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T he N atiosalisation of B ritish I ndustry 1945–51. By S ir N orman C hester , C.B.E.
P ower , V iolence , D ecision . By W. J. M. M ackenzie .
E xplorations in G overnment , C ollected P apers 1951–1968. By W. J. M. M ackenzie .
O swald M osley . By R obert S kidelsky .
T he I mpact of H itler . B ritish P olitics and B ritish P olicy 1933–1940. By M aurice C owling .
T he T ransfer of P ower , 1942–47. Edited by N icholas M ansergh . Volume V, The Simla Conference, September 1, 1944-July 28, 1945.
T he P ast M asters : P olitics and P oliticians 1906–1939. By H arold M acmillan .
C ommittees of I nquiry . By G erald R hodes .
T he P arliamentary O mbudsman . By R oy G regory and P eter H utchisson .
S ociology and S ocial P olicy . By P. T ownsesd .
S ocial P olicy and A dministration R evisited . By D. D onnison et al.
T he P olitical I deas of M arx and E ngels : V ol . 1: M arxism and T otalitarian D emocracy 1818–1850. By R ichard N. H unt .
M arx W ithout M yth . By M aximilien R ubel and M argaret M asale .
M arxian and P ost -M arxian P olitical E conomy . By A run B ose .
M arx and M odern S ocial T heory . By A lan S wingewood .
M arxist A nalyses and S ocial A nthropology . Edited by M aurice B loch .
T he S tudy of G overnment . By F. F. R idley .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
E. M umford and H. S ackman (eds), Human Choice and Computers
G. R ussell P ipe and A. A. M. V eenhuis (eds), National Planning for Informatics in Developing Countries
F. W. H ondius , Emerging Data Protection in Europe
L arry B. H ill , The Model Ombudsman: Institutionalizing New Zealand's Democratic Experiment
R udolf K lein and J anet L ewis , The Politics of Consumer Representation: A Study of Community Health Councils
R. V. F arace , P. R. M onge and H. M. R ussell , Communicating and Organizing
R oy C. M acridis (ed.), Foreign Policy in World Politics  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1991,62(4):476-490
Book reviews in this article:
D emocracy and the M ass M edia , edited by J udith L ichtenberg .
the M edia and D emocracy , by J ohn K eane .
C ommunication and C ontrol , by G eoffrey M ulgan .
T he S talker A ffair and the P ress , by D avid M urphy
T he C ost of F ree S peech . By S imon L ee .
A B rief H istory of B lasphemy : L iberalism , C ensorship and 'T he S atanic V erses '. By R ichard W ebster .
B lasphemy , A ncient and M odern . By N icolas W alter .
F reedom . By T im G ray .
T he P ersistence of F aith : R eligion , M orality and S ociety in a S ecular A ge . The Reith Lectures 1990 by J onathan S acks .
T he S tate of W elfare : T he W elfare S tate in B ritain S ince 1974. Edited by J ohn H ills .
D emocracy and D iscontent . I ndia's G rowing C risis of U ngovernability by A tul K ohli .  相似文献   

The power of the proposal maker in a model of endogenous agenda formation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a distributive setting, this study examines a voting procedure for which agenda formation is endogenous. It is found, not surprisingly, that agenda formation is another avenue for strategic manipulation of the voting process and provides the member to first take the floor an asymmetric advantage. What is surprising is the degree of this advantage. We find that the initial proposal maker earns a share of the fixed resource exceeding 1 - for an -majority rule and this is regardless of the number of members. The voting rule is found to be an effective instrument in at least partially offsetting the power of the proposal maker while maintaining the stability of the voting process.The author gratefully acknowledges the comments of Peter Aranson, two anonymous referees, and the participants of seminars at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins. This paper was presented under the title The Alternating Offer Model as a Voting Procedure at the 1986 Public Choice Society Meetings and the 1986 Summer Econometric Society Meetings. The comments of Dennis Mueller and David Starrett at those meetings are most appreciated. Any remaining errors are, of course, my own.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1979,50(1):119-143
Books Reviewed in this Article:
T he BBC-P ublic I nstitution , P rivate W orld . By T om B urns .
