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Abstract: Two cases are reported from South Australia, where deaths occurred that were due to single self‐inflicted gunshot wounds to the head in individuals who were visiting indoor firearm ranges. Case 1: A 54‐year‐old man visiting an indoor firing range placed a .357 magnum handgun to his head and fired one shot. Case 2: A 23‐year‐old woman who was being instructed in firearm usage at an indoor firing range placed a 9 mm handgun to her head and fired one shot. In both cases, deaths were due to cerebral laceration with skull fracture. Firing ranges may be utilized by individuals who are seeking weapons for suicide attempts, and suicide may be successfully undertaken at such locations even while a victim is under direct supervision. In jurisdictions, where firearm ownership is strictly legislated, it may be that clubs can inadvertently provide access to firearms for this type of activity.  相似文献   

Vulnerability to accidents characterizes the extremes of life for reasons that may be similar in each age group. Two cases are reported to demonstrate increased risks of entrapment and crushing injury involving the use of electrically controlled beds/tables. Case 1: A frail 98‐year‐old woman with a history of dementia suffered a lethal crush injury to her head when she fell out of bed and accidentally activated its lowering mechanism. Case 2: An 18‐month‐old girl suffered a lethal crush injury to her head when she became trapped under a lowered electric massage table. Common devices may be dangerous if individuals do not have the mental or physical capabilities to deal with them. The forensic assessment of such deaths involves an evaluation of the neurocognitive level and physical strength of the decedent as documented in previous clinical assessments, in addition to a careful examination of the structure and function of the bed/table.  相似文献   

A case of intracerebral hemorrhage in Turner syndrome is reported with an analysis of possible causes of cerebrovascular accidents in this condition. A 42‐year‐old woman with known Turner syndrome died soon after hospital admission having been found unconscious at her home address. At autopsy, she showed typical features of Turner syndrome with short stature, webbing of the neck, underdeveloped breasts, and an increased carrying angle of the arm. Death was due to a large left‐sided intracerebral hemorrhage extending from the left basal ganglia into the white matter of the frontal lobe and lateral ventricle. Cases of unexpected death in Turner syndrome may arise from occult cerebrovascular accidents which may be hemorrhagic or nonhemorrhagic. Associated features include hypertension, vascular malformations, accelerated atherogenesis, cystic medial necrosis, and moyamoya syndrome. The possibility of Turner syndrome should be considered in cases where there has been a lethal cerebrovascular event in a younger woman.  相似文献   

Two cases of accidental deaths caused by the sharp ends of fence or gate posts are reported. Case 1: A 47‐year‐old man was found hanging by his ankle in an inverted position on fencing. He had attempted a shortcut to a railway platform by climbing over a metal rail fence. He had slipped and been impaled through his ankle by the sharp end of the fence post, resulting in death from positional asphyxia. Case 2: An 18‐year‐old male slipped while climbing over a gate and died after being impaled on a spear tip finial, which had lacerated his external iliac vein. Death was due to exsanguination. These cases demonstrate two rare examples of accidental deaths from impalement by the ends of sharp fence posts. Mechanisms of death in such circumstances involve suspension with positional asphyxia and vascular injury with exsanguination.  相似文献   

A 53‐year‐old woman suffering from radicular pain due to cervical herniation underwent a spinal surgery consisting of anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with an implantable titanium cage. Five hours after the procedure, the patient developed cervical swelling and dyspnea. An emergency surgery permitted evacuation of a deep cervical hematoma and intubation of the patient, who died some minutes later. The family of the deceased lodged a complaint with the public prosecutor because of unclear circumstances of death. After analysis of the medical records by two forensic pathologists, a medicolegal autopsy was ordered. Massive retropharyngeal and mediastinal hematomas were diagnosed. Pathological study confirmed acute cervical hemorrhage, but failed to detect the source of bleeding. The forensic pathologists concluded that death was due to mechanical asphyxia secondary to pharyngeal compression by the cervical hematoma. To the best of our knowledge, death secondary to retropharyngeal hematoma in this neurosurgical context is rarely encountered.  相似文献   

