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在决策中保证合理、有效的专家参与是提高决策科学化水平、推进国家治理能力现代化的重要途径。既有研究讨论了专家的参与方式与知识类型,但无法充分回应相似决策需求和条件下专家参与为何产生差异化影响力的现实问题。基于“知识-政策”相关文献,本文提出专业知识渗透的分析框架,包含决策中知识输入、知识与政策联系、知识与政策互构以及决策结果与调整等四个阶段。结合过程追踪法与对比分析法,本文观察了S市“桥梁改善”与“店招管理”两项城市微更新项目的决策过程,发现四阶段各具体节点上的知识渗透效果存在项目间的区别。研究表明,知识与政策间有效的联系和共识生产有助于知识渗透并生成积极的专家影响力,而知识输入在专家普遍参与的背景下不一定产生实质影响。本研究有助于丰富专家参与决策的理论解释,同时在知识渗透过程的类型和条件方面有待继续讨论。  相似文献   

荆龙姣 《学理论》2011,(16):77-78
虚拟企业是为应对市场变化,由两个或两个以上企业在分工的基础上组成的临时性组织。虚拟企业无边界、扁平化的特点为无形资产的管理带来了困难。在总结其特点的基础上得出,虚拟企业中的无形资产管理必须从运营管理和战略管理两个角度同时进行,并提出具体的管理建议。  相似文献   

本文在对虚拟企业概念、类型、特点和优势分析的基础上,研究了虚拟企业模式对我国企业发展的启示,同时提出了发展我国虚拟企业的一些建议和思路.  相似文献   

田红静 《学理论》2012,(7):98-99
《管理行为》是赫伯特.西蒙最重要的著作,在书中他对"管理性的组织机构的决策过程"进行了开创性的研究,更是提出了决策过程理论。而第四章《管理行为中的理性》是该书也是他的决策理论的核心。基于对该章的阅读,并以其提出的"理性"概念为引子来对决策理性进行探究,内容主要涉及决策理性的内涵、决策理性的若干争议、决策理性的趋向,以及对决策方法选择的影响。  相似文献   

虚拟企业的产生可以用交易费用这一经济分析工具作出经济学解释。虚拟企业与传统企业不同,其具体运作可以采用虚拟生产、虚拟开发、虚拟营销、虚拟管理、战略联盟、特许经营等模式。虚拟企业的信息系统建设、伙伴选择、合理的利益分配与风险共担、知识管理、塑造独具特色的虚拟企业文化等,是虚拟企业成功运作的关键技术。  相似文献   

建造知识仓库的愿望 提起百科全书,得从人类的一种古老愿望谈起。 人类建造知识仓库的愿望,无论在东方还是在西方都是自古有之。图书馆就是这样一种仓库。不过,人们并不满足于单纯地积累和收藏书籍。整理和荟萃已有一切知识的愿望,也就是编百科全书的愿望,早在两千三百多年前就已存在。百科全书的胚胎有两个基础:一个是概要记述已有的一切知识;一个是对已  相似文献   

综合采用个案研究和比较研究方法,基于《中共中央关于深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》的政策过程,旨在呈现一个基于中国本土化经验的、政治精英主导的、上下联动、多阶层广泛参与的公共决策过程。研究结论认为,基于西方经验的传统精英决策模式在我国文化政策过程中具有一定的实用性,但基于政治体系的不同,该模型在解释我国文化政策演化过程中,也具有很大的局限性。基于此,在与传统精英决策模型比较的基础上,本文尝试着提出了更符合本土化经验的"政治理想推动的精英决策模式"。  相似文献   

考虑到非常规突发事件涉及多个部门协同作战,应急态势不断发腰变化和应急资源稀缺导致应急决策协调的复杂性和动态性,本文基于Malone协调理论分析了非常规突发事件应急决策过程中应急活动对于应急资源的依赖关系,提出了应急活动相互依赖关系的协调机制,在此基础上构建了应急决策协调过程模型,有助于理解应急活动之间的差异性相对应急资...  相似文献   

基于公共选择理论对公共决策问题的启示性阐释,本文提出造成决策失效的原因是公共决策需求与供给的矛盾失衡,具体表现在需求表达不足与过量或者供给的不足与过量。从公共决策中的需求方和供给方的角度探讨公共决策问题,构设出公共决策需求与供给的均衡理论框架。  相似文献   

世纪之交,人类正处在全球经济即将发生根本性变革的时代,工业经济将经历脱胎换骨的改造和升华。知识经济时代的到来,对社会领域的各个方面将产生巨大的影响。尤其对历史悠久的工业社会的教育提出了挑战。1.“知识爆炸”挑战“仓库理论”随着现代科学技术迅猛发展,特别是信息科学和信息传播手段的日益发展,知识量在短时间内发生猛增现象,这种现象被人们形象地称为“知识爆炸”。虽然知识量的急剧增长不是知识经济时代所特有,但知识的加速增长是不可否定的事实。在这一背景下,教育领域中曾经盛行的“仓库理论”已无法适应新形势的要…  相似文献   

