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Responding to a model of juvenile offender case supervision that called for a new intervention paradigm to guide the work of probation and parole officers, the present article reports on the use of a family-based parole initiative known as the Growing Up FAST program. Developed in part as a tool for use within this new intervention paradigm, the Growing Up FAST parole program targets serious youthful offenders who have been released from juvenile correctional facilities and their families. Based on elements contained within the "what works" literature and the Balanced and Restorative Justice model, this program recognizes the central role that field staff can play in rehabilitation efforts. Demographic information and formative data regarding the first set of families to participate in this program are presented, then program limitations and lessons learned as part of the initial offering of this parole initiative are discussed.  相似文献   

There is growing concern about revocations of parole for technical violations of parole conditions. This article represents a fifth survey of standard conditions of parole in the United States. In 2008 all fifty-two parole jurisdictions were surveyed and the standard conditions of supervision identified. The results indicate that the number and types of standard conditions of parole have increased in the recent past, but that over the past half century, parole rules have retained a focus on criminal behavior and enabling post release supervision. It is more likely that our conceptions about how best to respond to rule violations have undergone change.  相似文献   

As part of a 1978 national study of parole, the roles of halfway houses for criminal offenders were examined. It was found that the number of halfway houses began to expand rapidly in the 1960s, and that both services and types of clientele proliferated in the 1970s. Three underlying assumptions of halfway houses were examined, and a topology of houses was developed. It was concluded that halfway houses may be as effective as any other parole program and strategy and may be more cost effective at this time. Future research should further clarify and expand on types of houses and their treatment modalities, linking treatment outcomes to recidivism and reintegration, as well as on including more adequate comparison groups.  相似文献   

A detailed content analysis of tape-recordings of 100 randomly selected California parole hearings revealed that these hearings take the form of short, unstructured diagnostic interviews in which the hearing officers ask questions of the prisoners who respond in a very minimal way. Different patterns of questioning and prisoner response occurred for hearings where the eventual decision was to grant parole as opposed to deny parole, and this decision outcome could be predicted with a high degree of accuracy by discriminant function analyses. In general, the hearing officers made their own psychological assessments of the prisoners, even though they lacked knowledge and training in this diagnostic skill. According to the results of this study, the parole decision-making process appears to be a reliable one, but nevertheless its validity is questionable.  相似文献   

Due to high levels of probation and parole failure, a substantial body of research in criminology, psychology, and criminal justice focused on pinpointing those factors that indicate the highest risk of recidivism and recommitment. The majority of the risk assessment tools that were currently utilized, however, were not theoretically based. This research was an attempt to examine parole failure from a theoretical perspective-that of Gottfredson and Hirschi’s general theory of crime. Results showed that low self-control was a significant, although not the only, predictor of parole failure. Low self-control, however, did not appear to significantly impact the length of time before the failure occurred. Future research suggestions and policy implications are provided.  相似文献   

Male and female parolees released in 1970 with a two-year follow-up were compared on three basic factors: personal attributes, time served, and parole outcome. The two sexes were substantially different in five commitment offenses, prior prison sentences, age at admission to confinement from which paroled, and alcohol and drug involvement; they were relatively similar in the proportion of prior non-prison sentences. Women, on the average, serve less time in prison before parole than men. The proportion successfully continued on parole is the same for both sexes.  相似文献   

The interactive effects of race and gender in a multi-dimensional assessment of police occupational stress were examined in this study. The sample from a large urban police department was divided into four subgroups: White males, African-American males, White females, and African-American females. Comparisons were carried out to assess group differences in three major domains of stress process: stressors, coping mechanisms, and multiple psychological manifestations of stress. Specific attentions were paid to observe any similar or dissimilar interactive effects of race and gender on the stress process. The results showed that dynamic factors such as measures of work environment and coping mechanisms contributed more in explaining police stress than static factors such as race and gender. Additionally, destructive coping and work-family conflict (spillover) were the most stable correlates of police stress across all subgroups included in the analysis. The impacts of negative exposure and camaraderie on police stress were conditional on the subgroup statuses. Limitations and implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

We study the effects of treaty design and domestic institutional hurdles on the ratification behavior of states with respect to multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). Specifically, we examine whether (1) strong legality mandated by a treaty such as precisely stated obligations, strong monitoring/enforcement mechanisms, and dispute resolution procedures, and (2) high domestic constitutional hurdles such as requirements for explicit legislative approval deter countries from ratifying a treaty. To test our theoretical claim, we use a new time-series-cross-sectional dataset that includes information on the ratification behavior of 162 countries with respect to 220 MEAs in 1950–2000. We find that treaties that are characterized as ‘hard’ indeed deter ratification. Furthermore, explicit legislative approval requiring supermajority also makes treaty ratification less likely.  相似文献   

Journal of Experimental Criminology - Research has considered the effect of convictions on employment and housing outcomes, but there are limited studies exploring how criminal justice contact...  相似文献   


This study investigates the incremental validity of changes in ten stress-related acute dynamic risk factors, collected through automated telephony over 30 consecutive days following parole, for predicting time to recidivism during the following year. Before release, the participants completed self-report assessment of some stable risk factors – impulsiveness and history of problematic substance use – as well as an assessment of symptoms of anxiety experienced during the weeks prior to release. Analysis of the baseline assessments showed that impulsiveness and a history of problematic substance use, but not pre-release symptoms of anxiety, were associated with recidivism during the parole year. Growth modelling using a linear mixed model was used to assess whether inmates on parole showed changes in acute dynamic risk factors during the first month following release. Individual growth model slopes and intercept were then extracted and used as covariates in a series of Cox regression analyses to test whether changes in acute dynamic risk factors could provide incremental predictive validity beyond baseline stable risk factors. Changes in five dynamic risk factors were associated with an increased risk of recidivism, of which daily drug use and daily summary score showed incremental predictive improvement beyond impulsiveness and history of problematic drug use.  相似文献   

