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现代道德文化是古代道德文化的承续,现代道德文化离不开传统文化的开发与转化,传统道德文化具有开发与转化的必要与可能.现代社会道德必须体现传统道德精神,特别是中国特色的社会德育必须体现传统道德伦理,在全球化条件下转变现念方式,从区域观念走向全球通则的文化全球形态,创造一个诚信、开放、公平的和谐社会环境.为此,还需对现代社会道德规范进行重塑,建立新的道德价值取向,构建现代社会道德控制机制及预防体系,以优良的道德育人环境,加强人文道德素质修养,确保经济社会和谐持续稳定健康发展.  相似文献   

日常习俗的不证自明性遮蔽了其应有的道德合法性解释和构造过程。事实上每一种人类文化都具有不可缺失的意识构造过程,文化是人类自己的观念构造物。文化习俗则不仅是意识构造过程,更是道德合法性的诠释和构造的过程。日常文化习俗具有自我道德辩护性,具有独特的道德诠释和构建过程,具有有效的道德统摄性。  相似文献   

党内文化既具有特定时期社会文化的反映,又具有鲜明的自身政党文化色彩和深刻的自身内涵。党内文化的基本形态表现为理论、道德、地物、知识、制度等形式。党内文化建设具有多层面的价值意义。因此,党内文化建设,要努力通过使党成为先进理论文化的培育主体,高尚道德的示范主体,先进文化的推动主体等多维路径来实现。  相似文献   

通过对350条来自"新浪论坛"和"强国论坛"的网络帖子的分析,初步展示了网民在对"激辩公交让座文化事件"和"长江大学学生救人事件"所持的态度和道德评判标准,并在此基础上总结出了网民践行道德文化传统理念的三大特点:第一,道德文化传统理念的践行是一种对所处的具体时空作理性的思考后的策略性行为;第二,现代网民践行道德文化传统理念时,也考虑将社会整体利益与个人利益相结合,谋取个人正当的利益.第三,当道德文化传统理念与现代社会行为规范相结合时,道德文化传统理念被践行的频率、规模都会有所提升.  相似文献   

我国传统文化的核心是以道德修养为第一要义,青少年的道德践行离不开传统文化的维持和强化.本文以传统孝文化与青少年道德养成的相关性为切入点,阐述孝文化在青少年道德教育中的重要意义.传统孝文化有很多优秀的道德内容是青少年德育不可忽视并需要借鉴的,但是,当前社会转型、制度变迁,青少年的思维方式、价值观念等发生了很大的变化,孝文化的核心价值体系出现混乱.孝文化的当代际遇,不利于青少年的道德教育与全面发展,因此,如何通过加强孝文化来促进青少年道德教育是值得思考的问题.  相似文献   

中国马克思主文伦理思想产生的必然性与发展的独特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国马克思主义伦理思想的产生,具有历史和伦理文化发展的必然性,它既是中国伦理文化寻求自己新的发展的必然选择,也是中国人民渴望新的道德生活和追求新的伦理目标的价值使然.中国马克思主义伦理思想的形成和发展,同中国现代的道德文化和道德现代化建设密切相关,它体现了理论与实践、坚持与发展、立足本国与面向世界的有机统一等特点.中国马克思主义伦理思想的形成与发展不仅极大地改变了中国社会的道德状况,使中国人民的道德生活发生了天翻地覆的伟大变化,同时也改变了原来伦理学混乱杂陈的发展状况,开辟了通向科学伦理学和崇高伦理学的新路径.  相似文献   

中国共产党不仅是领导中国人民进行革命、建设和改革的政党,而且在对待儒家道德文化上,也是批判地继承和创造性转化的政党。具体说来主要有三点:一是中国共产党对儒家道德文化具有革命性传承和领导的使命;二是中国共产党对儒家道德文化具有创造性转化和发展的使命;三是中国共产党对儒家道德文化具有弘扬和宣传的使命。总之,中国儒家道德文化的传承、转化、发展、弘扬、宣传和创造性转化离不开党的领导和示范性参与。因此,在实现中华民族伟大复兴的"中国梦"的语境下,儒家道德文化的发展和创新更加需要加强和坚持党的领导。  相似文献   

