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If he treads carefully and follows these steps, he may be the US president to turn the tables on this conflict.  相似文献   

In 2013, NPQ editor Nathan Gardels spoke with Google's executive chairman ERIC SCHMIDT , and the director of the Google Ideas think tank, JARED COHEN , about their new book, The Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business.  相似文献   

这是一本体现作者致力于中国未成年人保护的激情在燃烧的书,这是一本感染读者产生为中国未成年人保护事业继续奋斗热情的书,这是一本让人拿起来不忍释卷的书,这是一本让人心情沉重又让人满怀希望的书。  相似文献   

自治共同体的权利认同--对一个拾荒者社区的考察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
拣破烂者往往是社会最低层的代名词,但就是在这样一个群体中,自然生长出一种自治秩序,部落内部成员之间以及他们与外部权利主体之间自愿缔结契约关系,在互动中形成共同体(破烂王"部落");适应城市社区建设需要,破烂王党支部成立,破烂王部落的权利认同由体制外进入体制内;部落成员与社区居民形成互惠性的政治关系,双方在互惠中增进信任,培育互助和自治能力,积累着社区发展的社会资本.  相似文献   

中国公共外交:风生水起正当时   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,伴随着中国经济的高速发展和国际影响力的不断提升,中国公共外交开始受到越来越多的关注。2009年冬,外交部新闻司公共外交处升格为公共外交办公室,表明公共外交在中国总体外交中的地位获得了重要提升。尽管中国的公共外交机制目前仍处在建设和磨合中,但中国公共外交的新局面已经展现出了光明的前景。  相似文献   

The extreme right in Israel was traditionally defined by its hawkish views on the occupied territories and the Arab-Israeli conflict. The decline of this political camp in the 1999 national elections brought many to the conclusion that the Israeli extreme right had died. The main argument of this article is that the king is dead - long live the king. Despite the popular belief that the extreme right in Israel is on the decline, the second wave of right-wing extremism is already here in a stronger and more prevalent form. By accepting a broader definition of the extreme right, it can be concluded that twenty percent of Israeli parliament members represent ideas similar to those of the European extreme right, especially antidemocracy and xenophobia.  相似文献   

北京时间2010年1月13日5时,中美洲国家海地发生里氏7.3级大地震。美好家园瞬间坍塌,一时间,残垣断壁、哀鸿遍野。灾情危急!太平洋彼岸的中国北京迅速行动。同日晚8点,肩负祖国和人民的重托,满怀国际人道主义精神的中国救援队乘坐专机毅然启程,经过20个小时颠簸劳顿抵达海地,并立即展开救援工作。法国媒体惊叹道,第一批抵达海地的救援人员,居然是中国人!比“近在咫尺”的美国人整整早了两个小时!  相似文献   

革新是我们的传统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
5月23日,德国社民党为庆祝建党14O周年,举行了主题为“革新是我们的传统”的庆典活动。德国总理、社民党主席施罗德发表讲话,总结和回顾了社民党的历史,并就党的建设和发展问题做了一些原则性阐述。现将有关内容摘要如下:  相似文献   

The striking affinities that have developed between radical-conservative movements in Western Europe and Russia since the end of the Cold War have been widely noted. This essay considers these affinities through the example of the Soviet historian and geographer Lev Nikolaevich Gumilev (1912–1992). It argues that Gumilev and the European New Right developed perspectives that were highly comparable, founded on similar principles, and articulated through similar images and allusions. Yet despite the powerful resonances in terms of basic concepts and theoretical orientation, there were nonetheless deep differences in terms of the conclusions regarding the practical implications for their respective societies that Gumilev and the Europeans deduced from these principles.  相似文献   

The new element in governance is social media. Inexorably, its fertile networks of shared information shift power from authorities to citizens and amateurs, including to the “unknown” experts in the “dorm rooms and edges of society” who drive innovation. Tweets may bust trust and undermine authority, but can social media also be a tool for building consensus through deliberation and negotiation among interests? When it comes to governance, is crowd‐sourcing any better than populism at generating collective intelligence instead of disruptive “dumb mobs?” Can networks aid the self‐administration of society, or does that take institutions with governing authority? In this section, leading Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, technologists and network theorists from Google, Microsoft and the MIT Media Lab join with political scientist Francis Fukuyama and top thinkers from Asia to address these issues.  相似文献   

Foreign aid is a complex international institution which, over the years, has experienced a number of transformations. Most of these changes, however, cannot be understood outside the ideological environment in which they were engendered. Building on this analytical insight, the article argues that the debate on development assistance has always been framed in terms of an opposition between forces of the Right and forces of the Left. The first part of the article explains how the very definition of aid has been influenced by the Right-Left opposition. The second section uses the Right-Left distinction to re-examine the key stages in the history of the aid regime. The third part summarises the assessment that the Right and the Left each make of a half-century of development assistance. Finally, the conclusion discusses the significance of this contribution to the study of aid and international relations.  相似文献   

试析男性性权利的刑法保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国刑法学界传统上对于女性性权利的保护一直比较重视,但对男性性权利的保护却鲜为关注,各国刑法典对有关侵犯男性性权利行为进行刑罚制裁的也的确不为多见。但从人权保障和人人平等的角度分析,我国加强对男性性权利的刑法保护十分必要,这也是社会历史发展的必然要求。因此,刑法应尽早对侵犯男性性权利的行为作犯罪化规定。  相似文献   

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