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Heroin samples, seized from the North Korean merchant vessel Pong Su in Australian waters, were analyzed to determine geographic origin. Duplicate samples were analyzed by the National Measurement Institute's Australian Forensic Drug Laboratory and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration's Special Testing and Research Laboratory. Alkaloid ratios were determined by both liquid chromatography-diode array detection (LC-DAD) and capillary electrophoresis-diode array detection (CE-DAD) techniques. Acid/neutral manufacturing by-products were determined by solvent extraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Solvents, trapped in the heroin particles during manufacture, were detected by both static headspace GC-MS and purge and trap GC-MS. The alkaloid ratios obtained were consistent with heroin of a Southeast Asian (SEA) origin and principal component analysis of the alkaloid results demonstrated the presence of at least four subgroupings within the seizure. The solvent analysis detected diethyl ether and ethyl acetate, solvents typically seen in SEA heroin. However, the acid/neutral analysis revealed compounds not normally seen in heroin of a SEA origin. Furthermore, sterol-like molecules, always detected in the acid/neutral analysis of SEA heroin, were absent from the Pong Su samples. The Pong Su heroin, although similar to SEA heroin, has sufficient differences to classify it as having an unknown origin at the time of this writing.  相似文献   

A pilot study was undertaken to evaluate DNA profiling of the bacterial community in soil as an alternative to geological methods for forensic soil comparisons. Soil samples from three different ecosystems were compared, and the variation within and between ecologically different sites was determined by using terminal restriction fragment (TRF) analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA. Comparison of TRF profiles revealed that samples from within a specific ecosystem (e.g., a field) showed a significantly higher similarity to each other than to those from another ecosystem (e.g., a forest). In addition, some profile features were unique to specific ecosystems. These features may allow the determination of characteristic profiles that will facilitate identification of ecologically different sites, so that a given sample collected from a suspect could be identified as originating from, for example, a field, rather than a forest. The implications of these preliminary findings for forensic investigations are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was driven by court order to examine methods to remove, extract, and STR‐type potential DNA entrapped between latent fingerprint lifting tape and matte acetate that was collected from a 1977 crime scene. Results indicate that recovery of appreciable quantities of DNA is more challenging once adhesive is attached to matte acetate cards and even more difficult when fixed following black powder enhancement. STR amplification of extracts from entrapped fingermarks collected following the dusting/lifting procedure did not produce robust profiles, and extraneous peaks not expressed by print donors were detected for some samples. A hearing was set to argue whether there was DNA remaining to be tested, and if so, whether that DNA could be exculpatory in this postconviction matter. The studies herein provided the basis for the court's decision to not require the testing.  相似文献   

DNA分型实验室管理应重视的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方建新 《法医学杂志》1997,13(2):114-115
1985年Gill等第一次报导将DNA指纹图用于个体讽别并获得成功后,DNA分型技术在个体识别和亲子鉴定中的应用潜力开始为法医界所注目【'].随着该项技术的日益完善,它极大地提高了生物学检材(血液,血痕,精斑,混合斑,毛发和指甲等)在法医物证学鉴定过程中的价值,并广泛应用于法医鉴定实践中.同时,法医界又面临着这样一个问题:如何对有关的DNA分型实验室进行管理监督,以保证其能更好地为司法实践服务.本文从DNA分型实验室人员设置和要求,DNA分型技术标准化以及与传统血型血清学的关系等方面并结合国外进展作如下探讨.ID…  相似文献   

Sudden unexpected death is frequent in street heroin addicts. We conducted a histologic study of the sinus node (SN) to offer some evidence about the possible arrhythmogenic cause of death. Postmortem coronary angiography and microscopic examination of the SN and the perinodal area were performed in 50 heroin addicts (group 1) and in 50 nonaddicts (group 2), all men (16-40 years old). In heroin addicts, fatty and/or fibrous tissue replaced SN tissue in 21 cases (42%). Perinodal infiltration was found in 15 cases (30%). Fibromuscular dysplasia in branches of the sinus node artery (SNA) was found in eight cases (16%). Inflammation with focal and/or diffuse concentration of round cells was detected in the SN in 22 cases (44%). Old mural thrombi were also found in 13 cases (26%). The histologic changes in the SN and perinodal area offer an explanation about the possible mechanism of arrhythmia and sudden death in this population.  相似文献   