W inter I nto S pring — T he C zechoslovak P ress and The R eform M ovement 1963-68. By F rank L. K aplan .
T ito 'S M averick M edia . By G ertrude J och R obinson .
M edia , P olitics and D emocracy . By B ernard R ubin .
T he P olitics OF I nformation . By A nthony S mith .
T he M edia are A merican . By J eremy T unstall .
N otes of a N on -C onspirator . By E fim E tkind .
G overnment and the M ind . By J oseph T ussman .
P hilosophers of P eace and W ar : K ant , C lausewitz , M arx , E ngels and T olstoy . By W. B. G allie .
T he S ocial and P olitical T hought of L eon T rotsky . By B aruch K nei -P az .
T rotsky . By I rving H owe .
U nofficial D iplomats . Edited by M aureen J. B erman and J oseph E. J ohnson .
T he R ise and F all of T he P eruvian M ilitary R adicals 1968-1976. By G eorge P hilip .
L egislative D rafting : A N ew A pproach . By SIR W illiam D ale , K.C.M.G.
E cotopia : A N ovel A bout E cology , P eople and P olitics in 1999. By E rnest C allenbach .
T he S ane A lternative . S ignposts to A S elf -F ulfilling F uture . By J ames R obertson .
E conomic P ower . By D. A. S immons .
F arewell the T rumpets : A n I mperiai . R etreat . By J ames M orris .
T he R ussia C omplex . By B ill J ones .
T he B ritish M.P. By C olin M ellors .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
R andall D avidson , A rchbishop of C anterbury . By G. K. A. B ell , Bishop of Chichester.
W e E uropeans . By J ulian S. H uxley and A. C. H addon , with a chapter on Europe Overseas by A. M. C arr -S aunders .
F riedrich E ngels . By G ustav M ayer .
R eport on the B ritish C oal I ndustry .
T he C oal S cuttle . By J oseph J ones . (Faber. 5s .) T he M iner's Two BOB. Edited by W. H. WILLIAMS.
M iners , O wners and M ysteries .
S tay D own M iner . By M ontagu S later .
S outh W ales N eeds a P lan . By H. A. M arquand . Assisted by G wynne M eara .
T he R ise of E uropean L iberalism . By Harold J. Laski.
W arning from the W est I ndies . By W. M. M acmillan .
E ducation for C itizenship in S econdary S chools .
P areto . By F ranz B orkenau .
T he S ocialisation of I ron and S teel . By " I ngot ."
A n A merican E xperiment . By E. M. H ugh -J ones and E. A. R adice .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1955,26(4):399-418
Book reviewed in this article:
C hina and the C old W ar . By M ichael L indsay .
N o F lies in C hina . By G. S. G ale .
C hina P hoenix . By P eter T ownsend .
O n E conomic T heory and S ocialism . Collected Papers by M aurice D obb , M.A.
T he A ustralian F ederal L abour P arty 1901-1951. By L. F. C risp .
A merica at M id -C entury . By A ndrea S iegfried .
L iberated F rance . By C atherine G avin .
M r . F rance . By D onald M c C ormick .
E conomics and A ction . By P ierre M endeas -F rance and G abriel A rdant .
A H istory of the S cottish M iners . By R. P age A rnot .
B ismarck : T he M an and the S tatesman . By A. J. P. T aylor .
T he H olstein M emoirs . Edited by N orman R ich and M. H. F isher .
T he P refects and P rovincial F rance . By B rian C hapman .
T he R oad to A bundance . By J acob R osin and M ax E astman .
P ersonalities and P owers . By S ir L ewis N amier .
S ir A nthony E den . By L ewis B road .
S ir A nthony E den . By A lan C ampbell J ohnson .
J ames M axton . By J ohn M c N air .
M y P olitical L ife . By L. S. A mery .
C onflict W ithout M alice An Autobiography. By E manuel S hinwell .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Fragile Bastion: Judicial Independence in the Nineties and Beyond H CUNNINGHAM (ed.)
