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瑞雪纷飞,爆竹声脆,我们迎来了充满希望的2006年。《当代广西》创刊二年来, 始终紧跟形势,配合中心,积极宣传党的路线方针政策,展现了当代广西的崭新风貌, 深受基层和广大读者的欢迎。值此辞旧迎新之际,我谨代表桂林市人民政府和全市 490万人民衷心祝愿《当代广西》在新的一年万象更新,百尺竿头更进一步! 回首过去,我们豪情满怀;展望未来,我们信心百倍。在刚刚过去一年,我市改革开放和现代化建设取得了新的成绩,完成了自治区“双过千”和我市“553”目标任务 (全市生产总值超500亿元,财政收入达50亿元、农民人均纯收入3000元),还荣获  相似文献   

GUILIN City in south-west China's GuangxiZhuang AutonomousRegion is famed athome and abroad for itsmajestic scenery. The Chinese regard itas nature's most perfect landscape, andmany poets and literati and artists havecelebrated its beauty in their works.Fabulous LandscapeGuilin is a typical karst region. TheLijing River flows through the city andstrangely shaped mountains rise up fromits plains in their hundreds. The moun-tains are hollow, and laced with thou-sands of caves. In the 1970…  相似文献   

HANSHAN County in east-ern Anhui Province is rich inresources.It has more than30different types of miner-als,and its5.28billion tonsof anhydrous anhydrite makes it Asia'slargest reserve of the mineral.Thanksto these resources Hanshan County hasbecome a leading producer of cast prod-ucts,cement materials,porcelain,plas-ter,beer and knitwear.The county has forged itself as a basefor high quality grains,edible oil,fruitsand vegetables.Hanshan also boasts a beautifullandscape.The famous anci…  相似文献   

作为进出南宁的门户,江南区坐拥西南最大的铁路编组站——南宁火车站南站、南宁国际航空港吴圩机场,市区内四通八达的公路交通网络与环城高速公路、南北高速公路、机场高速公路、南友高速公路等高等级公路连接,区位优势明显。  相似文献   

SHREWD Zhejiang enterprisers voted Chuzhou one of China's best investment destinations on May 30, 2007.This was no small achievement, bearing in mind that the famous cities of Hangzhou, Dalian and Nanning were also in the running.  相似文献   

THE novel Lost Horizon, by British author James Hilton, is set in Shangrila - a mystical, peaceful land hidden in the lofty mountains of southwest China. Hilton describes Shangrila as a valley in Tibet, beautifully arrayed  相似文献   

龙涛 《当代广西》2005,(17):16-17
弹指一挥,融水苗族自治县已走过了53年的光辉历程。53年来,大苗山沐浴着党的民族政策的光辉,各族人民励精图治、团结奋进、艰苦创业,使大苗山发生了翻天覆地的变化。今日的大苗山经济实力明显增强,社会各项事业迅速发展,一个落后的“苗荒”之地变成了一个欣欣向荣的民族自治区域。这一变化充分体现了大苗山各族人民的勤劳和智慧,展示了大苗山各族人民勇于创新、奋发图强、开拓进取的精神风貌。——融水苗族自治县县长韦明山感言  相似文献   

In 2004 the annual China-ASEAN Expo, initiated by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in 2003, became permanently sited in Nanning, capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Since then, this southern Chinese city has stepped into the foreground of international commerce to demonstrate its resourcefulness and vision, as well as scenic charisma, born of the reform and opening-up policy. The Third China-ASEAN Expo will take place in Nanning from October 31 to November 3, 2006.  相似文献   

徐弘毅 《现代领导》2001,(10):35-35
在县委招待所一间普通的房间里,记者采访了刚从省里开会回来的安县县委书记杨文杰。  相似文献   

《孔子家语》载:春秋时期的霸主楚国国君昭王,有一次南巡到某地,得一“大如斗、圆而赤”的果实,因不识是何物,求教于孔子。孔子告知曰:“此所谓萍实者也,吉祥也,唯霸者能获焉”。于是,人们便把楚昭王得萍实的地方谓之“萍乡”,意为“萍实之乡”。  相似文献   

