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正Beijing takes a series of measures to tackle its aging challenge Zhao Yunxia,80 years old,has lived in Cuncaochunhui Home,a nursing home in east Beijing’s Chaoyang District,for three years.Zhao had lived alone for some years after her husband died,as her elder son works in the United States and her younger son,who was  相似文献   

家家有老人,人人都会老。人口老龄化是当今世界各国普遍面临的问题,而中国的老龄问题有其自身特点和发展规律。从中国的具体国情出发,关注老龄群体,研究老龄问题,做好老龄工作,使老年人老有所养、老有所学、老有所为、老有所乐,是全面建设小康社会过程中一项重要而紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

The Beijing-based Economic Daily recently carried the headline,“China Takes Three Steps As the World Takes One”——an observation on China‘s economic growth. Its 16 percent annual GDP growth means that Pudong is advancing at double that speed. This phenomenal growth rate makes Pudong the central focus of this issue.  相似文献   

老年人保健品诈骗犯罪具有职业化、犯罪对象范围明确、犯罪手段多元、隐蔽且变异性强等特点。传统侦查方法面临受害人不能及时报案失去破案先机、侦查投入成本高、部门间协调机制不畅等困境。大数据技术可以满足人民群众快侦快破的新期待,在提供明确的侦查方向、实现犯罪深挖、助力控赃挽损等方面实现新突破。在大数据背景下,建立数据驱动侦查的大数据思维,加强警企合作并拓展整合数据来源,完善线上线下协同作战模式,提升民警的大数据侦查专业素养,有助于老年人保健品诈骗犯罪案件侦查机制的完善。  相似文献   

社区养老因其符合中国老人的心理需要、养老成本低等优势,近年来被政府部门所力推。当前发展社区养老服务具备现实基础与实际需求,但仍存在一些问题,如:政府职能发挥不够,顶层设计有待完善;服务水平有待提升,无法匹配实际需求;社会参与程度不足,齐抓共管格局尚未建立等。发展社区养老服务,需强化政府主导,提高保障水平;加大建设力度,提升服务水平;推动多方参与,凝聚发展合力。  相似文献   

FOR14years,theQiqiharRailwayCentralHospitalinHechenghasbeenprovidingfreemedicalcareforHecheng'sseniorcitizens.Thehospitalcomprisesatreatmentcenter,ascientificresearchinstitute,andamedicalschool.China'sburgeoningelderlypopulationisbecomingaserioussocialproblem.Toalleviateburdensonindividualfamilies,thehospitalprovidesspecialservicestoseniorcitizens.Forexample,thehospitalrunsspecialfamilywardsforseniorcitizenswhohavedifficultieswalkingtothehospital.Often,doctorsandnursesvoluntarilygoandseeth…  相似文献   

MIAO HONG 《人权》2008,(3):12-14
Gong Shihai, a 73-year-old peasant, had never dreamed that he was married for the first time in his life at atownship senior citizens home, 40 kilo- meters southeast of Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province.  相似文献   

AS founder of the 99 Life Care Fund, Wang Bailing’s schedule is jam-packed every day. It might involve talking to Apple Inc. about producing cell phones for the  相似文献   

It Takes Two     
正Didi and Uber declare a marriage of convenience They have been at loggerheads over fares for years,but now a white flag has been waved across the ride-hailing market in China.Didi Chuxing and Uber have finally agreed to bury the hatchet ending their costly fight for the largest on-demand transportation market in the world.Didi Chuxing,or Didi for short,is a home-  相似文献   

Anna Chennault discovers new dimensions of China’s development during her recent visit to the hinterland of the country China’s vast hinterland has long conjured up images of rugged mountains and countrysides dotted by villages  相似文献   

<正>Several deadly terrorist attacks in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region last month attracted great public attention.Despite the attacks,the general situation in Xinjiang has remained stable since a major riot in Urumqi,the regional capital,on July 5,2009.Encouragingly,Xinjiang has shown a promising trend of growth,which is essential to realizing lasting stability in the region.  相似文献   

PRIOR to opening her e-store, 28-year-old Yu Jing was an office worker in a joint-venture company in Zhuhai, Guang-dong Province, working a steady 9-to-5 job. At the beginning of June, spurred by her dream of a free and happy life, she finally quit the job to open an e-shop on Taobao, specializing in silver accessories and Korean cosmetics.  相似文献   

论立体式家庭养老服务支持体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙玉其  刘莹 《湖湘论坛》2020,33(1):110-121
家庭是提供养老服务的重要主体,家庭养老服务是养老服务体系的重要组成部分。在现实中,家庭养老服务困境重重,影响老年人各类需求的满足。家庭养老服务弱化主要体现在三个方面:无奈、无能与无为。为防范老年社会风险,满足老年人的各类需求,提升家庭的养老服务能力与服务意愿,应该在现有基础上探索构建立体式家庭养老服务支持体系,即支持主体多元、支持内容多维、支持举措多面。未来应该以政府为主导,多主体协同联动,从多个方面全面推进家庭养老服务支持体系建设,更好地满足老年人的养老服务需求。  相似文献   

Yunnan Povince usually boasts one of the most abundant sources of water across China-ranking third among provinces nationwide.The origin of the Pearl River,which runs through the most vibrant economic center in south China,has recently seen its source of water cut off,leaving behind parched land and dead crops.  相似文献   

"Really, I never, never expected to win this," said Chinese director Jia Zhangke on hearing he had taken the top award for his movie Still Life (Sanxia Haoren) at the Venice Film Festival, on September 9. A surprise late entry, Still Life quickly emerged as the favorite and the Gold Lion was again hugged by Chinese. The well-known Chinese director Zhang Yimou won the same award back in 1999, for Not One Less-also a  相似文献   

正Zhi Shuping,Minister of the General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of China(AQSIQ)elaborated at a press conference in Beijing on September 13 on a newly issued policy that aims at improving the quality of homegrown products and services and advancing the upgrading of China’s manufacturing industry.Edited excerpts of his speech are as follow:  相似文献   

The World Expo 2010 Shanghai is expected to create a platform for Africa to show its best side to the world As the first comprehensive world expo held in a developing country,  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化程度的日益加深,我国对于专业性老年护理的需求也逐渐增加。目前由于我国养老护理行业存在工资福利和劳动付出不对等、缺乏职业培训和发展规划、维权渠道不畅通等问题,愿意从事养老护理的劳动力相对较少,从业人员专业素质偏低,难以满足老年人对于养老服务的实际需求。涉及的诸多因素中,最主要的原因在于现有法律法规未能适应现行养老服务业发展的需要,因此国家有必要设计和制定出符合养老护理员职业特点的法律规范,从法律层面为养老护理员提供劳动权益保障。  相似文献   

正The focus of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee,held in October 2014,was on major issues related to the rule of law.The plenum conveyed the ruling party’s determination to build a nation of laws through its unique legal system,and roll out strategic policies guiding the process.This is an extension of and significant advance on policies stating that"the  相似文献   

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