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英国1998年人权法案   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
英国1998年人权法案@梁淑英~~  相似文献   

在WTO体制下,争端解决机制起着非常重要的作用。根据《争端解决规则和程序的谅解》的有关规定,在争端各方无法通过磋商程序达成解决办法时,申诉一方可以要求争端解决机构成立一个专家小组来审查该案件。专家小组实际上就相当于一审法院。如果当事国对专家小组报告(相当于一审判决)不服,可上诉至由7人组成的常设上诉机构。上诉机构进行保密和书面审理,其审理的范围限于专家小组报告中的法律问题。上诉机构可以维持、修改或推翻专家小组的法律认定和结论。上诉机构报告由争端解决机构采纳后,当事  相似文献   

世界贸易组织(WTO)首届部长会议重申,WTO 旨在建立更加公正、平等、开放的世界贸易体系,取消世界贸易中的歧视性待遇。非歧视待遇是世界贸易得以持续发展的基石,非歧视原则是 WTO 的基本原则,而国民待遇原则是非歧视原则的一个重要方面。WTO 自成立以后根据新的争端解决机制审理的第一起贸易纠纷案中,国民待遇原则发挥了重要作用。本文通过剖析 WTO 首例裁决案的实体问题,达到帮助国人深刻认识国民待遇原则精神之目的。  相似文献   

【絮语】 1998年5月至6月,上海市公安机关破获一起特大贩毒案,共缴获海洛因83.5公斤,毒资130多万元,抓获犯罪嫌疑人21人,成功斩断了一条由中国西北地区伸至上海等地的秘密贩毒通道。  相似文献   

解读WTO中美知识产权第一案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年1月26日,世界知识产权组织公布了中美知识产权争端一案的专家组报告.专家组认定中国<著作权法>第四条第一款违反了TRIPs协议第9条规定.中国海关对侵权物品的处置方法违反了TRIPs协议第46条第四句话规定,但是不违反该条第一句话的规定.专家组没有发现中国关于知识产权的刑事处罚门槛违反TRIPs协议第61条的规定.  相似文献   

神秘的旅客丁胡子放出去的两天里,在市郊结合部的一间民居里深居简出,侦查小组轮班监视他的行动。为什么没有动静?我心里有些焦急。因为逆用丁胡子这事,第二天上午我即向分局长魏伟明同志作了报告,魏局长说:"我们共同承担风险,但是……"我知道这个"但是"的意思,向他表示,我们会全力以赴。话虽说得掷地有声,可我心里每分每秒都在牵挂着。  相似文献   

2021年3月15日,寄养在山西省太原市的几十只涉案海龟通过飞机运抵海南省.2021年3月25日,第二批160只涉案海龟在我国南海西沙群岛海域重归大海.这些海龟来自江苏省徐州铁路运输检察院(以下简称徐州铁检院)办理的一起非法收购、运输、出售珍贵、濒危野生动物案,涉案海龟共600余只,被不法商家卖到了全国13个省份的30...  相似文献   

WTO争端解决中的案例法方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩立余 《现代法学》2008,30(3):123-133
判例法这一用语在不同的语境下具有不同的含义。判例法是普通法法律制度中的一种传统,该传统是经由长期的司法实践形成的,而非来自于立法的强制性要求。严格意义上,判例法的突出特点是遵循先例,案件相同裁决相同。在一般意义上,判例法具有指导作用。在WTO争端解决中,无论是上诉机构的观点,还是上诉机构和专家组的实际做法,都体现出明显的案例法的指导作用的特点。与普通法制度不同的是,WTO的案例都是依据WTO规则的解释形成的,并非独立于WTO协定的法律渊源。  相似文献   

WTO转基因农产品贸易争端第一案述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
举世瞩目的欧美之间在转基因农产品贸易上的角力终于随着美国等国的部分胜利而最终尘埃落定。转基因农产品自身的特殊性决定了欧美之间转基因农产品的贸易争端不得不面临科学与规则、贸易与环境、WTO协定与多边环境条约等张力关系的考验。因此,WTO争端解决机构就欧美转基因农产品贸易争端的审理结果必将对发展势头正旺的转基因技术及其产品贸易产生深远的影响。在此背景下,中国作为一个转基因农产品生产大国,应就转基因农产品的生产与贸易作出合理的定位以适应当前的转基因农产品的国际贸易形势。  相似文献   