中国传统文化历来强调道德在政治和管理中的作用,也不乏对诚信的推崇和研究.西方对"诚信"的研究和应用也有悠远的历史,并在目前的企业管理中有颇为成功的实践,从各自发展历史看,中国传统的道德诚信与西方文化中的道德诚信具有基本相同的内涵和要求,但由于社会制度和文化传统的差异,在具体的理解上,两者存在着实质性的区别,并由此影响了不同文化背景下人员诚信行为表现特征上的差异.  相似文献   

从伦理学的角度看,多元文化主义是指承认民族文化平等,强调民族文化认同,尊重民族文化差异,追求民族自由、民族平等、民族公正的社会伦理思潮.民族主义是以民族成员共同的道德心理、道德情感、道德品格、民族意识为基础,通过对本民族伦理价值的弘扬、保护、批判、反思以及对民族精神、民族道德的塑造,以同期实现民族独立、民族统一、民族自决、民族富强的道德理想的一种社会思潮.多元文化主义强调民族文化的多元,而民族主义强调民族道德与政治上的统一,因此二者表面看来存在着矛盾与对立.其实,在多民族国家的内部,二者并不必然存在着矛盾,而是一种辩证统一的关系.  相似文献   

榜样文化是系统总结道德模范的感人事迹、道德经验和高尚品德而形成的激励人们积极向上的思想文化,是社会成员出于对榜样的崇拜、效仿而产生自觉性、自发性行动的实践文化。榜样文化的形成必然对社会道德建设具有引领和推动作用,两者在内涵和目的上具有统一性。  相似文献   


A large body of international research substantiates the concern with problems of peer-on-peer violence in schools and its common beginnings as taunting, harassment and other forms of bullying. One common difficulty in developing better ways of handling these problems is the professional literature's inconsistency in the identification of bully and victim characteristics. This study surveyed school professionals (teachers and counselors) who work with youth on a daily basis to see how closely their perceptions of victims and bullies matched the criteria commonly found in the literature. Participants rated 70 characteristics as to their importance in recognizing the potential for children to become bullies or victims. The results demonstrated strong agreement on five characteristics as being exclusively those of victims, 11 as exclusively those of bullies, and 15 as strongly associated with both victims and bullies. These characteristics and additional ones identified by an earlier study of international experts are offered to assist all those related to the school community in more effectively recognizing young people with the potential to develop into bullies or victims. Earlier and more accurate identification of such developing problems would increase the ability to create and implement prevention methods to improve safety and security for all youths.  相似文献   


Since the 1990s, schools have focused their attention on policies designed to improve school safety. Most researches on school violence policies have concentrated on the needs of students and administrators. This study investigated the impact of school violence policies on K-l 2 teachers' fear. Using self-report data from 447 K-12 teachers from a large southeastern school district and multilevel path analysis, this study showed that K-12 teachers' perceptions of school policies impacted their fear of school violence. Further, ecological factors had a direct relationship with teacher fear. Policy implications from these findings are discussed.  相似文献   


The study develops a school safety and student achievement model, incorporating the concepts of student background, school structure, school culture, school disorder, and student academic achievement, and fits it to 613 elementary schools in New York City, using Structural Equations Modeling technique. The model fits the data well based on both Chi-square test statistic and goodness of fit indexes. The model accounts for 71% of school variance in student achievement. The study confirms that student background is associated with student behavior and student learning. School disorder affects student achievement negatively directly and indirectly mediated by student attendance. The study suggests that policy initiative could be implemented to improve school climate, therefore reduce school disorder and improve student achievement.  相似文献   

School Violence     

While politicians and the media have devoted a great deal of attention to the “problem” of school violence, classrooms teachers remain an underutilized source of information and inspiration about the frequency of school violence, its causes, its consequences, and appropriate interventions. In essence, teachers have been given little, if any, voice. This article is a reflective piece that integrates the author's own experiences as a teacher, focus group data with high school teachers, and the extant literature regarding the importance of teacher voice. Research and theory regarding the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized serve as background. Also explored are the ways that teachers' voices are stifled, as well as suggestions for empowering teachers.  相似文献   