WUZHOU in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is the region's nearest city to the three economic powerhouses of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Dieshan District is the city's industrial, commercial, educational and scientific hub, and has received much investment from these areas. Since the launch of the Western Development Strategy and the establishment of the Pan-Pearl River  相似文献   

韩世峰 《半月谈》2005,(4):32-33
自实施振兴东北老工业基地战略以来,哈尔滨市不再把目光局限于一个企业或一个产业.而是坚持科学发展观.从整体振兴和可持续发展的战略高度促进老工业基地振兴,使出大手笔,呈现新气象。  相似文献   

又是一年春草绿,又是万家团圆时。在这辞旧迎新的喜庆时刻,我谨代表来宾市人民政府和全市245万各族人民向关心、支持来宾市建设的各级领导、各界人士、朋友们,致以新年的祝福! 2005年是不平凡的一年,我市在自治区党委、政府的正确领导下,克服了煤电油运紧张、百年一遇特大洪涝灾害和严重旱情的困难,继续保持了经济快速发展的良好势头。预计全年完成生产总值170亿元,比上年增长13.0%左右,是建市以来发展最快的一年。人均生产总值6800元,增长12.0%左右,财政收入完成17.5138亿元,比上年增加3.78 亿元,增长27.5%,比自治区下达的“双过千”目标任务超收1.51亿元,并提前一个月完成自治区下达的全年财政收入任务,人均财政收入710元,增长26.6%,城镇居民收入增  相似文献   

Transnational investments are a growing engine of globalization and have transformed world economic landscapes. They are also a crucial element of international exchanges and cooperation. The economic interdependence fostered by globalization has turned many old foes into mutually reliant trading partners.  相似文献   

Zhang Xueying 《今日中国(英文版)》2006,55(10):10-19,F0002,3
Rintor sold his cattle and goats, bought a small tractor and contracted for transportation work in the Damxung section of the railway.F IVE years ago, when Rintor heard that the Qinghai-Ti- bet Railway construction company was recruiting workers, he decid…  相似文献   

初冬的邕宁,绿树葱葱,山水辉映, 一派生机。大南宁格局的形成和大南宁经济圈的逐步扩大为邕宁区谋求大发展提供了广阔的空间和难得的机遇。走在新邕宁内,处处感受到行政区划调整后如火如荼的经济建设热潮。 (一) 作为新设的邕宁区,工业总量少、产业层次低、农业比重大,二、三产业不发达,正如人们说的“现在的邕宁如一张白纸”。但融入大南宁也为邕宁区带  相似文献   

东兴是我国离边境线最近的城市,她既沿边又沿海,与越南芒街市隔河相望。全市总面积549平方公里,总人口11万。陆地边境线长27.25公里,海岸边境线长50公里。东兴距首府南宁仅170公里,距越南广宁省省会下龙市180公里,距越南首都河内308公里。1958年,国家就把东兴口岸列为一类口岸,是我国与越南唯一一个海陆相连的口岸;1992年,国务院把东兴列为沿边开放城镇,并在东兴设立了4.07平方公里的边境经济合作区。商贸、旅游、加工业是东兴的三大优势产业。  相似文献   

岩庄 《今日民族》2004,(5):14-17
多年来,西双版纳紧紧围绕抢抓机遇、加快发 7.2%;三次产业结构比调整为35.3:17.4:47.3。展这一主题,努力克服前进中遇到的各种困难,使 在成绩面前,我们也清醒地看到在前进的道路全州经济保持了持续快速健康发展的好势头,各项 上还有许多困难和和问题,如:农民增收缓慢,就社会事业都取得了新的成绩,呈现出民族团结、经 业和社会保障任务重,区域发展不平衡;传统产业济繁荣、社会进步、边疆稳定的良好局面。去年全 缺乏强势龙头企业带动,提升发展成效不明显;旅州…  相似文献   

THE Fifth Pan-Beibu Gulf (PBG) Economic Cooperation Forum opened on August 12 this year in Nanning, capital of southwestern China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. More than 400 politicians, scholars and entrepreneurs from China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines and Brunei participated.  相似文献   

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