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通过论述波普尔的证伪主义的主要内容,阐明了波普尔的证伪主义针对逻辑实证主义即归纳逻辑方面的主要观点,论证了波普尔的证伪主义的合理性与优点,并根据波普尔证伪主义中存在的问题提出了一些批评与反驳。  相似文献   

漆捷 《理论探索》2006,(1):31-34
卡尔.波普尔的证伪主义对弗洛伊德精神分析学展开的批判性研究,对于精神分析学打破自身的局限非常有益。但这种批判的本体论基点是建立在同爱因斯坦物理学的比较基础之上,因而其有效性受到了制约。  相似文献   

波普尔将黑格尔作为历史主义在近代一个承前启后的人物,他集中对黑格尔理论中的辩证法进行了批判,将黑格尔辩证法割裂为矛盾与同一哲学两大支柱,误读了黑格尔的辩证法。这表明波普尔缺乏对历史的辩证理解,其批判正好暴露了以形式逻辑去理解和对抗辩证逻辑的局限性。  相似文献   

审美政治学属于一种古老的泛美学思维方式,主张政治应该是美的。波普尔以柏拉图的政治哲学为例对审美政治学给予了猛烈的批判,认为那是支撑封闭社会苟延残喘的意识形态,极大地威胁着开放社会的健康发展。  相似文献   

针对庸俗马克思主义对历史唯物主义的心理学误读,当代西方哲学家波普尔提出历史唯物主义是经济的历史唯物主义,它代表着一种理解历史的方法。经济的历史唯物主义包括历史主义与经济主义两个维度,前者的核心观点难以成立,应该予以抛弃;后者在社会科学方法上,代表极其有价值的进步,但也可能存在忽视观念能动作用的局限。波普尔对历史唯物主义的方法论解读对于准确把握历史唯物主义的理论性质、理解经济基础与思想观念之间的辩证关系都具有启示意义,而他将历史唯物主义的理论目的解读为预测社会趋势,则存在限度。  相似文献   

协商民主的外在目标是要达致每个公民个体的美好生活,而协商民主的本质则体现为一种公共善的实现。公共善的实现需要在自我之善和社群之善、多元主义利益和基本善之间达致平衡。协商民主是一种面向公共善的认知和行动过程。辩证行动主义更加强调一种多数大众与关键少数之间的关系。特性角色在辩证行动主义中发挥重要的榜样导向功能,并在审慎性沟通的基础上开展辩证行动。同时,特性角色的榜样引导要以情境性道德为内容展开。协商民主的关键就是要对公共善进行扩展,即从特性角色扩展到每个普通公民。在这一过程中,情感和理性都需要发挥重要作用。公共善的扩展在本质上表现为一种相互承认关系,并最终要达到一种主体间的移情状态。  相似文献   

龚晓珺 《学理论》2012,(1):52-54
哈贝马斯程序主义伦理思想是话语伦理思想的深化,其实质体现了一种形式化的道德规范程序,表现出伦理学的程序主义范式。他试图从道德标准、道德程序、道德实践及道德有效性等四个方面阐述程序主义伦理思想。在后现代语境中,程序主义伦理学以其范式转换的根本性变革更彰显其当代价值。作为回应现代性道德危机的独特解决方案,研究哈贝马斯程序主义伦理思想无疑具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

从古希腊雅典的城邦民主实践到近代法国思想家卢梭的人民主权理论奠定现代主流民主观的基础,但卡尔·波普尔作为犹太人的特殊经历和作为科学哲学家的批判理性的思维方式使他敏锐地发现这一民主观隐含的问题和陷阱。波普尔从民主的统治权观念在理论与道德上的困境、实践上的恶果和逻辑上的悖论等方面展开对民主统治权理论的反思和批判,并在重新审视政治学基本问题的基础上提出民主的控制权理论,波普尔从批判理性主义和证伪主义的科学方法论、政府行为的经验事实、大众判断原则和消极权力原则等方面系统论证民主控制理论的合理性与实践可行性。波普尔对民主的研究突破道德与政治意识形态、主权性质与人格特征等表层,而深入到治权与制度结构的内部,从而超越民主统治权理论,并将民主推向控制权理论的新阶段。  相似文献   