This study presents two cases of lethal bentazone poisonings, their clinical presentation, the course of the disease and the autopsy findings. The first is a 50‐year‐old male who had sprayed corn with a solution of bentazone and was admitted to the hospital with sweating, fever, nausea, vomiting of aqueous and hemorrhagic content, and bloody, watery stools. He was treated according to the symptoms including extracorporeal hemodialysis, but eventually suffered from multiorgan failure (acute respiratory failure, acute liver failure, coagulopathy, acute renal failure, metabolic acidosis, and gastrointestinal bleeding) and died 11.35 h after admittance. The cause of death was probable bentazone intoxication. The second case, also a male, aged 49 who committed suicide by ingesting a bentazone solution. He was transferred to the hospital prostrated and cyanotic and died 14.15 h after admittance despite all efforts by the hospital staff. The cause of death was acute bentazone intoxication.  相似文献   

A 58‐year‐old man died suddenly in Madagascar and poisoning was suspected. The body was embalmed after death and the general state of preservation was good. We found a major aortic dissection with a large false lumen from the aortic root to the common iliac arteries and a hemopericardium with formalinized blood clot. The intimal tear was on the ascending aorta, and an intramural hemorrhage was noted at the right coronary artery, attesting to a retrograde dissection. Microscopic studies confirmed aortic dissection with extensive intramural hemorrhage and also confirmed the retrograde dissection to the right coronary artery with a reduction of 90% of the true lumen. Classically, aortic dissection occurs in individuals with hypertension and individuals with genetic disorders of collagen formation. The diagnosis is often first established at the postmortem examination. Aortic dissection is therefore dealt with largely in necropsy studies. The usual cause of death is rupture into the pericardial sac. One case of bloodless dissection has been reported but the sudden death was explained by acute myocardial ischemia secondary to dissection of the left coronary artery. In our case, we found major hemopericardium and also intramural hemorrhage at the right coronary artery. We were able to make the diagnosis of aortic dissection and exclude the suspicion of homicide 15 days after death and after embalming.  相似文献   

Two cases of occult pseudoaneurysms of the sinus of Valsalva (SoV) are reported to demonstrate different etiologies and lethal mechanisms. A previously well 9‐month‐old boy who suffered an unexpected fatal cardiorespiratory arrest was found at autopsy to have a ruptured pseudoaneurysm of the left SoV resulting in lethal hemopericardium. A 13.5‐month‐old boy died soon after presenting with a 24‐h history of poor feeding and reduced urine output. At autopsy, destruction of the noncoronary cusp of the aortic valve by bacterial endocarditis was found with extension of the inflammation into a pseudoaneurysm of the SoV with surrounding abscess formation involving the atrioventricular node. Death was most likely due to an arrhythmia. Pseudoaneurysms of the SoV are exceedingly rare but may result in sudden/unexpected death in infancy and early childhood from rupture or involvement of the conduction system or myocardium. Detailed cardiac examination is essential in all unexpected deaths in early life.  相似文献   

Three cases are reported to demonstrate the range of possible lesions and wide variation in lethal mechanisms that may be found in cases of unexpected death subsequently shown to be due to bacterial endocarditis. Case 1: A 36-year-old man was found dead on his bedroom floor surrounded by drug paraphernalia. At autopsy, acute myocardial ischemia was present caused by coronary artery ostial occlusion complicating acute bacterial endocarditis of the aortic valve. Case 2: A 54-year-old man with chronic renal failure was found dead in bed at home. At autopsy, a left middle cerebral artery territory cerebral infarct was present due to septic embolization from bacterial endocarditis involving the aortic valve. Case 3: A 23-year-old man was found collapsed in a pool of blood. At autopsy, upper airway hemorrhage from an arteriobronchial fistula was present caused by septic pulmonary infarction from previous endocarditis of a congenital ventricular septal defect. This report demonstrates that bacterial endocarditis may still be a cause of sudden and unexpected death presenting to forensic mortuaries and that the underlying mechanisms may involve complex sequences of pathological changes that compromise vascular function.  相似文献   

