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The concept of self-esteem is central in psychology, but few well-validated measures exist. This paper presents some preliminary data on the Self-Esteem Questionnaire (SEQ) organized along Gough's conceptual model of primary, secondary, and tertiary evaluation. The SEQ appears to discriminate groups along a self-esteem continuum; fits in well with a variety of theoretical approaches; does not have nuisance loadings on sex, intelligence, or social status; is unduly affected by social desirability; and correlates well with standard measures of self-esteem.Received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley. Research interests include psychological testing and creativity.Received her B.A. from the University of Arizona. Research interests include child abuse and statistical methodology.  相似文献   

The scientific literature suggests that outcome for adolescents with eating disorders bears little relation to the type of treatment used. Practitioners of adolescent medicine care for adolescents with eating disorders and have reported outcome in three studies, to which a fourth is added in this paper. This new sample of 34 adolescents represents consecutive admissions to an inpatient adolescent medicine unit who were then followed as outpatients by the same interdisciplinary treatment team. An average of more than 5 years after hospitalization, the group had a mean weight of 97.9% of normal and 94% were menstruating (87.5% regularly). Depending on the outcome criteria used, between one-half and two-thirds of the subjects had an excellent to good outcome, with only about 10% of subjects symptomatic at follow-up. Comparing the most recent cohort of 34 adolescents (Group II) with the older cohort of 49 subjects (Group I) reveals a trend toward behaviors associated with bulimia more commonly on entering treatment. These encouraging results suggest that adolescent medicine may offer a complementary approach to traditional methods for adolescents with eating disorders.Received M.D. from Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, PA. Research interests are in bone mineral density in females with anorexia nervosa.Received M.D. from the University of Buffalo School of Medicine in Buffalo, NY. Research interests include examination of the relationship of violence and illicit substance use in adolescents and the relationship of physical abuse and bulimia nervosa.  相似文献   

In this article a middle class adolescent peer group is studied in a community setting using ethnographic techniques. The purpose of the study is to describe the group's relationship to adults and to uncover the adult reference group after which the group modeled itself. Although this group was organized to help poor people in the United States and abroad and had extensive contact with adults who could be described as change agents working to close the economic gap between rich and poor, this group modeled itself after middle class adult managers. The youths were attracted to the change agent adults only in so far as they satisfied their desire for equal status interaction with adults. Attempts by the group to establish closer contact with their adult models were in conflict with their desire to maintain autonomy from adult domination. The concluding section compares the findings of this study to two ethnographic studies of adolescent groups that used secondary school sites.Received her Ph.D. from Northwestern University. Main research interest is applying ethnographic techniques to the study of educational process. Currently studying the urban principalship with a grant from the Spencer Foundation.  相似文献   

This article advances a way of conceptualizing the adolescent as theorist derived from interpretive sociology. This formulation of the adolescent as theorist is contrasted to that available within Piagetian theory. It emphasizes the practical and the occasioned nature of theoretical activity and shows it in everyday settings. Interview conversation between an adolescent and an adult is used as empirical illustration. This formulation of the adolescent as theorist is offered as a means of entry to the scientific constitution of the adolescent as a practitioner of world building who uses the same available resources and does the same sense-making work as any competent member in a culture.Received Ph.D. from University of Toronto. Current interests are the social and scientific constitution of the adolescent, and interpretive methodologies in the study of adolescence.  相似文献   

