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On 22 September 1982, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher met the Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping in Beijing, where they discussed the future of Hong Kong. The meeting did not go well. Deng made it clear that, with or without British cooperation, China would resume full sovereignty and administration over the tiny colony when the lease on Hong Kong expired on 30 June 1997. This article is based on two recently released documents from the Russian Foreign Ministry Archive (AVP RF) and reveals the hitherto unknown Soviet attitude toward these talks and the handover itself. Soviet leaders were very concerned that the Chinese should not consider Soviet control over vast territories in the Far East as based on unequal, hence illegitimate, nineteenth century treaties, as they did British control over Hong Kong. If those Russian treaties were unequal, then Soviet rule would be in grave danger. The Soviets sought to distinguish their treaties from the British ones. Seeking normal relations, the Chinese agreed not to challenge this interpretation.  相似文献   

抗战期间,<大公报>是享誉世界的中文报纸,它的言论对国内舆论有着重要的影响,是国共两党都极其重视的舆论阵地.<中苏友好同盟条约>的签订以及<雅尔塔协定>的公布严重损伤了<大公报>的民族感情,<大公报>对苏联从不满到抨击,并且否认共产党对东北主权的接收.这其中既有爱国主义热情同时也欠理性的分析,还带有明显的阶级偏见.  相似文献   

苏联解体这一重大历史事件包括社会主义制度在苏联失败和联邦制国家解体两个方面,即国体和政体两个方面,二者没有必然的联系,不能混淆。苏联法律只给予联邦成员自由脱离的权利而没有规定维护联邦的责任和义务,是导致联邦解体的原因之一。而更深层的原因则是以民族区域自治为基础的联邦制在法律上特化了群体及其权利。  相似文献   

相当多的学者认为意识形态的瓦解导致了苏联的崩溃,但事实上这两者之间并不存在直接的因果关系。由于苏联的国家认同主要建立在马克思主义意识形态基础之上,早期马克思主义的教条化和后期对马克思主义的背离,使官方意识形态不断削弱乃至最终变异,导致人民的国家认同感丧失,苏联作为一个国家才难以为继。  相似文献   

苏联成立后,新兴的苏联中国学研究在承续俄国汉学研究成果的基础上逐渐发展,并步入崭新的苏联中国学阶段.俄国汉学传统与马克思主义传统在十月革命后的逐渐结合,开始孕育出世界上独树一帜的苏联中国学.  相似文献   

ThecollapseoftheformerSovietUnionhasbeenatopicofendlessdiscussions.Asispointedoutbymanypeopletherewereinfactmultipleprofoundandcomplicatedreasonsthatentangledwitheachotherwitharesultantofforcesforthecollapse.A-mongallofthemIwanttostressthefollowingTheSovietmodelofsocialismlastedabout70yearswhilesocialismintheformerSovietUnionwentfrombeingweaktobeingstrongandthenfrompros-peringtodeclining.Duringthisperiodnotimelyserousandeffectivereformsweremadeandnocon-tinuousnewenergywasobtained.Thuscertai…  相似文献   


Michael Jabara Carley, 1939. The Alliance That Never Was and the Coming of World War II (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1999), pp.xxv + 321. ISBN 1–56663–252–8.

Patrick R. Osborn, Operation Pike. Britain Versus the Soviet Union, 1939–1941 (Westport, CT and London, 2000), pp.xiii + 274. ISBN 0–313–31368–7

Gabriel Gorodetsky, Grand Delusion. Stalin and the German Invasion of Russia (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1999), pp.xvi + 408. ISBN 0–300–07792–0.  相似文献   

Michael Jabara Carley, 1939. The Alliance That Never Was and the Coming of World War II (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1999), pp.xxv + 321. ISBN 1-56663-252-8.

