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段晓彦 《法学研究》2013,(5):142-161
“现行律民事有效部分”是民初一种主要而又特殊的民事法源,源自《大清现行刑律》,但在立法层面,《大清现行刑律》从“刑律”到“民法”转变的任务并未完成,即未形成统一法律文本样态的“现行律民事有效部分”。司法机关适用该法源时面临着三大难题:无统一明确的内容该如何适用?相关律(例)文未去刑罚化如何用于民事审判?旧的律(例)文如何适应新的社会情势和法律制度?大理院以判例和解释例,确认并明确了“现行律民事有效部分”的内容范围,从原刑律条款转化出民事效果,并通过法律解释、类推适用和假借等方式,保证了其在民初司法实践中的正常适用;经由法律概念的对接、民法理论的融合和权利观念的渗透,实现了对“现行律民事有效部分”的创新,使其成为中国民法近代化历程中新旧之法融合的一个节点和枢纽,构成近代中国法制史上的重要一环。  相似文献   

The criminal constitutional reform in Mexico means cultural and epistemological rupture directed and supported by the realism and the legal guarantism. After the publication of the criminal constitutional reform on June 18, 2008, more than four years have passed, however, less than the 30 percent of the 31 States of the Republic and a Federal District, observe and apply this reform in a comprehensive way. Unfortunately, the obstacles are identified in: reluctance to change legal paradigms, i.e., conservation of the formalistic legal exegetical tradition through the mixed inquisitional criminal system; Lack of infrastructure, human and material; Absence of harmonization of laws, proposes the creation of a unique code of criminal procedure to see how effective and efficient the procedural criminal accusatory system oral and alternative means for dispute resolution, which guarantees the principles: presumption of innocence, due process of law, immediacy, advertising, contradiction and equality.  相似文献   

During the 1970s, 94 federal district courts implemented two major policy initiatives, Rule 50(b) of theFederal Rules of Criminal Procedure and the Federal Speedy Trial Act, that were designed in Washington to combat delay in the processing of federal criminal cases. Both of these initiatives established a national priority of delay reduction in criminal cases, encouraged local district court planning for delay reduction; established reporting procedures for monitoring local compliance, and provided for the determination of quantitative goals for the time to disposition of criminal cases. Neither initiative mandated specific activities for delay reduction; this determination was left to the discretion of local federal district courts. This research examines the effectiveness of Rule 50(b) and the Speedy Trial Act by constructing a 150-month time series of three measures of case processing time. A multiple-intervention time-series model found that both of these initiatives contributed to the dramatic reduction in the time to disposition in federal criminal cases. These effects persisted after controls for changes in case characteristics and judicial resources were introduced.Points of view expressed in this research are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of the U.S. Department of Justice.  相似文献   

刑事既判力理论及其中国化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施鹏鹏 《法学研究》2014,36(1):150-170
欧陆的刑事既判力理论源于罗马法,指刑事既决事由所创设的稳定诉讼状态,包括既决事项的实质确定力和程序结果的自缚力。刑事既判力旨在解决刑事判决生效后既决事由的效力范围及程序安定性等问题。程序安定、诉讼经济及权利保障是其理论基础。在效力类型上,终局判决的既判力可分为肯定效力与否定效力、相对效力与绝对效力以及主观效力与客观效力。免诉裁决虽不构成严格意义上的刑事终局判决,但亦经过较严格的证明程序,具有"类"既判力。刑事既判力阻却制度奉行"禁止不利于被告的变更"原则,严格限制非常上诉与再审程序的启动。中国刑事诉讼长期缺乏程序安定的理念,再审程序的启动具有极大的随机性和任意性,应引入既判力理论,以维护判决的权威性及程序的安定性。  相似文献   


The subject of this study are the argumentation strategies applied by the Polish and German apex courts competent in criminal matters, namely the Supreme Court and the Federal Court of Justice, respectively. The investigation encompasses a total of 200 rulings issued by the criminal panels of these bodies. Particular focus was put on examining which arguments both courts apply to solve interpretation problems, and secondly, how these courts systematize the interpretation process. Methodologically, the examination utilizes, inter alia, the principles of qualitative research, without neglecting the legal dogmatic perspective. A crucial theoretical foundation underlying this study is the distinction between formalistic and substantive legal cultures. The examination reveals that neither the Polish nor the German legal culture is purely formalistic or value-oriented. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court of Poland shows greater affinity for formalistic arguments, whereas the substantive interpretation methods are more widespread in the judicature of the German Federal Court of Justice. In particular, the Polish Court prefers the linguistic interpretation, whereas the German Court favours the purposive approach.