  • Given that knowledge and information are critical resources for acquiring access to the EU policy process, the question of this paper is how firms should manage the knowledge and information strategies surrounding their lobbying attempts. Developing an appropriate resource base is critical for firms trying to bring their interests to bear on European decision‐making. The same holds for the ability to recognize potential points of entry to the EU policy process. Next to substantial knowledge and expertise, therefore, the ability to understand policy dynamics and the appropriate timing of lobbying attempts are critically important in corporate lobbying in Europe. The implication of this argument is that managing knowledge and information strategies become increasingly important for handlings firms' public affairs.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Knowledge uptake, having decision makers assimilate the ideas of experts, is recognized as an important stimulus to bringing about policy change. This is particularly true in the realm of environmental policymaking, which is characterized by knowledge intensity, complexity, and multifaceted concerns. Using examples from an innovative watershed management organization, this article presents a heuristic for understanding how knowledge uptake occurs within a cycle of organizational reasoning. This cycle is driven by activities that transform data, information, and knowledge and that link specialists with decision makers. The heuristic can be used as a diagnostic tool to identify breaks in the transformation process that impede mandate fulfillment and impair capacity building. Lack of appreciation of the dynamic relationship between data, information and knowledge leads to mistimed and ineffective policy interventions that do not result in the hoped for progress in science intended to underpin policy advances.  相似文献   

This article outlines an innovative project to encourage knowledge sharing and engagement between academics and a policy team within the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C). The project was designed to enhance policy advice by drawing on a group of academics outside the policy ranks to act as a sounding board, to question, and provide differing perspectives within the policy process of crafting advice to government. External expertise and particularly academic research has the potential to improve evidence‐based policy but often fails to be specific or timely for those at the “pointy end” of policy decision making. An informal knowledge sharing framework has the potential to improve the exchange of information through confidential and targeted conversations between researchers and public servants as one way of overcoming these barriers.  相似文献   

会计人员在进行会计选择时,要受到多个因素的影响,特别是企业的多个利害关系的人的影响.谁在企业组织这个契约中占绝对优势,谁就会在博弈中得到最大利益,会计人员选择立场也就偏向谁.会计人员虽然不能完全站在某一方的角度进行会计选择,但会计人员的会计选择立场可以主要从某一或几方出发.要想改变会计人员的选择立场必须要从改变企业组织的委托代理关系入手,建立起相应的法人治理结构环境.  相似文献   

For a long time the question of to what extent party choice in the European Parliament (EP) elections is primarily dependent on voters’ orientations towards the European Union (EU) or just a mere reflection of orientations towards issues and actors in national politics has been debated. By combining insights from individual‐level models of party choice in second‐order elections with theories of sequential decision making this article investigates if, how and at what stages in the decision process attitudes to European integration matters for party choice. In line with previous work on first and second decision rule criteria in EP elections, this article develops and tests hypotheses about how voters’ orientations work at different stages of the voter decision process. The findings, based on Swedish data from a probability‐based three‐wave Internet campaign panel, indicate that many voters are in fact considering more than one party to vote for in the beginning of the election campaign. As expected, left‐right orientations function as a main decision rule with respect to which parties voters even consider voting for, while proximity on the European integration dimension mainly matters as a second decision rule in the final stage of the decision process. Using a sequential model with consideration and choice stages, the article reveals a much larger complimentary effect of EU proximity on party choice than has generally been found in previous research. This serves as a distinct contribution to the emerging research field of individual party choice in second‐order elections.  相似文献   

白鹏  赵利仁 《学理论》2012,(7):153-154
产经新闻的独特性体现在:定位于目标人群,追求报道的深度和广度,在新闻宣传中渗透知识的内涵和新闻张力,做到"精、专、深、细",深入报道读者所关心的企业发展和社会影响力方面的新闻,增强媒体吸纳广告的渠道和空间。以阜新日报产经新闻的发展历程为例,分析了产经新闻的特点及在广告经营中的地位与作用,结果表明产经新闻能有效提升企业知名度,整合广告经营中的新闻资源,增强媒体在广告市场中的竞争力。  相似文献   

This article examines the factors that influence whether the acquisition of knowledge leads on to action. It looks first at the ‘supply’ side, i.e. the kind of knowledge that is being acquired and whether it meets the needs of the intended users and is conducive to action; whether knowledge is a product or a process; the relevance of the positivist and constructivist approaches in this context; and whether participatory methods are required. The article then turns to the ‘demand’ side, and looks at possible reasons why decision‐takers may often seem to ignore new knowledge and evaluation findings. It suggests that evaluators may sometimes have unrealistic expectations of the kind of impact their reports should have. On the other hand there are factors leading to inertia and risk averseness that may stymie action. The importance of a ‘knowledge culture’ is emphasized if knowledge is to be turned into action. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a methodology for improving homeland security investment decisions. The objective is to evaluate multitechnology, multiyear investment choices and the associated development and deployment risks associated with new technologies. The budgeting process in the Homeland Security Department is a complex multicriteria decision problem involving a distributed network of decision makers with diverse areas of expertise. The decision problem in Homeland Security involves game‐theoretic aspects as the terrorists are likely to alter their strategies depending on the defensive counter measures selected in the budget. We propose a two‐phased systems approach. The first phase employs a visualization tool based on Quality Function Deployment to develop an initial budget allocation. The second phase involves an iterative approach to project selection that dynamically adjusts the investment portfolio based on anticipated reactions taken by the terrorists. This paper is based on a study done as part of a research project for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). We present a high‐level view of the methodology and illustrate it with examples.  相似文献   

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