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Denghua Zhang 《圆桌》2017,106(2):197-206

Foreign aid from China to the island countries of the Pacific has grown rapidly over the last few decades and an expanding body of literature has examined various aspects of what this means for politics in the region generally. This article focuses on China’s impact on Pacific regional politics partly from the perspective of identity politics. It suggests that China has substantially increased its engagement with the Pacific island states by making use of its own identity as a South–South development partner in contrast to traditional (mainly Western) donors in the region. Unlike most traditional donors, however, China’s diplomacy and engagement are based largely on bilateralism, and this is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. This approach could continue to limit its impact on Pacific regionalism, regardless of how it projects its image.  相似文献   


In January 1974, when fighting broke out between Saigon forces and Chinese in the oil-promising South China Sea, the American establishment news media tended to assume that the Chinese, being communists, must have been the aggressors. Those reporters who were quickly able to attune themselves to the official State Department line, however, refrained from making any judgment regarding the merits of the controversy. And well they might have, for the assertions of America's client regime regarding the various archipelagoes are at best dubious. Official U.S. Government maps designate the islets by their Chinese (not Vietnamese) names, and neither Hanoi nor the Provisional Revolutionary Government has stated any claims in the region.  相似文献   

Rick Snell  Rowena Macdonald 《圆桌》2015,104(6):687-701

This article highlights the importance of adopting a pluralist approach to developing freedom of information (FOI) schemes within specific states in an age of ‘adopter intensification’. The limitations of imposing universal ‘off the shelf’ schemes without addressing multifaceted and unique state requirements are highlighted. The South Pacific Region is utilised as an example that demonstrates adoption is merely the initial and simplest step in an ongoing process of adaption and implementation. Comprehension of the ongoing commitment required in implementing effective FOI schemes should exist prior to legislative conception. Draft schemes must consider not only the supply and demand element of FOI within specific states, but also their broader macro- and micro-level intricacies. Vanuatu and Tonga are used as examples to demonstrate that even where a pluralist and staged approach is undertaken progress can still be slow and problematic.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the interaction between the Australian and British governments during the early 1970s over French nuclear testing in the South Pacific. It examines the considerations behind the Australian government's approach to Britain, and Britain's response to initiatives from Australia. Through the presentation of a case study demonstrating how Australia's Pacific interests and Britain's European concerns inevitably led to different perspectives, I argue that the policies of both countries were primarily determined by their consideration of regional geopolitical interests, rather than the lingering links of Empire.  相似文献   

Sue Farran 《圆桌》2016,105(4):401-414

‘Youth’ are frequently referred to under the mantra of inclusivity in any aid-funded project, development initiative or government–donor initiative in the Pacific region. Indeed, ‘youth’ ranks alongside ‘women/gender’ as a catch term for communicating diversity compliance. But how are ‘youth’ framed and who speaks for this group of people who are not yet adults or are only just adults in law, and yet are beyond the voiceless or barely articulate stage of childhood? This question may be particularly pertinent in cultures such as those found in the Pacific, where the right to speak out is traditionally not afforded to those on the edge of adulthood, and where ‘youth’ for the purposes of inclusive dialogue frequently means people over the age of 20. Although they may seem isolated, the Pacific islands are linked to global, regional and national movements to give young people more voice, to recognise the valuable contributions they can make and to ensure that they are participants in determining their own futures.  相似文献   

中韩两国关系自建交以来在许多方面取得了飞速发展,但近些年,两国关系由"暖"变"冷",原因是多方面的,其中韩国人对中国形象的负面认知,产生了很大的负面影响。对此,我们不能视而不见或避而不谈,而应积极加强对韩公共外交,促进两国友好关系顺利发展。韩国是中国的重要邻国,中韩两国关系良好发展的意义不仅局限在两国关系上,它对于改善东北亚地区的安全局势也具有不可忽视的作用。本文主要就韩国人对中国形象的负面认知及其对中韩关系所起的负面影响作用以及应对之策,做简要分析和探讨。  相似文献   

