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The general objective of this paper is to propose the establishment of a federal cost-sharing policy for reducing risk in transferring technology from the R&D stage to commercialization. Minimization of this risk barrier is expected to encourage diverse groups to participate in technology transfer. Section II focuses on specific barriers that impede technology transfer efforts and it presents policy options to minimize identified barriers. Section III introduces objectives of cost-sharing experiments from which cost-sharing policies can be formulated. In addition, we also identify specific cost-sharing participation criteria and success variables for the policy.  相似文献   

The U.S. government, which funds virtually all types of basic research and development, can maximize its investment and best support technology transfer by focusing on R&D at its “budding” stage, and by involving large corporations, small businesses, and researchers in formal three-way partnerships to refine promising technologies and find suitable markets for them. This approach has the added benefit of requiring no additional, special funding for technology transfer. I propose a three-way technology transfer approach based on these concepts: the creation of a three-way partnership among researchers (the innovators), small business (the product/market developers), and industry (the end users of technology), with close liaison from day one for each project, and government serving as the facilitator; the selection of projects that will produce research and development results convertible to prototypes for testing in the end user’s environment; and the selection of projects that complement each other for building a critical mass of technology transfer from the bottom up. This type of approach utilizes the best attributes of each member of the technology partnership; focuses technology transfer efforts at the level of basic technology, where there is maximum flexibility and opportunity; and utilizes existing program funding to accomplish technology transfer objectives.  相似文献   

In order to increase the use of federally supported research and development to increase U.S. industrial competitiveness, new partnerships are being developed among the research producers, users, and funders. This paper summarizes the evolution of federal technology transfer models with particular attention to university-industry cooperative research centers sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The advantages and potential problems associated with such centers are presented and the implications for technology and innovation are discussed.  相似文献   

This case study presents a test of a technology transfer model developed by Karl Dakin of The Denver Technology Exchange Corporation. The model involves the creation of a new business organization dedicated solely to completing the transfer of a technology to a single application. In this case, the technology is the BodyShock, developed by Jim Hartway with JH Design, Inc., of Littleton, Colorado.  相似文献   

The withdrawl of Federal funds in a number of social service programs and state and local government budgets calls for an upsurge in volunteerism. Since August 1978, a Technical Volunteer Service (TVS) has been doing just that at one of the nation’s largest Federal laboratories. As measured by service to the community, acceptance by laboratory management, and satisfaction for the volunteers, this program has been an outstanding success. The time is ripe to transfer this program to other Federal laboratories, universities and industry. This paper describes the program and offers practical suggestions for its transfer to other organizations.  相似文献   

The debate continues on how to measure results of technology transfer. New and revised models are being conceived and tested in various economic settings. This paper addresses the performance measures that are being derived from the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce technology transfer program.  相似文献   

In 1990, Congress authorized the creation of a pilot Technology Access Program (TAP), to be administered jointly by the Small Business Administration and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. TAP, modelled substantially on a Minnesota state program, will subsidize access by small businesses to [1] a network of several thousand peer-recommended technical experts across the country and [2] interactive searching of technical and business literature databases. Preliminary evidence, from two surveys of random samples of companies that subscribe to the Minnesota service, indicate that this form of technology transfer is effective and could have a substantial positive impact on the productivity of small companies. If the pilot TAP program is successful, it could serve as the basis for a national technical-extension service.  相似文献   



Using a General Strain Theory (GST) framework, this study examines the role of various strains on officers’ organizational commitment to their agencies. In addition, the mediating effect of negative affect is investigated.


A total of 180 law enforcement personnel from multiple agencies in the Northern Kentucky area were surveyed.


Two strains, the failure to achieve positively valued goals and the removal positively valued stimuli, significantly predicted greater negative affect. Negative affect did not serve as a mediating variable between strain and officers’ commitment to the department. The failure to achieve positively valued goals, the removal of positive stimuli, and the two measures of presentation of noxious stimuli all significantly and directly influenced an officer's commitment to the agency after controlling for negative affect.