Nonverbal behavior of 103 inmates was coded during their parole interviews, and additional information was obtained from their case files. These data were related to interviewers' pre-and postinterview judgments of the inmates' likelihood of completing parole successfully and to interviewers' ratings of the inmates' honesty during the interview. Results showed that information obtained during the interview significantly affected the interviewers' postinterview judgments. Perceived honesty during the interview was affected significantly by the severity of the inmates' crime and by how much information the inmates' volunteered, how polite they were to the interviewers, and how much the inmates fidgeted during the interviews. Results suggest that the interviews did not improve, and may have lowered, interviewers' accuracy at predicting inmates' success on parole.  相似文献   

Effective technology transfer across borders is very complex and difficult. There are so many factors that affect the effectiveness of technology transfer across borders, and the host country’s institutional profile is a critical factor. The country institutional profile reflects the institutional environment in that country and is defined as the set of all relevant institutions that have been established over time, that operate in that country, and that are transmitted into organizations through individuals (Kostova 1997, 1999; Kostova and Roth 2002) [Country institutional profiles: Concept and measurement. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, pp. 180–189; Transnational transfer of strategic organizational practices: A contextual perspective. Academy of Management Review, 24(2), 308–324; Adoption of an organizational practice by subsidiaries of multinational corporations: Institutional and relational effects. Academy of Management Journal, 45(1), 213–233.]. There have been some studies about the relationship between institutional profile and technology transfer, but there are few studies with a Chinese context. Technology transfer plays an important role in developing countries and has been as one of vital strategies to build an innovative nation in China. Therefore, it is urgent to focus on the relationship between China’s institutional profile and technology transfer. The results of structural equation modeling, the subject of this paper, were based on an empirical study of 167 foreign ventures sampled in China, but they did not fully confirm what the institutional theory emphasized about the effectiveness of technology transfer. The normative dimension of the country institutional profile was shown to have a significantly positive effect on the effectiveness of technology transferring across borders, but contrary to expectations, the regulatory dimension of the country institutional profile was shown to have a significantly negative effect on the effectiveness of technology transfer, while the cognitive dimension has no significant effect on it. The concluding section of the paper discusses some practical implications and potential future study directions.   相似文献   

业主与业主委员会之间就维权问题经常产生矛盾.由于业主掌握的信息不充分和搭便车行为导致了内部监督的缺失,而正向激励不足的业主委员会本身就存在着发生道德风险的可能.再加上政府在有效监督制度供给上的严重不足使得业主的实际监督行为面临着过高的交易费用,加剧了业主委员会机会主义行为发生的风险。因此,必须提高政府的制度供给能力,完善内外部监督机制,推进业主委员会服务的市场化和职业化,从而降低监督制度的运行成本,增加有效监督行为的供给。  相似文献   

University science parks are the essential ingredient in the national innovation system of China. This paper examines the institutional evolution of Tsinghua University Science Park (TusPark). Established in 1994, TusPark has grown into the most notable university science park in China. Tsinghua University and TusPark have applied many effective strategies to develop their technology industry and promote innovational activities. This paper also assesses strengths and challenges of TusPark. Although TusPark experiences many constraints of internal and external institutions, it has brought its advantages into full play. The growth trajectory of TusPark is unique, but its experience can contribute to the understanding of science parks in advanced and other emerging economies in the context of globalization.  相似文献   

The parole performance of offenders who were released after successfully completing a shock incarceration program was examined and compared to the performance of offenders who were serving time on probation or parole after a period of incarceration. Separate survival analyses were performed for recidivism as measured by (1) arrests and (2) failures (jailed, absconded, or revoked). Prior incarceration, age, age at first arrest, and risk assessment score were related to recidivism but type of sentence was not. Intensity of supervision was significantly related to recidivism but this relationship was eliminated when risk level was controlled. There was no evidence that shock incarceration reduces recidivism. Future research should focus on methods of reducing failures during community supervision for these young, nonviolent offenders within the framework of either a shock incarceration program or some other sentence.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the American Probation and Parole Association 14th Annual Training Institute, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 1989.  相似文献   

This paper presents an evaluation of the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) program. It briefly discusses why this can be seen as the birth of a “regime for financial integrity”. We find that some areas of the AML/CFT framework are consistently weaker than others in the area of prevention measures. Specifically, we have two findings: the first, positive one, points to a substantial adequacy of the repressive measures; the second, negative one, points to a substantial failure of countries to adopt adequate preventive measures, and calls for renewed efforts to improve implementation of preventive measures across the board, with specific regard to the activity of financial sector regulatory and supervisory authorities. Also, Eurozone countries outperform all other groups in the sample. Finally, the limited availability of country information and the multiplicity of assessors and methodologies make it difficult to evaluate the performance of the program. Therefore, we suggest greater transparency and availability of detailed countries’ information, and follow up assessments of the weak areas of a country’s AML/CFT framework at higher frequency than the established 5 years.
Pier Carlo PadoanEmail:

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