As the International Criminal Court (the Court or ICC) continues to develop the parameters of the various modes of liability set out in Article 25(3) of the Rome Statute, recent developments raise questions as to whether the Court can consider participation in cover-ups or concealment of crimes as giving rise to individual criminal responsibility. It is only recently that international tribunals, and notably the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), have turned to consider how international criminal law approaches responsibility for cover-ups or concealment of crimes. In reviewing how and why the ICTY has addressed individual criminal liability for engaging in cover-ups, and in light of the ICC’s Mbarushimana decision, the aim of this paper is to suggest how the ICC might consider such issues in future cases. Having demonstrated the necessity of international criminal law accounting for cover-ups, the paper will discuss how the jurisprudence, in toto, excludes the possibility of holding to account individuals who contribute to the cover up of international crimes, by whatever means, or however grave, unless they were acting on the premise of a prior agreement with the principals. By way of conclusion the paper will suggest that an expansive interpretation of Article 25(3)(d) of the Rome Statute may provide a means of addressing this gap.  相似文献   

俄罗斯联邦刑事诉讼法的创新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俄罗斯于 1 960年通过的刑事诉讼法典在苏联解体后虽经频繁修订 ,最终被新法典所取代。联邦宪法所确定的公民权利和自由以及刑事诉讼的民主原则在新法典中获得创新与发展 ,其辩论式诉讼模式、非法证据排除规则和被告人认罪的特别审理程序等项内容的确立 ,反映出俄罗斯在刑事诉讼价值观念上的重大转变。新法典中体现的多元诉讼价值理念 ,对各诉讼主体权利义务范围作出的明确规定 ,所选择的刑事证据立法模式和确立的证据规则 ,为充分保障人权所建立的广泛司法审查制度 ,借鉴美国辩诉交易而设置的速决程序等 ,对我国刑事诉讼法的再修正与完善都具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Herbert Packer’s models of the criminal process are criminal justice theorems, often the foundation of student introduction to the field in introductory textbooks. To date, there is little empirical analysis of the conceptual foundations of the process-based models, namely that courts are more efficient through the utilization of plea bargains, while an increase in trials necessarily decreases efficiency. The present results reveal wide variability in Florida circuit criminal court efficiency within and between circuits from 2004/05 to 2010/11. Regression analysis revealed that the year over year difference in both plea bargain (β?=?.14) and trial percentage (β?=?.13) significantly predicted (p?<?.05) year over year changes in efficiency, but explained a small amount of the variance (R 2?=?.026) controlling for other factors (total model R 2?=?.58–.62). These results show there is more capacity for trials within the Florida courts, and an increase in trials does not negatively impact court efficiency as expected but that other factors are far more relevant in explaining changes in efficiency outcomes. Furthermore, the Packer “assembly line” analogy, a basic tenet of the criminal process, is not found: plea bargains do not strongly predict or explain court efficiency, with structures playing a greater role in court outcomes than the processes conceptualized by Packer. The application to courts and impact on criminal justice education are discussed.  相似文献   

我国古代死刑复核制度的特点及其借鉴   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
我国古代死刑复核制度是一种具有中国特点的刑事诉讼制度。其主要特点有:复核模式的双轨性、复核权限的集中性、复核对象的明确性、复核程序的审转性、复核责任的严格性。它们中的某些内容和做法可供立法机关为完善当代死刑复核制度时借鉴。  相似文献   

The likelihood of further criminal conduct is important in allocation decisions for parole supervision resources. In this article, the relationship between arrest-free time after release (alone and in combination with other variables) and the probability of subsequent arrest is examined for a relatively large random sample of released federal prisoners (N=1,806). A six-year follow-up period is made possible by the use of “rap sheet” records provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.Knowledge of this relationship may be used to provide empirical guidance for decisions about the intensity and/or duration of supervision; and a method for the practical application of this knowledge in case decision-making is illustrated.  相似文献   

陈卫东  柴煜峰 《证据科学》2012,20(2):133-145
证据既是刑事诉讼活动的基础,也是认定案件事实的根据,直接决定了刑事审判的质量。新《刑事诉讼法》对证据一章做了较大调整.增加了新条文、增设了新制度,如何准确地理解和把握该部分的条文变化是理论界和实务界目前首要关注的问题。本文对新《刑事诉讼法》证据部分进行了系统梳理,将证据章修改的“亮点”归纳为不得强迫自证其罪原则入法、非法证据排除规则得以明确、证人出庭与证人保护协调一致.核心精神在于保障人权。同时提出证据章修改的“难点”是证明问题.结合立法过程中产生的争议和质疑对证据规则、证明责任和证明标准问题进行了评述。  相似文献   

This paper is a “nuts and bolts” look at criminal procedure in China as outlined by Chinese and Western scholars, the Chinese code of criminal procedure, and my own observations in the People's Republic of China. China has finally formalized, at least to some degree, its criminal justice procedures and protections after years of ad hoc procedures. Also, along with codifications of criminal procedures, the Chinese are making greater use of defense attorneys, and trying to work out their version of “presumption of innocence.” Finally, the Chinese are grappling with these new rules and procedures, attempting to develop a fair and consistent system of criminal procedure that sometimes still gives way to political expedience.  相似文献   