School violence, school violent victimization, and suicidal ideation among adolescents are serious public health concerns. This pilot study investigated the influence of steroid use on problem behaviors. Secondary data analyses of the 2014 PRIDE Questionnaire were performed based on information collected from 38,414 high school adolescents. Results indicated high rates of school violence, school violent victimization, and suicidal ideation. Steroid use was directly related to all three problem behaviors. Results varied based on sex, race, grade level, and ethnicity. Health professionals, schools, and prevention specialists may benefit from the findings of this study. Examination of other factors related to steroid use in relation to the aforementioned problem behaviors is imperative.  相似文献   

School resource officers (SROs) are being increasingly employed in schools to respond to incidents of school violence and to help address safety concerns among students and staff. While previous research on school safety and crisis teams has examined the role of school mental health professionals’ and administrators, fewer studies have evaluated the role of the SRO. The current study examined differences between SROs, school administrators, and school mental health professionals (i.e., school psychologists, school counselors, social workers) regarding experiences with crisis events, as well as perceived effectiveness of crisis prevention and response strategies. The most common crisis events across professionals included student assaults, drug offenses, and mandated child abuse and neglect reporting. While SROs and school mental health professionals had similar ratings of school safety strategies, school administrators had less effective appraisals of crisis response plans and crisis postvention activities. Implications for practice and future directions for research are reviewed.  相似文献   


School climate is increasingly intertwined with efforts to create safe schools and improve social-emotional learning and academic outcomes. While current definitions of school climate implicate the decisions and actions of school staff members, the majority of school climate research focuses on the perspectives of students. This study presents an adapted model of school climate that focuses on the experiences of school staff members, and is one of the first empirical studies to explore a statewide data set of responses from staff members in California public schools. Results suggest that there are meaningful differences in the experiences of school climate for different staff members and that these differences should guide the assessments of school climate and changes to policies and procedures that may influence climate.  相似文献   


This article reviews school violence prevention programs that were published between the years of 1990 and 1999. All the interventions fitting inclusion criteria involved being implemented in a school setting, using a control group, and including a quantitative methodology. Effect sizes were calculated for the final sixteen articles that were reviewed in the meta-analysis. A process of inspection was used in order to come up with treatment characteristics most common to each prevention program. Each study was thus described according to six categories: theoretical base, setting, age group, leader training, duration, and random assignment. Four studies resulted with strong effect sizes; however, a regression analysis was not conducted due to inadequate sample size. A review of the literature suggested that program impact could be significantly affected by the use of cognitive-behavioral strategies, multi-setting atmosphere, and primary (elementary school) prevention. In addition, intuitive support (common knowledge in the social science field) indicated that a qualified program leader and longer length of program could also contribute to the influence of a program. Future researchers are encouraged to use a more comprehensive literature review (e.g., past 20 years) in terms of conducting meta-anal-yses in order to provide a larger sample size adequate enough to see the true effects of different intervention components on outcomes (regression analysis; i.e., additive component effects).  相似文献   

“枫桥经验”是枫桥的干部群众鉴于社会治安形势的发展,提出的一些原创性的朴素的预防犯罪的观点和方法。国内一批专家学者多次实地考察、调研,以不同的视角阐述了其预防犯罪、维护治安的理论观点,逐渐形成了一个预防犯罪学学派,称枫桥学派。“枫桥经验”蕴含着的理念主要有:调解矛盾纠纷,消除犯罪诱因;强根固本,夯实长治久安基石;社区警务建设与社会安全阀的建立;民主与法治建设,群众是维护社会治安的主体等。  相似文献   

Happy at School     
PROVIDING a happy learning experience and nurturing students' creativity has long been the main aim of China's elementary education. Beijing Primary School, a well-known and respected institution with a history 60 or more years, is carrying out trial teaching strategies aimed at easing the historically heavy academic burden on students.  相似文献   

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