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一、物证技术学研究的回顾与展望 (一)基本情况 2001年的物证技术学研究仍然沿袭着理论联系实际、注重借鉴国外先进经验、务实求新、不断探索的特点.据不完全统计,2001年在全国各类专业期刊上发表、在有关学术会议上提交的物证技术学论文达八百余篇.同年,各种学术研讨会成为了物证技术学研究者们与实务工作者们交流学术心得及实践经验的最佳场所.  相似文献   

侦查概括授权是法律以原则规定的方式对侦查所作出的授权。其范围主要是发现证据、嫌疑人线索和部分查缉嫌疑人的侦查措施。侦查概括授权是与侦查具体授权相对而言的,前者是后者的补充。基于实践必要性、价值均衡性和法理正当性的要求,在法律上对侦查作出概括授权,是协调保障侦查权的依法行使和维护相对人合法权益二者之间关系的有效方法。  相似文献   

我国幅员辽阔,人口众多,由于历史上相对封闭落后的流通、交往,使得各个不同的地域形成了带有当地特点的风俗习惯和风土人情。方言,就是其中最显著、最直接的一个标志性特点。《现代汉语词典》对方言的解释是:一种语言中跟标准语有区别的,只在一个地区使用的话,如粤方言、吴方言  相似文献   

从价值视角出发,以侦查公开一般原理的分析为突破口,归纳并演绎经济犯罪侦查程序公开性的诸项价值。其价值在于:维护权利,即保护犯罪嫌疑人、被害人权益以及社会公众的权利;安定秩序,即保障经济犯罪侦查程序运行的秩序、维护经济领域以及整个社会的稳定秩序;实现实体正义与程序正义的双重契合等。我国应以经济犯罪侦查公开为切入点,进行整个侦查制度的程序公开改造,提升侦查程序公开度。  相似文献   

吴孝军 《犯罪研究》2004,(6):2-8,19
侦查程序是刑事诉讼中一个重要的程序,是刑事诉讼公诉案件的第一个程序。现在社会对侦查程序的关注越来越多,侦查程序中的各种现象已经引起了极大的关注,如刑讯逼供、超期羁押、非法搜查、扣押等。由此产生出各种危害,如对法治国家建设、程序正义、基本人权等。这些现象的出现主要在于“重实体、轻程序”观念的影响;侦查权的构造不合理,抗辩严重失衡;传统文化的不良影响;侦查程序性违法的制裁机制存在缺陷;内部考核机制不健全,片面强调破案率;侦查人员、监督人员素质有待提高等。侦查程序的程序性违法包含很多的内容,本文主要是从其表现、危害以及原因等几个方面加以探讨。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore the “critical thinking” approach to teaching and develop those concepts into meaningful instructional activities in the classroom. The authors offer practical suggestions based on the critical thinking philosophy for implementing an active learning approach. The case study method serves as the foundation for an investigative process course and lead-up activity to the simulated preliminary and follow-up investigation. The instructor presents the critical thinking process and content information that enables students to perform five basic progressions: (1) case studies; (2) the preliminary investigation; (3) follow-up; (4) suppression hearing; and (5) moot court criminal justice simulations.  相似文献   

The subject of human trafficking has recently received a lot of attention from society and the world of politics. The criminal-law approach to human trafficking has also been placed high on the agenda of law enforcers. Human trafficking is, however, a complex crime with several specific characteristics. For example, there is often a complex relationship between victims and perpetrators of human trafficking and victims are often too afraid to file a report. How do the police and the judicial authorities work in the investigation of human trafficking in view of the specific characteristics of human trafficking? What choices are made in practice and what different police investigative strategies can be distinguished? What opportunities and risks are inherent in the choices made? In this article we answer these questions on the basis of four large scale police investigations into human trafficking that we studied closely. The four criminal cases all focused on violent groups of human traffickers that operated in the Amsterdam window prostitution. All criminal cases have since been concluded (in first instance). It turned out that in each of the four investigations the relevant police team applied a different investigative strategy: one investigation focused primarily on the victim statements, one investigation focused on public nuisance, one investigation focused on the evidence against the criminal organisation and one investigation focused on the offences (evidence concerning the exploitation of prostitutes). In this article we compare the four strategies applied and consider the consequences of each strategy for the course of the investigation and the criminal prosecution and what dilemma’s are faced in each strategy. Although the various investigations cannot be easily compared and a uniform ‘best’ strategy cannot be designated, the comparison does show that some choices or decisions entail great opportunities or great risks as regards the successful investigation and prosecution of human trafficking. It concerns, for example, the choice of involving local investigative services (district police) or the choice for short-term or, as the case may be, longer-running investigations.  相似文献   

试论走私犯罪侦查工作必须把握的三个关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海关缉私警察队伍组建五年多来,依法严厉打击走私犯罪,取得了一定的成绩。随着我国“入世”和国家经济政策及政府职能调整的日益深化,如何在新形势下进一步充分发挥缉私警察的职能作用,保持旺盛的生命力和强大的战斗力,为国家进出口贸易的健康稳定发展提供切实有力的保障和服务,是缉私警察工作全面提高完善,进而达到可持续发展目标的重要问题。因此我们必须从强烈的政治使命感和历史责任感的高度不断加深认识,以推动和提升走私犯罪侦查工作,更好地完成党和国家交给我们的光荣任务。就目前打私斗争的实际状况而言,我们有必要在以下三个方面进…  相似文献   

DNA鉴定技术及其在刑事侦查中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA鉴定技术自产生以来,在国内外有了一定的发展。就其在刑事侦查中的价值而言,它能够起到锁定犯罪嫌疑人、进行尸源认定、为串并案件提供依据、排除犯罪嫌疑等作用。DNA鉴定技术并非绝对可靠,尚有一些问题值得我们注意。  相似文献   

