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《Federal register》1983,48(43):9048-9049
Policies and procedures concerning objective need showings for applications requesting an additional one-way frequency for one-way signaling stations are being proposed. The present rules do not provide applicants with sufficient information as to what is required in need showings before applications can be granted. Applicants requesting an additional one-way frequency must show that the existing or projected grade of service is .50 before an additional channel is granted. The proposed standards are concurrently being adopted as an interim rule.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(39):8074-8080
Final policies and procedures concerning objective need showings are being adopted for applications requesting multiple new two-way channels and applications requesting additional channels for an existing system. The policies and procedures we had in the past were vague and did not provide applicants with sufficient information as to what was required in need showings before various types of applications could be granted. Thus, applicants requesting multiple new two-way frequencies or additional two-way channels for an existing system must show that the existing, projected or expected grade of service for the proposed facilities is .25 or greater, this will determine the number of new or additional channels granted.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(109):24557-24571
This First Report and Order allocates 3 MHz of spectrum for paging services in the 929-932 MHz band. Private paging services will use frequency band 929-930 MHz, common carrier services will use frequency band 931-932 MHz, with a flexible boundary between the two bands effective after five years. The 930-931 MHz band will be reserved for advanced technology paging systems. This allocation was made in response to petitions filed by the Ad Hoc Private Paging Committee and Telocator Network of America. These new paging frequencies will allow for substantial growth of the paging industry, which has been restricted by a shortage of frequencies.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(180):41002-41045
The Commission adopts a Second Report and Order releasing reserved radio spectrum in the 806-821/851-866 MHz bands for Private Land Mobile Radio Service use. The rules adopted provide enhanced flexibility in radio system design and user options. The action is necessary to satisfy land mobile spectrum needs across the country.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(87):19357-19361
The Commission is amending its rules and regulations in Part 90--Private Land Mobile Radio Service, by adopting a new temporary licensing procedure for special mobile radio systems (SMRS's) and multiple licensed mobile relay stations operating in the 806-821 and the 851-866 megahertz (MHz) bands. This new system of licensing will benefit radio users by enabling them to begin operations more quickly than in the past, and will not in any way lessen the ability of the Commission to determine whether an applicant is eligible and otherwise possesses the necessary qualifications to be permanently licensed to operate in these bands. This new system is a part of the Commission's on-going program for reviewing its rules and regulations and eliminating unnecessary burdens on licensees to facilitate the administration of the Private Land Mobile Radio Service.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(88):19527-19539
The Federal Communications Commission is adopting rules to govern the cooperative sharing and multiple licensing of facilities in its private land mobile radio services. The rules which are adopted define the types of arrangements which will and will not be allowed. These rules have been adopted: (1) To remove certain procedural burdens heretofore required ot licensees and user eligibles; (2) To assure adequate licensee control; and (3) To codify permissible licensee and user practices relating to multiple licensed and cooperatively shared systems.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1992,57(150):34253-34261
Five petitions for reconsideration or clarification were filed regarding Policies and Rules Concerning Operator Service Access and Pay Telephone Compensation, CC Docket No. 91-35: Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 6 FCC Rcd 4736, 56 FR 40,793 (1991) (hereinafter Report and Order), in which the Commission adopted policies and rules concerning consumer access to operator service providers (OSPs) and compensation for competitive public payphone owners for calls not utilizing their presubscribed OSPs. In response to the petitions, the Commission adopted an Order on Reconsideration (hereinafter Order) in which it reaffirmed that: (1) Call aggregators must allow consumers to use equal access ("10XXX") codes according to the schedule described in the original Report and Order, with certain clarifications; (2) all OSPs, except those exempted in the Order, must establish an 800 or 950 access number within six months of the effective date of the previously adopted rules; and (3) calls initiated with an 800 number that does not serve as an OSP's access code are not within the scope of the statutory provision that required the Commission to consider payphone compensation. In addition, the Commission granted the request to order local exchange carriers (LECs) to offer blocking and screening services designed to control potentially fraudulent 10XXX calling. The Commission deferred certain unblocking deadlines pending the deployment of the required LEC services.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(110):24720-24722
The Commission is adopting the Joint Board's recommendation with minor changes in order to allow interested states to proceed with plans for the sale of customer-premises equipment (CPE) prior to the previously adopted cap date of January 1, 1983. This will facilitate the Commission goal of a competitive market for CPE set out in the Second Computer Inquiry.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(87):19361-19367
This document sets for the Commissions response to a petition for clarification and a petition for reconsideration of its First Report and Order, Commonly known as "Expensing of Station Connections". The First Report and Order, published in the Federal Register at 456 FR 18481, March 31, 1981, adopted changes to the Commissions Rules in Part 31 on uniform system of accounts for Class A and B telephone companies. Both petitioners raised the question of whether, and to what extent the adoption of th First Report and Order limits the discretion of the State commissions to follow different accounting and depreciation procedures for purposes of computing revenue requirements for intrastate telecommunications services.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(85):18883-18900
This Interim Order, issued pursuant to the Record Carrier Competition Act of 1981 (RCCA), establishes interconnection guidelines for the domestic and international record carriers. This action is taken within the time period established by RCCA and as a result of the parties' failure to reach a negotiated settlement. Parties are directed to file technical agreement and revise tariffs so as to implement interconnection of separate systems. The interconnection establishes a "universal" network for both domestic and international record communications.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1982,47(20):4311-4313
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is publishing a petition for rulemaking submitted by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine. The petition requests an interval longer than the two years between required calibrations of a dosimetry system used to perform full calibration measurements on a teletherapy unit--as long as suitable dosimetry system verification checks are carried out. The suggested amendments are intended to reduce the current six month waiting period for instrument calibration without adversely affecting dosimetry system reliability.  相似文献   

