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联合国和国际社会越来越重视社区青少年工作,社区青少年工作相关立法和政策比效完善。青少年工作立法体现青少年主体地位的青少年最高利益原则,立法内容注重社区化原则和可操作性导向。为中国社区青少年工作相关立法和政策提供可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

美术教育是青少年素质教育的一个有效切入点。表现为:美术教育可以启智、定心、匡德、健体,促进青少年的全面协调、健康成长。  相似文献   

法制教育对规范青少年的行为,使青少年树立正确而高尚的人生观,依法维护自身的合法权利,预防和降低青少年犯罪,起着非常重要的作用。青少年法制教育的价值主要体现为威慑价值、规制价值、保护价值、评价价值、激励价值、信仰价值等。  相似文献   

青少年依恋研究领域的丰富和发展是以其测量方法的发展为基础的。目前主要有6种普遍使用的青少年依恋测量方法:父母同伴依恋问卷(IPPA)、父母联结测量(PB I)、父母依恋问卷(PAQ)、成人依恋访谈(AAI)、成人依恋问卷(AAQ),以及青少年依恋问卷等。  相似文献   

香港特区从20世纪80年代末开始关注青少年资优教育问题,通过吸取海外经验,结合本土特点,在近十年内得到了蓬勃的发展,形成了独具香港地区特色的校本全班式、校本抽离式和校外支援相结合的三层资优推行模式。香港青少年资优教育以追求优质教育、因材施教为推行目的和原则,具有兼顾基础、逐层拔尖的推行模式特点,以及多元化的学生甄选方式和弹性化的安置方式与课程教学形式,并表现出与普通教育融合的取向。  相似文献   

宝安区青少年公民教育在党中央《公民道德实施纲要》的指引下,取得了长足的发展,为和谐宝安的建设作出了重要贡献。通过对宝安区青少年公民教育进行深入调查和科学总结,进一步深化认识,加强领导,借鉴港澳和国际经验,采取多种形式的活动,拓展青少年公民教育。  相似文献   

网络对青少年社会化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
21世纪是网络的时代,网络尤其对正在成长的青少年的社会化将产生深远的影响。网络在社会化学习方式,政治社会化、道德社会化、民族社会化、人格形成、社会角色模仿等方面对传统的青少年社会化将产生全新的影响,认真研究网络、青少年发展、社会的互动关系具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

当前青少年需求现状,可着重从青少年的学习需求、政治需求、社会参与、社会支持、生活需求、娱乐需求、需求与供给、社会保障等八个方面为主要内容进行调查,调查显示,青少年需求具有学习成才需求强烈、政治需求淡化、社会参与愿望高、社会支持缺失、生活需求务实、娱乐需求多样化等特点,因此要引导青少年树立正确的人生观和价值观,建立政府青少年工作机制,满足青少年发展需要,加大就业创业的扶持力度。  相似文献   

深圳是改革开放的试验区,深圳青少年网站的建设特点对内地的相关建设也有示范和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

亚文化是一种与社会主文化相悖的价值观念和行为模式。青少年生理心理的特殊性,决定了其对亚文化的极大倾向性。亚文化通过对社会整体文化环境的影响,诱发青少年越轨行为和违法犯罪行为。探究青少年违法犯罪的亚文化的表现特征、深层次原因及影响,将有助于科学有效地预防青少年违法犯罪的发生。  相似文献   

顺德市各个时代的青年人才在该市的社会转型、创新发展和提高市民整体素质等方面起着重要作用。顺德市青年人才具有 5个方面的共同特点。青年人才对顺德市人才成长与作用发挥的社会机制进行了评价 ,并对如何改善顺德市人才机制提出了一些建议。在调查分析基础上 ,顺德团市委提出了“青年人才发展战略”的设想。  相似文献   

香港建造行业的强积金计划在实施过程中衍生一些问题,根据强积金计划管理局的统计数字显示,雇主为逃避强积金而迫使工人改变身份问题日趋严重.因此,必须确保并不断完善强积金计划,真正保障劳工目前的权益和退休后的生活.  相似文献   

Although the social status of women in Hong Kong has changed significantly in recent decades, Hong Kong women continue to perform mothering, caregiving and homemaking tasks into late adulthood. Employing an agential realist approach to analyse the homes and discursive–materialist practices of three older women, this paper explores how the entanglement of materialities, discourses and subjectivities at home as a site of cultural action contributes to the ongoing enactment of divergent subjectivities of older Hong Kong women. The structural–spatial configurations of the three homes manifest the patrilineal and male-dominated family system in Hong Kong, and such older women perform a set of ‘normal’ (house) wifely and motherly duties linked to the maintenance of the male-dominated family system. Nevertheless, these older women’s subjectivities and their domestic worlds evolve through ongoing discursive–materialist practices. This paper further argues that, even if such factors as materialities, structures and practices either are neutral or indeed reinforce existing power imbalances, the dynamic and ongoing intra-action of these factors results in exclusionary but open conditions that may stabilize or subvert social phenomena, such as the ones discussed in this study: patriarchal domestic practices in Hong Kong homes.  相似文献   

