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Three cases of suicidal temporal gunshots. Different circumstances in the clinical course and in the ability of action.--In one case there was a bullet tract in the lower temporal region with considerable destruction of the base of the skull, followed by immediate inability of action and early death. Another case with a transtemporal gunshot without radiological signs of a laceration of the base of skull showed severe disturbance of cerebral functions for some days and remaining blindness. In the third case there was a pistol shot in the temporal region with retained missile, full ability of acting and undisturbed consciousness. Causative for the differences in the effect of the gunshots are differences of weapons and amunition and the anatomical position of the wound track in the temporal region. Discussion about the role of concussion of the brain by different rate of transgression of energy from the missile to the skull. Reference to the importance of X-ray analysis and to a radiographic documentation of the findings in such cases.  相似文献   

赵宁 《犯罪研究》2004,(4):43-48
被告人有罪供述补强规则属于证据证明力规则,主要目的在于对被告人有罪供述证明力进行限制,我国刑事诉讼法也对被告人的有罪供述提出了补强要求。应以实体法为依据,从证据法的角度对该补强规则的性质、根据、适用范围、和补强证据的证明力和证明能力、共犯有罪供述方面进行明确,以求补强规则能在刑事司法中得以恰当的运用。  相似文献   

Extreme value theory is used to provide, according to one reviewer, a quantitative measure of the probability of a police dispatch operation going “haywire” under pressure. Convensional queuing theory that concentrates on measures of average performance is not readily adaptable to this application. In a major police department, average values of delay response were found to be acceptable, and preliminary analysis showed that sufficient resources were available to avoid excessive queuing at peak loads. Nevertheless, reports of occasional excessively delayed responses indicated the existence of serious problems. Extreme value theory concentrates on the statistically rare long delays that, because of the many repetitions of requests for service, can occur more frequently in time than is acceptable to police management. In the example discussed, the predicted magnitudes and frequencies of these long delays provided the justification for an immediate improvement program. In general, the straightforward methodology described would appear to have broad applications and great practical value. The subsequent analysis to identify causal factors is not a part of the discussion.  相似文献   

余飞  沈勃 《犯罪研究》2005,(1):50-54
本文通过剖析我国当前狱内开展的帮教工作的现状和不足,提出在狱内罪犯改造中尝试建立义工制度的意义及其合理性,并就如何在原有帮教基础上构建义工制度作了详细阐述。  相似文献   

The literature provides linear regression formulas for dental age estimation that is based on radiological two-dimensional measurements of the pulp size. The aim of the present study was to explore whether the previously presented regression formulas could lead to statistically sound results and to appropriate repeatability when applied to young individuals. Orthopantomograms (OPGs) of 44 Austrian individuals, aged between 13 and 24 years, were selected at random. In accordance with the reported method, six teeth on each OPG were chosen to carry out the measurements. Statistical analysis was performed in order to assess the difference between the estimated and the true chronological age. The regression formulas reported by Kvaal et al. (1995) led to a consistent underestimation; the regression formulas reported by Paewinsky et al. (2005) resulted in a constant overestimation of age. The statistical analysis of intraobserver and interobserver variation revealed a variation width below 2%, respectively.  相似文献   


This article will analyse the implementation of an open parliament policy that is taking place at the Chamber of Deputies, in accordance with the guidelines of the Open Government Partnership international programme (OGP), regarding the action plan of the Opening Parliament Work Group in particular, one of the subgroups of OGP. The authors will evaluate two blocks of initiatives for open parliaments executed by the Chamber in the last few years, that is, digital participation in the legislative process and Transparency 2.0, in order to observe their impasses and results obtained until now. In the first part the authors will study the e-Democracy portal and in the second part the authors will focus on open data, collaborative activities to use those data (hackathons) and the creation of the Hacker Lab, a permanent space dedicated to open parliament practices. The analysis considers the initiatives that the authors evaluated as part of the transformative and arena profiles of the Brazilian Parliament, according to Polsby's classification, with exclusive characteristics.  相似文献   

The majority of opioid-related deaths are accidental. However, the number of opioid-related suicidal deaths is likely under recognized. Presented here is a case of suicide by heroin overdose. The manner of death would have likely been deemed accidental if not for critical information shared by the decedent’s family during follow-up telephone interviews between the forensic pathologist and the decedent’s family, which included text messages that were sent by the decedent just before his death that were not known at the time of the initial medicolegal death scene investigation. This case highlights that when a forensic pathologist establishes an engaged relationship with the decedent’s family, the information elucidated can prove to be invaluable in reaching an informed opinion about the manner of death. For overdose cases, identifying an accurate manner of death allows the design of public health efforts that adequately address the health risks in the community. For aid in the determination of the manner of death for overdose cases, we propose a five-step checklist that may assist forensic pathologists and medicolegal death investigators when approaching similar cases.  相似文献   