整体主义是生态政治的价值追求和思考重心所在。生态政治的整体主义价值观,首先呈现出一个存在论上的有机整体画面,强调自然生态体系的有机整体性;然后,导出整体主义的生态智慧和生态原则,完成人类与自然的整体性统一;最后,积极看待整体意象和个体意象之间的摩擦,突出可能由此形成的平衡的思考状态,以动态的思维来对待适中的摩擦关系。  相似文献   

刘星 《理论导刊》2008,(6):30-33
"服务型政府"是近几年在我国政府改革不断深化的过程中提出的一个概念,而服务理念的树立是构建服务型政府首要面临的问题.服务理念体现了一个政府的价值选择,管理主义和民主理念是其中最重要的两个价值向度,但这两个向度在很多人看来所采用的服务手段与方式在理念上是不同的.实际上,服务理念内在地包含着管理主义和民主价值.  相似文献   

Jeremy  Shearmur 《Political studies》1990,38(1):116-125
The ethical theory of Popper's Open Society threatens, against his wishes, to lapse into a form of relativism. This consequence is avoided if a closer parallel than Popper himself allows for is drawn between hs ethical theory and his epistemology. This produces a fallibilistic ethical intuitionism, in which the judgements of the individual are subject to criticism by the judgements of others. From this, however, an epistemological rationale is provided for the autonomy of the individual and moral limits are drawn to the sphere of legitimate action by the state.  相似文献   

Does more media censorship imply more regime stability? We argue that censorship may cause mass disapproval for censoring regimes. In particular, we expect that censorship backfires when citizens can falsify media content through alternative sources of information. We empirically test our theoretical argument in an autocratic regime—the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Results demonstrate how exposed state censorship on the country's emigration crisis fueled outrage in the weeks before the 1989 revolution. Combining original weekly approval surveys on GDR state television and daily content data of West German news programs with a quasi-experimental research design, we show that recipients disapproved of censorship if they were able to detect misinformation through conflicting reports on Western television. Our findings have important implications for the study of censoring systems in contemporary autocracies, external democracy promotion, and campaigns aimed at undermining trust in traditional journalism.  相似文献   

以人为本论析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"神"、"钱"、"权"都是人的某种本质力量的对象化,"神本"、"物本"、"官本"都是人以人的某种片面性的本质为本.以人为本不能归约为以民为本和以人民为本.在全球视域中,人作为同一性和同质性的类,人为本意指人是人的世界、社会、历史和人自身的根源和根基,世界、社会、历史和人自身是以人为本的.在社会和阶级视野中,人作为具体的现实的人,以人为本则是具体的、历史的,只有到了共产主义才展现出它的完整的形态.以人为本理念的贯彻和落实,依赖一种社会经济政治制度的安排,依赖于一种真正以人为本的客观社会生存模式.  相似文献   

On monarchy     
Monarchy is liberalism’s little secret. Given the number of articles and books appearing every year dealing with liberal democracy as the hallmark of contemporary Western societies, it is astonishing that monarchy is rarely ever mentioned despite the fact that monarchy, and not a republic, is the constitutional form of quite a number of Western liberal states. I argue that considering the political reality of the established monarchies in Europe leads into a dilemma: either contemporary liberalism is not the kind of theory it claims to be or it has to reconsider its central tenets. In conclusion, I show that the dilemma cannot be solved or avoided but needs to be embraced by conceiving liberalism not as a applied moral theory but as a political theory that leaves room for various symbolic self-understandings and acknowledges the crooked timber of historical realities.  相似文献   

On Diplomacy     
Johnston, D. (ed.) (2003) Faith-Based Diplomacy: Trumping Realpolitik . Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jönsson, C. and Hall, M. (2005) Essence of Diplomacy . Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Melissen, J. (ed.) (2005) The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations . Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.  相似文献   

On nazism     
George L. Mosse 《Society》1977,14(4):69-73

On Gramsci     
The writings of the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci have garnered a great deal of interest across debates in both political theory and International Political Economy (IPE). Yet, despite the diversity of issues raised by such debates, similar arguments have been made that are pertinent to anyone interested in understanding the philosophy and strategic importance of Gramsci. The claim here is that similar demands have been made to return Gramsci to his historical context but without considering whether this means that ideas and the conditions that provoked such issues are therefore relegated to the epoch of origination. The argument consequently works through some of the assumptions of an historicist interpretation, whilst also outlining a particular approach that appreciates the contemporary theoretical and practical relevance of a Gramscian-inspired critique of the prevailing global political economy  相似文献   

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