Policy and Change: The Howard Mandate SCOTT PRASSER and GRAEME STARR (eds)
Genesis, Termination and Succession in the Life Cycle of Organizations: The Case of the Maritime Resource Management Service M PAUL BROWN (Monographs on Canadian Public Administration — No. 19)
Managerialism: The Great Debate M CONSIDINE and M PAINTER (eds)
The Chance of Politics PAUL HASLUCK (ed.)
Health Policy in Australia H. GARDNER (ed.)  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The New British Empire By W. Y. E lliott
R ed R ussia By T heodor S eibert
B olshevism I n P erspective By J. de V. L oder
New Russia By A. de M onzie Translated by R. J. S. C urtis
R ussia and T he S oviet U nion in T he F ar E ast By V ictor A. Y akhoutoff
R ussia , M arket O r M enace ? By T homas D. C ampbell
S oviet R ussia A nd T he W orld By M auriced D obb
O n M arxism T o -D ay By M aurice D obb
T he M ugwumps A nd the L abour P arty By G. T. G arratt
M oney and P olitics A broad By J ames K err P ollock  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
G rey of F allodon . By G. M. T revelyan O.M.
W orld T rade and its F uture . By S ir A rthur S alter .
H istory of P arliament : B ioraphies of the M embers of the C ommons H ouse , 1439–1509. By C lonnel the R ight H onourable J osiah C. W edgwood , D.S.O., M.P.
P ublic E nterprise : D evelopments in S ocial O wnership and C ontrol in G reat B rintain . Edited for the New Fabian Research Bureau by W illiam A. R obson .
P roperty and I mproperty . By J. A. H obson .
T he M agic of M onarchy . By K ingsley M artin .
S oviet D emocracy . By P at S loan .
T he E nd of S cialism in R ussia . By M ax E astman .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1969,40(2):213-217
Book reviewed in this article:
F reedom and rights . By A. J. M. M ilne .
T he P olitics and D ynamics of H uman R ights . By M oses M oskowitz .
P olitical R epresentation and E lections in B ritain . By P eter P ulzer .
British Parliamentary Election Statistics 1918-1968. By F. W. S. C raig .
T he B ritish V oter . A n A tlas and S urvey S ince 1885. By M ichael K innear
T he D evolution of P ower . By J. P. M ackintosh .
T he G rowth of the M odern W est I ndies . By G ordon K. L ewis .
P olitics and the L abour M ovement in L atin A merica . By V ictor A lba .
C hurch and S tate in L atin A merica . By J. L loyd M echam .
R epresentative G overnment and E uropean I ntegration . By W illarb N. H ogan .
E uropean U nity : C ooperation and I ntegration . By M ichael P almer , J ohn L ambert et al .
F orecasting and the S ocial S ciences . Edited By M ichael Y oung .
S ocial S cience and S ocial P urpose . By T. S. S imey (L ord S imey )
A H undred Y ears of S ociology . By G. D uncan M itchell .
S ocial T heory and S ocial P ractice . By P. F ord .  相似文献   

Book Review     
A rthur M c M artin , Public Servants and Patronage, The Foundation and Rise of the New South Wales Public Service, 1786–1859 , Sydney, Sydney University Press, 1983. Pp. xiii + 345.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1939,10(3):442-445
Book reviewed in this article:
T he M ilitary S trength of the P owers . By M ax W erner .
P ublic and P rivate P roperty in G reat B ritain . By H. C ampion . With an Introduction by P rofessor J. J ewkes .
T he L ocation of I ndustry . A Report by P.E.P.
U nion Now. By C larence K. S treit .
F ascism : W ho B enefits ? By M ax A scoli and A rthur F eiler .
W hen T here is no P eace . By H amilton F ish A rmstrong .
M en M ust A ct . By L ewis M umford .
S ecurity : C an we R etrieve it ? By S ir A rthur S alter , M.P.
T he G overnment of G reater G ermany . By J ames K. P ollock .
O n the E conomic T heory of S ocialism . By O skar L ange and F red M. T aylor . Edited by B. E. L ippincott
P eaceful C hange : P rocedures , Population, R aw M aterials , C olonies .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article
T he W eimar R epublic –Overture to the T hird R eich . By G odfrey S cheele .
