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开展普法教育、搞好依法治校是一项开拓性、探索性工作,是学校教育方式、管理方式的重要改革,是加强素质教育、培养“四有”新人的重要途径。近年来,山东省广大中小学校在各级教委和普法办公室的领导和指导下,认真开展在校学生的法制教育,不断加强依法治校工作;增强了教职工和广大中小学生的法制观念和法律意识,提高了学生素质和教学质量,使学校各项工作逐步纳入法制化管理的轨道。(一)领导重视。随着全民普法教育的深入开展,特别是针对青少年学生违法犯罪突出问题,各地把在校学生的法制教育作为加强学生素质教育的重要内容,列…  相似文献   

近年来未成年人违法犯罪呈上升趋势,预防未成年人犯罪需要家庭、学校、社会各方共同努力,加强对未成年人的保护、遏制严峻的未成年人犯罪发展态势。学校教育的缺陷对未成年人违法犯罪有一定影响。如何全面改进学校教育,预防和减少未成年人违法犯罪无疑是一项重要课题。  相似文献   

如何预防和减少大学生犯罪已成为当前研究大学生犯罪的首要任务。大学生犯罪的原因是多种因素在特定环境下的有机结合,主要有社会客观原因、大学生自身的主观因素、家庭因素的影响、学校教育与管理上存在一定的薄弱环节等各种原因。通过对大学生违法犯罪原因进行深刻地剖析,对预防、减少大学生违法犯罪,促进大学生健康成长,促使高等教育正常发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

龙克琼 《法制与社会》2014,(12):164-165
随着中国城乡经济体制改革和现代化进程的不断深入,农村留守中小学生变成一个特殊的弱势群体,其合法权益受侵害现象严重。家庭教育管理不当和监护缺失、学校教育的缺失和偏差、社会不良风气的影响、社会保障措施不力都是造成农村留守中小学生合法权益受侵害的重要原因,同时,中小学生自我维权意识不够和维权能力缺乏也是不容忽视的因素。保障农村中小学生的合法权益要注重司法保障,重视学生自身维权的重要地位,建立一个由家庭、学校、社会、司法、政府和中小学生个体组成的"六位一体"维权体系。  相似文献   

近年来,受不良网络文化的影响,青少年违法犯罪问题日渐突出,为此,党的十七大报告明确指出:"加强网络文化建设和管理,营造良好网络环境。"为青少年健康成长创造良好的文化氛围,可采取下列措施:保护预防和堵塞预防相结合,为青少年成长提供良好环境;家庭教育和校园教育相结合,帮助青少年树立正确人生观;控制预防和改造预防相结合,使失足青少年得以改过自新。  相似文献   

近期,一些地方接连发生暴力伤害中小学生、幼儿园儿童的恶性案件,引起中央领导的高度重视和社会各界的广泛关注。我们认为,在严厉打击侵害师生、儿童生命财产安全的违法犯罪活动的同时。有必要进一步加强学校及周边治安综合治理法制宣传教育工作,为维护学校及周边治安秩序营造良好的法治氛围。最近,司法部、全国普及法律常识办公室发出通知要求,进一步加强学校及周边治安综合治理法制宣传教育工作。  相似文献   

论高校预防大学生违法犯罪安全保障体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生违法犯罪既有社会客观原因,又有个人主观原因。高等学校应当通过对当代大学生违法犯罪的发展趋势进行预测,通过加强校园和周边环境的有效治理、加强对大学生的综合素质教育和高校各项基础性建设,建立起预防大学生违法犯罪的安全保障体系,营造一个有利于大学生安全、健康成长的和谐校园环境。  相似文献   

抓好学校法制教育,是贯彻邓小平同志“法制教育要从娃娃开始”的要求和具体体现。青少年学生是未来事业的建设者、是国家的希望,他们正处在生理和心理的生长发育阶段,可塑性很强。从小培养法律意识,进行法律素质培养教育,不仅可以预防和减少违法犯罪,更重要的是促使他们养成依法办事,遵纪守法的良好习惯。四棉中学在预坊学生违法犯罪工作中,结合普法工作,全面贯彻中央综治委、国家教委、司法部《关于加强学校法制教育的意见》,学校法制教育取得了一定成效。  相似文献   