The article illustrates usage of theoretical and practical approaches to forensic-medical situational expertise of gun-shot wounds.  相似文献   

This article examines scholarly productivity among faculty members of graduate programs in criminal justice. Studies of scholarly productivity in other disciplines have frequently appeared in the literature. Cartter's early work on “prestige levels” was cited as being the forerunner in this respect. The authors obtained rankings of the “ten most critical” journals from graduate criminal justice program directors. After the list of journals was compiled, these journals were searched for the most recent five-year period. Articles published by full-time faculty members at fifty-two institutions were included in the study. In addition to total productivity, data on productivity adjusted for faculty size was also presented. Problems and controversy associated with this type of work are cited by the authors.  相似文献   

今年,在全国人大第二次会议上又通过了一次宪法修正案,增加了“国家尊重和保障人权”的规定。从而在根本大法的层次上明文确定了“人权”这一概念,体现了法律的人本精神,无疑将我国的法治化进程推进到了一个求真务实、以人为本的科学发展的新阶段。 尊重和保障人权,在犯罪侦查程序中具有特别重要的意义。由于揭露犯罪、证实犯罪和控制犯罪是侦查程序的重要要求,在侦查程序的运行过程中,它最有可能对公民的人权进行限制,特别是犯罪嫌疑人在侦查阶段处于被追诉的地位时更应引为重视。如何保障犯罪嫌疑人最基本的人权,我认为有三个方面有必要…  相似文献   

浅析司法会计的侦查与鉴定在诉讼活动中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
司法机关在经济案件侦查阶段,由于案件的需要对有些案件涉及财务凭证,会计资料的检查和鉴定时就必须要有专门知识的侦查人员或有专门资格的鉴定人员对案件的某些证据进行司法会计侦查和司法会计鉴定,这是案件诉讼过程中的部分程序,但是司法会计侦查及司法会计鉴定具有各自不同作用及其职能,在我们实践过程中往往要混淆其职能和作用,因此作者通过几年的工作经验在此阐述司法会计侦查及司法会计鉴定的作用。  相似文献   

司法机关在经济案件侦查阶段,由于案件的需要对有些案件涉及财务凭证,会计资料的检查和鉴定时就必须要有专门知识的侦查人员或有专门资格的鉴定人员对案件的某些证据进行司法会计侦查和司法会计鉴定,这是案件诉讼过程中的部分程序,但是司法会计侦查及司法会计鉴定具有各自不同作用及其职能,在我们实践过程中往往要混淆其职能和作用,因此作者通过几年的工作经验在此阐述司法会计侦查及司法会计鉴定的作用.  相似文献   

行政刑法的社会保障职能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
行政刑法是我国预防和打击犯罪的法律体系中重要的组成部分,其与侵权行为共同处于防范的前沿地带,在综合治理、社会治安中发挥着越来越重要的作用,但在司法实践中,人们对其地位、作用有待进一步提高和强化。鉴于此,撰写本文,以期达到社会的认同和人们的关注。  相似文献   

朱兆银 《证据科学》2002,9(1):28-30
1997年刑法第335条规定了医疗事故犯罪,"医务人员由于严重不负责任,造成就诊人死亡或者严重损害就诊人身体健康的,处3年以下有期徒刑或拘役."对这种犯罪的罪名、概念和认定,理论界的认识不尽一致,但"两高"的司法解释都称为"医疗事故罪".司法实践中,对这种犯罪追究,只在立案和侦查阶段,就存在着许多问题,往往使工作难以正常进行 .许多人认为查处这种犯罪,没有具体的章法可循.医疗纠纷中,患方在要求没有得到满足时认为法律和司法部门没有保护自己的合法权益;医方在被追究责任的情况下,认为医务人员和医院的合法权益受到了侵犯.正常的医疗工作秩序受到了干扰;司法机关则普遍认为医疗事故犯罪的技术含量高,相关的法律法规缺乏可操作性,处理这类案件时无从下手.  相似文献   

This article is a critical examination of current investigation textbooks. It argues that they, like urban government textbooks of years ago, are deficient in many ways. For instance it is asserted that in a number of respects current texts present an inaccurate depiction of the criminal investigation process. This comes about in a number of ways. For example, at least by implication, many texts appear to present an inaccurate portrayal of how investigators spend their time. Moreover, they also present a highly simplistic picture of both the inter- and intra-organizational context within which investigators must operate. In addition to these deficiencies, the texts under consideration are also guilty of over-emphasizing the role that criminalistics play in the investigative process, while at the same time under-emphasizing the role of informants. Furthermore, most texts put a heavy emphasis on describing the ideal investigator while ignoring the characteristics that actual investigators exhibit. Finally, it is suggested that because criminal investigation texts do not present typologies or categories of crime, the student is faced with a mass of facts that are difficult to learn and retain.The article concludes by suggesting a different framework for criminal investigation texts, a framework that emphasizes that investigators actually operate in an organizational setting which sets contsraints on their actions and a framework which uses a typology of investigative strategies.  相似文献   

徐公社 《犯罪研究》2004,(1):13-17,12
针对刑事犯罪具有的隐蔽性和暴露性特点,各国都采取了秘密侦查和公开调查相结合的双重方式,我国也不例外。文章论述了秘密侦查具有存在的现实基础,秘密侦查手段存在的合理性,以及秘密侦查措施的正当性;考察了外国在秘密侦查措施方面的立法情况,提出了在我国刑事诉讼法中规定秘密侦查措施的构想。  相似文献   

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