T he W orld's H unger . By F rank A. P earson & F loyd A. H arper .
A F ood P lan F or I ndia . With a foreword By P rof . A. V. H ill .
T he C ontrol of H usbandry . A discussion of the future of War Agricultural Executive Committees. By J. P. M axton .
T he F uture of G overnment . By H erman F iner .
H istory , H eritage , and E nvironment . The Place of Social Studies in Secondary Schools. By J. B. M c N icol .
S tudies in t he D evelopment of C apitalism . By M aurice D obb .
N ational E nterprise . The Development of the Public Corporation. By E rnest D avies , M.P.
D emocracy in F rance . By D avid T homson .
N ational H ealth I nsurance I n G reat B ritain 1911–1976. By R. W.H arris .
G reat B ritain and P alestine
A S tiff -necked P eople . By B erl L ocker .
A P alestine M unich . By R. H. S. C rossman , M.P. and M ichael F oot , M.P.
D ocuments R elating to the P alestine P roblem .
J ewish P alestine F ights B ack .
M emoranda of the J ewish D ominion of P alestine L eague .
P alestine T hrough the F og of P ropaganda . By M. F. A bcarius .
R evolution of E nvironment . By E. A. G utkind .
A H istory of L ocal G overnment . By K. B. S mellie .
B evin . By T refor E vans .
T he N orthern T angle . By R owland K enney . With 8 maps by J. F. H orrabin .
T he R epublic of A ustria , 1918–1974. By M ary M ac D onald .
T he U nited N ations : A G uide to the N ew W orld O rganization . By L ours D olivet .
T he P oint of P arliament . By A. P. H erbert .
C ompass of the W orld . By H ans W. W eigert and V. S tefansson .
A N ation is B orn . By M ichael A rdizzone .
M ankind , N ation and I ndividual F rom a L inguistic P oint of V iew . By O tto J espersen .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Political quarterly》1970,41(4):477-496
Book reviewed in this article:
T he A dministrative P rocess in B ritain . By R. S. G. B rown .
F rench politicians and E lections , 1951–1969. By P. M. W illiams .
U lster 1969. T he F ight for C ivil R ights in N orthern I reland . By M ax H astings .
F ire O ver U lster . By P atrick R iddell .
D ivided U lster . By L iam de P aor .
P articipating in L ocal A ffairs . By D ilys M. H ill .
P ages from M emory . By J ames G riffiths .
T he C abinet . By P. G ordon W alker .
T he P rime M inister . Edited by A. K ing .
T he S tory of the C abinet O ffice . By R. K. M osley .
T he S cottish D ebate . Edited by N. M ac C ormick .
T anzania P arty T ransformation and E conomic D evelopment . Expanded Edition. By H enry B ienen .
T he C ommons in T ransition . Edited by A. H. H anson and B ernard C rick for the Study of Parliament Group.
T he M ember of P arliament and his I nformation . By A nthony B arker and M ichael R ush .  相似文献   

J. M. P ower , The National Sewerage Program in Victoria .
D. L. O verheu et al., Computer Technology and Employment , (No. 1, 1979)
M eryl S tanton (ed.).
J ohn D ixon (ed.).
J ohn G oldring (ed.).
J ohn D ixon and G arry F erris .
P atricia H yndman , Constitutional Law and Government .
B ob H inings , R oyston G reenwood , S tewart R anson and K ieron W alsh .
M ichael P oulsen and P eter S pearritt .
C. D. F oster , R. J ackman and M. P erlman .
P.M. J ackson (ed.).
R. L. M athews (ed.).
Newsletter of the Australian Institute of Public Administration (ACT Group).  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1994,65(4):441-464
Book reviewed in this article:
M ichael F oot . By M ervyn J ones .
J apan A mong the P owers 1890–1900. By S idney G iffard .
E xperiences of C hina . By P ercy C raddock .
S owing the S eeds of D emocracy in C hina . By M erle G oldman .
C ultural P olicy and U rban R egeneration : T he W est E uropean E xperience . Edited by F ranco B ianchini and M ichael P arkinson .