青少年是祖国的未来和希望,加强对广大青少年的法制教育和对违法犯罪青少年的教育改造,不仅对社会治安综合治理具有十分重要的作用,而且对杜会的发展和人类的文明进步具有十分重大的意义。四川省司法行政系统遵照邓小平同志关于“法制教育要从娃娃抓起”的教导,充分发挥司法行政职能,认真做好预防和减少青少年违法犯罪工作,收到了十分可喜的成效。 一、大力抓好中小学生的普法宣传教育,扎牢预防青少年违法犯罪的多重篱笆 人类社会进入20世纪80年代以来,青少年违法犯罪已成为一个十分突出的社会问题,引起国际社会的广泛关注。有…  相似文献   

目前,中小学生校园伤害事故(简称学校事故)是一个现实性很强的实际问题,它不仅造成教育方面的困境,还带来了司法方面的混乱。因此,学校事故的预防与处理日渐引起社会的关注。本文首先通过对学校事故的概念进行界定,以明确学校事故的概念和特征,根据学校在学校事故中是否存在过错,并结合案例对学校事故进行了分类;然后,分析了学校在学校事故中的责任认定;最后,本文提出了更好地预防学校事故发生的相关建议。  相似文献   

This study compares the criminal activities of male and female Jewish and Arab junior and senior high school students in Israel based on self-reported criminal activities. The sample consisted of 906 randomly selected junior and senior high school students. The findings indicate that Jewish students committed more types of delinquent acts when compared with their Arab counterparts; males committed more delinquent acts than females; and Arab females had very low rates of delinquency. The findings are discussed in light of possible influences of cultural and ethnic origin and knowledge about possible discrimination against Arab juveniles by the Israeli criminal justice system. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are suggested.  相似文献   

The “school-to-prison pipeline” and the negative effects of suspensions, expulsions and school arrests have received increasing national attention recently. Researchers have documented some of the potential harms of these exclusionary school discipline practices for students, including academic difficulties, increased misconduct, and future justice system contact. However, these investigations have been somewhat limited in scope, as they tend to focus only on students’ academic outcomes and juvenile justice system involvement. In this paper we seek to expand upon prior studies by considering how school suspensions may affect youth in peripheral and long-lasting ways. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent to Adult Health, we analyze whether being suspended from school relates to the likelihood of students experiencing a number of adverse events and outcomes when they are adults. We find that being suspended increases the likelihood that a student will experience criminal victimization, criminal involvement, and incarceration years later, as adults.  相似文献   

Research Summary Unsupervised after‐school time for adolescents is a concern for parents and policymakers alike. Evidence linking unsupervised adolescent socializing to problem behavior outcomes heightens this concern among criminologists. Routine activities theory suggests that, when youth peer groups congregate away from adult authority, both opportunity for and motivation to engage in deviant acts increase. After‐school programs are a possible solution to unsupervised teen socializing during afternoon hours and are much in demand. However, empirical research has yet to test the relationship between the availability of after‐school programs and youth routine activities. This study presents evidence from a multisite, randomized, controlled trial of an after‐school program for middle‐school students in an urban school district. Policy Implications Youth in the treatment group engaged in less unsupervised socializing after school than youth in the control group but not as much less as would be expected if the after‐school program was providing consistent supervision to youth who would otherwise be unsupervised. Additional analyses examined why the influence of the after‐school program was not more pronounced. We found that, although program attendance was related to decreases in unsupervised socializing, the program did not attract many delinquency‐prone youths who were unsupervised, which suggests that the students most in need of the program did not benefit. Furthermore, data obtained from a mid‐year activity survey revealed that youth in the study were highly engaged in a variety of after‐school activities. The addition of the after‐school program into the mixture of available activities had little effect on the frequency with which students participated in organized activities after school.  相似文献   

School shooting tragedies and the juvenile justice system’s movement toward a retributive and punitive framework gravely impacted how primary and secondary school students, disproportionately urban districts, used security measures to lock down campuses and build “fortress-like” schools. This iteration of control on school campuses emerged in tandem with the most recent generation’s zero tolerance approach to student violence and problems; a policy widely regarded as ineffective in urban, suburban, and rural districts. As school shootings continue to impact state legislative action and public reactions to school management, this paper takes a critical approach to school security policies and reviews the evidence on the risk for school violence and how to move away from student control approaches that do not improve school safety. Instead, the incorporation of prosocial education and school engagement efforts finds that school and student safety is improved. These, and related approaches to student body management, decreases campus violence and may also minimize the risk of some school shootings - as rare as these tragic incidents are across the nation’s schools. The interplay of schools, students, and the juvenile and family courts is ongoing. Knowing how school districts can best approach their campus environments, safety, and learning is important for school social workers and court personnel because of how often these systems work, or do not work, together.  相似文献   