Seventy-five women were traced and reassessed on average eight years after the onset of anorexia nervosa. All patients received treatment and 88% were hospitalized at least once. Comparisons between early (11–15 years; N=35), late (16–18 years; N=24) adolescent and adult (19–27 years; N=14) onset revealed no significant differences in outcome for age at onset. For 70% of adolescent and 42% of adult onset patients the outcome was good, meaning that the weight was within ± 15% of norm with regular cyclical menstruation,17% and 21% had an intermediate, and 9% and 21%, respectively, had a poor outcome, 5.3% had died. Taken together, 59% had physically recovered and were free of any eating disorder. Severity of illness reflected in a low body mass index, excessive exercise, and poor psychosocial functioning at intake were poor prognostic indicators;length of illness and food restriction or bulimia as eating patterns were unrelated to outcome. The observation that all women with chronic anorexia nervosa, and even a third of those who had physically recovered from anorexia nervosa, qualified for one or more psychiatric diagnoses suggests that the psychosocial correlates of anorexia nervosa require further study.Supported by grant MH ROI35585-01A1.Received an M.D.-Ph.D. degree from Albert-Ludwig University in Freiburg, Germany. Research interests have been depressive disorders, eating disorders, in particular anorexia nervosa, and more recently women's health.Received M.D. degree from the University of Illinois in Chicago, Illinois. Research interest is in preventive medicine.  相似文献   

Three studies that evaluate the reliability and validity of the Extended Version of the Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status (Adams and Grotevant, 1983) are reported. In Studies 1 and 2, college students in Texas and Utah, respectively, completed the identity measure, the Extended Range Vocabulary Test, and the Crowne-Marlowe Social Desirability Scale and released achievement results from their college records. The identity measure was found to have acceptable reliability (both internal consistency and test-retest) and validity (content, factorial, discriminant, and concurrent). In Study 3, scale scores from the objective identity measure correlated in the predicted pattern with ratings of identity exploration and commitment made from the Ego Identity Interview. Although the objective measure is not intended to replace the interview, it would appear to be useful in a number of situations where administration of the interview is impractical.We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Dan Tousley in the data collection and data analysis phases of this research. Data collection and analyses for Study 3 were provided by grants from the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the University of Texas Research Institute, and the University of Texas Institute of Human Development and Family Studies to Harold D. Grotevant and Catherine Cooper, Co-Principal Investigators.Study 2 was supported by the W144 regional research grant on The Development of Social Competency in Children with funding from the United States Department of Agriculture and the Utah State University Agricultural Experiment Station, directed by Gerald Adams.Received Ph.D. in child psychology from the University of Minnesota. Research interests concern the contribution of family relationships to personality and identity development in adolescence.Received Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University. Research interests include adolescent social and personality development.  相似文献   

Pregnancy among adolescents, and especially among low-income adolescents, represents a high-risk situation from multiple points of view. When compared to data for the population at large, obstetrical outcome is worsened, subsequent educational attainment is poor, social prognosis is guarded, and repeat unwanted pregnancies are common. The surviving infants, similarly have relatively high incidences of medical and developmental problems. In recent years, comprehensive interdisciplinary programs have been organized to offer more meaningful help to these individuals. The present report describes the authors' 5-year experience with one early intensive program. Considerable medical, educational, and social successes have been noted. The results are especially striking when contrasted with the authors' current experience with an improving but still more fragmented and less successful program. Findings concerning infant development and the mother-infant interaction are also noted. Finally, issues related to the achievement of successes and the persistence of problems after provision of more adequate comprehensive services are discussed.This study was supported in part by Grant No. 03-H-000-079-03-0, Maternal and Child Health Service, H.S.M.H.A., H.E.W.While on the faculty of the State University of New York, College of Medicine at Syracuse, was a founder and the first medical director of the YMED program.Specialty is Developmental Psychology, and research interests concern infant and early child development and the effects of children on parents. While on the faculty of Cornell University, served as a consultant to the YMED program.Project director of the high-risk program.While on the faculty of the State University of New York, College of Medicine at Syracuse, was obstetrical director of the YMED program.  相似文献   