物业管理的出现促进了我国城市住宅小区管理的专业化、科学化、现代化。但目前我国物业管理方面的部门规章和各地自行制定的地方性法规比较混乱,业主自治的意识还比较薄弱。借鉴台湾、香港地区相关管理条例,可以促进内地管理问题的逐步完善和提高业主自治能力。  相似文献   

香港工联会具有丰富的办学经验,曾经成功地开展了中学教育,还举办了提高工人专业素质的各种培训班。实践证明,开展工会的专业培训,这是加强工会队伍建设的重要路径和工会长远发展的战略举措。为了适应不断变化的形势,工会需要提高专业培训层次,培养更高层次的优秀专业人才,为工会的发展奠定人才基础。  相似文献   

With the maturation of the service-learning field in recent years, school–community partnerships have emerged as an important area for studying the effectiveness of this type of experiential education. However, the paucity of studies of school–community partnerships indicates that they are only beginning to be understood and thus require further investigation. Drawing upon 5 focus group interviews with 22 secondary school teachers in Hong Kong, this study gives examples of the diversity of service-learning partnerships and provides strategies for developing and maintaining effective partnerships. The research and practice implications of the present findings for promoting reciprocal school–community partnerships are discussed.  相似文献   

Self-esteem and psychological symptoms were assessed in a sample of 1082 Chinese adolescents who responded to the Chinese versions of Coopersmith's Self-Esteem Inventory and the General Health Questionnaire. Three dimensions of self-esteem, interpreted as Family Acceptance/Rejection, Self-Depreciation, and Peer Affirmation/Disaffirmation, were found to relate substantially to general psychological symptoms and particularly to specific symptoms of anxiety, social dysfunction, and depression as reported by these adolescents. The implications of the relative importance of appraisal from internal feedback as sources of self-esteem as opposed to the external feedback from family and peers were discussed in relation to self-esteem enhancement in adolescents.Received his Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario in 1978. His research interests include self-esteem, stress, coping, health and psychopathology.Received her Ph.D. from the University of South Dakota in 1983. Her research interests include stress, coping and health, and geriatric psychology.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationships among IQ, perceptions of giftedness, and self-concepts in a sample of 116 Chinese junior secondary school students in Hong Kong. These students, nominated by their schools to join the university gifted programs, were assessed on their IQ, global and domain-specific self-concepts, as well as their perceptions of their own giftedness in terms of their concern for feeling different, their critical attitude in evaluating their own performance, and their experience of high expectation to achieve from their parents. The findings indicated that in general the ways students perceived their giftedness affected differentially global self-worth and specific self-concept domains. While difference concern and critical evaluation affected students' specific self-concepts adversely, high parental expectation had a more positive influence. Self-concept domains related to social acceptance and friendship issues were most strongly and adversely affected. Implications of the findings for interventions to enhance the self-esteem of gifted students through restructuring their perceptions of giftedness are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been established that perceived approval from relevant others is related to delinquent behavior. The aim of the present study was to investigate how this relationship was mediated by self- monitoring. Eight hundred twenty-eight students from Grade 7 to Grade 9 were asked to respond to a questionnaire that measured their self-monitoring, the frequency they committed delinquent acts, and the perceived approval of committing these acts from their parents, teachers, and friends. Regression analyses indicated that self- monitoring wax an interacting factor between perceived approval and delinquency. On further path analyses, it was found that self- monitoring acted as a mediating factor, and that the relationship between delinquent behavior and perceived approval was more apparent among high self- monitoring individuals. The present study was based on data collected in the delinquency project by S. Lau and Kwok Leung.Received M.Phil. from University of Hong Kong and M.A. in education from Chinese University of Hong Kong. Research interests include self-monitoring, problem solving, and learning environments.Received Ph.D. from Purdue University. Research interests include values, self-concept, family processes, and the psychology of adolescence.  相似文献   

The three components of hardiness, life events, coping strategies, and psychological distress, were assessed in a sample of 245 Chinese secondary school students in Hong Kong. While commitment, control, and challenge were not clearly differentiable as distinct constructs, three dimensions interpretable as resigned acceptance, cynical concession, and pragmatic orientation emerged. In the stress-distress relationship, hardiness did not interact with stress to moderate its influence on distress, however, both hardiness and stress had independent main effects on distress. Although high hardy students, compared with low hardy students, did not appraise positive events as having greater impact, they perceived that negative events had significantly lesser impact. In addition, low hardy students reported using passive and avoidant coping strategies significantly more frequently than high hardy students.  相似文献   

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