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法医物证学DNA检验现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
个体识别和亲子鉴定是法医物证学检验的主要内容,用于法医物证学的检验方法一般有两类:法医血清学检验和法医分子生物学检验。前者包括血清学、免疫学和生物化学的理论和方法,可用于红细胞血型(ABO、MN、Rh等)、红细胞酶型(PGMI、GLOI、DNaseI等)、血清蛋白型(HP、Gc、Pi等)和白细胞抗原(HLA)的检测。这些遗传学标志为蛋白质(包括糖蛋白)或多肽,容易失活而导致检材得不到理想的检验结果。此外,这些遗传标志均为基因编码的产物,多态信息含量(PIC)有限,不能反映DNA编码区的多态性,且这些遗传标志存在生理性、…  相似文献   

“中国人群血型遗传学数据库、统计分析、鉴别系统”的研制,为法医血清学及与人类血型遗传有关各学科提供了先进数据处理工具,突破了以往法医物证检验否定意义大的局限性。一、“系统”的数学模型和数据处理方法1.数学模型通过分析研究已发表的中国人73个血型系统的遗传方式和特点,根据计算机处理的需要,分成十一种类型:(1)一个显性基因、一个隐性基因组成的血型系统。常见如P血型系统等;(2)两个显性基因、一个隐性基因组成的血型系统。常见如ABO血型系统等;(3)ABO亚型系统。(4)两个连锁座位、共显性基因组成的血型系统…  相似文献   

<正> 利用人体组织检测人体的ABO 血型在法医学实践中具有十分重要的意义,本文作者已报道用红细胞粘连试验研究ABH 物质在人体组织中的分布,已证实心脏内膜组织亦含有与红细胞一致的ABH 物质。现报道一例利用福尔马林固定的心脏组织,成功测定出死者ABO 血型的实际应用案例。  相似文献   

多年来,我国学者们陆续调查了分布在28个省区20多个民族的ABO型。对部分民族还作了Rh、MN、P、Fy~a,分泌状态、与Hp血型的调查。除ABO型以外,未曾对四川省羌族作过其他血型调查。1984年6月,我们调查了400例羌族中小学生的ABO型与D抗原的分布,以及474例分泌状态、与Hp型的分布,现将结果报导如下。  相似文献   

自1966年矢田昭一等用热解离法对生物硬组织进行ABO血型测定获得成功以来,这一方法已被广泛应用于毛发的血型测定.有关的研究,国内外已有不少的报道.本文对应用木瓜酶处理红细胞作解离试验判定毛发血型的准确性问题,作了一些实验研究,现报告如下:  相似文献   

本文根据 Ohno(1982)提出的单一位点复共显性基因非父排除率的公式,编制成 BASIC 程序,使用 IBM 个人电脑计算了我国长春等四个地区汉族 Gm 型的非父排除率和我国汉族等十六个民族的 Rh 型非父排除率。同时,根据 Chakravarti(1983)的多位点共显性基因非父排除率计算公式编制一个 BASIC 程序,用以计算了我国6个地区汉族及5个少数民族 HLA 型的非父排除率,其结果可用于亲权鉴定时对血型系统非父排除率的估计。  相似文献   

血痕的个人识别是法医学实践中最重要的课题之一。目前虽然有多种血型系统包括红细胞血型、红细胞酶型,血清型、以及白细胞血型等应用于血痕的个人识别,但每个系统都只能进行排除,而不能认定。交叉免疫电泳又名双向定量免疫电泳,由于其具有不需要复杂设备,操作简单、所需样品量少、特异性较强及重复性好等许多  相似文献   

<正> 本文分析了我室自1986年以来应用ABO、MN、P、Rh、HLA-A和IHLA-B五个血型系统所做的亲子鉴定30例,结果显示在不排除亲子关系的案例中HLA的RCP值是93.17%,其他血型系统是80.88%,总RCP是98.67%。在排除亲子关系的案例中HLA的排除百分率  相似文献   

