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After emerging from the economic doldrums, developing economies are now confronted with a new danger-a flood of international hot money. But how has the speculative capital circumvented regulatory controls and what are the consequences concerning the stability of the developing world? Zhao Zhongwei, a senior researcher with the Institute of World Politics and Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, discussed these issues in an article recently published in the China Securities Journal. Edite...  相似文献   

Hot Stuff     
<正>I’ve always enjoyed the vast diversity of Chinese cuisine.I travel frequently,and everywhere that I go,I find each region in China has its own specialties regarding food.As the famous French anthropologist  相似文献   

Red Hot Tourism     
WHEN the Communist Party of China (CPC) was established in 1921, it was an obscure organization of 50-odd members. By the time the People's Republic was founded in 1949, the CPC had built an army of four million and expanded its membership to approximately 4.5 million.  相似文献   

Economists debate the existence of hot money in China’s markets  相似文献   

In Hot Water     
When interrupted by a reporter at a news conference on May 6,Zhong Shanshan looked embarrassed by what would later turn into a chaotic scene.The 59-year-old man,founder of Nongfu Spring,China’s second largest bottled water producer,appeared lacking in crisis management skills.During the question-and-answer period,  相似文献   

Hot Green Wheels     
China hands out subsidies for purchases of new energy vehicles to spur green car interest After months of waiting, the Ministry of Finance announced on June 1a trial program to subsidize purchases of new energy vehicles in the  相似文献   

The Hot Zone     
China’s newly announced air defense identification zone over the East China Sea aims to shore up national security By Yu LintaoThe Chinese Government’s recent announcement of an air defense identification zone(ADIZ)over the East China Sea has met with opposition from Japan and the United States,which claimed that the move has altered the regional status quo in a way that may destabilize the situation.  相似文献   

During the annual sessions of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) this year, NPC deputies and CPPCC members shared their viewpoints on some hot topics related to society and people’s livelihoods. Excerpts follow:  相似文献   

Breast cancer has become the top killer for Chinese women. According to health experts, in China's developed coastal areas one out of every 1,000 women has the illness, the incidence is rising by three to four percent a year, and the fatality rate increasing by 6.9 percent a year.  相似文献   

Amid uncertainties about the amount of hot money,the government strives to curb the harmful capital The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index was plagued by dips, climbs and dives as the stock market slumped from 3,186 to 2,838 points  相似文献   

Being a financier may not be the exclusive privilege of those working on Beijing’s Financial Street and Shanghai’s Lujiazui Area.Exporters in some remote towns are training themselves to become adept at moving cash.They are thoroughly conversant in the non-deliverable forward market in Hong Kong and the renminbi lending rate on China’s mainland.  相似文献   

<正>November to January Starting from November,Grand Caféwelcomes you to savor a hot pot feast together with a lavish buffet and a selection of seafood to warm up your winter!Traditionaly a group event and a staple winter dish,the hot pot style of dining involves guests sitting around a pot of simmering broth and cooking food inside.The slowly rising hot steam from the boiling soup signals the  相似文献   

English "fever" started in the 1970s, and reached its climax in the new century, and the whole nation -- from children to the elderly, and from students to military men -- is now crazy for English.THE door to China that had been so firmly closed since 194…  相似文献   

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) has approved the sale of local govern ment bonds directly to individuals as well as small and medium-sized institutional investors at commercial bank counters, triggering massive investor en thusiasm.  相似文献   

Although Gu Zhonggen's tea stall is simple, it is hailed as the most impressive one in the Changmingsi Alley Community, Hangzhou, capital city of east China's Zhejiang Province. It has supplied free herbal tea to pedestrians for 41 years. Every summer, the tea stall opens on the first day of Sanfu—the hottest period in summer—and closes at the end after nearly 40 days. The tradition was started by Gu's grandmother.  相似文献   

“女人是水做的”,一语道出了女人与水的不角之缘。女人爱水,离不开水,只有水分充盈的女人才能美丽动人。在这个乍暖还寒的四月时节里,许多职业女性在劳累了一个星期后都想好好放松一下,然而选择什么方式才好呢?于是,一些女性朋友选择了泡温泉,选择去温泉做条快乐的“鱼”,让美丽和健康兼得、加倍。  相似文献   

At Xinjiekou Subway Station, there is a great maze spreading under the center of Nanjing that holds many ilittle shops and stands. Making your way in this subterranean bazaar can easily become confusing for all passing through.  相似文献   

关于全球化几个热点问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过对全球化过程中产生的几个问题的探讨,试图对全球化的内涵和影响作一科学的揭示.本文认为全球化本质上是市场化在世界范围内的全面展开,是生产力要素的国际重组,它对世界的影响是全方位的.全球化把许多以往隐含的矛盾凸现出来,又为这些矛盾的解决创造着条件.全球化的趋势是客观的,而能否充分利用全球化为自己服务则取决于各国的自我决策.  相似文献   

FOR work reasons I have visited Daqing quite often in recent years.Its Lindian County is famous for hot springs,fertile grasslands and beautiful wetlands and has gained popularity with health preservation enthusiasts;all things that piqued my interest long ago.But only recently was I lucky enough to take in the wonders of Lindian.  相似文献   

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