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通过对国内学术界关于指纹鉴定标准构建的几种思路的分析,经综合比较,选择符合点"数量"思路作进一步探讨。在简要分析国外指纹鉴定"数量"标准研究概况基础上,尝试提出新的"指纹特征组合概率计算模型",并以概率计算方式论证了8个符合点作为鉴定标准的合理性,由此得出一些对指纹鉴定工作可能有现实意义的结论。  相似文献   

浅议指纹鉴定标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指纹鉴定在各国的司法活动,特别是刑事侦查中都广泛运用。但世界各国对指纹鉴定的同一认定没有统一的标准。随着我司法制度的不断完善,各种司法鉴定纷纷推出“标准化”认证,制定一个统一的、明确的指纹鉴定行业标准已是迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

多伯特规则是法院对药品副作用因果关系鉴定证据认定中形成的判例规则,继而成为了美国法院普遍的科学证据标准之一,该规则在扩大应用到其他科学鉴定领域的过程中,须根据不同科学方法的特点具体研究规则的适用问题。形象证据鉴定是依据客体形象特征进行鉴定的一种科学方法,其概率性鉴定本质可以作为总体上适用多伯特规则的根据,同时,目前形象鉴定的方法主观性较强、基础信息不完备、错误概率不明确等特点又决定了还不能完全适应规则标准的要求,在这种情况下,我国应该借鉴多伯特规则办法,借鉴多伯特规则的合理成分,结合形象证据鉴定的具体情况,制订原理正确、更具有针对性的认定标准,通过标准的实施,推动和提高形象鉴定的科学性水平。  相似文献   

对指纹鉴定标准问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指纹鉴定又称指纹识别,它是以手指、手掌表面的乳突线花纹特征为依据识别个人的科学技术[1]。自1896年阿根廷警方首次将指纹作为人身识别的依据后,世界各国也陆续承认了指纹证据的合法地位,将其用于案件的侦查与审理[2]。因为指纹在揭露和证实罪犯、打击犯罪中发挥着重要作用,所以在众多证据中有“证据之首”的美誉。然而,因错误的鉴定结论导致的错案一再出现,使指纹鉴定的科学性受到越来越多的质疑。其核心问题是鉴定的标准问题,即究竟在何种条件下能做出同一结论,而在何种条件下不能做出同一结论。对此,全世界的指纹工作者各执己见,争论得…  相似文献   

指纹鉴定证据自从诞生就与科学紧密相连着,科学的发展为其开辟了更广阔的道路。在诉讼中,指纹鉴定证据确实发挥着相当的客观性、准确性的价值。但是,指纹鉴定证据并不是绝对真理,基于各种因素,也出现了使用指纹鉴定证据造成错案的情形。因此,如何既发挥其科学性的一面,又克服其不足的地方,这需要借鉴国外的立法与实践经验,确立相应的程序和规则。  相似文献   

胡卫平* 《证据科学》2012,(4):480-488
指纹鉴定标准是指纹鉴定理论的核心内容之一.指纹鉴定理论和实践中形成的最低特征数量标准、质量—数量标准、面积—质量量化标准、拓扑学方法和标准、形态学方法和标准等均有其局限性.运用统计学理论和贝叶斯定理建立指纹鉴定结论概率化方法和评价标准,不仅在理论和实践上具有必要性和可行性,而且也可以避免指纹鉴定标准之争,使指纹鉴定从经验走向科学.通过统计每枚指纹平均细节特征数量和每类特征的出现率,可以计算出两枚指纹匹配的概率值,进而对概率结论的可靠性作出分析评断.  相似文献   

余谍 《法制与社会》2014,(14):131-132,141
本文从一盗窃案件中存在错误的指印鉴定说起,由正反两方面揭示指纹鉴定本身的积极作用及存在的问题。在绝大部分案件中,指纹鉴定作为唯一定罪证据是可行的,但基于对冤假错案的防范而采用"暂时"不采信指纹鉴定作为盗窃案孤证的意见。  相似文献   

指纹鉴定标准、指纹特征和指纹自动识别系统(automatic fi ngerprint identifi cation system, AFIS)均是指纹鉴定中重要的研究内容。近年来,鉴定结论概率化成为了鉴定标准的发展趋势,指纹特征研究也逐步从二级特征走向三级特征,进入到了更微观的领域。然而随着指纹大库的建立以及三级特征的研究,AFIS的发展面临一些技术瓶颈并亟待加入机器学习等新技术。因此,本文对以上三方面相关研究的最新成果展开综述,在总结指纹鉴定存在的问题的同时,对其未来的发展趋势作出几点展望,力求给指纹的研究提供新视野和新思路。  相似文献   

