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新西兰统计局公布2013年残疾人调查报告显示,人口逐渐老龄化使新西兰残障人士的数目去年突破再万,几乎四分之一的人是残障人士。这份报告显示,24%的人口,即110万人被认定为残疾人。新西兰统计局劳工市场和家庭数据经理戴安·罗姆西表示,65岁以上人口比例在增加,这个族群的人和年轻人相比更容易成为残障人士。毛利人的残疾比率耍高于平均值为26%,岛民则为19%。  相似文献   

New Zealand, composed of two big islands at the southernmost of the Pacific Ocean, is a beautiful country with an area of 270,000 square kilometres and a population of less than 4 million. Having a vast territory, a sparse population,  相似文献   

My family and I were invited to Nanjing inorder that I be resident at the printing facility.MY wife Jane and I, and our four children Michelle, Melinda, Niki and Shane, have been living in Nanjing for close to 15 years. I made my first visit to Nanjing in 1992, when I assisted the Amity Printing Company. I felt immediately that I liked Nanjing and its people. My family and I were invited back to Nanjing in order that I be resident at the printing facility. We have been living in Nanjing since May 1993, at which time we had two children. Within two years, however, we doubled our offspring when twins Niki and Shane arrived!  相似文献   

正中国残联日前向各地残联下发《关于使用2010年末全国残疾人总数及各类、不同残疾等级人数的通知》,根据第六次全国人口普查我国总人口数及第二次全国残疾人抽样调查我国残疾人占全国总人口的比例和各类残疾人占残疾人总人数的比例,推算了2010  相似文献   

Everyone has his or her own impressions of a place after a visit. Different people have different views because of different cultures. The following story contains some Chinese people's impressions of Australia and New Zealand after their return.  相似文献   

Invited by the Australia-China Friendship Society and the New Zealand-China Friendship So-ciety, a 4-member CPAFFC publicity group visited Australia and New Zealand from September 14 to 27, 2003. The Group, consisting of Li Shantong, director general of the Research Department of Development Strategy and Regional Economy under the Development Research Centre of the State Council, Wang Qiliang, former Chi  相似文献   

昌平区崔村镇西辛峰村村民李伟,是普通农村妇女,18q前,与男友杨晓东热恋中,意外事故男友双腿高位截肢,李伟不离不弃毅然和杨晓东结婚,靠自己辛苦做起生意。他们心系国情,支持人口国策,特殊政策允许生育二胎情况下只要一个孩子,领取了独生子女父母光荣证。2008年,他们做日常用品批发生意资金周转困难,心急如焚,镇、村计生工作者到他们家,为其提供5万元小额贴息贷款,帮助他们解了燃眉之急。如今他们的日子一天比一天好。因为那场事故,丈夫杨晓东双侧假肢只能力所能及工作,重任都落在李伟肩上,李伟十分乐观。提起幸福生活,两口子说:“我们享受了人口计生富民好政策,小额贴息贷款对我们这样的家庭帮助实在是太大了。”  相似文献   

台湾当局在1992年通过了“老人福利法”、“人口政策纲领”和“加强推行人口政策方案”两项修正草案。“劳委会”则修改了劳工法令,将退休年龄从60岁延长至65岁。这些无疑都是针对台湾人口年龄结构老化的新举措,也是台湾在实施了20余年的控制人口的政策之后发生的方向性重大变革。  相似文献   

Ihave visited several times New Zealand-the"heaven of paradise" in the South Pacific andthe homeland of Rewi Alley. From the workingtours every two years with the CPAFFC delega-tion in the 1980s to the 1997 speaking tour to cel-  相似文献   