重视科学立法推进依法治国   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
谭世贵 《法学论坛》2005,20(2):15-17
依法治国基本方略的确立和实施,极大地推动了我国的法治进程.依法治国,顾名思义,只有依良法才能治国,如果依的是劣法或恶法,则不但不能治国,反而会误国或害国.因此,制定良法至关重要.  相似文献   

近几年来,在接受委托开展司法会计鉴定工作中,通过不断的探索、实践,我们深深体会到:司法会计鉴定中的社会取证是一项很重要的不可忽视工作,对委托方或当事人所提供的的鉴定材料、需要调查审核以保证司法会计鉴定结论的真实可靠。  相似文献   

Isoelectric focusing of extracts from diluted or aged bloodstains may be more successfully accomplished with larger sample volumes applied to the gel. A technique is described using teflon tubing to apply larger sample volumes (up to 100 μl) to isoelectric focusing (IEF) gels. This method is reproducible and easy to perform.  相似文献   

大学的要义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学是研究高深学问的地方,是创造新科学、新知识、新化的机构;大学是高层次人才聚集的地方,是专家、学们公开追求真知、真理的场所;大学是培养学生健全人格、高尚道德、健康情感、良好的化修养、社会适应能力和职业创造能力的地方。对大学本质和宗旨的误解、误读将使大学的信念扭曲、精神失落、功能异化,使大学不像大学,成为缺少大学品格和精神的职业培训中心。  相似文献   

Discrimination is a complex phenomenon which has long been tackled by discrimination law. In order to present adequate legal responses, literature and caselaw have developed two main categories of discriminatory acts: direct and indirect discrimination. With the growing use of algorithms on daily lives, the adverse impacts of these technologies come to the center stage. This article aims at presenting how the direct and indirect discrimination categories are applicable to algorithm discrimination and how they may shed light on challenges related to it. Next, the article explores how the how the Brazilian legal framework may tackle algorithm discrimination, both on its direct and indirect forms, with the support of anti-discrimination law and data protection legislation.  相似文献   

影像医学在法医学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Zhang JZ  Che HM  Xu LX 《法医学杂志》2006,22(2):153-155
个体识别在法庭科学调查中一直是重要的工作,它包括:性别、身高、年龄的推断等。在法庭科学领域中利用影像医学技术进行个体识别,在准确性、实用性方面有特别的意义。本文目的旨在通过广泛系统地回顾国内外法庭科学中的影像学应用,了解现有医学影像技术在法庭科学应用中的优点和不足之处,为进一步完善医学影像学在法庭科学中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

法理学是以整个法律现象的共同性问题及其规律为研究对象的学科。法律专业学生在学好部门法的同时,要强化其法理学方面的知识、理念,使之成为合格的与法治国家相适应的法律工作者。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(4):378-383
Latent fingermarks are important trace evidence found in crime scenes mainly used for identification purposes. Once deposited, the composition of samples changes over time influencing the efficacy of latent fingermark development methods. In this sense, the aims of this work were to characterize the fatty acid (FA) profile of sebaceous latent fingermarks by GC–FID and to preliminarily evaluate the development efficiency of enhancement methods (powder dusting, iodine fuming and silver nitrate method) in a 30-day period of aging under controlled parameters of temperature, photoperiod and humidity. Results showed that myristic (7.51 ± 0.76% − 13.39 ± 1.26%), palmitic (35.91 ± 1.07% − 40.81 ± 2.52%), stearic (6.67 ± 0.36% − 9.13 ± 0.36%) and oleic (18.08 ± 0.25% − 20.93 ± 0.26%) acid varied significantly (p < 0.05) over the 30-day period of analysis. Regarding development efficiency, fluorescent orange powder and the silver nitrate method also increased their efficacy to develop latent fingermarks over time while the iodine fuming method decreased its efficiency. Silver black powder had constant efficacy in the tested period. Changes in the constitution of sebaceous marks possibly influenced the development efficiency of enhancement techniques. This knowledge is important to better understand the kinetic of aging and its influence on the development method.  相似文献   

The transfer of new health technology to South Africa is occurring despite the fact that North American and European health care planners and entrepreneurs have a very limited understanding of traditional Black South African cultures which condition the health-related behaviors of the majority of the population. Consequently, relatively few people of African descent in this very diverse nation are, at least initially, benefiting from the new imported medical technology. This study gives an overview of traditional Black medicine in South Africa and, through the presentation of several case studies, discusses its implications for the societal adoption of new health technology received from the United States and other industrialized nations. The example of the successful application of cervical cancer exams in rural and urban clinics of the Eastern Cape is analyzed and institutional mechanisms that support successful transfer are identified.  相似文献   

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