A 13‐year‐old girl is reported who died suddenly and unexpectedly in her sleep from previously undiagnosed Ebstein anomaly. At autopsy, there was dilatation of the right atrium with marked dilatation of the right auricle and apical displacement of the tricuspid valve into the right ventricular cavity with atrialization of the upper portion of the right ventricle. There were also prominent dysplastic changes in both the septal and posterior leaflets of the tricuspid valve with thickening of the valve and fusion of leaflets to the wall of the ventricle. Histology of the myocardium showed focal, minor microscopic areas of interstitial fibrosis with marked fibrous dysplasia and thickening of the tricuspid valve. Lethal arrhythmias occur in this condition because of the geographical relationship of the conduction system to the abnormal anatomical structures. As adolescents who died suddenly are often minimally symptomatic, cases will rarely present de novo to forensic autopsy.  相似文献   

Coronary artery injury such as acute coronary dissection is an uncommon and potentially life‐threatening complication after blunt chest trauma. The authors report an unusual autopsy case of a 43‐year‐old healthy man who suddenly collapsed after receiving a punch to the chest during the practice of kung fu. The occurrence of the punch was supported by the presence of one recent contusion on the left lateral chest area at the external examination and by areas of hemorrhage next to the left lateral intercostal spaces at the internal examination. The histological examination revealed the presence of an acute dissection of the proximal segment of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Only few cases of coronary artery dissection have been reported due to trauma during sports activities such as rugby and soccer games, but never during the practice of martial arts, sports usually considered as safe and responsible for only minor trauma.  相似文献   

Splenic artery aneurysms are an uncommon form of vascular disease that have a significant potential for rupture, resulting in life-threatening intraperitoneal hemorrhage. We describe the case of a 33-year-old man who died suddenly and unexpectedly due to the rupture of a splenic artery aneurysm. At medicolegal autopsy, 3000 mL of fluid blood were recovered from the peritoneal cavity. The source of bleeding was a sack-like aneurysm of the splenic artery, measuring 2 cm in diameter. Histologic examination of the splenic artery aneurysm revealed fibromuscular dysplasia. No atherosclerotic lesions or any inflammatory changes were apparent within the wall of the splenic artery. Portal hypertension and pancreatitis, previously described as important factors promoting splenic artery aneurysm formation, were excluded by autopsy and histology. From the forensic pathologist's viewpoint, this rare case underlines the importance of splenic artery aneurysm rupture as a relevant differential diagnosis of intraperitoneal hemorrhage and sudden death, respectively, since such cases may be misinterpreted as a result of blunt-force trauma.  相似文献   

Abstract: Subaortic pseudoaneurysms are rare but can be a cause of sudden death in young individuals. This case report involves a 20‐year‐old Vietnamese male who died suddenly from rupture of a subaortic pseudoaneurysm with resultant hemopericardium with tamponade. He had a history of bicuspid aortic valve with recent but healed Staphylococcal endocarditis. A review of the literature reveals few similar cases and enlightens the association between aortic bicuspid valve, endocarditis, and subvalvular aortic aneurysm. The pathogenesis as well as recent studies that identified aneurysm predisposing genes in patients with bicuspid aortic valve will be discussed.  相似文献   

A certain number of single‐vehicle crashes into stationary roadside objects such as trees are thought to be occult suicides. However, is it possible that some cases of multiple deaths within a family in similar crashes are due to unrecognized familial murder‐suicides? A 39‐year‐old woman and her 11‐year‐old daughter are reported who died of injuries following a vehicle impact with a tree. Unusual behavior of the mother leading up to the crash, and assessment at the scene, raised the possibility of this being a nonaccidental event. However, difficulties in retrospectively determining the intent of a driver in a vehicle crash, and the nonrecording of, or lack of separate coding for murder‐suicides on registers, make determination of the incidence of these types of events extremely difficult. It may be that this is a subcategory of murder‐suicide that is underdiagnosed and so is not being registered on central motor vehicle crash databases.  相似文献   