Abstract: Obtaining complete short tandem repeat (STR) profiles from fingerprints containing minimal amounts of DNA, using standard extraction techniques, can be difficult. The aim of this study was to evaluate a new kit, Fingerprint DNA Finder (FDF Kit), recently launched for the extraction of DNA and STR profiling from fingerprints placed on a special device known as Self‐Adhesive Security Seal Sticker® and other latent fingerprints on forensic evidentiary material like metallic guns. The DNA extraction system is based on a reversal of the silica principle, and all the potential inhibiting substances are retained on the surface of a special adsorbent, while nucleic acids are not bound and remain in solution dramatically improving DNA recovery. DNA yield was quite variable among the samples tested, rendering in most of the cases (>90%) complete STR profiles, free of PCR inhibitors, and devoid of artifacts. Even samples with DNA amount below 100 pg could be successfully analyzed.  相似文献   

Recreational drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, are often adulterated with other pharmacological agents to either enhance or diminish the drug effects. Between April 21, 2006 and August 8, 2006, the Philadelphia Medical Examiner's Office detected xylazine (a veterinary sedative) and fentanyl (a synthetic opioid) in specimens taken from seven cases. Initial immunoassay screening was performed on urine and blood for fentanyl, opiate, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP), and benzodiazepines. All tests reported positive were confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. All seven xylazine positive cases tested positive for fentanyl and six cases tested positive for 6-acetylmorphine (a metabolite and definitive marker for heroin). The seventh case was positive for morphine and had a history of heroin abuse. Xylazine was present in urine in all seven cases and blood levels were detected in three cases. The blood concentrations ranged from trace to 130 ng/mL. Fentanyl was present in the blood and urine in each case and blood concentrations ranged from 4.7 to 47 ng/mL. Adulteration of illicit drugs has become an epidemic health concern for drug users. Healthcare professionals need to be aware of this issue, so the patients can be treated in an effective, timely manner.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Following its metabolism in the liver, morphine and its metabolites can be directly eliminated in bile. Then, they undergo the enterohepatic cycle (EHC) and mostly reappear in the circulation. We report a case showing the presence of morphine in bile (21.3 μg/mL) and hair (4.8 ng/mg) but not in blood, urine or the liver of an addict who survived in hospital for about 144 h (6 days). These data would indicate that the EHC does not play any role about 144 h after the last injection, and directly confirms that gall bladder is a storage depot for morphine. They constitute the first report of a demonstration of the effect of the EHC on morphine bioavailability in an addict, and could be considered as indication, without supporting circumstantial evidence, that the morphine level in bile is related to chronic opiate use.  相似文献   

Forensic DNA analysis on microfluidic devices: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The advent of microfluidic technology for genetic analysis has begun to impact forensic science. Recent advances in microfluidic separation of short-tandem-repeat (STR) fragments has provided unprecedented potential for improving speed and efficiency of DNA typing. In addition, the analytical processes associated with sample preparation--which include cell sorting, DNA extraction, DNA quantitation, and DNA amplification--can all be integrated with the STR separation in a seamless manner. The current state of these microfluidic methods as well as their advantages and potential shortcomings are detailed. Recent advances in microfluidic device technology, as they pertain to forensic DNA typing, are discussed with a focus on the forensic community.  相似文献   

Fingerprints deposited at crime scene can be a source of DNA. Previous reports on the effects of fingerprint enhancement methods have focused mainly on fingermarks deposited in blood or saliva. Here, we evaluate the effects of fingerprint enhancement methods on fingerprints deposited on porous surfaces. We performed real‐time quantification and STR typing, the results of which indicated that two methods (iodine fuming and 1,2‐indanedione in ethyl acetate enhancement) had no effect on the quantity of DNA isolated and resultant STR alleles when compared to control samples. DNA quantities and allele numbers were lower for samples enhanced with silver nitrate and 1,2‐indanedione in acetic acid when compared to control samples. Based on DNA quantity, quality, and observable stochastic effects, our data indicated that iodine fuming and 1,2‐indanedione in ethyl acetate were the preferred options for the enhancement of fingerprints on porous surfaces.  相似文献   

