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Zimbabwean Acting Presi-dent Simon Muzenda meet-ing with CPPCC Vice Chair-person Qian Zhengying  相似文献   

QI Peng is trying to create a series of pictures on the theme of the Beijing Olympic Games in traditional Chinese ink and wash. However, even she herself is not sure if it is an appropriate way to fully capture the athletes' sportsmanship. "Perhaps I should try other means...oil painting,or multiple materials..." Qi Peng thinks aloud.  相似文献   

正IN recent years,growing numbers of Chinese enterprises have initiated investment in Africa.From2009 to 2012,China’s direct investment in Africa increased from US$1.44 billion to US$2.52 billion,with an annual growth of 20.5 percent.Over the same period,China’s cumulative direct investment in Africa rose from US$9.33 billion to US$21.23billion.Currently,over 2,000 Chinese  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Kenya African NationalUnion (KANU) and the Parliament of Zim-babwe, a delegation of the Chinese People's As-sociation for Friendship with Foreign Countries(CPAFFC) led by Qian Zhengying, vice chairper-son of the Chinese People's Political ConsultativeConference (CPPCC) and senior adviser to theCPAFFC, paid a goodwill visit to Kenya and Zim-babwe from June 17 to 26, 1997.  相似文献   

T he woman spoke a polished English with an Australian accent as she greeted us on board the rickety bus carry- ing us to Yangshuo, with the peasants and their marketwares. We became acquainted over the dusty potholes as shetold of spending time with her aunt in Shanghai and the com-plications she had faced with the Chinese language. It was notuntil she removed her sunglasses that the full extent of her plightbecame obvious, as she explained that most people expectedher to be fluent in Manda…  相似文献   

THE bamboo plant, fargesia spathacea, is the staple food of the giant panda anda cultural icon in Chinese history. In sharp contrast to other plants, the bambooonly blossoms every 60 to 80 years, and perishes soon after. It takes one tothree decades for its seeds to grow. In the past 3 million years bamboos haveundergone more than 50,000 extensive blooms. Pandas survived by migrating,but this is no longer an option owing to the sharp decrease of bamboo forests. The lasttwo bloomings of bamboo caused 250 giant pandas to starve to death.  相似文献   

HEimpactofHongkong'sreturnontheChineseeconomyhasbecomeatopicofnationalconcern.Sincethe1980s,theChineseeconomyhasmaintainedveryhighgrowthrates,whileHongkonghasstoodoutasoneofthefeweconomicallyvibrantareasoftheworld.In1993,percapitaGDPintheregionreachedUS$18,000,higherthanthatoftheUnitedStates,GreatBritainandFrance,andthirdafterSingaporeandJapan.Hongkongisanimportantfinancialandtradecenter,anditsreturntoChinaaflgreatlyenacttheChineseeconomy,bothimmediatelyandlongterm.EconomicsandTradeHo…  相似文献   

The delegation Presentinggiftsto份m JongllTI一e delega·tion Present·ing a basket offl0WerS toeongratulateKim Jong 11on assumingomee of gen·eral seere场ryof the、Vork-ers’Party ofKoreaTlie delegationv五siting theThrce Revolu·tions Exhibl·tion2()CPAFFC President Qi Huaiyuan and His Party in Korea~~…  相似文献   

Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to our reception today. May I say a few words about the cooperationbetween the Chinese People's Association forFriendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) andthe Fernando Rielo Foundation of Spain on thepublication of the "Anthology of ContemporaryChinese Poetry" in Spain. At the invitation of Chen Haosu, vice presi-dent of the CPAFFC, Jesus Fernandez Hernan-dez, vice president of the Fernando Rielo Founda-tion, paid his first visit to China in April 1992,  相似文献   

With the change and development of the concept of human rights, the thinking about the relationship between human rights and development is becoming more and more deeply. Under this background, the author profoundly realizes that both recognizing the economic development as the first priority like some developing countries do and considering the human rights to be the most important thing as most developed countries do are unilateral and harmful to the social progress. Human rights and development are interdependent and mutually promoting each other. This paper introduces the three main viewpoints of the relationship between human rights and development. Based on the changes of the attitudes of the UN and China to the relationship between human rights and development, this paper holds that though it is a great progress for the Chinese government to understand that human rights and development are interdependent, there are still lots of difficulties in realizing their mutually benefiting relationship in reality. These difficulties are due to the lack of professionals who enjoy good understandings of the rules for social development and are capable of practicing human rights theories. Therefore, the authors suggest that the promotion of human rights education is instrumental to the development and progress of human society.  相似文献   

China has far too many people.It's too crowded here.And every-where I go,whether by foot,on bike or in a vehicle,I alwaysencounter a bottleneck somewhere along the line.Waiting to walk through a ticket gate to get on a train,trying to enter the metal gates of my university or even traveling by car and encountering toll booths blocking the road-  相似文献   

Sound of the Dragon-Chinese Cultural Rel- ics and Bell Art Exhibition coordinated by theCPAFFC and jointly sponsored by the Paris Mu-sic City and the Institute of European Bell Artwith the participation of the Beijing Great BellTemple Ancient Bell Museum and the Hubei Pro-vincial Museum was held in the Music City in Paris  相似文献   

CHINESE employers often ask job applicants to send in a handwritten, rather than a printed, resume. The reason? "One can judge a person's character and attitude by his handwriting." Since ancient times, Chinese people have believed that one's handwriting mirrors one's personality. During the Tang Dynasty, calligraphy was a key  相似文献   

ChineseStudentsintheUnitedStatesHowstudentsfromChinaovercometheoddstowintheirshareofthe"Americandream,"andhowtheyhelpthepeopl...  相似文献   

They want to learn the best the West has to offer and are especially keen on traditional hymns.LITTLE did I know that the courses that were missing when I was in seminary in Chicago would be those I would be teaching  相似文献   

The world of traditional Chinese medicine is quite mysterious. In the early times of the Western Zhou Dynasty(BC IO46-BC 256), Chinese people started to use snake liquor to cure illnesses. Even old baked clay roof tiles can be considered to be traditional Chinese medicine due to their ability to stop thirst and dispel heat.  相似文献   

A full 90.6 percent of the women that participated in the investigation spoke openly on the topic of their sexual desires and 75.1 percent of them expressed satisfaction with their sex life.  相似文献   

Natural poems,especially fisherman’s poems,can always reflect different outlooks on life of Chinese and western poets.And such differences mainly result from cultural backgrounds.Under the influence of Christian belief,western fisherman’s poems attached more significance to the afterlife,while Chinese poets always express satisfaction in the unity of man and nature in this life,as a result of the influence of Confucianism and Taoism.  相似文献   

IN 1997, China changed from a net exporter to a net importer of oil. In 2004, Chen Biting, chair- man of the board of Shenhua Group – one of China’s leading coal producers – accompanied Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong on a tour of four African nations. During the tour, he signed a coal liquefaction synthetic oil cooperation project with South Af- rica’s Sasol Synfeuls International. Said Andre de Ruyter, president of Sasol Synfuels International (China), “China has more oil…  相似文献   

We gather here today to mark the 100th birthday of our genuine and esteemed friend Edgar Snow. This year also coincides with the 60th anniversary of the victory of the World's Anti-Fascist War as well as the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in China. It is against this historical background that I would like to talk about Edgar Snow's unique contribution of communicating to the world about the Chinese revolution. Edgar Snow is the most widely read and influential American journalist on 20th century China. He was the first American journalist who in 1936 risked his life and broke through the Kuomintang blockade visited Bao'an in the Northwest and gave the first authentic account of  相似文献   

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