今年我国进行了第三次人口普查,普查工作从七月一日开始,到七月十日全部完成(个别地区略有推迟),并在七月底以前全面进行了复查核实工作。普查的全部贤料,正在用电子计算机进行处理。十月二十七日,国家统计局公布了手工简易汇总的主要数字。全国人口为十亿三千一百八十八万二千五百一十一人。大陆二十九个省、市、自治区(不包括福建省的金门、马祖等岛屿)人口和现役军人共十亿零八百一十七万五千二百八十八人,其中男性占百分之五十一点五,女性占百分之四十八点五。汉族占百分之九十三点三,  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Australian Sister CitiesAssociation (ASCA) and the New ZealandMaori-China Friendship Association, a 22-mem-ber Chinese local government delegation organ-ized by the Chinese People's Association forFriendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) andheaded by Li Daqiang, executive deputy gover-nor of Hubei Province, paid a visit to Australiaand New Zealand in August, 1997. The membersof the delegation came from Hubei, Shanxi,  相似文献   

The Liaoning Ballet of China, sent by the CPAFFC, gave 4 performances in Auckland, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane from Oc- tober 27 to November 11, 2006 at the invitation of 3CW Chinese Ra- dio of Australia and Asia Pacific Culture Connection Centre of Ne…  相似文献   

AT the invitation of theSister Cities New Zealandand the Australia-China Friend-ship Society, a 10-member de-legation of Chinese mayors dis-patched by CPAFFC and led byZhang Guowen, vice-mayor ofUrumqi, visited New Zealandand Australia from March 16 to31, 1994. It was composed ofleading officials of cities in  相似文献   

At the invitation of the New Zealand-China Friendship Society(NZCFS)and the Aus-tralia-China Friendship Society(ACFS),CPAFFCVice President Chen Yongchang and one staffmember paid a visit to New Zealand and Aus-tralia from June 1 to 15,2000 and attended theannual meetings of the two societies.The del-egation also visited Auckland, Rotorua andWillington branches of the NZCFS, and NewSouth Wales, Queensland and South Australia  相似文献   

At the invitation of the ChinesePeople's Association for Friendshipwith Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), afour-member delegation of Sister Cit-ies, New Zealand led by its chair-woman Lorraine Brill paid a visit toBeijing, Xi'an, Lanzhou, Shandan andXining from April 22 to May 6,1995.During its stay in Beijing, the CPAFFCVice President Su Guang met with andfeasted the delegation and had a work-ing meeting with them. The delegationalso paid a visit to the China Councilfor the Promotion of InternationalTrade, and took part in the "May 4th"youth festival get-together held by the  相似文献   

Invited by the Australia-China International Exchange Centre of Australia and the Asia Pacific Culture Connection Centre of New Zealand, a 51-member China Xinjiang Song and Dance Troupe sent by the CPAFFC gave 7 performances on its tour of Canberra, Mel-  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Australian Sister Cities Association (ASCA), the CPAFFC sent a delegation of local government officials to Australia to attend its national conference and visited New Zealand on its way from July 31 to August 14.  相似文献   

地处蒙、冀、辽三省区交汇处的赤峰,不论在东北经济圈、环渤海经济圈,还是北京经济圈,都有一定的发展优势。为适应经济和社会发展的需要,提高赤峰的城镇化程度,采取“西移北扩东进”战略,扩大赤峰城区框架,提高城市品位,接纳农牧区人口到城市就业,投身到环渤海经济,与振兴东北老工业基地战略对接,将赤峰城区建设成百万人口的区域性中心城市,这是发展区域经济和实现跨跃式发展举措之一,也是赤峰市几届市委、市政府和全市各族人民多年的夙愿。  相似文献   

上海人口老龄化程度的加剧,城市的可持续发展面临严峻的挑战。以户籍人口统计,上海去年60岁及以上老年人已达300.57万人,占户籍人口21.61%,比全国高一倍,老龄化程度已接近日本、瑞典等世界人口老龄化最高国家的水平,这些国家人口老龄化程度为23%~25%。另外,去年上海养老金缺口达170亿元,面临空前的养老保障压力。  相似文献   

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