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ONE day in April 2007, a representative from the China ,Marrow Donor Program (CMDP) telephoned Li Li, a judge at the People's Court of Fangshan District in Beijing. "A little girl from Shanghai has a rare form of leukemia. We have found you to be a suitable blood match. Would you like to help her live?" Asked the representative. At first stunned, Li Li soon realized this was an opportunity to make a difference.  相似文献   

中国的政党制度是更高、更切实、更广泛的民主政治制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度是在人民民主革命的斗争历程中逐步形成的,是符合中国国情的.本文在简要回顾了人类社会历史的发展轨迹之后,着重讲述了社会主义与资本主义的本质区别,并细致地剖析了社会主义政党制度与资本主义政党制度的差异,以雄辩的事实证明了中国的政党制度是更高、更切实、更广泛的民主政治制度.  相似文献   

The Li Style     
<正>During the seven-day period from December 14 to 20,2014,Premier Li Keqiang flew 20,000 km across Eurasia,meeting with 22 national leaders and attending nearly 70 international conferences and other diplomatic activities.This breakneck pace amounted to an average of 10 events a day over that week.If each event took one hour,Li would have worked 10 hours every day.  相似文献   

"楚辞"基本属性是富有楚地地方色彩的一种文学样式. <离骚>是楚辞中最重要的篇目之一.关于"离骚"的名称历来就有很多解读,最早可见于司马迁的<史记·屈原列传>中引用刘安的"离骚者,犹离忧也."实际上,"离骚"是楚方言,是一个苗语词汇,最初是一个用古汉字的读音记录苗方言的词.前人对"离骚"的种种解释,其实都没有摆脱司马迁既定的思维模式."离骚"在苗语里的意思实际上是通过"诉说"、"申诉"、"劝说"或"斥责",把内心的想法及因遇不公而带来的委屈及愤怒表达出来.  相似文献   

李崇光教授,1957年生,1982年大学毕业获华中师范学院法学学士学位,1989年硕士研究生毕业获武汉大学经济学硕士学位,1998年博士研究生毕业获华中农业大学农业经济管理博士学位,1998年在美国IowaStateUniversity研修;现为华中农业大学文法学院院长、管理系教授、博士生导师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴  相似文献   

<正>Sun Dongchun’s The Delayed Gap Year made waves in China,as it is believed to be China’s introduction to the concept of a"gap year."Sun heard the word"gap year"in 2006 and months later,he embarked on his own,with a plan to go to India via Thailand to do volunteer work.At first,he planned a three-month trip but ended up extending it to 13 months.After the  相似文献   

论黎语的传承与保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
符宝玉 《前沿》2010,(5):113-115
黎语属汉藏语系壮侗语族的一支,其形成与发展经历了五个阶段。改革开放以来,在商品经济和多元文化的冲击下,黎语已经出现衰落的趋势。保护与传承黎语在文化、民族、政治和社会发展等领域均具有重大意义,其手段和途径又是多方面的。  相似文献   

LI Zongyi's benign countenance indicates his affinity with Buddha, and the influence Buddhism has had on him since childhood. A native of Panjin City, Liaoning Province, Li attended the Shenyang Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, and after years of hard work has now attained the "nirvana of perfection."  相似文献   

Adecade ago,United Bank of Switzerland (UBS AG) grabbed the financial spotlight by becoming one of the first qualified foreign institutional investors (QFIIs) approved by the Chinese Government.The move,implemented in December 2002,offered a fast track for overseas investors to channel their money into China's stock markets.In July 2003,UBS AG completed its first QFII transaction,buying four stocks in China's A-share market,namely,Baosteel Co.Ltd.,Shanghai Port Container Co.Ltd.,Sinotrans Air Transportation Development Co.Ltd.and ZTE Corp.  相似文献   

LI Ruohong is founder of the King's Water Garden Villas, golfing ace of real estate circles and a peace emissary of business circles. The annual CBD and Great Wall Cup tournaments organized by him for the past five years constitute a platform of communication between the government and foreign entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

<正>On a sunny day under the palm trees,three young women wearing button less flowery blouses and short tight skirts were chitchatting.Standing not far from them,I felt it made for an attractive portrait.The clicks of my camera startled them at first,but they did not recoil from me.Instead,they  相似文献   

在中国台湾自由主义的发生发展过程中,李敖有着独特的历史地位,也是一个颇受争议的人物,李敖与胡适的关系也是颇受关注。李敖作为台湾自由主义“不可多得的一条游魂”,是以反专制、反威权为特色的台湾自由主义谱系中的重要一员。传统的自由主义争取自由、民主、科学和个性解放,寻求民族振兴,体现了对文化文明发展的终极关怀,李敖是这样一个传统中个性鲜明的接棒者。  相似文献   

PUT your face into your pocket, and cry out in English with me, so that you won't lose it in the future!" Li Yang yells, while making gestures to indicate correct pronunciation, and titillating the audience into roars, whooping, and applause. Such ardor a…  相似文献   

李大钊的青年观浅探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伟大的革命先驱李大钊非常重视青年的历史作用,他通过大量的文章和讲演,阐明了青年的历史地位和使命,谆谆教导青年要有高昂的斗志,要有创新反抗精神,勉励他们珍惜光阴,教导他们树立正确的人生观、革命观,给广大青年指明了工农群众相结合的革命方向。  相似文献   

<正>Chinese tennis player becomes the first Asian to win a Grand Slam singles title Chinese tennis player Li Na beat defending champion Francesca Schiavone from Italy,6-4,7-6,on the clay court at Roland Garros,winning the 2011 French Open Tennis Tournament on June 4.She made history by becoming the first Chinese to win a grand slam singles title.  相似文献   

LI Renwei is one of61 senior pianotuners in China,and yet he has never once seen apiano. Li Renweihas been blind since birth. Hisblindness has not stopped him,though, from earning his keep andoffering the best service for pianousers with his sharp ears andclever hands. "Unlike those whoknow the world with their eyes, Iknow it through listening andtouching," he says proudly. Whenasked how he got into pianowork, he'll reply with smile, "It isa long story)." Li Walked into the musicalworld af…  相似文献   

赵昆艳 《思想战线》2006,32(5):120-123
李广田在发展现代教育方面有许多真知灼见。他强调注重实践的知识观、以人为本的教师观、全面发展的人才观,是中国教育发展历程中的前瞻性理念。  相似文献   

李大钊与马克思主义中国化的历史进程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李大钊是我国最早的马克思主义者,是马克思主义中国化的开创者,在传播马克思主义理论、运用马克思主义世界观解决中国社会问题等方面作了许多有益的探索.他又是马克思主义中国化的推动者,为早期马克思主义中国化培养了一大批马克思主义者,也为马克思主义中国化的长期发展确定了正确的前进方向、提出了马克思主义中国化的基本方法和原则.  相似文献   

Li Xiaolin, President of the CPAFFC and the China Friendship Art Exchange Association (CFAEA), led a CFAEA delegation to Japan in November 2011 spending a total of six days between Tokyo  相似文献   

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