Lutheran血型系统含有18个抗原,LU1/LU2、LU18/LU19抗原位于LU/B-CAM糖蛋白上。LU/B-CAM糖蛋白的蛋白质部分由LU基因表达,LU基因位于19q13.2-13.3,含15个外显子、14个内含子。LU基因在转录时发生变位剪接,产生2.5、4.0kb前体mRNA。LU基因在镰状红细胞、卵巢癌和结肠上皮细胞癌呈高表达。LU/B-CAM糖蛋白是层粘素特异性受体。  相似文献   

人体组织中ABH物质分布的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本研究采用特异性红细胞粘附试验(SRCA 试验)方法,系统地研究了11例已知 ABO 血型及分泌状态尸体的38种组织器官 ABH 物质的定位与分布,发现粘膜、粘液腺及前列腺中均含有丰富的 ABH 物质,并受分泌状态控制。血管内皮细胞、复层上皮细胞、胰腺腺泡上皮及汗腺中也含有较多的 ABH 物质,但不受分泌状态的影响。新发现肺泡上皮、肝小胆管粘膜上皮亦含有 ABH 物质。其它组织器官除自身的血管内皮及红细胞含有 ABH 物质外,均未测出 ABH 物质。采用 SRCA 试验,室温放置13天的皮肤组织亦能正确地测出其 ABO 血型。  相似文献   

Problematical paternity cases were additionally subjected to DNA-polymorphism analysis. 5 cases are reported, focusing on problems due to, 'silent' allele transmittance, relatively low probability for paternity, obvious occurrence of the extremely rare Rh gene complex CWc, involvement of brothers as putative fathers, non-paternity of a man although his W-value was 99.975%. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the need for DNA-polymorphism analysis, if conventional blood group tests do not lead to a clear-cut decision. Extended typing of conventional blood group polymorphisms (except HLA) cannot compete with highly polymorphic DNA loci.  相似文献   

The ABH group in a trace amount of saliva could be determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using an avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) technique. In this method ABH blood group substances as a solid phase are adsorbed to wells of a microtiter plate made of polystyrene. The primary antibody corresponding to the blood antigen adheres onto the wells, and reacts with the biotinylated secondary antibody. The previously formed ABC reagent is then added to the above wells, and finally the absorbance produced by the interaction of the peroxidase activity with a chromogenic substance is measured at 492 nm. This method proved to be clearly more sensitive for the detection of ABH blood groups in secretor-saliva than the conventional hemagglutination inhibition test. Also the ABH group of non-secretor-saliva could be easily determined by this method.  相似文献   

This study presents the test results of blood and urine samples of impaired drivers in the Netherlands between January 1995 and December 1998. In this period, the blood alcohol concentrations of 11,458 samples have been determined and 1665 blood or urine samples have been analysed for drugs. The median alcohol concentration was between 1.7 and 1.8 mg/ml blood. In 80% of the 1665 analysed samples drugs were detected. At least 42% (702/1665) of the impaired drivers were poly-drug users, with cocaine present in the most frequent combinations. In the Netherlands, the procedure to prove driving under the influence is complex. This procedure can be made more efficient and more effective by embedding the analytical test results, needed to prosecute an impaired driver, in the law. In Belgium and Germany, such laws already are in force. If we would apply the qualifications of the new Belgian law on our analytical data, 67% of the impaired drivers included in this comparison could have been prosecuted without discussion in court.  相似文献   

This study presents the test results of blood and urine samples of impaired drivers in the Netherlands between January 1995 and December 1998. In this period, the blood alcohol concentrations of 11,458 samples have been determined and 1665 blood or urine samples have been analysed for drugs. The median alcohol concentration was between 1.7 and 1.8 mg/ml blood. In 80% of the 1665 analysed samples drugs were detected. At least 42% (702/1665) of the impaired drivers were poly-drug users, with cocaine present in the most frequent combinations. In the Netherlands, the procedure to prove driving under the influence is complex. This procedure can be made more efficient and more effective by embedding the analytical test results, needed to prosecute an impaired driver, in the law. In Belgium and Germany, such laws already are in force. If we would apply the qualifications of the new Belgian law on our analytical data, 67% of the impaired drivers included in this comparison could have been prosecuted without discussion in court.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight different commercially available blood grouping antisera and lectins with ABH, MN, and Rh D, C, E, c, and e specificities were serologically evaluated for their applicability to bloodstain antigen determination. The characteristics of the antisera were determined with red cells, with fresh bloodstains, and with series of aging bloodstains. The Rh antisera were tested under a variety of serological conditions and with bloodstains on various substrata. Additionally, studies on optimization of absorption-elution procedure variables were carried out, and some data on the storage characteristics of red cells and blood grouping antisera were gathered.  相似文献   