Shrimp/turtle: untangling the nets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In May 2000, supplementing an earlier complaint filed in May 1999, the US filed a complaint against Argentina, alleging that its patent laws violate the World Trade Organization's Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (the TRIPS Agreement). The gist of the US complaint was that Argentina's law failed to provide: (1) adequate protection against "unfair" commercial use of undisclosed test data submitted in order to get market approval of pharmaceutical products; (2) certain safeguards for compulsory licences on an invention granted on the basis of inadequate working by the patent holder; and (3) adequate measures to prevent infringements of patent rights. The US also alleged that Argentina denies certain exclusive rights of patent holders, such as the exclusive right to import the patented product into the country. At the end of May 2002, the US and Argentina notified the WTO that they had reached a "mutually agreed solution," without prejudice to their respective rights and obligations under WTO agreements, and the US has withdrawn its complaint.  相似文献   

《Ratio juris》1998,11(4):425-426

纪文华  黄萃 《河北法学》2006,24(11):65-67
近年来兴起的区域贸易安排,虽然对国际贸易不无贡献,但是对世贸组织(WTO)所构建的多边贸易体制亦产生了诸多冲击,争端管辖冲突问题就是其中一例.首先介绍WTO与RTA管辖冲突以及协调原则,此后基于墨西哥饮料案这一涉及管辖冲突的WTO法律实践进行了法律分析,最后就当前在RTA谈判实践中应当如何处理争端管辖冲突问题提出建议.  相似文献   

This article examines efforts to create binding internationalrules regulating public procurement and considers, in particular,the failure to reach a WTO agreement on transparency in governmentprocurement. The particular focus of the discussion is the approachtaken by Malaysia to these international procurement rules andto the negotiation of an agreement on transparency. Rules governingpublic procurement directly implicate fundamental arrangementsof authority amongst and between different parts of government,its citizens and non-citizens. At the same time, the rules touchupon areas that are particularly sensitive for some developingcountries. Many governments use preferences in public procurementto accomplish important redistributive and developmental goals.Malaysia has long used significant preferences in public procurementto further sensitive developmental policies targeted at improvingthe economic strength of native Malays. Malaysia also has politicaland legal arrangements substantially at odds with fundamentalelements of proposed global public procurement rules. Malaysiahas, therefore, been forceful in resisting being bound by internationalpublic procurement rules, and has played an important role indefeating the proposed agreement on transparency. We suggestthat our case study has implications beyond procurement. Thedevelopment of international public procurement rules appearsto be guided by many of the same values that guide the broadereffort to create a global administrative law. This case study,therefore, has implications for the broader exploration of theseefforts to develop a global administrative law, in particularthe relationship between such efforts and the interests of developingcountries.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(4):381-392
By drawing upon the first results of an analysis carried out on the 1998–2005 period, this work tries to reconstruct the trends in terrorist attacks and their media coverage in seven international daily newspapers. Also the dynamics of media over/under-representation are investigated, as well as the existence of differentiated coverage related to the geopolitical distance/proximity of the country object of attack. Special attention is paid to an empirical analysis of the Iraqi case. The work opens with a short methodological discussion on the issue of terrorism measurement, from its operational definition to the choice of the database on which to carry out the analyses.  相似文献   

2009年初,美国国会经济刺激提案中的"购买美国货"条款,遭到了欧共体、加拿大等贸易伙伴的强烈反对,甚至以诉诸WTO相威胁.经过半个多月的纷争,该条款进行了修正,规定其适用须与美国在国际协定下的义务保持一致,并成为美国法律.但对WTO法理与实践的研究表明,本项修正并不能使美国完全免于WTO诉讼风险,包括中国在内的其他WTO成员仍有寻求WTO救济的法律根据.  相似文献   

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