U rban P olicy in B ritain : the C ity , the S tate and the M arket . by R ob A tkinson and G rahamoon .
C itizens and S ubjects . By T ony W right .
P olitics in an A nti -P olitical A ge . By G eoff M ulgan .
A C onservative R evolution : T he T hatcher -R eagan D ecade in P erspective . By A ndrew A donis and T im H ames .
P olitical I slam : R eligion and P olitics in the A rab W orld . By N azih A yubi .
T he R evenge of G od : T he R esurgence of I slam , C hristianity and J udaism in the M odern W orld . By G illes K epel .
R eligion in T hird W orld P olitics . By J eff H aynes .
T ower B lock : M odern P ublic H ousing in E ngland , S cotland , W ales and N orthern I reland . By M iles G lendinning and S tefan M uthesius .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1948,19(3):277-300
Book reviewed in this article:
O ur P artnership . By B eatrice W ebb . E dited by B arbara D rake and M argaret I. C ole .
T he I ntelligent M an's G uide to the P ost -W ar W orld . By G. D. H. C ole .
T he G oebbels D iaries . T ranslated and E dited by Louis L ochner .
N uremberg . T he F acts , the L aw and the C onsequences . By P eter C alvocoressi .
T he G reat A ssize . By J. H. M organ , K.C.
J uvenile D elinquency in an E nglish M iddletown . By H ermann M annheim .
T he H ome O ffice . By S ir A lexander M axwell .
T he A nalysis of P olitical B ehaviour : A n E mpirical A pproach . By H arold D. L asswell .
E ssays in S ociology . By M ax W eber .
Translated, with an Introduction, by H. H. G erth and C. W right M ills .
E ducation : T he N ew H orkon . By H. C. S hearman .
D iplomatic P relude , 1938–1939. By L. B. N amier . ( MacMillan .
S tudies in F inancial O rganisation . By T. B alogh .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1987,58(3):343-357
Book reviewed in this article:
A nthony E den . By R obert R hodes J ames .
D escent to S uez : D iaries 1951–1956. By S ir E velyn S huckburgh . Ed. J ohn C harmley
A nthony E den at the F oreign O ffice , 1931–1938. By A. R. P eters
C utting the L ion's T ail . S uez through E gyptian E yes . By M ohammed H. H eikal .
T he P olitical C ulture of M odern B ritain : S tudies in M emory of S tephen K oss . Edited by J. M. W. B ean .
N ationalised I ndustries & P ublic C ontrol: legal, constitutional & political issues . By T ony P rosser
T he S ources of S ocial P ower , V ol . I: a history of power from the beginning to a.d. 1760. By M ichael M ann .
U topia and A nti -U topia in M odern T imes . By K rishan K umar .
T he N ature & L ogic of C apitalism . By R obert L. H eilbroner .
A uthority and I nequality U nder C apitalism and S ocialism . By B arrington M oore , J r .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1939,10(4):590-592
Book reviewed in this article:
K amâl A tatürk's L and . By A ugust , R itter von K ral . Translated by K enneth B enton .
F rance and M unich . By A lexander W erth .
F rance . By W ladimir d' O rmesson .
T he P roblem of M inorities , or C ommunal R epresentation in I ndia . By K. B. K rishna .
T he L aw of the C onstitution . By A . V. D icey . Ninth Edition. Revised and with an introduction by E. C. S. W ade .
H istory of P arliament : R egister of the M inisters and of the M embers of B oth H ouses .
L ocal G overnment in E urope . Edited by W illiam A nderson .
M unicipal S elf -G overnment in B ritain . By G eorge M ontagu H arris .
T he A dministration of P aris and M ontreal : A C omparative S tudy . By A lfred J ohn P ick .
T he D iary of J ohn M il W ard , E sq ., M ember of P arliament for D erbyshire , S eptember, 1666, to M ay , 1668. Edited with some notes and an Introduction on bis life by C aroline R obbins .
T he E conomic B asis of C lass C onflict, and other E ssays in P olitical E conomy . By L ionel R obbins .
C apital I nvestment in A frica; its C ourse and E ffects . By S. H erbert F rankel .  相似文献   

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