Programs for widespread dissemination of birth control information and devices among adolescents are subject to strong resistance from many groups and may be ineffective anyway. An alternative approach to reducing the alarming frequency of unplanned pregnancy among unmarried adolescents might be group or individual counseling for those most susceptible, to unplanned pregnancies. Accurate identification would be necessary to implement this alternative. Developed in this paper is an inferential strategy for identifying in well-defined groups unmarried adolescents who seem susceptible. When carefully evaluated, an inferential strategy, based, on several concepts from Bayesian inference theory, appears remarkably accurate as a means of identification. Besides specific predicReceived her M. A. in education and Ph.D. in psychology at University of Houston. Main interest was adult development. Deceased in 1971.Received his M.D. from Baylor Pediatric internship and residency at University of Michigan Hospital. Main interest is adult development.Received his Ph.D. in psychology at Ohio State University. Main interest is probability (decision) theory.Received her Ph.D. in educational psychology at University of Texas in Austin. Main interest is adult development.Received from M.D. Johns Hopkins, School of Medicine. Main interest is obstetrics and gynecology.Received her M.A. in English at Southern Methodist University. Main interest is research communications.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method by which researchers can construct affective evaluation instruments. This method emphasizes a set of key questions which can be asked as the researcher begins to define an affective construct, to decide on a measurement procedure, and to develop a framework upon which to base items. A mapping sentence is used to combine elements of a construct in ways which suggest types of items that can be generated. The method, which is heuristic, is applied to a construct which presumes to describe personal perceptions of adequacy as a student. The paper is based on the assumption that affective evaluation instruments ought to be constructed first as the result of a priori specifications of a construct and the results then submitted to empirical manipulations.Received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. Main research interests are measurement and evaluation of affective consequences of schooling.  相似文献   

The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) was developed in the United States as a multiitem scale for the overall assessment of life satisfaction as cognitive-judgmental process, rather as a measurement of specific satisfaction areas (e.g., health, energy). The present study attempted to extend the applicability of the SWLS by investigating specific aspects of reliability and validity in a different cultural context (Portugal) with adolescents. In line with previous American findings, reliability figures were found to be favourable. SWLS scores were affected by sex and sociocultural level. In addition, SWLS scores showed to be predictably associated with psychological measures: loneliness, social anxiety, shyness, self- concept, and physical attractiveness. The variables that best predicted satisfaction were overall self-concept, loneliness, and physical attractiveness.Received a Ph.D. in normal and abnormal anthropology from École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris) in 1980 and a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Faculty of Psychology (Porto) and an Aggregation in Psychology from Faculty of Psychology (Coimbra) in 1990. Research interests include migration and cross-cultural social migration.The author wishes to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

This paper describes a pilot program in the use of high school near dropouts as tutors for young children. The work is set in the context of adolescent developmental tasks and draws its rationale from the general human tendency to reach mastery by turning passivity into activity. We ask whether adolescents who have experienced a decade of school failure and misery might use the opportunity for a new form of more active contact with the schools to master old failures. We reasoned that the very area of failure, where these adolescents show apparent uninterest through truancy and minimal work, must be a highly emotionally charged one (albeit negatively) precisely because it is an area of failure. After describing the setting and the rationale, we analyze the experience for several tutors from the point of view of their relationship to (1) the tutees, (2) the tutor-supervisor, (3) the group of adolescent tutors, and (4) the social system of the elementary school.Received Ph.D. from Department of Social Relations, Harvard University, 1956. Main current research interest is in the developmental process.This work was conducted while on the staff of the Department of Psychiatry, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center. Currently Instructor, Department of Psychiatry, Montefiore Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Received Ph.D. from School of Education, New York University, 1971. Main current interest is in early childhood development.  相似文献   

Results on an outcome study with adolescents in a partial hospitalization program reflect parental involvement during the treatment process. The study compared behavioral outcomes of adolescent patients with high parental involvement with outcomes of adolescent patients with low parental involvement. The partial hospitalization program led to improvement for adolescents aged 13–17 years with significant differences for improvement by parental involvement. Improvements were in primary function areas, school and home as perceived by the adolescent, and in a reduction in severity level and total pathology as rated by the parent. Further, adolescents with high parental involvement were less likely to need rehospitalization.Received M.A. in psychology, from Governors State University. Research interests focus on adolescent treatment.Received Ph.D. in counselor education from Loyola University of Chicago. Research interests concern individual and career development, and service delivery issues.  相似文献   