作为南海争端的“局外人”,泰国反对南海问题复杂化和扩大化,反对南海问题影响中国—东盟整体关系的发展,希望争端各方能够和平解决争端。同时,自2012年开始接替越南成为中国—东盟关系协调国后,泰国在南海问题是否应该东盟化问题上开始“走钢丝”。泰国对南海争端的态度与其国家利益密不可分。总体来看,泰国对南海问题的态度有利于南海局势的和平与稳定,有利于争端国家之间危机管控能力的提升。但是,泰国追求东盟在南海问题上形成共同立场以与中国开展集团式谈判的态度和行为会加剧南海争端东盟化。展望未来,泰国对南海问题的态度将会在保持一定的延续性的基础上追求在中国与东盟之间的平衡。  相似文献   

本文的目的在于对韩中关系进行评估。自从1992年正式建交以来,韩中关系实现了全方位的发展,两国关系总体来说前景是乐观的。然而,在某些方面,如果缺少系统的管理,两国关系将会遇到难关。韩中两国尽管建立了重视对方的"战略关系",却也同时表现出了看待对方的认知差距和对彼此作用期待的差距。如果搁置这些差距,就会存在形成某种构架的危险。构架一旦形成,要想解决它就必须花费大量的机会成本。由此,缩小彼此间的认知差距和期待差距将是未来韩中关系发展方面非常重要的一个课题。为此,本文提出了五个目标(共进、三赢、复合性思考、关于韩中关系的民间协商、加强反思对话)和三个方向(中庸的安保本体性、谨慎外交、平衡安保)。  相似文献   

南海渔业资源衰减相关问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自20世纪70年代以来,南海渔业资源一直处于逐渐衰减的状态。渔民的非法捕捞行为和东南亚南海周边国家基于争取更多主权权利而采取的渔业政策是影响南海渔业资源衰势的重要原因。近年来南海主权争端问题的再度激化制约了南海周边各国共同推动南海渔业合作机制的发展。目前,国际社会已有《联合国海洋法公约》等国际法规范和相对成熟的共同海域渔业资源保护机制。然而,能否推动在南海地区发挥这些已有机制的积极作用仍有赖于南海周边国家对南海共同渔业资源的政策和态度。  相似文献   

The sea lanes of the South China Sea are vital not only as a trade route but also for strategic security. It is self-evident that this should be so for the East Asian countries who lay claim to the area, but it is also true for those nations further afield who are affected by the activities there, such as Japan, Korea and the US. Based on his observations of the Chinese navy'sactivities in the South China Sea over the last ten years, Shigeo Hiramatsu, Professor of Social Sciences at Kyorin University, examines the history of the Chinese Navy within the context of East Asian security in the following article. He argues that in light of Chinese plans to increase the capability of its navy, a strong US-Japan relationship as well as a more active Japanese role in the region is essential to prevent a possible flare up of skirmishes around the South China Sea.  相似文献   

近期南海情势持续过去三四年来总体保持稳定的发展趋势.尽管南海岛屿声索方仍然各自不断采取种种宣示、强化岛屿主权的措施,包括计划在有争议水域与西方石油公司合作勘探开采油气资源,或修建机场跑道,或举办选举等,这些虽造成声索方之间的摩擦,但未来南海区域内发生严重武装冲突的可能性相当低.本文主要目的在于讨论近一两年来南海情势之发展.继前言后,文章第二节首先摘要介绍南海岛屿声索方在南海所采取宣示主权、强化管辖权的动作.第三节说明最近中国与东盟所提出有关处理南海问题的政治声明.第四节讨论中国在南海几个重要议题上所进行的活动现状.第五节特别针对越南在南海的经营提出观察.文章最后评估南海现状与未来走向.  相似文献   