现代社会中,科学技术的飞速发展使得诉讼活动更加依赖于科学证据的证明价值。近一个世纪以来,美国已经在科学证据可采’陛预域中形成了较具代表性意义的评价机制,其科学证据的可采性标准,从弗赖伊规则(FryeRule)的“普遍接受标准”演进成了多伯特规则(DaubertRule)的“综合观察标准”,从而在推动科学证据可采性标准变革方面具有里程碑式的重要意义。  相似文献   

本文著重介绍了我国珠宝玉石鉴定工作的发展和现状.随著珠宝玉石市场日益繁荣,合成宝石和人工处理宝玉石大量投放市场,一些不法之徒乘机以假乱真,以次充好,谋取暴利,诈骗案件屡有发生.本文通过剖析一些案例,说明珠宝玉石鉴定对于规范市场,保护消费者和守法经营者利益,维护法制权威,起著至关重要的作用.  相似文献   

Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. established guidelines for screening the admissibility of scientific evidence and overruled the Frye general acceptance doctrine. Guidelines more akin to those advocated by psychologists to assess the trustworthiness of the expert testimony were established in light of the Federal Rules of Evidence on the reliability, relevance, and prejudicial or probative nature of the information. Forensic psychological experts will have to be explicit about the scientific foundations of their opinions. The more flexible formula for the admission of scientific evidence may exert greater quality control than the Frye test, and enhance the relationship of psychology and law by eliminating some sources of controversy within the professional community over expert witnesses. Research needs flowing from the new standards are identified. Administrative Judge with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Southern California, and a Mediator and Arbitrator with Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services/Endispute  相似文献   

SIMON A. COLE 《Law & policy》2006,28(1):109-135
Beginning around 1999, a growing number of scholars have claimed that validation studies for forensic fingerprint identification do not exist. This article revisits that claim by reviewing literature produced by proponents of fingerprint identification in response to that charge. It shows that fingerprint proponents employ rhetorical tricks in which they claim to address the validity question, but then subtly shift the question to ones that are easier to address. The article explores several different rhetorical strategies fingerprint proponents use to appear to be demonstrating validity, while in fact demonstrating other things. These include "the fingerprint examiner's fallacy" and "the casework fallacy." The inability of fingerprint proponents to refute the charge that validity studies are lacking is further evidence that the charge is, in fact, correct.  相似文献   

This paper examines how many of the states have changed their respective scientific-evidence admissibility standards under the influence of the United States Supreme Court's 1993 Daubert decision. The authors offer a definition of what constitutes a Daubert state, and using this definition classify the fifty states into three categories. These are: Frye states (15 states, 10 with codified evidence rules patterned after the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE)); Daubert states (26 states, 24 with FRE-based rules), and non-Frye/non-Daubert states (9 states, 7 with FRE-based rules). The authors discuss how the reliability requirement varies among the non-Frye states, and examine how particular types of evidence have fared in the Daubert era. Finally, the authors offer some predictions for the scientific evidence trends of the states.  相似文献   

In the current legal atmosphere, any practicing professionals, including police psychologists, may expect to have their decisions challenged in court. If such a challenge is not met, it may have a disastrous financial and reputational impact for both the psychologist (and other expert consultant) and the employer or contractor by whom the psychologist has been retained. The rules for expert witness qualification throughout the nation have been very strongly effected by the introduction of the Federal Rules of Evidence in 1975 and subsequent case law, particularly theDaubert, Joiner, andKumho Tire Supreme Court decisions. This article examines the history of the development of theDaubert Standard and proposes principles for potential expert witnesses in order to minimize the likelihood of aversive consequences, such as disqualification or malpractice accusations. Authors' Note: Cary Rostow, Ph.D., is president of Matrix, Inc., Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and is in private practice in Baton Rouge. He holds a Diplomate in Police and Criminal Psychology from the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology. Robert Davis, Ph.D., is executive vicepresident and director of science, research, and development, for Matrix, Inc., and has a private practice in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He holds a Diplomate from the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology. Judith Levy, Ph.D., is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Matrix, Inc.  相似文献   

《皇明条法事类纂》是明代法制重要文献.经对正编与附编对勘,发现正编中大部分“有目无文”的条目,其文字就在附编中.有新的证据表明该书确实是署名者戴金所编次.该书存在的若干谜团是清代后期有人为出手此书而故设迷局弄巧成拙的结果.该书对于了解明代法制演变具有很高的学术价值.  相似文献   

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