A D-like structure was serologically detected on the internal side of Rh-negative (cde) erythrocyte membrane. This structure is absolutely inaccessible for anti-D antibodies in morphologically intact liquid blood erythrocytes. In hemolyzed erythrocytes of blood stains this antigenic structure, serologically identified as Rh antigen D, is accessible for binding with anti-D antibodies and for detection by the absorption-elution test, particularly so after blood stain treatment with proteases.  相似文献   

A survey has been made to assess the evidential value of tests carried out on 660 casework penile swabs. Most were from suspects in sexual assaults and were examined to see if the donor had had recent anal, oral or vaginal intercourse. The swabs were tested for one or more of the following: blood, faeces, saliva, vaginal secretions, semen. Blood was seldom found, it was usually weak and insufficient for grouping. Faeces were only identified on a pair of swabs from a dead homosexual showing that proof of buggery by this means is rare. Amylase, suggestive of saliva and oral intercourse, was occasionally detected. Glycogen-rich epithelial cells were sometimes present indicating vaginal intercourse. Semen was frequently found but its presence may not result from a recent sexual act. An ABO group different from the donor was obtained from a fifth of the swabs typed. Grouping in other blood group systems was rarely attempted or successful. Penile swabs provided a means of detecting a victim's ABO blood group on a suspect when it would not have been possible to demonstrate the suspect's group on samples from the victim. They also had value in assaults involving more than one offender. The main limitation of penile swabs was the paucity of material on them and the sampling site affected the interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

GC-subtyping was carried out on blood stains, that had been made on glass and stored under room temperature-conditions. Using isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel, followed by transfer to nitrocellulose membrane by semi-dry-electroblotting and detection with enzyme-linked antibody complex the GC-detection was possible even after 64 days. Methodical problems are discussed.  相似文献   

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASAs) Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) have teamed up to explore the use of NASA developed technologies to help criminal justice agencies and professionals solve crimes. The objective of the program is to produce instruments and communication networks that have application within both NASA's space program and NIJ programs with state and local forensic laboratories. A working group of NASA scientists and law enforcement professionals has been established to develop and implement a feasibility demonstration program. Specifically, the group has focused its efforts on identifying gunpowder and primer residue, blood, and semen at crime scenes. Non-destructive elemental composition identification methods are carried out using portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) systems. These systems are similar to those being developed for planetary exploration programs. A breadboard model of a portable XRF system has been constructed for these tests using room temperature silicon and cadmium-zinc telluride (CZT) detectors. Preliminary tests have been completed with gunshot residue (GSR), blood-spatter and semen samples. Many of the element composition lines have been identified. Studies to determine the minimum detectable limits needed for the analyses of GSR, blood and semen in the crime scene environment have been initiated and preliminary results obtained. Furthermore, a database made up of the inorganic composition of GSR is being developed. Using data obtained from the open literature of the elemental composition of barium (Ba) and antimony (Sb) in handswipes of GSR, we believe that there may be a unique GSR signature based on the Sb to Ba ratio.  相似文献   

Most of the blood group systems have now been applied to paternity investigations. In a complicated case, an alleged father not excluded with blood group testing, could be excluded with only chromosome heteromorphisms. Chromosome heteromorphisms are inherited from parents to offspring as simple Mendelian laws. The authors' paternity testing is presented with the help of chromosome heteromorphism analysis.  相似文献   

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