Environmental regulatory design addresses scientific uncertaintythrough a range of regulatory design tools. The seven approachesidentified and considered in this article are termed (1) theacknowledgement of scientific uncertainty (2) the burden shiftingapproach (3) the ‘sound science’ approach (4) theconsequences approach (5) the consensus approach (6) the estimationapproach and (7) the adaptive management approach. Analysisof some common environmental legislative frameworks suggeststhat, rather than occurring in isolation, these seven approachesare frequently incorporated into legislative regimes in a multitudeof combinations. The article also highlights the implicationsof expressly embedding a precautionary approach within pre-existingenvironmental regulatory frameworks, such as has occurred withinAustralian environmental regimes. Finally, the article exploresthe advantages and disadvantages of each approach and the variouscircumstances that favour the adoption of a particular regulatoryapproach to scientific uncertainty. In doing so, it suggestsan agenda for future empirical research on approaches to regulatorydesign for scientific uncertainty.  相似文献   

In 1973 the United States Supreme Court ruled that abortion could be had practically on request during the first 3 months of pregnancy. This article discusses whether the decision led to more public support for that position, and where in the U.S. the increase in support has been most drastic. The most recent public opinion polls indicate about 60% public support legalized abortion, while it was only 45% before 1973. Support has also increased even if pregnancy is not judged to be detrimental to the mother's health, or if it is not the result of rape and/or incest, but even if it is simply requested for economic or purely personal reasons. People under 30, with college education, men and Protestants, seem to be the staunchest supporters of abortion on demand. There has also been an increase in the number of Catholics supporting abortion. Support for abortion increased in most states between 1969-1973, particularly in the West and in the Northwest. The fight to deny federal funds for abortion is still raging in Congress; some studies indicate that the religion of the legislators is the most powerful predictor of voting on abortion, and that the decision is a very personal one, and not easily altered by the lobbying of groups on either side.  相似文献   

Recently, the Council of Scientific Society Presidents (CSSP) collected data from its member organizations regarding codes of ethics. To better understand why such a survey would be undertaken, this paper begins by examining what is meant by ethics and highlights some distinctions between law and ethics. It then discusses codes of ethics, stressing their purposes and functions. Finally, it looks at the results of the CSSP survey and evaluates how various organizations formulate and implement their codes.  相似文献   

选取具有代表性的美法日三国,从土地征收公共目的的立法界定、具体认定和法律救济三个角度进行比较分析,可以发现显著差异与共同经验并存。借鉴其共同经验,我国可借修订《土地管理法》之机回归土地征收目的一元化,并在此基础上明确界定土地征收公共目的的范围,增设公共目的认定程序,引入公共目的异议司法救济制度。  相似文献   

This paper critiques the U.S. characterization, attribution, and retaliation laws and policies for cyberattacks. Characterization, attribution, and retaliation are part of the most important aspects of responding to cyberattacks. The U.S. does not have a clearly defined characterization process, other than the Government Accountability Office (GAO), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)’s Threat Table which characterizes the different motivations for carrying out cyberattacks by cyber threat actors. This Threat Table has hardly changed since 2005, yet, cyber threat actors continually develop their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) and conceal their real motivations for carrying out cyberattacks. Like characterization, the U.S. does not have a known attribution procedure, nor is a single agency tasked with the function of attribution. Different agencies – the Department of Justice (DoJ), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF), and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) – and even private sectors companies, participate in the attribution process. This invites potential contradiction and interference with the attribution process. Though, unlike characterization and attribution, the U.S. retaliation policies are contained in different documents, none has the preciseness required to be effective. This paper thus, makes recommendations for each of these aspects of cyberattack response.  相似文献   

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