状态与创造力的关系,研究具有更高的内部效度和外部效度.就未来研究趋向来说,需要引入现代认知神经科学技术,对情绪和创造力做更精细化、综合的研究,以揭示二者的复杂关系.  相似文献   

谈外观设计中功能与装饰的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨凤云 《知识产权》2012,(12):81-85
产品的功能确定了产品存在的目的和价值,对外观设计专利的评价不能脱离功能。只要外观上体现功能,实现功能的具体外观特征不是唯一的,则应当考虑功能性特征。本文提出讨论外观设计特征的新角度,即功能向度与装饰向度。外观设计的目的不是纯粹的装饰和美化,功能也是外观设计的重要因素,功能和装饰应是协调统一的关系。  相似文献   

权利义务关系考察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文首先分析了权利义务关系的理论 :马克思主义经典作家的基本观点 ;西方学者的看法 ;中国学者间的争论。然后考察了权利义务关系的基本历史形态 :在原始社会 ,权利义务处于未分化状态 ;前资本主义社会是义务本位制 ;资本主义社会是权利本位制 ;社会主义社会 ,从权利义务统一与权利本位的并存 ,向彻底的权利义务统一的复归。最后总结了人类社会发展的总体历程所呈现出来的权利义务关系的若干特点。  相似文献   

"道德教育与身体"这一古老命题的现代意义在于,通过梳理现代科技-人文景观中身体进入道德教育的路径,再由"道德教育与身体"的现代关系中反思道德教育的"身体观"选择;确立"身在论"作为道德教育的哲学基础.从而,使得现代情境下道德教育对"人自身的关切"的主题技艺保持.而不致异化为现代性的规制工具.  相似文献   

测定mRNA含量推断死亡时间   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前推断死亡时间的方法有很多,随着分子生物学的发展和检测技术的更新,通过测定组织细胞mRNA的含量的变化规律来推断死亡时间逐渐引起人们的注意。本文就组织mRNA的含量的测定方法,变化规律及存在的问题加以论述。  相似文献   


Few studies have examined the subjective experiences of young people following interventions for sexually abusive behaviour. To learn more about how this population experienced these interventions and how these interventions, affect their adult life, 22 adult males (m?=?22 years) who were assessed as teenagers (m?=?15 years) for sexually abusing children or peers were interviewed, on average six years after the assessment of their offence. Three main themes were identified: something sexual happened (recalling memories of the sexual acts and motives of the behaviour), societal actions (interventions offered), and life has been affected (memories and feelings associated with the abuse still being present). Seven respondents (32%), who all had a cognitive disability, had sexually reoffended by follow-up. If the respondents received interventions that focused on their abusive behaviour, they were likely to find the interventions helpful. Interventions that did not address abusive behaviour, were perceived as less helpful for dealing with their behaviour, and the short- and long-term consequences associated with this behaviour. Respondents reported feelings of sadness and guilt associated with their sexually abusive behaviour and these feelings remained into adulthood. These findings suggest that interventions for this population need to address the individual needs of the adolescent as well as sexual behaviour problems. In addition, interventions should include opportunities for follow-up.  相似文献   

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