This study examines racial, social, and contextual-environmental factors to determine what effects they have in predicting the likelihood of student victimizations in urban, suburban, and rural schools. In doing so, it seeks to answer two basic questions-Is school violence more prevalent among African-American students in urban schools? And if so, which factors predict the likelihood of one being victimized in urban schools compared to suburban and rural schools? The results of this study indicate that race was not significant in predicting victimizations among students in either urban, suburban, or rural school districts. However, the probability of student victimizations increased for students who attended school in the Western regions of the U.S. where student diversity is greater. Also, students who attended schools where gangs, drugs, weapons, and security were present were more likely to be victimized than those who did not have these elements in their schools. Finally, the regression models for school crimes did better in predicting student victimizations than the personal and property crime models.  相似文献   

向前 《行政与法》2012,(4):50-53
新私塾教育所引发的"失学而不失教"的"失学"状态,相较于传统失学儿童案中单纯"辍学"状态有着本质的区别;同时,新私塾教育的存在及发展也引起了人们对体制内"学校教育"的质疑。为此,以维护"体制内"教育为最高宗旨的传统失学儿童救助制度,因无法解决私塾教育所带来的人们对教育个性化的"合理"要求所产生的"合法性"纠纷而丧失了当然的正当性。本文认为,加强对私塾教育规范化的管理而非一味地排斥私塾教育才是解决问题的关键。  相似文献   

It is clear that schools are mirroring the criminal justice system by becoming harsher toward student misbehavior despite decreases in delinquency. Moreover, Black students consistently are disciplined more frequently and more severely than others for the same behaviors, much in the same way that Black criminals are subjected to harsher criminal punishments than other offenders. Research has found that the racial composition of schools is partially responsible for harsher school discipline just as the racial composition of areas has been associated with punitive criminal justice measures. Yet, no research has explored comprehensively the dynamics involved in how racial threat and other factors influence discipline policies that ultimately punish Black students disproportionately. In this study (N = 294 public schools), structural equation models assess how school racial composition affects school disciplinary policies in light of other influences on discipline and gauge how other possible predictors of school disciplinary policies relate to racial composition of schools, to various school disciplinary policies, and to one another. Findings indicate that schools responding to student misbehavior with one type of discipline tend to use other types of responses as well and that many factors predict the type of disciplinary response used by schools. However, disadvantaged, urban schools with a greater Black, poor, and Hispanic student population are more likely to respond to misbehavior in a punitive manner and less likely to respond in a restorative manner.  相似文献   

Approximately one third of U.S. high‐school freshmen do not earn their high‐school diploma on time. For African‐American and Hispanic students, this figure nearly reaches one half. The long‐term economic consequences of dropping out of school for both the student and the larger community have been well documented. It has also been argued that school dropouts put themselves at a higher risk for delinquent and criminal behavior when they leave school. Although it seems plausible that dropping out might increase the potential for delinquent conduct, another view states that dropping out is simply the final event in a long, gradual process of disenchantment and disengagement from school. Dropouts show evidence of school failure and developmental problems years in advance. It has been argued, therefore, that the actual event of finally leaving school has no causal effect on criminal or delinquent behavior because it has been so long in coming. In this article, we examine the effect of leaving school early, and the reason for dropping out, on delinquent behavior with the use of panel data models from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 Cohort (NLSY97). Through an appeal to identity theory, we hypothesize that the effect of dropping out is not uniform but varies by the reason for leaving school, gender, and time. This conjecture receives only partial empirical support. Implications for future work in the area are discussed.  相似文献   

试论我国高等法学教育与法律援助之整合   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
伍浩鹏 《河北法学》2006,24(7):136-139
高等法学教育与法律援助的有机整合,是法律援助自身发展的要求,又是法学教育改革之必然.西方国家所采用的诊所式法学教育为我国高等法学教育与法律援助的整合提供了有益借鉴.然而,在我国的制度整合实践中还存在着难点,应从以下四个方面予以完善:通过相关立法完善法学学生参与法律援助的权利保障、各地法律援助机构应给予相应的经费支持、法学教育管理体制的相应改革、完善法学学生提供法律援助的服务质量监控机制.  相似文献   

刑事立案程序的独立性质疑   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
吕萍 《法学研究》2002,(3):142-150
我国的刑事立案程序立法中存在着严重的弊端 ,其程序的独立性值得质疑。现行立法的不合理导致侦查机关在立案之前适用强制措施和侦查手段的不准确性 ,也促成了司法实践中“不破不立”的现象。建议取消立案程序 ,代之以相对简化的案件登记制度 ,将立案程序纳入大侦查的阶段之中 ,这样既可以解决初查行为的法律定性问题 ,也使法律规范更便于操作  相似文献   

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