GST is a viable theoretical framework in which to study organizational commitment among police officers as various strains have been shown to result in officers being less committed to their police agencies. Consequently, policies that attempt to alleviate those strains or stressors commonly faced by officers can increase the dedication and possibly the job performance of America's law enforcement officials.  相似文献   

The US Army’s Night Vision and Electro-Optics Laboratory, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, has for the past decade encouraged the transfer of its unique technology into the non-military community. Our scientists and engineers have developed a wide spectrum of devices that provide the military forces with such benefits as being able to “see” at night without being detected, the ability to accurately determine ranges and to designate targets. Although our objective has been to develop devices to enhance the combat effectiveness of the US Army, many of these night vision and electro-optical devices have a great potential for serving useful functions in the non-military community. Therefore, the technology behind these devices which are not classified may, as the need dictates, be transitioned into the private sector through technology transfer. It is the intent of this paper to provide an introduction to the nature of this technology and to illustrate by high-lighting selected spinoffs, the many uses of night vision and electro-optics which have been adapted by the non-military community.  相似文献   

Pouring millions into R&;D with insufficient innovation and paltry returns? One solution: Revamp the process of bringing a product to market by integrating the efforts of technology and marketing personnel.  相似文献   

Since its inception in 1914, the Cooperative Extension Service has been delivering technology effectively to the agricultural community. The history of CES is discussed briefly, and the program's success, in terms of visibility, usage, and economic impact, is documented. Although the extension model has not been applied widely in industries outside of agriculture, some states have experimented with technology-transfer programs fashioned after CES. It is argued that these programs have not acquired the critical mass of resources needed to make them truly effective, and, unless they gain additional support, they should expand their services to increase their value and assess fees for assistance rendered. Gregory D. McFall was, during preparation of this paper, an undergraduate research fellow, majoring in physics, mathematics, and philosophy at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He currently is doing graduate work at VPI & SU.  相似文献   

In the thirty-five years after passage of the Bayh–Dole Act of 1980, a robust literature has documented the emergence of university technology transfer as a critical mechanism for the dissemination and commercialization of new technology stemming from federally-funded research. Missing from these investigations, however, is what this paper terms the legal perspective, an understanding of how the law and its attendant mechanisms impact university technology transfer. Specifically, the paper reviews the extant legal scholarship and provides examples of how case law, legal structures, and the unique nature of intellectual property law affects technology transfer, as well as higher education policy and management. Throughout, we propose critical questions for future investigation, which serve to form a cross-disciplinary research agenda that can contribute fresh insights to scholarly and policy discussions related to the role of universities in economic and social development.  相似文献   

This paper recommends development of teaching materials and cases on technology transfer for undergraduate and graduate courses in business and engineering. Its focus is the process of transferring technology from the federal laboratories to business organizations.  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - This study explores academic research on technology transfer (TT) and the related themes. The TT field has attracted considerable scholarly attention in recent...  相似文献   

Technology transfer should not be viewed as a single, “one shot” process. There are downstream strategic issues that must be dealt with if the technology-transfer process is to be well-integrated into a firm's activities. Too often these downstream issues are not apparent during the decisions leading to the actual transfer of the technology. Several key issues that should be weighed by managers are presented, their impact on competitive positioning is considered, and they are discussed in the contexts of maquiladora (twin-plant) factories in Mexico and investments in Chinese Special Economic Zones.  相似文献   

Expert systems continue to evolve for specific applications in medical diagnosis. This is necessary because the influx of new information is so massive that the expert systems must be specialized. The research methodology for this study was based on the usage patterns of expert systems in clinical pathology with data obtained at 94 US medical schools from 202 medical-school-based clinical pathologists. The study showed the link between the use of expert systems in medical schools and within the professional medical community. Initial education in medical schools and ongoing communications through residency programs, post-doctoral fellowships and clinical usage at university hospitals with the goal of technology transfer between medical schools and physicians, seem to represent the future for this valuable diagnostic technique.  相似文献   

Financial derivatives represent a new technology for the financial services sector. Large and widely publicized financial losses by end users of financial derivatives (e.g., Barings Bank, Procter and Gamble) may be attributed to two major problems in transferring this technology from derivatives dealers to derivatives users: (1) valuation of derivatives; and (2) control systems to manage this new financial technology. Some effective solutions to these problems are being developed by private standard setting organizations and private firms; these solutions can be viewed in terms of non-product standardization and product standardization, respectively. The effectiveness of these solutions in facilitating technology transfer comes from involvement of all stakeholders (e.g., dealers; users; private standard setters; government regulators). The authors with to thank Dr. Francis W. Wolek, Professor of Management at Villanova University, for reading an earlier draft of this paper. The authors are also grateful to Dr. Albert Link and the anonymous reviewers for thier helpful comments.  相似文献   

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