DNA analysis has become an essential intelligence tool in the criminal justice system for the identification of possible offenders. However, it appears that about half of the processed DNA samples contains too little DNA for analysis. This study looks at DNA success rates within 28 different categories of trace exhibits and relates the DNA concentration to the characteristics of the DNA profile. Data from 2260 analyzed crime samples show that cigarettes, bloodstains, and headwear have relatively high success rates. Cartridge cases, crowbars, and tie‐wraps are on the other end of the spectrum. These objective data can assist forensics in their selection process.The DNA success probability shows a positive relation with the DNA concentration. This finding enables the laboratory to set an evidence‐based threshold value in the DNA analysis process. For instance, 958 DNA extracts had a concentration value of 6 pg/μL or less. Only 46 of the 958 low‐level extracts provided meaningful DNA profiling data.  相似文献   

Abstract: The PrepFiler? Forensic DNA Extraction Kit enables isolation of genomic DNA from a variety of biological samples. The kit facilitates reversible binding of DNA with magnetic particles resulting in high DNA recovery from samples with very low and high quantities of biological materials: 0.1 and 40 μL of human blood (donor 2) provided 14 and 2883 ng of DNA, respectively. Following the revised SWGDAM guidelines, performance of the developed method was investigated using different sample types including saliva on swabs, semen stains on cotton fabric, samples exposed to environment, samples with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibitors, blood stains (on denim, cotton cloth, and FTA® paper), and touch evidence‐type samples. DNA yields for all samples tested were equal or better than those obtained by both phenol–chloroform extraction and commercial kits tested. DNA obtained from these samples was free of detectable PCR inhibitors. Short tandem repeat profiles were complete, conclusive, and devoid of PCR artifacts.  相似文献   

Concurrent methods for identification of urine as being of human origin, and for DNA-typing from small stains of human urine were examined. A urine stain was extracted with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and the extract was filtered using a Centricon-100 device. The filtrate was subjected to electrospray ionization liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (ESI-LC-MS) for identification of human urine and a DNA-typing sample was obtained by dialfiltration of the residue using a DNA purification kit. After the purified residue was treated with an AmpflSTR Profiler PCR amplification kit, the DNA-types were analyzed by capillary electrophoresis using a Genetic Analyzer. It was possible to identify a urine stain as being of human origin, and complete DNA profiles could be successfully obtained from a urine stain which had been created by 50 microL of female urine. Serial analyses of urine stains found at a crime scene provide effective information for forensic investigation. This method is recommended for stain identification and for DNA-typing from a urine stain.  相似文献   

DNA profiles have been obtained from fingerprints, but there is limited knowledge regarding DNA analysis from archived latent fingerprints—touch DNA “sandwiched” between adhesive and paper. Thus, this study sought to comparatively analyze a variety of collection and analytical methods in an effort to seek an optimized workflow for this specific sample type. Untreated and treated archived latent fingerprints were utilized to compare different biological sampling techniques, swab diluents, DNA extraction systems, DNA concentration practices, and post‐amplification purification methods. Archived latent fingerprints disassembled and sampled via direct cutting, followed by DNA extracted using the QIAamp® DNA Investigator Kit, and concentration with Centri‐Sep? columns increased the odds of obtaining an STR profile. Using the recommended DNA workflow, 9 of the 10 samples provided STR profiles, which included 7–100% of the expected STR alleles and two full profiles. Thus, with carefully selected procedures, archived latent fingerprints can be a viable DNA source for criminal investigations including cold/postconviction cases.  相似文献   

Between 1990 and 2018, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency submitted 2177 cranial elements and 1565 teeth to the Armed Forces Medical Examiner System—Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory for DNA testing. In an effort to identify missing United States service members, materials were recovered from wartime losses inclusive of World War II, the Korean War, and Southeast Asia. Using four different DNA extraction protocols, DNA testing was performed using mitochondrial DNA Sanger sequencing, modified AmpFlSTR® Yfiler?, AmpFlSTR® MiniFiler?, PowerPlex® Fusion, or Next Generation Sequencing. This paper aims to provide optimal strategies for the DNA testing of skeletonized cranial materials. Cranial elements produced the most consistent results in Sanger sequencing using an organic purification; however, teeth were most successful for the same platform with an inorganic purification. The inverse is true for STR testing of cranial bones. Of the cranial elements, the temporal provided the most consistent results.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Zhao ZM  Li L  Deng KF 《法医学杂志》2010,26(5):349-352
目的建立并优化HE染色切片组织STR分型方法,评估HE染色切片组织的STR分型有效性。方法用QIAgen法提取2例尸检人体的心、肝、肺、肠等8种组织的HE染色切片DNA,用TaqMan荧光探针法通过荧光域值循环数(Ct值)测定获得各提取液中的DNA质量浓度,以阳性内对照(internal posi-tive control,IPC)监测PCR过程中的抑制水平。再用Identifiler试剂盒扩增,在3100-Avant上进行STR片段分析。结果在本研究建立优化的STR分型技术条件下,8种人体组织的HE染色切片DNA提取液质量浓度均可达到1ng/μL以上,其IPC的Ct值提示无PCR抑制剂。HE染色切片组织的STR分型有效性与石蜡包埋组织相当,其DNA随时间延续而缓慢降解。结论在一定保存时限内,HE染色切片的DNA质和量可以满足STR分型检测需要,但受残余甲醛固定剂的影响,HE染色切片的分型成功率随保存时间延长而降低。  相似文献   