美国奥巴马政府南海政策研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
相对于以往历届美国政府的南海政策,奥巴马政府对南海地区国家利益和国际利益的政策表述体现了更多将南海问题推向地区化和国际化的特征。出于亚太战略和重返东南亚的需要,奥巴马政府在南海问题上更倾向于表达与东南亚各国相近的共同利益,支持东南亚各南海权益声索国,反对中国的南海权益主张,并与东南亚国家共同遏制中国日益上升的地区影响力。然而,作为调整亚太战略的一种手段,奥巴马政府的南海政策不会走向因过度干预而损及亚太利益的极端。2011年,印度尼西亚担任东盟轮值主席国,鉴于不同于越南的南海利益诉求,印尼应当不会比越南更热衷于推动南海问题的继续升温。受地区主要国家政策温和化的影响,奥巴马政府的南海政策及其对地区形势的影响将呈现相对减弱的态势。  相似文献   

南海及其邻接周边是海上安全机制云集之地。对印度尼西亚而言,后冷战时期南海争端的凸显时值其谋求并巩固区域大国地位的关键时期。此间印尼逐渐在东南亚安全区域主义中发挥核心作用,即通过安全机制建设通联区域安全秩序内外建构,调处南海争端并建构相应安全机制成为印尼塑造区域安全能力的重要途径。文章通过对印尼独立主持的“处理南中国海潜在冲突研讨会”的案例分析,指出该安全机制对南海争端具有针对性;其形成与运作综合了印尼的国家与区域安全观,是印尼实践安全战略与政策、协调区域主义与大国角色的工具,对南海海上安全机制以及印尼建构区域安全机制起到了协同补充作用。  相似文献   

作为海洋战略实施的具体措施之一,十多年来越南外交研究机构持续主持召开关于南海(越南称"东海")的国际学术研讨会,已形成一种较为稳定的机制。第12次南海国际学术研讨会是在越南因应新冠肺炎疫情冲击、世界和南海地区形势发生重大变化的背景下召开的,呈现出了一些不同于以往各届会议的新特点。越南主流媒体对此次会议给予了较多关注和宣传报道,力图表现出研讨会的所谓"公正性""学术性""法理性"特点,反映出的意愿则是服务于攫取和扩展自身海洋权益的目的,并与美国关于南海问题的声明立场相呼应。举办方试图通过国际学术研讨会平台的形式,渲染南海复杂和严峻的形势,推卸在南海制造麻烦和分歧的责任,宣扬其南海政策主张,寻求影响和主导在南海问题上的国际传播话语权。维护南海的和平、合作与发展是南海区域国家和东盟的共同愿景,推动这一愿景的落实是各方的责任,越南需要拿出切实的诚意和实际行动,不能仅仅停留在口头上,其媒体也应该发挥出更多的建设性作用。  相似文献   

近年来南海问题风波迭起,在所有声称对南海岛屿拥有主权的国家中,越南表现尤为突出。文章从中越南海争端的历史及美国南海政策的演变入手,阐述了中越南海争端中的美国因素。文章认为,越南南海政策转强与美国回归东南亚有关。美国对南海问题的立场由中立到宣称关注航海自由,再到高调宣称美国支持多边解决南海问题,这些转变既向越南释放出可以对冲和制衡中国的信号,又给中国解决南海问题带来前所未有的现实压力。  相似文献   

南海争端中的美国因素及其影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在美国重返东南亚的大背景下,南海争端呈现出复杂化的趋势。本文概述了南海争端现状和各方对相关国际法律的不同解读,分析探讨了美国关注南海争端的原因、美国的立场政策、以及美国因素对南海争端当事国的影响。通过剖析美国因素,本文认为,美国对南海问题当事国相关政策或行动的支持倾向,客观上已使得南海问题的多边化、国际化态势逐渐转为现实,美国因素对中国试图解决南海争端的努力形成一定的挑战。  相似文献   

以南海问题的原初形态--双边争议为变量构建函数,渐次引入中美关系、越菲等国"大国平衡战略"、两岸关系、台湾东南亚政策等对南海问题有直接和间接影响的变量对南海问题进行解析发现,两岸关系对我国和平解决南海问题有着不可忽视的影响.它不仅与南海问题诸变量均有特定联系,而且还影响我国通过国际仲裁和平解决南海问题证据链的完整性和有效性.尽管两岸各自所主张的"南海主权"有所差异,但是,在维护中华民族利益的前提下,两岸需要尽早培养在南海问题上的默契与共识.  相似文献   

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