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The United States (US)–India nuclear pact has virtually rewritten the rules of the global nuclear regime by underlining India's credentials as a responsible nuclear state that should be integrated into the global nuclear order. The nuclear agreement creates a major exception to the US prohibition of nuclear assistance to any country that does not accept international monitoring of all its nuclear facilities. Given its far-reaching implications, the Indo-US nuclear agreement has sparked off a heated debate in India, the US and the larger international community. This article examines the debate surrounding the nuclear pact. It argues that the nuclear agreement is about much more than mere nuclear technicalities: it is about the emergence of a new configuration in the global balance of power and a broader need for a new international nuclear order in the face of a global nuclear non-proliferation regime that seems to have become ineffective in meeting the challenges confronting the international community today.  相似文献   

印度是五个“地缘战略国”之一 ,她的作用是稳定地区局势和对世界政治格局产生一定程度的影响。 9·11事件后 ,美印关系的急聚升温和军事合作的加强 ,更加凸现印度“地缘战略国”的地位与作用。  相似文献   


Russian Minister of Defense Marshal Igor Sergeyev has proposed merging the Strategic Rocket Forces and strategic nuclear components of the Navy and Air Force. Advocates of the proposed reform invoke Russia's need to increase its reliance on nuclear weapons in view of the decline in its conventional forces, as well as the potential savings from the merger. Critics of the plan view it as favoring the Strategic Rocket Forces at the expense of the rest of the military, and as prohibitively expensive. The NATO campaign in Kosovo has made Marshal Sergey ev vulnerable to criticism for emphasizing nuclear forces over conventional ones, and the plan has been put on hold.  相似文献   


I use the policy feedback literature to present an argument regarding the new politics of reform consolidation in India. India’s reform trajectory can be understood in terms of three distinct phases of reforms interspersed by periods of slowdown. In this narrative that goes beyond 1991, an analysis of struggles, opponents, and reversals become important, revealing a more contested pathway. In the 2000s India has moved beyond the initial, crisis-driven phase to a deeper external integration with the global economy and structural reform within. I call this phase an era of strategic internationalization. Reforms of 1985, 1991, and 1998–2000, in different ways, have begun to create new constituencies of support across India, which underlies the consolidation phase of reforms. During this long trajectory, the opponents of reforms could delay reforms but failed to reverse the direction of economic reforms. The purpose of this article is to provide a temporal framework that pays attention to mechanisms underlying different phases of reforms and how new supporters and opponents of reforms were created across different phases of the reform trajectory. Policies, the social bases of the Indian economy, and classes have been re-configured as a result.  相似文献   

There has not been a single instance of nuclear terrorism in the fifty‐plus years since the end of World War II. The dissolution of the Soviet Union, however, has rendered nuclear materials and technology vulnerable to various forms of diversion, which may enable terrorist use of nuclear or radiological devices. The several terrorist options in this regard are described and evaluated. Nuclear capabilities based upon theft or construction of a device are viewed as remote possibilities. Environmental contamination through a radiological device or reactor sabotage is (and has been) a viable option. A general theoretical principle is advanced as a possible explanation for the terrorist avoidance of the nuclear option.  相似文献   

Asia Europe Journal - This article examines the role of strategic partnerships in Indian foreign policy and the nature and perceptions of India and the European Union about the strategic...  相似文献   

欧盟对印关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧印关系近年来突飞猛进,从开启首脑对话大门到确立战略伙伴关系,相隔不过4年时间。如今,双方在政治、经济、社会领域互动频繁,经济关系发展迅猛,战略伙伴关系正在落实。作为双方关系主要塑造者的欧盟,选择印度为外交重点出于三方面原因:发展到特定阶段的自然要求、现实利益驱动和战略上的考虑。欧盟与印度建立战略伙伴关系,不仅使欧印双方得益,而且对当前世界格局产生越来越显著的影响。  相似文献   

俄罗斯和中国,两个如此不同的世界大国,为全世界树立了一个和平、互利、友好合作的榜样.  相似文献   

本文就"退出印度"运动的原因及其是自发的还是有计划的等问题做了探讨.文章认为,第二次世界大战爆发三年以来的英印矛盾的不断积累与激化,是导致"退出印度'运动的根本原因;而8月9日的大逮捕是诱发"退出印度"运动突发的直接原因.就"退出印度"运动爆发的方式而言,它是自发的,但就其进程而言,则是有计划的,不应因为"退出印度"运动爆发方式上的自发性而否定它在爆发前和实施当中的计划性.  相似文献   

The article focuses on youth in Northeast India, particularly its youth panorama by tracing its history as well as the present. Northeast India was one of the last areas to be taken over by the British on the subcontinent. Most of its states share an international border. With 213 tribal communities, 175 languages and many non-tribal communities, the region presents a unique cultural, ethnic, linguistic and religious profile not to be found in any other region in India.  相似文献   

The accountability of international development NGOs (INGOs) has attracted a great deal of interest from academics and development practitioners. INGO accountability falls into two categories: practical accountability (for the use of inputs, the way activities are performed, and outputs) and strategic accountability for INGOs' performance in relation to their mission. This article presents a conceptual framework for exploring INGO accountability. It is based on information collected through a literature review and semi-structured interviews with representatives from 20 UK-based INGOs. The research found that INGOs tend to use a number of quality-assurance mechanisms to achieve ‘practical’ accountability. However, it is suggested that this kind of accountability will not necessarily enable INGOs to achieve their missions to alleviate poverty and eliminate injustice. Furthermore, the predominant use of practical accountability has led to a number of gaps in INGO accountability. It is suggested that, like the term ‘participation’ before it, accountability has been co-opted for its instrumental benefits to INGO project performance and management. It is argued that if INGOs are to achieve their missions, this will require more ‘strategic’ forms of accountability, geared towards fundamentally changing those social, economic, and political structures that promote poverty.  相似文献   

马加力 《东南亚》2010,(1):17-22
2009年印度国大党赢得大选,取得多年来少有的胜利继续执政,政局保持了稳定。经济上以宽松的财政政策、货币政策应对国际金融危机的影响,使经济发展走出困境,保持了增长势头。在外交方面,印度参加了几乎所有主要的多边外交活动,加强了与美、俄等大国的关系,大国外交成效显著。  相似文献   

李珉 《南亚研究季刊》2004,(3):82-87,94
本文论述了印度佛教艺术的第二个发展阶段 ,犍陀罗与马土腊为这一时期的两个佛教艺术中心。由于佛教从小乘转入大乘 ,出现偶像崇拜 ,再加上受希腊、罗马雕刻艺术的影响 ,中期佛教艺术出现了佛像。犍陀罗佛教艺术带有明显的希腊、罗马的雕塑风格 ,马土腊虽然也受到犍陀罗艺术风格的影响 ,但马土腊受乡土文化传统影响较大 ,因此马土腊的佛教艺术具有更鲜明的东方色彩。  相似文献   

经过几年的激烈搏杀,布什第二任期的外交开始显露"疲惫"之态.新保守派风光不再,美国外交政策向现实主义回摆;国内孤立主义情绪在扩散;反恐苦无良策,无论是军事反恐还是民主反恐都受到国内外广泛质疑.美国徘徊在一个战略十字路口.尽管在战术上美国可能有所调整,但在战略上仍将保持进攻态势.  相似文献   

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