A new type of heroin HCl seized in Australia was examined by stable isotope analysis. The final origin/process classification of these samples by chromatographic signature profiles of the impurity/manufacturing by-products was previously determined to be "unknown" by two independent national laboratories. Various drug enforcement authorities speculated that the heroin might be from a new region or new illicit process due to the unusual chromatographic impurity profiles that were present. Samples from 20 different kilogram packages were examined for isotopic content to determine if the samples fit isotopic patterns of known origins or if they were unique to any known origins. Authentic specimens from Southeast Asian (N=59), Southwest Asia (N=37), South America (N=104), and Mexico (N=21) we concomitantly examined for comparison purposes. Both continuous flow elemental analysis-isotope ratio mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry techniques were utilized. Heroin samples were also converted to morphine, without apparent isotopic fractionation, utilizing methanolic HCl for gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The Pong Su samples were found to be isotopically and isotopically/alkaloidally distinct from the known origin/process classifications of Southwest Asian, Southeast Asian, South American, and Mexican.  相似文献   

DNA is often difficult to extract from old bones and teeth due to low levels of DNA and high levels of degradation. This study established a simple yet efficient method for extracting DNA from 20 aged bones and teeth (approximately 60 years old). Based on the concentration and STR typing results, the new method of DNA extraction (OM) developed in this study was compared with the PrepFiler? BTA Forensic DNA Extraction Kit (BM). The total amount of DNA extracted using the OM method was not significantly different from that extracted using the commercial kit (p > 0.05). However, the number of STR loci detected was significantly higher in the samples processed using the OM method than using the BM method (p < 0.05). This study aimed to establish a DNA extraction method for aged bones and teeth to improve the detection rate of STR typing and reduce costs compared to the BM technique.  相似文献   

This study examines the quality of street heroin seized in Vienna in 1999 and whether there was a relationship between the purity of street heroin and the number of heroin-related emergencies as well as the number of heroin-related deaths. Street heroin confiscated by the Viennese police, run-sheets of drug-related emergencies, and postmortem reports of drug-related deaths in Vienna in 1999 were analyzed. A total of 415 retail samples with a total weight of 128.02 g contained a median percentage of 6.5% diacetylmorphine (range: 0.0-47.0%). All the samples contained a diluent, mainly lactose, as well as adulterants, such as caffeine and/or paracetamol. During the study period, 75 heroin-related deaths and 387 heroin-related emergencies were registered in Vienna. Time-series analysis revealed no statistically significant relationship between the rate of heroin-related incidents and the diacetylmorphine concentration of street heroin samples confiscated in Vienna in 1999. The widely held belief that the number of heroin-related deaths could be explained simply through fluctuations in the purity of street heroin could not be substantiated, even though the results of this study do not rule out an association between the purity of heroin and heroin-related deaths/emergencies.  相似文献   

This study reports on the comparison of a standard extraction process with the direct PCR approach of processing low-level DNA swabs typical in forensic investigations. Varying concentrations of control DNA were deposited onto three commonly encountered substrates, brass, plastic, and glass, left to dry, and swabbed using premoistened DNA-free nylon FLOQswabs. Swabs (= 90) were either processed using the DNA IQ kit or, for direct PCR, swab fibers (~2 mm2) were added directly to the PCR with no prior extraction. A significant increase in the height of the alleles (< 0.005) was observed when using the direct PCR approach over the extraction methodology when controlling for surface type and mass of DNA deposited. The findings indicate the potential use of direct PCR for increasing the PCR product obtained from low-template DNA samples in addition to minimizing contamination and saving resources.  相似文献   

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