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After three decades of reform and opening up, China's diplomacy displays the following ten features: 1. the three interlocked goals of development, sovereignty and responsibility; 2. maintaining "a low profile" while "acknowledging some accomplishments"; 3. a principled, yet restrained stance in pushing for an improved international order. 4. multi-tiered, mutually complementary diplomatic endeavors; 5. four close-knit diplomatic fronts; 6. the intrinsically compatible concepts of "a harmonious society" and "a harmonious world"; 7. the renewed principle of non-intervention; 8. the evolving "people first" concept thinking; 9. guidelines with continuity and innovation; 10. an orderly, gradualist diplomacy diplomatic transition.  相似文献   

俄罗斯东方能源外交与中俄能源合作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在国际能源价格不断攀高的背景下,俄罗斯作为能源输出大国,既想扩大能源出口市场,又欲借主办G8峰会之机推动建立全球能源新体制,以彰显其独特的世界大国形象。加强能源外交,促进俄能源向中国、日本、韩国、印度等东方国家大量出口成为普京当前外交的重要目标,也是俄保障其能源出口安全和国家经济持续发展的重要条件。中俄能源合作曲折复杂,同时也在扎实推进,随着两国战略协作伙伴关系的持续深化,中俄能源合作也将不断迈上新台阶。  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) is one of the main energy consumers and importers in the world. Safeguarding energy security has become the priority objective in internal and external policies of the EU. By implementing its diversification strategy in energy supply, the EU has strengthened its rivalry for energy in Central Asia. China and the EU face similar energy security problem. After the launching of the natural gas pipelines in Central Asia,  相似文献   

Soon after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the political elites of Russia described for the general public a bright future based on Western values: transition from highly centralized planning economic system to market economy via shock therapy, development from highly centralized political system to “democratic system” by implementing “separation of powers,” development from underdevelopment of social functions to “civil society” by fostering the middle-class in order to achieve economic prosperity,  相似文献   

The current international situation is volatile and highly complicated with abrupt changes. Various contradictions develop successively, and different challenges present them- selves one after another.  相似文献   

Prresident Xi Jinping's recent attendance at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summits, visits to Central Asian and Southeast Asian nations, together with Primer Li Keqiang's visits to South and Southeast Asia, followed with his attendance at the China-ASEAN Summit, and coupled with China hosting top leaders from neighboring countries, have all sent a strong signal to the outside world of the greater priority accorded to China's sun'ounding areas by the new leadership. Needless to say, such a flurry of diplomatic activities is far from enough. In the future, China needs to turn this priority into a top-level design for a long-term program propped up by an unswerving management.  相似文献   

The dispatch of Russian troops to South Ossetia demonstrated Russia's determination to rise again and act as a global power. The Russian nation will encounter three contradictions on this path: in terms of the political system, the issue is whether to concentrate central power or practice liberal democracy; in economic development, to rely on the energy industry as a pillar of the economy or to optimize the national economic structure; and in diplomatic strategy, to hide capabilities and bide its time or to pursue a harsh line. Resolving these three contradictions will determine whether Russia can fully take its place as a global power.  相似文献   

In the early stage after its founding, the People's Republic of China established bilateral relations with a series of socialist countries and a small number of Western countries. In order to break up the encirclement of New China by the Western hostile forces headed by the United States, New China began participating in international affairs. It took part in the two Geneva Conferences and the Bandung Conference, and Premier Zhou Enlai visited ten African countries.  相似文献   

No matter what period of history we choose, tsarist Russia or the Soviet Union, historically, Russia has wielded great power over bothEurope and Asia. However, this changed with the break-up of the Sov...  相似文献   

The trend of Russia-U.S. relations,one of the important bilateral relations in today's world,has always been an important factor affecting global strategic stability. Since the end of the Cold War,Russia's tussles with the United States  相似文献   

With the implementation by China of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, China's diplomacy has undergone a great reform of profound significance, and has made outstanding achievements. China's development and its diplomacy supplement, enrich and promote each other. The former provides good conditions for the latter's development, while the latter safeguards China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, creates a peaceful international environment for the country's cause of socialist construction with Chinese characteristics, and makes remarkable contributions to the great undertaking of reform and opening-up and the Four Modernizations.  相似文献   

Japan's diplomacy in Central Asia started in the wake of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. After years of efforts, Japan's strategy on Asia was formed and its diplomacy in Central Asia entered a stage of steady growth. Though having scored some achievements, Japan still has some marked limitations as far as its Central Asia diplomacy is concerned. In the foreseeable future, Japan will still find it hard to become a main player on the stage of Central Asia diplomacy.  相似文献   

This article aims to identify some lessons from China' s neighboring diplomacy in the two years prior to the 18th National Congress of the CPC (November 8-14, 2012 ).  相似文献   

China's rapidly increasing demands for energy has been a subject for debate for years. To Chinese observers, the most important issue is how to safeguard energy supply and maintain economic growth. To most Western analysts, however,  相似文献   

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