A 41-year-old woman died within a few hours one morning due to massive rectal hemorrhage. At autopsy, complete liver cirrhosis, signs of portal hypertension, liquid blood in the entire colon, and high-grade anemia were detected. The source of bleeding was a ruptured submucosal varix in the sigmoid colon, which was almost invisible even microscopically and had been caused by portal hypertension. In the vicinity, and somewhat further away from the rupture site, numerous, greatly dilated veins with wall sclerosis and intimal thickening, as well as paravascular iron deposits, were found as indications that severe hemorrhages had already occurred earlier. To detect the source of bleeding, meticulous inspection and dissection with hematoxylin and eosin, elastica van Gieson, and iron staining, were necessary.  相似文献   

Loeys–Dietz syndrome is a recently described autosomal dominant disorder with underlying vasculopathy characterized by aortic and other vascular aneurysmal dissection/rupture. A 61‐year‐old man is reported who died suddenly and unexpectedly and at autopsy was found to have a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Additional findings included dolichostenomelia, high‐arched palate, and pectus excavatum. There was a strong family history of Loeys–Dietz syndrome, although the decedent had never been tested. Death was, therefore, due to a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in a case of probable Loeys–Dietz syndrome. Although Loeys–Dietz syndrome shares common characteristics with Marfan and other connective tissue syndromes, it is a distinct entity with a much more aggressive clinical course. Lethal events may not occur until later adult life; however, the identification of the syndrome and differentiation from other connective tissue disorders at autopsy is important so that genetic investigation of close relatives can be undertaken with prophylactic surgical treatment if necessary.  相似文献   

This study reports two unusual cases of skull‐encephalic injuries in bathers that were caused by violent impacts with beach umbrellas. The first case concerned a 36‐year‐old man who, while lying on a sun bed, was struck on his left temple by a beach umbrella, which had been blown away by a gust of wind. The second case concerned a six‐year‐old child who was struck on the right temporal region while he was playing on the sand. Both subjects died. A review of the literature was carried out. Various skull and brain injuries caused by several objects were found, but no injuries caused by beach umbrellas were detected. There were only cases of injuries caused by normal umbrellas. These cases showed that several objects can be responsible for traumas causing skull and brain injuries, therefore forensic investigation must be supplemented by circumstantial data.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic value of post-mortem computed tomography angiography (PMCTA) to conventional, ante-mortem computed tomography (CT)-scan, CT-angiography (CTA) and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in the detection and localization of the source of bleeding in cases of acute hemorrhage with fatal outcomes. The medical records and imaging scans of nine individuals who underwent a conventional, ante-mortem CT-scan, CTA or DSA and later died in the hospital as a result of an acute hemorrhage were reviewed. Post-mortem computed tomography angiography, using multi-phase post-mortem CTA, as well as medico-legal autopsies were performed. Localization accuracy of the bleeding was assessed by comparing the diagnostic findings of the different techniques. The results revealed that data from ante-mortem and post-mortem radiological examinations were similar, though the PMCTA showed a higher sensitivity for detecting the hemorrhage source than did ante-mortem radiological investigations. By comparing the results of PMCTA and conventional autopsy, much higher sensitivity was noted in PMCTA in identifying the source of the bleeding. In fact, the vessels involved were identified in eight out of nine cases using PMCTA and only in three cases through conventional autopsy. Our study showed that PMCTA, similar to clinical radiological investigations, is able to precisely identify lesions of arterial and/or venous vessels and thus determine the source of bleeding in cases of acute hemorrhages with fatal outcomes.  相似文献   

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is a rare cause of acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death. It occurs most commonly in otherwise healthy women during pregnancy or the postpartum period. The true incidence of SCAD is underestimated, as most cases are diagnosed at autopsy. The pathophysiology of SCAD is still not fully understood, and its management can be challenging. This report describes a 35‐year‐old pregnant female who presented with an acute antero‐lateral ST elevation secondary to spontaneous dissection of the left anterior descending artery and the circumflex artery. The diagnosis was established by coronary artery angiography. However, the patient died following cardiac tamponade. The examination of this case represented a starting point for the reviewing of the diagnosis, clinical course, and management of SCAD, and for the placing of this in context with the existing literature. This study highlights the importance of prompt diagnosis and subsequent lifesaving treatment.  相似文献   

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