Questionnaire data were obtained from 120 high school students on their (1) knowledge of risk factors that identify potential suicidal behavior in peers, (2) attitudes toward peers who attempt or commit suicide, and (3) ability to respond appropriately to suicidal messages from peers. Overall, relatively few adolescents possessed accurate information, and many had misinformation concerning various warning signs. Furthermore, respondents expressed negative attitudes toward peers who attempt or commit suicide, and generally were unable to respond sensitively and appropriately to suicidal communications. These results have implications for suicide education programs for adolescents.This study was based on a Masters Thesis conducted by the first author under the direction of the latter two authors. Preliminary results of this investigation were presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, 1988.Received M.A. in clinical psychology from Loyola University. Current research interests include bulimia and alcoholism.Received Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Vanderbilt University. Primary research interests involve community psychology, prevention programs, and child psychology.Received Ph.D. from University of Chicago. Research interests include issues in adolescence and eating disorders.  相似文献   

当事人基本情况:原告:某装潢公司被告:苏某,男案情简介:2008年3月1日,刚满19岁的苏某被一家装潢公司聘用。岂料,苏某工作还未满一个月,就在同月20日发生了摔伤事故。在4月中旬,该公司与苏某签订了《协议书》一份,约定由公司一次性补偿苏某今后  相似文献   

One bunk of eight 16- to 17-year old females was studied over a four-week camping session. Instances of dyadic dominance behaviors between group members were recorded in three settings. Although participants formed a cohesive group dominance structure that remained relatively stable throughout the camp session, the structure was not rigid or hierarchical. A new term, “cohesive dyarchy,” was coined to describe intracabin dominance relations. In contrast to many studies of adolescent females, popularity with boys and physical attractiveness were not found to be major predictors of dominance status. A variety of personality traits emphasizing interpersonal skills, athletic ability, and self-reported self-esteem predicted dominance status. Implications of these findings in terms of female adolescent development and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines high school research projects as an adolescent transitional episode that demarks acquisition of a capacity for prolonged creative effort. Whereas tests of courage are important in many subsistence societies, in ours a valued quality of adulthood is the ability to think and act on one's own. Self-report data from 154 students working on a Junior Theme are employed to illustrate the psychological significance of this kind of rite. The students report a range of emotional states that are well out of their normal school experience. Many go through a process of personal involvement and self-searching that resembles an identity quest. As a result of the project students feel they have acquired a new status, one that separates them from the uninitiated and puts them closer to the status and power of an autonomous adult.Received his Ph.D. in Behavioral Sciences from the University of Chicago. Research interests include adolescent emotional development, the ecology of daily life, and gerontology.  相似文献   

This study tests a multidimensional model of adolescent drug use. The model incorporates sociodemographic variables, personality variables (state and trait anxiety, depressive mood, and sensation seeking), cognitive variables (knowledge, attitudes, and intentions), interpersonal factors (relationships with peers and parents), and the availability of drugs. The model was tested in a longitudinal study, comprising two phases. A total of 1446 high school students served as subjects. The role of cognitive (attitudinal) and interpersonal factors (relationships with parents and peers) was confirmed. In addition, sensation seeking proved to have significant predictive power. Anxiety, depression, and sociodemographic factors, by contrast, had virtually no influence. Availability had a minor effect. The multidimensional explanation was validated longitudinally. The factors related to drug use at the first phase predicted use at the second. This multidimensional explanation accounted for the use of various substances, suggesting that different substances—whether legal or illegal—share a common multidimensional explanation.This work is based on the doctoral dissertation of Zipora Barnea supervised by Meir Teichman and Giora Rahav, and submitted to the Tel-Aviv University. The research was partially supported by a grant from the National Interministerial Committee on Substance Use and the National Research and Development Foundation.Received Ph.D. from Tel-Aviv University. Research interests are substance use, delinquency, and social deviance.Received Ph.D. from University of Missouri. Research interests are drug and alcohol abuse, and family violence.Received Ph.D. from Indiana University. Research interests are substance use, delinquency, and cross-national studies of deviant and violent behavior.  相似文献   

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