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THIRTY years after the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the United Arab Emirates,the two countries are witnessing monumental,across-theboard developments.On this occasion,China Today spoke to UAE Ambassador to China Omar Al Bitar to learn about the past and prospects of friendly relations between the two countries.China Today:The relationship between China and the  相似文献   

Geographical distance has not hindered friendly relations, ongoing for more than two centuries, between China and Norway. Norway recognized the People's Republic of China on January 7,1950 and diplomatic relations were established on October 5, 1954. In 1955, the two countries began to exchange ambassadors. Since then their political, economic and cultural cooperation has steadily advanced. The year 2004 marks the 50th anniversary of establishment of Sino-Norwegian diplomatic relations. In honor of the occasion, China Today spoke with Norwegian Ambassador Tor Chr. Hildan on bilateral trade and economic cooperation.  相似文献   

BEFORE leaving for Africa,we held an interview with Emmanuel MBA ALLO,Gabonese Ambassador to China,to talk about Sino-Africa and Sino-Gabon cooperation.  相似文献   

正ON the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Lebanon,China Today interviewed Lebanon’s ambassador to China Fared Abboud about the history of Sino-Lebanese relations and the prospects for its future development.China Today:What have been the most significant developments in the history of Sino-Lebanese relations?  相似文献   

Presenting gifts is an important facet of Chinese etiquette. As such, it has signif icant social ramifi cations. On the one hand, as the Chinese saying goes, “A swan’s feather sent 1,000 miles may seem insignif icant, but the feeling it engenders is profound.” On the other, presenting an appropriately expensive gift can be crucial to cementing lucrative business relationships. Progres- sively changing gift-giving trends in each decade since the 1970s re? ect both China’s economic progres…  相似文献   

<正>On March 27,2009,Mr.Murat Salim Esenli presented his credentials to Chinese President Hu Jintao,for his posting as Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the People's Republic of China(PRC).  相似文献   

CIPG journalists interviewed Chinese Ambassador Li Fushun to the Gabonese Republic on issues ranging from the China-Gabon relationship to Chinese investment.  相似文献   

The mention of Spain conjures up images of flamenco, bullfights and all ihings.hot-blooded. But there is also a prudent and cool-minded dimension to this former world superpower,  相似文献   

XUE Jinwei,Chinese ambassador to Cameroon,met with us in Yaoundé,talked about relations between the two countries,China's assistance to Cameroon,and the different development models available to Africa.  相似文献   

THIS year marks the 10th anniversary of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Before joining the WTO in 2001,many Chinese were afraid that membership would have a substantial negative impact on some of China’s main industries. At the same time,there were misgivings in some countries about China’s ability to fulfill its commitments and that its WTO membership would affect other countries badly.  相似文献   

正Despite his over 40 visits to China,it was still a surprise to Luis Schmidt Montes when he was appointed Chilean ambassador to China in 2010.Our interview with His Excellency started with the issue of bilateral trade–for Montes played a major role in the China-Chile free trade pact that came into effect on October 1,2006.  相似文献   

2020年3月26日,刘晓明大使在使馆接受中国国际电视台(CGTN)记者纳维德 贾巴吉尔专访,就新冠肺炎疫情及全球应对阐述中方立场。同日,该台《国际商讯》栏目播出专访内容。专访实录如下.  相似文献   

Known as the gateway to Guangxi, Wuzhou has long been a significant trade hub in southern China. It became a trade port in 1897 and a customs office was built in the same year. Over the next half-century, it became known as a "mini Hong Kong." During the 1930s the Encyclopedia Britannia defined it: "Wuzhou, the largest commercial city in Guangxi."  相似文献   

中华人民共和国自1949年成立至今,已历经60个春秋.60年来,新中国的各项事业蓬勃发展,青年研究事业也出现前所未有的繁荣.笔者有幸自新中国成立之初的1950年1月进入青年工作队伍,并于1955年在中央团校学习且留校专业从事青年和青年工作的教学和研究工作,对新中国60年青年研究事业的发展,有许多的亲身参与和经历,有许多的感受和体验.为庆祝新中国60华诞,特对60年青年研究事业的发展作一个探讨性的回顾与概述.  相似文献   

CHINA,acountrywithacivilizationof5,000years,hasaccumulatedawealthofheritage,comprisingbothessenceanddross.Atdifferenttimesandinthecontextofvarioussocial,economicandpoliticalsituations,essencehasbeenregardedasdross,anddrossasessence.Historyadvancesgraduallywithinthesecycles.Humanity,withitsmanyracesandnations,iscomposedofnumeroussocialandculturalforms,bothprogressiveandbackward.Theculturalconceptsofvariousnationsandracessometimesclashandsometimesblend,butultimatelypromotehumancommunicationand…  相似文献   

正Beijing’s factory buildings transform into innovative and cultural hubs Founded in 1951,the Beijing Foreign Language Printing Factory(BFLPF)was initially a printing company in China’s capital.With over 1,200 employees,the state-owned company was dedicated for over half a century to printing books,  相似文献   

Hong Qu 《当代中国》2011,20(70):433-448
During the first 30 years of its existence, the People's Republic of China (PRC) committed itself to making atheist Marxism the fundamental ideology of the country, depriving the Chinese people of their constitutional right of religious liberty. Since 1979, new policies, regulations, and legislation impacting religious freedom have been created and implemented. This paper proposes an unconventional framework for understanding China's religious policy. It attempts to explain the evolution of this policy through an analysis of the party's changing view of religion; the nature of its new religious policy and law; and the function of its supervision of religion. It calls for the consideration of the validity of a distinctive Chinese model in religious affairs similar to that which has evolved in economic development.  相似文献   

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