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Social Justice Research has devoted two recent issues to the topic of inequity responses in non-human animals. The goal of this paper is to provide some commentary from the perspective of psychological theory and research on justice and fairness in humans. In an attempt to build greater cross-disciplinary sharing of ideas and insights, I briefly review the major insights from (a) contemporary research on questions of fairness and justice with non-human primates and how this corpus of knowledge can inform the on-going study of these issues in psychology and related disciplines, and (b) 50-plus years of research on justice and fairness in psychology and related disciplines, and how it can inform contemporary research efforts with non-human animals going forward. The spotlight behavioral economists and justice research with non-human animals places on the primary role of distributive justice is suggestive that it may be time for a renaissance of interest in this topic in psychology and related disciplines. The focus of psychological research on topics such as boundary conditions on equity as key justice concern (e.g., alternative distributive norms such as equality and need), as a well as attention given to procedural, interactional, retributive, and restorative justice, is suggestive that research with non-human animals should broaden its horizons to study alternative conceptions of justice and fairness.  相似文献   

商事主体立法史表明,完全融入民法典或分立嵌入商法典的立法方案都不足以适应商事主体的多样性、复杂性和易变性,商事主体单行法模式几乎成为当今两大法系不同国家或地区的共同选择。我国编纂《民法典》在定位商事主体时,应打破传统民商分立或民商合一的立法思维与理论禁锢,选择民法典总则一般性规定与商事特别法相结合的商事主体立法范式。  相似文献   

刑事一体化思想若干问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刑事一体化思想是随着刑事学科的发展应运而生的,从其在西方和中国的发生、发展历史轨迹中,我们可以找到某种脉络和规律。目前我国学术界对刑事一体化有着一些重要的基本共识,但因学科本位和侧重点的不同,存在一些理念上的分别,但各有其意义。刑事问题不宜单单理解为犯罪问题。据此,对刑事一体化思想做一种更为宏大的理解似乎能够更为充分地展示其内涵、精神及其发展空间和导向。  相似文献   

Educational research is increasingly subject to legal restrictions designed for the protection of human subjects of research. In this article the author discusses legal restrictions–both in the courts and under HEW regulations–on educational research, comparing these restrictions with those on biomedical research. He finds that although educational research in particular instances may give rise to suits for damages for invasion of privacy or intentional infliction of psychological distress, the legal issues relating to educational research will most often be resolved in proceedings before institutional review boards charged by HEW with the responsibility for passing upon proposals to conduct research on human subjects. He argues that the interests protected in proceedings before institutional review boards are not limited to those that have received judicial recognition in suits for damages. The author finds that the requirement that the informed consent of subjects be obtained presents difficult issues for educational research. He notes in particular the problems presented by research proposals that as an element of the research design contemplate the observation of subjects without their knowledge and the use of children as research subjects.  相似文献   

我国农业投资主体法律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国农业投资主体经历了从计划经济的国家和农户模式到市场经济的多元投资主体模式的转变。在这种转变过程中,农业投资主体从单一模式向多元化模式转变。各种农业投资主体在农业投资中享有的职权(权利)和应当履行的职责(义务)是农业投资研究的重要方面。对于农业投资主体享有的职权(权利)和应当履行的职责(义务)应当通过立法的方式使之规范化。  相似文献   

目的探索长潜伏期听觉诱发电位(auditory long latency response,ALR)潜伏期、波幅与声刺激强度间的关系和特点,并探讨其在听阈评估中的意义。方法对46名听力正常人(92耳)进行ALR测试,予受试者从70、50、30、20至10 dB nHL 5个声刺激强度顺序诱发ALR波形,标记N_1波、P_2波,得出三个观察指标(N_1波及P_2波潜伏期、N_1-P_2波幅)的数值。分析观察三个指标的变化趋势及频率差异性。结果 46名听力正常人(92耳)ALR波形的引出率均为100%。随着声刺激的降低,ALR的N_1波、P_2波潜伏期延长,N_1-P_2波幅降低。结论在适宜的条件下,ALR是一项稳定的检测技术。ALR的N_1波、P_2波潜伏期及N_1-P_2波幅与声刺激强度间的关系对ALR应用于听阈评估中有重要作用。  相似文献   

企业社会责任的承担主体毫无疑问是企业,但是由于法学界对企业本质有不同的见解,形成了多种法人理论,因而有深入探讨的必要。本文通过对法人理论的三大通说的考察,论证了其共同点都主张企业社会责任的承担主体是企业。  相似文献   

今天能够在这里与大家一起交流,感到非常荣幸.希望以此为契机,中日宪法学界的交流能够得到更进一步的推进.  相似文献   

李牧 《政法论丛》2012,(5):19-24
行政主体约定义务是契约理念引入行政法的产物,并非法定义务的契约化,与行政契约义务并非等同。行政主体约定义务是行政法上的意定义务,其设定应遵守合理的限度,不得借此"扩大法定活动空间",或规避法定义务,或"出卖公权"等。作为行政主体义务体系的重要组成部分,具有弥补法定义务之不足,深化行政主体职责等重要的功能价值。  相似文献   

Research participants' views about investigator financial interests were explored. Reactions ranged from concern to acceptance, indifference, and even encouragement. Although most wanted such information, some said it did not matter, was private, or was burdensome, and other factors were more important to research decisions. Very few said it would affect their research decisions, and many assumed that institutions managed potential conflicts of interest. Although disclosure of investigator financial interest information to research participants is often recommended, its usefulness is limited, especially when participation is desired because of illness.  相似文献   

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