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Investigating and prosecuting organized crime requires effectivelegal tools. A successful investigation depends to a large extentin maintaining the secrecy of the investigation as much as possible.Some investigative tools, such as electronic surveillance, cangenerally be used without disclosing even the existence of aninvestigation. Although other tools, such as grand jury subpoenasand search warrants, may reveal law enforcement's interest ina particular person or place, a carefully coordinated investigativestrategy can minimize the extent to which their use impedesan ongoing probe. From the viewpoint of substantive law, someof the most important tools in prosecuting organized crime arethe racketeering laws, which enable authorities to charge numerousmembers for participating in a collective criminal enterprise,even where they do not join in some of the particular criminalepisodes in which other members engage. Also important are moneylaundering laws, which enable the state to restrict the flowof money that forms the lifeblood of criminal organizations.  相似文献   

Current figures on the efficiency of DNA as an investigative tool in criminal investigations only tell part of the story. To get the DNA success story in the right perspective, we examined all forensic reports from serious (N = 116) and high‐volume crime cases (N = 2791) over the year 2011 from one police region in the Netherlands. These data show that 38% of analyzed serious crime traces (N = 384) and 17% of analyzed high‐volume crime traces (N = 386) did not result in a DNA profile. Turnaround times (from crime scene to DNA report) were 66 days for traces from serious crimes and 44 days for traces from high‐volume crimes. Suspects were truly identified through a match with the Offender DNA database of the Netherlands in 3% of the serious crime cases and in 1% of the high‐volume crime cases. These data are important for both the forensic laboratory and the professionals in the criminal justice system to further optimize forensic DNA testing as an investigative tool.  相似文献   

盘查记录有《当场盘问、检查笔录》和《挡获经过(说明)》两种形式,它们在制作主体、形成时间空间、证明内容等方面具有不同特点,之所以如此,源于不同的警务机制。盘查记录的诉讼证据资格不应有任何疑问,这是因为在违法—犯罪二元追诉机制下,刑事立案前的查缉活动由负责日常警务的警察依法进行,由此获得的证据必然具有合法性。在证明作用方面,盘查记录因其证明内容的综合性、直接性和不可替代性,从而具备了很强的诉讼推进能力。从立法完善角度,应当统一盘查记录的形式,规范其制作方式和记载内容,明确盘查记录的诉讼证据地位。  相似文献   

Both opponents and proponents of the death penalty express faith in science and in DNA evidence to justify their positions. This article examines the production of forensic evidence as a social activity and suggests that tendencies toward bias and error may not apply symmetrically in inculpation and exoneration contexts.  相似文献   

马静华 《证据科学》2010,18(1):66-73
盘查记录有《当场盘问、检查笔录》和《挡获经过(说明)》两种形式,它们在制作主体、形成时间空间、证明内容等方面具有不同特点,之所以如此,源于不同的警务机制。盘查记录的诉讼证据资格不应有任何疑问,这是因为在"违法—犯罪二元追诉机制"下,刑事立案前的查缉活动由负责日常警务的警察依法进行,由此获得的证据必然具有合法性。在证明作用方面,盘查记录因其证明内容的综合性、直接性和不可替代性,从而具备了很强的诉讼推进能力。从立法完善角度,应当统一盘查记录的形式,规范其制作方式和记载内容,明确盘查记录的诉讼证据地位。  相似文献   

It has been argued that authorities attract greater compliance when they treat people according to principles of interactional and procedural justice. Set in the context of taxation, the present research investigates the effects on behavioral compliance of reminder letters adopting principles of informational and interpersonal fairness compared with a standard reminder notice. Study 1 with 199 students confirmed that both fairness letters were regarded as fairer than the standard letter. In Study 2, a field experiment, 2052 Australian taxpayers who had an obligation to file a tax declaration but failed to file on time were randomly sent one of the three reminder letters. The two fairness letters yielded a significantly greater compliance rate than the control letter.
Michael WenzelEmail: Phone: +61-8-82012274Fax: +61-8-82013877

吴洪淇 《证据科学》2009,17(4):484-495
我国证据科学的出现既是英美证据法学知识传统发展演变的结果,也是回应国内司法证明领域转型的一个重要发展。证据科学的本质是司法证明领域诸多学科之间在应对新的时代问题所作出的一系列变动和整合,而变动和整合的方向则取决于社会需求和司法证明领域多学科之间的竞争。我国司法证明领域的转型所提出的一系列问题为司法证明领域诸多学科的互动提供了最基本的动力。中国证据科学应该以这些问题为核心,在解决问题的过程中形成中国证据科学的基本格局。  相似文献   

我国证据科学的出现既是英美证据法学知识传统发展演变的结果,也是回应国内司法证明领域转型的一个重要发展。证据科学的本质是司法证明领域诸多学科之间在应对新的时代问题所作出的一系列变动和整合,而变动和整合的方向则取决于社会需求和司法证明领域多学科之间的竞争。我国司法证明领域的转型所提出的一系列问题为司法证明领域诸多学科的互动提供了最基本的动力。中国证据科学应该以这些问题为核心,在解决问题的过程中形成中国证据科学的基本格局。  相似文献   

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