Patrick R. Osborn, Operation Pike. Britain Versus the Soviet Union, 1939-1941 (Westport, CT and London, 2000), pp.xiii + 274. ISBN 0-313-31368-7

Gabriel Gorodetsky, Grand Delusion. Stalin and the German Invasion of Russia (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1999), pp.xvi + 408. ISBN 0-300-07792-0.  相似文献   

研究和总结苏联解体的原因和历史教训,是我国学术界近十年来最重大和最热门的课题之一,也是取得丰硕成果的研究领域之一.学术界普遍认为,苏联解体是多种因素综合作用的结果,涉及多个领域、多个方面、多个层次,而对其研究的成果多集中于历史根源、直接诱因、个人作用等诸方面.其中,对历史根源的探究又侧重于理论、经济、政治、民族等四个领域的内容.本文拟对这些研究成果进行概述,并对其研究特点作一初步小结,以期对这一课题更深入的研究有所助益.  相似文献   

This article is an examination of Hong Kong's importance within British-American security arrangements in the Far East during the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Archival evidence indicates that the Eisenhower Administration accepted a greater deal of commitment to the defence of Hong Kong during the 1950s — a period of significant hostility between the United States and the People's Republic of China. To understand this policy evolution in the broader context, this study evaluates the differences in British and American attitudes towards China during the 1950s and the effect of this on US policy towards Hong Kong.  相似文献   

This article is an examination of the attitudes of the British political elite towards the Soviet Union and an assessment of the influence such attitudes had upon British foreign policy between March and August 1939. Through a detailed analysis of individuals including Cabinet ministers and those politicians elsewhere referred to as the 'anti-appeasers', the article contributes to the 'counterrevisionist' position concerning war origins. Thus it does not accept that the British government was constrained by factors outside of its control and instead argues that an Anglo-French-Soviet alliance was not concluded because of the failure of British ministers to put aside their anti-Soviet prejudices.  相似文献   

This article is an examination of the attitudes of the British political elite towards the Soviet Union and an assessment of the influence such attitudes had upon British foreign policy between March and August 1939. Through a detailed analysis of individuals including Cabinet ministers and those politicians elsewhere referred to as the 'anti-appeasers', the article contributes to the 'counterrevisionist' position concerning war origins. Thus it does not accept that the British government was constrained by factors outside of its control and instead argues that an Anglo-French-Soviet alliance was not concluded because of the failure of British ministers to put aside their anti-Soviet prejudices.  相似文献   

苏联解体十年后的再思考——《苏联灭亡之谜》评介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80~90年代的苏联剧变乃举世瞩目的重大事件,吸引了学术界的目光.在过去的十几年中,我国学界、俄罗斯和两方学者对此问题均提出了自己的看法,做出了相应的解释.目前,苏联解体仍然是学术界的一个令人关注的话题.  相似文献   

迪拜与香港均是世界著名的贸易、金融、旅游和物流中心,二者在战略地理位置、近现代史和发展现代化的历程等层面有很多相似之处。迪拜和香港的现代化进程都受到英国殖民统治的影响;凭借优越的地理位置,它们都从一个小渔村发展成世界著名的港口;移民为它们的经济建设做出了巨大贡献;转口贸易都曾是其经济结构中最重要的构成部分;目前服务业都是其经济构成中占比最高的部门。在发展现代化的道路上,二者都有值得相互借鉴的经验和教训。  相似文献   

论苏联失败的经济根源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏联的崩溃无疑是一种社会性失败,社会性失败必须从经济基础找原因,根本的原因在于苏联的基本经济制度--计划经济制度.苏联计划经济制度的种种弊端实际是这一制度内在的不可克服的矛盾的反映,这一矛盾就是计划的指令性与个人消费的不可计划性之间的矛盾.把社会再生产的各个环节--生产、交换、分配、消费纳入统一计划,是苏联计划经济制度的存在前提.个人消费的选择性特征,决定了个人消费不可能由社会统一计划.由此便形成了否定苏联计划经济存在前提的计划与个人消费的对立.在苏联计划经济制度下,解决这一矛盾的惟一办法是压制个人消费,用供应短缺方式使原本不可能由社会统一计划的个人消费变成可以统一计划的,这实际上并没有消除这种对立.计划与个人消费的对立对社会再生产产生了致命的影响,使社会经济陷入危机循环,而危机积累到一定程度就会以猛烈的形式爆发出来,最终导致经济基础乃至整个苏联社会的崩溃.压制个人消费是苏联计划经济赖以存在的内部条件,与外部世界的制度性隔绝是其存在的外部条件,从长期看这些条件都是难以为继的.  相似文献   

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