构建中国特色刑事特别程序   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法修正案(草案)》中增设的四种特别程序,是回应社会治理、犯罪控制工作日益复杂、多元的挑战所作出的必要调整,标志着我国刑事诉讼制度的进一步精细化与科学化。  相似文献   

EU criminal policy making is a relatively new policy domain and its credibility is said to be undermined by the lack of an evidence base. Because the EU claims to pursue evidence based policy making, this justifies reviewing the mechanisms put in place to that end. To properly evaluate the evidence base in EU criminal policy making, an assessment is made of the availability of comparable crime statistics. Crime statistics, a vital data source for criminal policy making, are considered highly problematic at EU level due to (amongst other reasons) the differences in the definition of the offences. In spite of the good intentions that can be read into the repeated acknowledgement of the importance of crime statistics and the efforts to commonly define EU worthy offences, a thorough empirical analysis leads to the conclusion that we are still in search of valid EU level data with respect to the EU level offences. The EU as a policy maker does not take its responsibility to ensure the availability of the necessary comparable crime statistical data serious enough.  相似文献   

改革开放30年的刑事诉讼法学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
十一届三中全会以来,我国刑事诉讼法学在理论研究、立法服务、组织建设、人才培养等多方面都取得了令人鼓舞的成就。在回顾、盘点我国刑事诉讼法学研究取得成绩的同时,总结其间的经验得失,有利确定今后几年我国刑事诉讼法学研究的重点。  相似文献   

The perceptions and attitudes that policymakers and criminal justice practitioners have about sexual offending and sexual victimization affects how state lawmakers respond to sex crimes, and how practitioners implement sex offender legislation. Policymakers continue to create new sex offender laws and, as such, the number of convicted sex offenders continues to rise. Thus, policymakers and criminal justice practitioners are increasingly important players in the public policy response to sexual criminals. To better understand the motivation, rationale, content, and purpose of statewide sex offender laws, and their role in the day-to-day management of convicted sex offenders, a non-probability sample of policymakers (n?=?61) and criminal justice practitioners (n?=?25) from across the country were interviewed. Results indicated that nearly all respondents from both groups were familiar/very familiar with their state-level sex offender laws. Policymakers and practitioners also mentioned the influential role that specific victimizations play in creating a perceived need for more sex offender legislation. The politicians and the practitioners view the laws as effective public safety mechanisms. Still, both groups noted serious problems with the laws. Furthermore, policymakers had a more negative attitude about the efficacy of sex offender therapy than criminal justice respondents. Suggestions for future research and policy implications are offered.  相似文献   

梁凤荣 《法学研究》2009,(1):166-177
《吕刑》所反映的德刑并举治国思维及刑法制度与原则,直接或间接地影响着后世刑法的构建。在法律思想方面,后世社会的明刑弼教、乱世重典及贤人执法理念与《吕刑》有渊源关系,在法律制度,古老的五刑、五听与赎刑也是后世同类制度的嚆矢。《吕刑》中关于上下比罪、简孚有众、其刑上备等定罪量刑原则又分别成为后世的类推、据众证定罪及重罪吸收轻罪等制度的示范。  相似文献   

This paper provides a systematic overview of the emergence of organized crime in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland since the late 1960s. It draws on two major studies of organized crime in the South (Hourigan 2011) and paramilitary activity in the North (Morrison 2014) to explore how conflict within and between organized criminal and paramilitary groups, shapes the distinctive dynamic of organized crime on the island of Ireland. The paper opens with an overview of the development of the drugs trade in the Republic of Ireland. The distinctive cultural characteristics of Irish organized crime groups are considered and the role played by paramilitary groups in criminal networks, North and South, is reviewed. As part of this analysis, the dynamic of inter-gang feuds and the spectrum of conflicts between organized criminal and paramilitary groups are analyzed. The competitive and mutually beneficial links between these organizations, North and South are explored as well as the tendency of paramilitaries to engage in vigilantism against criminals (mostly drugs dealers) as a means of building political capital within local communities.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between indicators of environmental control and criminal victimization rates in twenty-six large American central cities. Using a typology of criminal victimization that classifies crimes as property crimes with contact, property crimes without contact, and nonproperty assaultive crimes, it is found that both the number of police per capita and population density are negatively related to property crimes without contact and nonproperty assaultive crimes. However, the number of police per capita (controlling for population density) is not related to property crimes with contact, while population density (controlling for number of police per capita) is positively related to these crimes. Possible explanations for these patterns of relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the creation of the criminal insane asylum in Italy between unification in 1861 and World War I. The establishment of criminal insane asylums was a triumph of the positivist criminology of Cesare Lombroso, who advocated for an institution to intern insane criminals in his classic work, Criminal Man (1876). As a context for the analysis of the birth of the criminal insane asylum in Italy, this essay also outlines the history of the insanity plea in Italian criminal law and the young discipline of psychiatry during the fifty years after Italian unification.  相似文献   

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